Can I use free SQLServer Express in commercial app [closed] - sql

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Closed 10 years ago.
Can I use free SQLServer Express in my commercial windows project? Are there any license issues? How many nodes it supports in multiuser environment ?

Quick answer is Yes. I have heard of MS themselves say it is OK. See this MSDN forums thread.

SQL Server Express is distributed for free and can be used reliably in any small business application.
The Wikipedia article is quite good at highlighting the key drawbacks of using an Express edition compared to a commercial SQL Server instance. Most notable perhaps is the lack of a SQL Server Agent process, which is usually used for job scheduling.


Migrate from WCF to node.js [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
At the moment, I write a WCF Service that gives the following functionality:
Videoupload and -download
A forum
As database I use a SQL Server 2012 from Microsoft.
The service gets called via REST, so this would not be the problem.
My question is, what advantage can I get with node.js or better said, is there any advantage?
The biggest advantage is in my point of view, that I am fully platform indipendent. Are there any other advantages?
Greets Knerd
Update, I posted a new question here
You get the usual advantages and disadvantages Node.js has.
Platform independence
Everything is asynchronous
You have the same language for the backend as for the HTML frontend
Basically, the question whether you can benefit from Node.js IMHO comes down to whether you need to scale pretty much, and if you have lots of I/O to do.
If the answer to both is 'yes' then Node.js may be a pretty good catch for you.
PS: Completely off-topic, but - are you Knerd from the discussion forum of

Any recommendations for a lightweight framework with MS SQL Server support [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Note: I have been out of touch with the PHP world for quite a long time. I am primarily a Python developer.
I have to build a small app in PHP5. Please suggest me a lightweight framework which:
Has MS SQL Server Support that runs on Linux as the app will be running on Ubuntu.
Is fast to learn, use and setup.
Performance is not a critical issue. As the app will be used on a private LAN by about 10 people for data entry mainly.
Suggestion about a templating engines will also be appreciated
Let's kill off the easy question first - by tempting, I'm assuming you mean templating. If so, Smarty is usually a very good contender as it is simple to learn and very powerful.
Now, for the framework. A wide variety of PHP frameworks have switched to PDO for SQL requests, which means that most of them will easily accomodate MS SQL. CodeIgniter does, so does CakePHP last time I checked.
Ultimately, pick what you know rather than picking something that looks fancy, unless you need the extra features. The learning curve will be smaller.

Suggestion about using a database type [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
My problem is I need to develop a sales application to be used on 5 computers. The database needs to stay on a main computer and other computers should connect with that over LAN.
I donot want to use SQL Server as it is too complicated to give permissions, setting up firewalls etc. for the end user.
Is that any type of database that could serve my purpose, without giving sharing violation error?
You have two options either you can go for Server Client DB like MySQL or you can try embedded databases like vista db(These are less complicated).
However for better performance its better to use a proper server client db.

Free web-based Test Case Management Software [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Does someone know a free web-based test case management software? I looked around in the internet and on some comparisons, but either they are expensive as hell or looking bad as hell ... (basic HTML tables).
Thanks for your hints!
I also tried for same but as u said no tool can fulfill requirements so i am using Test Point Metrics approach. It is best approach in any environment. By this approach not only we can do unit and integration testing but also validate the requirements. Time for writing Test Point Metrics is just after the Requirement understanding
A template of Test Point Metrics available here:
And a comprehensive review on such tools available here:

Free SQL formatter tool [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
is there any free SQL formatter tool? I am using for small queries. It is very good. But free version supports only 100 lines. TORA has the feature but it has many issues and I can not customize everything. Any free Eclipse plugins for this?
SQL Developer from Oracle is free, supports multiple databases (not just Oracle), and lets you configure how SQL is formatted.
e-texteditor have a snippet can do this.