Double releasing when it shouldn't be happening - objective-c

I am really puzzled by this. I believe I am managing memory the correct way but executing the code suggests that I am double releasing the object. Here is the code and then I'll explain what is happening.
#protocol SomeDelegate <NSObject>
- (id)initWithCols:(NSUInteger)Cols Rows:(NSUInteger)Rows;
#interface SomeObject : NSObject <SomeDelegate> {
- (id)initWithCols:(NSUInteger)Cols Rows:(NSUInteger)Rows;
#interface Layout : UIView {
id<SomeDelegate> someDelegate;
#property(retain) id<SomeDelegate> someDelegate;
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)aRect Cols:(NSUInteger)Cols Rows:(NSUInteger)Rows;
#implementation Layout
#synthesize someDelegate;
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)aRect Cols:(NSUInteger)Cols Rows:(NSUInteger)Rows {
if(self = [super initWithFrame:aRect]) {
cols = Cols;
rows = Rows;
id<SomeDelegate> delegate = [[SomeObject alloc] initWithCols:cols Rows:rows];
[self setSomeDelegate:delegate];
//[delegate release];
return self;
-(void)dealloc {
[someDelegate release];
[super dealloc];
Now when I uncomment out the "//[delegate release];" line in the constructor of the Layout class, then I get a "EXC_BAD_ACCESS" error and the application crashes when it attempts to dealloc. I have traced the crash to the release of the someDelegate object in the dealloc method of Layout class. If I leave it commented then the application works fine.
Can someone please explain why this is happening as it appears to be going against everything I have read about memory management in Objective-C.
Just a note that the code example actually works, however my code doesn't which follows the example. Could there be something inside of my actual SomeObject that is causing an autorelease?
Thanks in advance.

First, go back and reread the memory management rules just to make sure you are not missing anything obvious in your use of delegate elsewhere.
Next, turn on NSZombieEnabled (in your executable settings, Arguments panel, add an environment variable NSZombieEnabled set to YES).
Then add a dealloc method to your delagate if it does not have one already (make sure you call [super dealloc]!) and put a break point on there - that will tell you when your delagate is deallocated which will tell you when it is being released.
Alternatively, add trivial release/autorelease methods to your delegate class which do nothing but call through, and then breakpoint them and that will tell you exactly when it is being released.
Three final comments: in the standard naming convention for Objective C/Cocoa, you should have lowercase parameter fields, ie it should be:
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)aRect cols:(NSUInteger)Cols rows:(NSUInteger)Rows;
When your ivar and property are named identically, it is very easy to accidently use the wrong one, so I recommend using a different ivar name and property name to avoid confusion, either use an _ prefix like Apple, or some other prefix to avoid confusion with Apple as well:
id<SomeDelegate> _someDelegate;
#synthesize someDelegate = _someDelegate;
And Apple recomends against using setters/getters in init/dealloc, so your init code should be:
_someDelegate = [[SomeObject alloc] initWithCols:cols Rows:rows];

As alluded to in the comments, the problem does not appear to be in the code posted.
I could ask for more information, but I'm firmly in the teach a man to fish camp....
A crash in -release will often be misleading in that various optimizations -- tail call optimizations, generally -- will make it look like the crash happened a frame or two above the actual call that crashed. When the crash happens, there isn't enough info on the stack to really identify the culprit.
Whenever you suspect you have any kind of a crash in -release or -dealloc, immediately turn on Zombies. This can be done through Instruments or via an environment variable or by calling a function in the Foundation very early in your program's execution.
Search for "Zombies" or "NSZombie" in the documentation included with the development environment (that'd be more of the "teach a man to fish" thing).

The problem was a MutableArray deep in a subclass that was created through a factory (autoreleased) but I was also releasing too. Unfortunately the crash wouldn't indicate which inherited dealloc was causing the crash and just stop on the first overridden dealloc.
The Zombie thing helped a little in that it told me an array was the culprit but not much else. I think there is more to NSZombie and requires more experience to take full advantage of it.


How to enforce using `-retainCount` method and `-dealloc` selector under ARC?

Under ARC, compiler will forbid using any method or selector of -retainCount, -retain, -dealloc, -release, and -autorelease.
But sometimes I want to know the retain counts at runtime, or using method swizzling to swap the -dealloc method of NSObject to do something.
Is it possible to suppress (or bypass) the compiler complaining just a couple of lines of code? I don't want to modify ARC environment for whole project or whole file. I think preprocessor can do it, but how?
Thanks guys to give me a lesson about the use of -retainCount. But I wonder whether it is possible to enforce invoking/using those forbidden methods/selectors.
I know Instruments is a powerful tool to do this job. But I am still curious about those question.
Why do I want to use -retainCount:
When using block, if you don't specify a __weak identifier on the outside variables, the block will automatically retain those outside objects in the block after the block is copied into the heap. So you need to use a weak self to avoid retain cycle, for example:
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
self.completionBlock = ^{
[weakSelf doSomething];
However, it will still cause retain cycle when you only use instance variables in the copied block (YES, although you didn't use any keyword self in the block).
For example, under Non-ARC:
// Current self's retain count is 1
NSLog(#"self retainCount: %d", [self retainCount]);
// Create a completion block
CompletionBlock completionBlock = ^{
// Using instance vaiable in the block will strongly retain the `self` object after copying this block into heap.
[_delegate doSomething];
// Current self's retain count is still 1
NSLog(#"self retainCount: %d", [self retainCount]);
// This will cuase retain cycle after copying the block.
self.completionBlock = completionBlock;
// Current self's retain count is 2 now.
NSLog(#"self retainCount: %d", [self retainCount]);
Without using -retainCount before/after the copied block code, I don't think this retain cycle caused by using instance variables in the completion block will be discovered easily.
Why do I want to use -dealloc:
I want to know whether I can use method swizzling to monitor which object will be deallocated by logging messages on the Xcode console when the -dealloc is invoked. I want to replace the original implementation of -dealloc of NSObject.
That's not recommened at all, I dont know your intentions but they dont sound very safe.
The use of retainCount is not recommended.
From AppleDocs:
This method is of no value in debugging memory management issues.
Because any number of framework objects may have retained an object in
order to hold references to it, while at the same time autorelease
pools may be holding any number of deferred releases on an object, it
is very unlikely that you can get useful information from this method
And, if there's any doubt, check this link:
Whatever you are trying to do, please dont.
For future references, I'm going to add some linsk to help you understand the process of how memory works in iOS. Even if you use ARC, this is a must know (remember that ARC is NOT a garbage collector)
Beginning ARC in iOS 5 Tutorial Part 1
Understand memory management under ARC
Memory Management Tutorial for iOS
Advance Memory Managment
And, of course, once you understand how memory works is time to learn how to profile it with instruments:
Instruments User Guide
Agreed 100% with the other commenters about the fact that you do not want to use -retainCount. To your other question, however, about -dealloc:
You also do not want to swizzle -dealloc. If you think you want to swizzle it, you don't understand how it works. There are a lot of optimizations going on there; you can't just mess with it. But, as #bbum hints at, you can easily get notifications when objects are deallocated, and this can be very useful.
You attach an associated object to the thing you want to watch. When the thing you want to watch goes away, so does the associated object, and you can override its dealloc to perform whatever action you want. Obviously you need to be a little careful, because you're in the middle of a dealloc, but you can generally do most anything you'd need to here. Most importantly for many cases, you can put a breakpoint here or add a logging statement, so you can see where the object was released. Here's a simple example.
With ARC
const char kWatcherKey;
#interface Watcher : NSObject
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#implementation Watcher
- (void)dealloc {
NSLog(#"HEY! The thing I was watching is going away!");
NSObject *something = [NSObject new];
objc_setAssociatedObject(something, &kWatcherKey, [Watcher new],
Without ARC
const char kWatcherKey;
#interface Watcher : NSObject
- (void)lastRetainDone;
#import <objc/runtime.h>
// turn off ARC!
#implementation Watcher
BOOL noMoreRetainsAllowed;
- (void)lastRetainDone {
noMoreRetainsAllowed = YES;
- (id) retain {
if (noMoreRetainsAllowed) abort();
return [super retain];
- (void)dealloc {
NSLog(#"HEY! The thing I was watching is going away!");
[super dealloc];
NSObject *something = [NSObject new];
Watcher *watcher = [Watcher new];
objc_setAssociatedObject(something, &kWatcherKey, watcher,
[watcher lastRetainDone];
[watcher release];
Now, when something goes away, -[Watcher dealloc] will fire and log for you. Very easy. Completely supported and documented.
Without using -retainCount before/after the copied block code, I don't think this retain cycle caused by using instance variables in the completion block will be discovered easily.
You are somewhat correct here, but there are two lessons to be learned, and neither is to use retainCount (which won't actually help you in this case anyway because retainCount can very often be something you don't expect).
The first lesson is: Do not allow any warnings in ObjC code. The situation you're describing will generally create a compiler warning in recent versions of clang. So it's actually quite easy to discover in many cases. The way you've separated it into multiple assignments, the compiler may miss it, but the lesson there is to change your coding style to help the compiler help you.
The second lesson is: don't access ivars directly outside of init and dealloc. This is one of the many little surprises that can cause. Use accessors.

Xcode/Cocoa: " = value" sporadically failing? Can anyone explain this?

I'm writing a project where a very straightforward assignment is sporadically failing. Fascinated with this result and curious to see what y'all make of it.
I've got a project with a large data set, and I'm creating and display a modal window to present some details about a new class instance. So I've got a window with a custom window controller class, with the following code:
#import <DataModel.h>
#interface MyWindowController : NSWindowController
#property (nonatomic, weak) FooClass *fooInstance;
#implementation MyWindowController
#synthesize fooInstance = _fooInstance;
-(void) init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.fooInstance = [FooClass new];
return self;
Totally cookie-cutter, right? But when I first added the form and ran it a bunch of times, the assignment failed over and over again. self.fooInstance kept coming back as nil. I even confirmed that the FooClass initializer was running (stepped right through it) and returning a non-null pointer to a valid FooClass instance. And yet, after the assignment line, self.fooInstance remained null.
I ran it a bunch of times, watching this same result over and over again. Then, I replaced just the assignment statement with this:
FooClass *foo = [FooClass new];
self.fooInstance = foo;
...and the assignment suddenly started working, and it's run consistently ever since. Even when I reverted the code back to self.fooInstance = [FooClass new], it's worked perfectly.
I couldn't believe it... until I saw it happen AGAIN, in the same project, while banging out the same type of window for a different class.
I don't understand what's happening. The self.fooInstance accessors are totally #synthesized; there is no code running in the background that might be futzing with the class (it's a single-threaded modal window); and there's nothing bound to the class. It just... doesn't work. It's like the code for the window classes doesn't run right until it's run a few times to break it in.
What in the world is happening? Does anyone even hazard a guess that might explain this behavior?
I recommend taking a read through Mike Ash's explanation of weak pointers. This section is the relevant bit:
Weak References
First, what is a weak reference? Simply put, a weak
reference is a reference (pointer, in Objective-C land) to an object
which does not participate in keeping that object alive. For example,
using memory management, this setter creates a weak reference to the
new object:
- (void)setFoo: (id)newFoo
_foo = newFoo;
Because the setter does not use retain, the reference does not keep the new object alive. It will stay alive as long as it's retained
by other references, of course. But once those go away, the object
will be deallocated even if _foo still points to it.
OK, that explains the first part, but why does the second part work?
Well, when you write an instance variable like:
FooClass *foo = //assignment
The compiler says to itself "it's a really good idea to keep this thing around, (at least til the function goes out of scope under ARC), and it turns it into this:
__strong FooClass *foo = //assignment
That means whatever I assigned is retained, and therefore, because at least one object owns it, I can assign it to my weak instance variable.

Cocoa ivar losing value between init and drawRect

I am not a complete n00b here, but I feel like I must be missing something essential. I'm passing a variable into a new class instance via the class's init method:
#synthesize side;
- (id)initWithSide:(NSString *)aSide frame:(NSRect)frameRect
if (self = [super initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect]) {
self.side = aSide;
NSLog(#"Side is %#", self.side);
return self;
The output from NSLog() does show the correct value here. Now, the drawRect: method that is then triggered to draw the view, has a similar call:
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect
NSLog(#"Side is %#", self.side);
And this time the NSLog() reports Side as nil! Stepping through it with the debugger, I see the value for side gets set, then it goes into the registers (all those hex codes that I don't understand), then when it jumps out again into the drawRect: method, the value is simply nil.
If anyone can shed light on this I'd appreciate it!
This is usually the way to write a property for NSString*.
assign is used for primitive types (it doesn't increment the retain count for an object), and either retain or copy for Objects.
#property (readwrite, copy) NSString * side
I'm going to go ahead and guess the most common cause for this kind of bug: You're dealing with two different objects. You're initializing the view in your code and you also have an instance in a nib. The two instances are completely separate objects, so when the view that is visible performs its drawRect:, it doesn't see the other one's instance variable.
The problem with your property that other people are pointing out is also definitely true, but I suspect this bug is actually hiding that one.

Do I need release in the dealloc?

In the book I'm studying from for iPhone dev, they utilize IBOutlet instances using the Interface Builder. An example would be a UIButton. So they add a thing in the struct like this:
IBOutlet UIButton *whateverButton;
Then they add a #property for each of these in the .h, and a #synthesize in the .m.
Then they include a release in the dealloc of the .m. Two questions:
Is the release necessary? Aren't all properties already handled automatically?
How can I check the ref count to see what's happening, for debug purposes...?
Is the release necessary? Aren't all
properties already handled
If the property is retained, the release is necessary. When you declare a #property and #synthesize it, all you get is the accessors, there is no special automatic behaviour in dealloc.
Also, there is nothing magical about IBOutlet – it’s just a marker for Interface Builder to see which properties you would like to appear in IB. It’s simply an empty macro, Cmd-click the IBOutlet keyword to see its definition:
#ifndef IBOutlet
#define IBOutlet
Same thing goes for IBAction which expands to void.
How can I check the ref count to see
what's happening, for debug
When I need to debug memory management, I usually simply set up a breakpoint in the dealloc method or log a string there. It is also helpful to log the retainCount of an object around the calls that might do something fishy with it.
It might also help to see how the #synthesize directive creates the accessors. When you declare a retained #property and ask the compiler to #synthesize them, you get something like this:
#property(retain) NSString *foo;
#synthesize foo;
- (void) foo {
return foo;
- (void) setFoo: (NSString*) newFoo {
// Try to think what would happen if this condition wasn’t
// here and somebody called [anObject].
if (newFoo == foo)
[foo release];
foo = [newFoo retain];
This isn’t exactly the thing, but it’s close enough. Now it should be more clear why you should release in dealloc.
Properties are not "handled automatically." The closest that comes to being true is that synthesized accessors handle their memory management responsibilities properly. But that is just those accessors. Properties are just a way of declaring accessible "things" on your class. They don't get much special treatment beyond that. It doesn't turn on some sort of garbage collection. So yes, release is necessary.
And you should use the debugging tools like Instruments if you want to inspect a running app for leaks or memory that doesn't get released. I would not look at the ref count directly, because it's almost dangerously useless — there's no guarantee that the ref count will be what you expect at any point, and that doesn't necessarily indicate a problem.
You should read Apple's memory management rules for Cocoa. It's pretty simple once you've absorbed that. I wouldn't necessarily recommend reading other guides first, because subtle misstatements can lead you down the wrong path (for instance, the idea that properties will be released for you probably came from hearing somebody misstate how they work).
Is the release necessary? Aren't all
properties already handled
It depends on how the property is implemented. If it is auto-implemented (#synthesize'd), the property will retain its value in the setter and release it if set to another value. If you just got into Obj-C and Cocoa, you should read about the conventions for memory management. I have put up a post on my blog about them, there are plenty of resources elsewhere too.
How can I check the ref count to see
what's happening, for debug
You can check the NSObject retainCount property. Information on that is here. For advanced debugging purposes, there is the NSZombieEnabled environment flag that will cause all release message to not decrement the reference count but log an error when an object that would have normally been released is accessed.

Under what conditions can the object at an address change? (obj-c)

I have a controller with a delegate.
#interface MyConversionController : NSObject {
id <ConversionDelegate> _delegate;
#property (assign) id delegate;
#synthesize delegate = _delegate;
I'm getting Unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x36c4a0 errors. I've set a breakpoint on the -(void)setDelegate(id)delegate method so I can observe objects that are passed into my MyConversionController class. My setDelegate method is called twice, the first time is an object at the address 0x36c4a0 that I know conforms to the <ConversionDelegate> protocol. The second time this method is called another object is passed in that also conforms to the protocol. When the time comes to start calling methods on the delegate the method calls are sent to the first object (0x36c4a0) which is now some other kind of object (usually a CFString or __NSFastEnumerationEnumerator if that makes a difference).
Does anyone know why this could be happening?
After running malloc_history I see that the first address, the one that's giving me trouble, is allocated and freed a number of times before I get to it. The second object is just allocated once. Under what conditions would the pointers be reused like this?
You might want to use malloc_history to find the callstack of the object at that address. Do the following in the terminal while your process is running:
malloc_history <pid> 0x36c4a0 # insert the address in question for the 2nd arg
You'll also need to enable MallocStackLogging (thanks to Kubi's comment below on this).
This may help you understand where the object at that address is being allocated.
Also, you've marked the delegate as assign, not retain, however, I think this is appropriate for delegates. That said, if it was autoreleased somewhere else, that memory may be being reused.
Are you possibly autoreleasing the delegate and assigning it? Something like:
delegate = [[[ConversionDelegateClass alloc] init] autorelease];
controller.delegate = delegate
If so, the delegate will be released in the next autopool release since nothing is retaining it and that memory location will be available for re-use.
The problem is that the the delegate was being prematurely deallocated. The reason this was so difficult to debug was that the deallocation occured in code I had written a long time ago, and the program would quit before the issues would occur. Writing the new sliver of code kept the program open for just long enough for other classes to start sending messages to the deallocated object.
Solution: I ran the code with the the Zombie module in Instruments. Wish I had done this a few days ago, I fixed the code within 30 seconds of looking at the output from Instruments.