SSL certificate installing - apache

Hi ALL Apach2traid+ssl+cetificate:
I am trying to make a secure web page for payment
and this web page is for study purpose
so i thought that i may take a trial veriSign certificate
so after obtaining the certificate what should i do
and do it work if i am using my website only as localhost
finally i was told to mke a virtual server to make it run i tried the flowing
<VirtualHost localhost>
SSLCertificateFile C:\apache2triad\opssl\cert\my.cer
SSLCertificateKeyFile C:\apache2triad\opssl\cert\server.key
SSLCACertificateFile C:\apache2triad\opssl\cert\intermediate.crt
this was in the httpd.conf
and after that the apache with ssl worker ok
but when i call a page with https
it didnt run
should i make some thing else rather than just put https
need some help and discussion please

https connects on a different port number, 443, normal http request come to port 80.
<virtualHost localhost:443>
and you'll also need to make sure apache is listening on port 443, elsewhere in your httpd.conf
bets of luck!

You missed (in the virtualhost):
SSLEngine on
As Fire Crow suggested, you'll also want to run it on 443. Whilst you could run HTTPS on port 80, it'd be a strange thing indeed.


Https server works locally, not through internet with Apache 2.4

I'm kind of a new Apache user (version 2.4). I'm having trouble configuring the whole thing. My server has an IP address-, for example my public IP is In my hosting provider website I did set an A record pointing at My Apache config looks like:
Listen 443
<VirtualHost _default_:433>
# General setup for the virtual host
DocumentRoot "${SRVROOT}/htdocs"
ErrorLog "${SRVROOT}/logs/error.log"
TransferLog "${SRVROOT}/logs/access.log"
The problem is I receive ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT all the time. When I tried swaping with local IP it KIND OF worked (SSL certificate problems because they are connected to, but I managed to see HTTP response. Where seems to be the problem?
I think the problem is I can't use port 443 because it's my routers default managment port. How should I configure it then? I have NAT rule on my router that does forward every :8456 request to
I resolved the issue. It was "SSL 3.0" option turned off on my router.

Apache HTTP VM Behind HTTPS Lets Encrypt

I've read a lot of questions and answers which seem exactly the same as mine, but I can't seem to get my setup to work. I have a VM running Apache with only HTTP support at I can access it on my local network as such just fine. I now am ready to expose it through my Apache web server that has Lets Encrypt setup to generate SSL certificates. So I added this to my server conf file:
<VirtualHost *:32773>
SSLEngine on
SSLProxyEngine On
SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
However, I get an ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR when I try to load it up as If I however change my address to, it loads just fine. Anything look wrong in this snippet? Thanks!
HTTP and HTTPS need to be on different ports. Typically HTTPS is served on port 443.
This is embarrassing... At some point I changed my port forward rules to point 32773 directly to so I could validate that the rules were working at all. The above config worked as soon as I realized I wasn't even sending traffic to my Apache SSL enabled server.

Can't access https version of WAMP site outside localhost

After setting up SSL on my 64-bit WAMP server on Windows 7, I tried to access the https version of the site. However, I get this error: ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
I've port forwarded, shut down my firewall, and made sure my certificate and key is valid (bought from a verified CA). Even if they weren't, Chrome would still provide a warning asking me if it's okay to proceed. Accessing the http version of the website works.
I tried accessing the same website from another computer on my network using its local IP and no luck. Same error. However, when I type on the same PC I'm hosting the site from, it loads fine without any warnings from Chrome, says "Connection is secure." Same thing with https://localhost, it just warns me before visiting the website.
I've tried making a new <VirtualHost *:443> block in httpd-vhosts.conf with Require all granted, however it still seems to give the error on remote PCs trying to access the site on or off my network from my domain.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Apache version 2.4.23
I just figured it out. I had another <VirtualHost ...> block configured to the 443 port in my httpd-vhosts.conf that was causing the 443 port to not run under SSL at all becasue it did not have SSLEngine on in it. After deleting that block in that file, just leaving the port 80 one, it seems to be working. I also had to make sure that NameVirtualHost *:443 was directly above <VirtualHost _default_:443> in my httpd-ssl.conf file or else the whole setup would not work.

Send subdomain to node.js

My work runs a couple different internal web apps on an ubuntu server (10.10) running apache. I'm currently developing another web app, and am seriously considering developing on top of a custom-built node.js web server. My reasoning for wanting to do this is:
Security - Pages will be served with a, instead of just serving the (potentially malicious) user whatever they ask for.
Ease of setup - my intentions are for this to be an open-source project, and node.js is much easier for users to set up, rather than dealing with apache/IIS/etc.
My question is, on a server where I've got apache listening to port 80, how can I pass off a certain subdomains to node.js. I've seen a couple articles about using apache virtual hosts to pass it off, but that seems to defeat the purpose of using node.js. If I have to go through apache, then all three of my reasons for avoiding apache/IIS have voided themselves.
I know I could use a different port (:8080?), but from an end-user standpoint, it's pretty confusing having to put in custom ports. Any alternative ideas?
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyPreserveHost on
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
Thanks to
if node is running, be sure to enable also few apache mods:
a2enmod proxy
a2enmod proxy_balancer
a2enmod proxy_express
a2enmod proxy_http
in file /etc/apache2/sites-available/
<VirtualHost *:80>
<Location "/">
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass http://localhost:3000/
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:3000/
then of course service apache2 reload
How about doing things the other way round : bind node to port 80, handle the traffic targeted at the subdomain and use it as a reverse proxy to apache for everything else ?
Let me start from the ground up:
You have a DNS. And a dns server maps one DNS to one IP!
You then have apache running on your computer that listens for connections on port 80 for http:// and on port 443 for https://. http://example/ is actually a request on http://example:80/.
You can't use node.js to listen on the same machine on the same port as apache. That's why using port 8080 is viable.
You can also map the subdomain to a different IP. The only caveat here is that you need to have a public IP Address.
You can't serve port 80 from both Apache and node.js. Having Apache as a reverse proxy wouldn't be much efficient and that's why nginx is popular in this scenario. Other alternative than nginx based reverse proxy can be as Khez suggested mapping your subdomain to different IP address which will node.js program listen to or maybe use node.js itself as a reverse proxy for Apache.
You could configure a virtual host in apache for your new site and add a permanent redirect within it to the localhost and port used by node.js.
This is how I do it on a server with several other virtual hosts and my node.js application running on port 3000:
NameVirtualHost *:80
[Other virtual hosts omitted for brevity]
RedirectMatch (.*) http://localhost:3000$1

Apache Name Virtual Host with SSL

I am attempting to setup our servers to allow traffic over SSL. I am aware that SSL does not work with Name Virtual Host, but we have all of our Apache servers on virtual machines with dedicated private IPs. We have a primary virtual machine that has mod_proxy setup to route traffic to the appropriate VMs.
However, in order to route HTTPS traffic we need to have the certificate installed on the proxy as well as the VMs. We have a wildcard certificate that can be used across all of our hosts. Everything appears to work properly, but I receive the following in the Apache logs for the proxy:
[warn] Init: SSL server IP/port conflict: (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/host1:1) vs. (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/host2:1)
There is one of these error message for each host we have setup on the proxy. Our Virtual Host setup for the proxy is posted below:
<VirtualHost ipaddress:443>
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPass / https://privateip:443/
ProxyPassReverse / https://privateip:443/
SSLProxyEngine on
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/server.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/server.key
Is there any way that I can get this to work?
It sounds like Apache is warning you that you have multiple <VirtualHost> sections with the same IP address and port... as far as getting it to work without warnings, I think you would need to use something like Server Name Indication (SNI), a way of identifying the hostname requested as part of the SSL handshake. Basically it lets you do name-based virtual hosting over SSL, but I'm not sure how well it's supported by browsers. Other than something like SNI, you're basically limited to one SSL-enabled domain name for each IP address you expose to the public internet.
Of course, if you are able to access the websites properly, you'll probably be fine ignoring the warnings. These particular ones aren't very serious - they're mainly an indication of what to look at if you are experiencing problems
As far as I know, Apache supports SNI since Version 2.2.12
Sadly the documentation does not yet reflect that change.
Go for until that is finished
You may be able to replace the:
VirtualHost ipaddress:443
VirtualHost *:443
You probably need todo this on all of your virt hosts.
It will probably clear up that message. Let the ServerName directive worry about routing the message request.
Again, you may not be able to do this if you have multiple ip's aliases to the same machine.
The VirtualHost would look like this:
NameVirtualHost IP_Address:443
<VirtualHost IP_Address:443>
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca.crt # Where "ca" is the name of the Certificate
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/ca.key
DocumentRoot /var/www/html
ErrorLog logs/
CustomLog logs/ common
First you need NameVirtualHost ip:443 in you config file!
You probably have one with 80 at the end, but you will also need one with 443.
Second you need a *.domain certificate (wildcard) (it is possible to make one)
Third you can make only something.domain webs in one ip (because of the certificate)
You MUST add below part to enable NameVirtualHost functionality with given IP.
NameVirtualHost IP_Address:443
Apache doesn't support SSL on name-based virtual host, only on IP based Virtual Hosts.
Source: Apache 2.2 SSL FAQ question Why is it not possible to use Name-Based Virtual Hosting to identify different SSL virtual hosts?
Unlike SSL, the TLS specification allows for name-based hosts (SNI as mentioned by someone else), but Apache doesn't yet support this feature. It supposedly will in a future release when compiled against openssl 0.9.8.
Also, mod_gnutls claims to support SNI, but I've never actually tried it.