Using SQL Stored Procedure as data for a Microsoft Dynamics CRM report - sql

We need to have a semi complex report in CRM that displays some accumulated lead values. The only way I see this report working is writing a stored procedure that creates a couple of temporary tables and calculates/accumulates data utilizing cursors. Then is the issue of getting the data from the stored procedure to be accessible from the Reporting Server report. Does anyone know if that's possible? If I could have the option of writing a custom SQL statement to generate report data, that would be just excellent.
Any pointers ?
To clarify my use of cursors I can explain exactly what I'm doing with them.
The basis for my report (which should be a chart btw) is a table (table1) that has 3 relevant columns:
Start date
Number of months
I create a temp table (temp1) that contains the following columns:
Month number
Month name
First I loop through the rows in the first table and insert a row in the temptable for each month, incrementing month, while setting the value to the total value divided by months. I.e:
2009-03-01,4,1000 in table1 yields
in the temp1 table.
A new cursor is then used to sum and create a running total from the values in temp1 and feed that into temp2 which is returned to the caller as data to chart.
example temp1 data:
yields temp2 data:
Last column is the running totals, which starts at zero for each new year.

Have you considered using views. Use a heirarchy of views if it is very complicated. Each view would represent one of your temporary tables.
EDIT Based on comments
I was thinking of SQL views, basically the same SQL as you would have written in your stored procedures.

I haven't done this - just thinking how I would start. I would make sure when the stored procedures populate the temporary tables they use the Filtered views for pulling data. I would then set the access to execute the SP to have the same security roles as the Filtered views (which should be pretty much to allow members of the PrivReportingGroup).
I would think that would cover allowing you to execute the SP in your report. I imagine if you set up the SP before hand, the SSRS designer has some means of showing you what data is available and to select an SP at design time. But I don't know that for sure.

First, since most cursors are unneeded, what exactly are you doing in them. Perhaps there is a set-based solution and then you can use a view.
Another possible line of thought, if you are doing something like running totals in the cursor, is can you create a view as the source without the running total and have the report itself do that kind of calculation?
Additionally, SSRS reports can use stored procs as a data source, read about how in Books online.

I found the solution. Downloaded Report Builder 2.0 from Microsoft. This allows me to write querys and call stored procedures for the report data.
Microsoft SQL Server Report Builder link


Dealing with filtered Pass Through Query in MS Access

I have a relatively complex SQL query (complex to run in Access) and want to run it in MS Access. It works with the pass-through query well but going forward I will face an issue that is related to a filter I apply in the query. I select the current report date within the where function. Below is a part of my query I try to handle ;
I do not want to change asof_dte filter manually everyday. If this was a normal access query I could join another table that includes only the current report date. But I cannot do it in a pass-through query. What is the alternative way to do it? I read something about creating variables or strings, but I could not relate them to my problem, since I am a beginner at creating such solutions.
Thank you all.
Well, two VERY intresting things here.
First, YES a great idea to include the date in the PT query. But, you don't want to change that date each time.
Add a paramter to the query, and then from Access code add that paramter. It is VERY easy to do this (one line of code!!! - don't adopt the zillion examples out there that has a boatload of ADO code - NOT required!.
However, BEFORE we start dealing with above?
A MUCH better and simple, less work way to approach this?
in place of stored procedure?
if possbile, create a view. and use that for the report.
Because you then get TWO VERY valuable bonus.
First, you can freely use the reports "where" clause, and it respects the where clause and STILL runs server side!!!
In other words, create a view for that existing query, but WITHOUT the date set in that view.
You then link to the view from access client side.
Now, to open (filter) the report, you can do this:
docmd.OpenReport "MyReport",acViewPreview,,"LS.ASOF_DTE='19-SEP-22'"
Now, of couse the above "where" clause can be a varible (string).
NOTE SUPER but SUPER careful here:
If you base the reprot on a pass-though query (that then uses the stored procedure), then the filter occures CLIENT SIDE!!!! (all rows will be returned and THEN filtered if you report is based on that stored procedure.
But, if you use a view?
The the filter makes it to the server side!!!!
While both the pass-through query or the "view" can be filtered with the above "open report" and the where clause we have above?
The view will still filter server side - the pass-though query will NOT!!!
Now, the 3rd way, is of course to build the stored procedure to accept a date parmater.
You then could do this:
with Currentdb.QueryDefs("MyPassThoughQueryGoesHere")
.SQL = "EXEC MyStoreProc " + "19-SEP-22"
docmd.OpenReport "MyReport",acViewPreview
So, you CAN add and have a PT query and add a paramter as per above.
However, unless that stored procedure has some speical code, you are MUCH better off to create a view server side, base the reprot on that view, and simple pass + use the traditional "where" clause of the open report command. Even if that view has no filter, returns all rows in the table?
With the "where" clause of the open report command, ONLY those rows meeting that critera will be pulled down the network pipe.
So, say a invoice table with 1 million rows.
Create a view, link the view in access.
base report on that view.
Now, do this:
docmd.OpenReport "rptInvoice",,,"InvoiceNum = 134343"
The above will ONLY PULL down 1 row from the server. Even if the view has no filter and would return 1 million rows.
So, using a view is less work then creating the stored procedure.
But, you can modify the stored procedure to accept a paramter, and then as noted use the above example to modify the PT query you have, and THEN open the report.
I think overall, it is less work to use view. Furthermore, if you have a slow running report now?
Replace the query (move it) to sql server side. Get it working. Now link to that view (give it same name as what the client side query was in Access).
Now, EVEN if you had some fancy filter code in VBA, and used openReport with the "where" clause? It will now work, only pull the records down the network pipe, you get stored procedure performance without the hassles. and the date format and "where" clause for open report is access/VBA style - not sql server style SQL.
So, high recommend you try and dump the stored procedure and use a view (and EVEN better is any where clause works - not just one based on pre-defined parameters for the stored procedure - so you not limited to parameters)
. However, no big deal - the above "EXEC dbo.MyStoreProce " & strDate example would also work fine if you have a date parameter you wish to supply to the pass-though query.

SQL Server: Materialized view based on stored proc with dynamic sql - how to

My client wants a pivot table, showing the performance of each month (column headers) per department (row headers). It has to be be possible to insert a 'as-of date' as a parameter, so the user (PHP) can pass that date and the pivot only shows months after that date. My first thought was to write a function. But the pivot has to show a "Totals" column (and a "Totals" row, and a grand total as well). So I wrote a stored procedure, which dynamically puts the pivot together.
The proc works fine, but takes too long to process (which is unsurprising given it's dynamic nature). So I figured I should base an mview on it, or as Microsoft calls it, an indexed view. My approach is to first create a view based on the proc, and then figure out how to materialize it.
It seems that for the first step I need to call the proc inside my view using openquery. That only works if data access is enabled though. So I ran:
FROM sys.servers;
and it turns out is_data_access_enabled = FALSE on our local server (A), but it is TRUE on the another server we use (B). Oddly I can use openquery on B referring to A, something I don't understand but which is probably irrelevant to my question.
I know it's folly (or at least bad practice) to use openquery on server A referring to that same server A, so that's how I got to the point where I ask the community (you people). Would you know a better approach for achieving what I'm trying to do? I use SQL Server 2014.

Use SQL Field in SSIS Variable

Is it possible to reference a SQL field in your SSIS variable?
For instance, I would like use the field from the "table" below
Select '999999' AS Physician_Profile_ID
as a dynamic variable (named "CMSPhysProID" in our example) here
I plan on concatenating multiple IDs into a In statement.
Possible by using execute sql taskIn left side pan of Execute SQL task, general tab 1.Select result set as single row2. Connection type ole db 3. Set connection and form SQL statement, As you mentioned Select '999999' AS Physician_Profile_ID 4.Go to result set in your left side pan 5. Add your variable where you want to store '999999' 6. Click ok
If you are looking to store the value within the variable to be used later, you can simply use an Execute SQL Task with a single row result set. More details in the following article:
SSIS Basics: Using the Execute SQL Task to Generate Result Sets
If you are looking to add a computed column while importing data, you must use a Derived Column Transformation within the data flow task to add a column based on another one, you can refer to the following article for more details about this component:
SSIS Derived Columns with Multiple Expressions vs Multiple Transformations
What are you trying to accomplish by concatenating the IDs into an "IN" statement? If the idea is to use the values of the IDs to limit the results, as a dynamic WHERE clause, you may have better luck just using a lookup against either a table you maintain with the desired IDs or even a static list generated in the package with a script task. (If you can use the lookup table method it will be much easier to maintain as you only have to update a table, not your source code.)
Alternatively, you may even be able to accomplish the goal with a join. Create a temp table from the profile IDs you want to keep and join to it, or, again, use it as a lookup component. Dynamically creating a where clause using IN will come in a lot slower and will be cumbersome to maintain.

SSRS conditional execution of dataset

I have two different datasets in SSRS report which gives different number of output fields.I have used this two data set into two different tables in report.
1) One table will display output at a time in execution based on condition.
Actually while running the report two datasets are executing the SP and it takes more time to display the output.
I need to execute the one dataset SP at time based on condition.Other Dataset SP should not Execute.
Dataset1 executes Sp1
Dataset2 executes Sp2
Table1 uses Sp1
Table2 uses Sp2
Normally while executing report Table1 will display output(Based on default parameter selection)
But SP1 and SP2 are executing on same report takes more time to display output.
I need to execute 1 SP at a time based on that other dataset SP will not execute.
First Create Dummy SP for Dataset .That SP should have same input parameters and same output fields as original SP1 but gives zero output rows.Do the same for SP2 for Dataset 2
In Dataset properties select StoredProcedure Icon and in Fx column add below code
=IIF(Parameters!ManagerID.Value= -1,"SP1","DummySP")
Note: DummySP created should be same like SP1
Do the same for Dataset 2..and this works.
I have seen this answer, it's nice, but to create two SP's, it is sometimes very cumbersome. Sometimes the report uses a SP's many. This means that all SP's must be duplicated. And if you double the reports many... This means that they need to be maintained and improved throughout their lives.
Instead I have another solution:
Step 1: I create one SP, and use one of the parameters that already exists anyway.
Step 2: In the mapping of the DS\Report's parameters, instead of sending to DS the parameter sent to the report as it is, you can write an expression, which says that if I want to display the data of this SP I send the parameter sent to the report, and if I do not want to display this data, I will send different parameter , Which will cause the SP not to return data.
All this of course only if it is a procedure with parameters that allow the above. It is also possible to create a special parameter for this.
The following is a picture and example of an expression:
and the expression:
You must control the visibility of tablix depends on the received parameter, in additional you can create parameters on both queries to control where execution to avoid the execution, like
Where #Condition = 1 AND ( Your WHERE )
As for that sack of performance, you don't want to run other SP at all, in this case, as per my experience, the best way is to modify your stored procs to add a new parameter based on what you are deciding what data set to call (means what data to pull).
So that, if the parameter says that the specific SP is not required, don't run the code in SP using IF-ELSE combo and return blank single row.
And then, on top of that, you can hide or show your tablix.
Hope that makes sense?
And if the column count and data types are same, you can always use an expression to decide what stored-proc to call.

Create delimited string from a row in stored procedure with unknown number of elements

Using SQL Server 2000 and Microsoft SQL Server MS is there a way to create a delimited string based upon an unknown number of columns per row?
I'm pulling one row at a time from different tables and am going to store them in a column in another table.
A simple SQL query can't do anything like that. You need to specify the fields you are concatenating.
The only method that I'm aware of is to dynamincally build a query for each table.
I don't recall the structure of MSSQL2000, so I won't try to give an exact example, maybe someone else can. But there -are- system tables that contain table defintions. By parsing the contents of those system tables you can dynamically build the necessary query for each source data table.
TSQLthat writes TSQL, however, can be a bit tricky to debug and maintain :) So be careful how you structure everything...
Or just do it in your client application.