How do I paramaterise a T-SQL stored procedure that drops a table? - sql

I'm after a simple stored procedure to drop tables. Here's my first attempt:
CREATE PROC bsp_susf_DeleteTable (#TableName char)
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = #TableName)
When I parse this in MS Query Analyser I get the following error:
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure bsp_susf_DeleteTable, Line 6
Line 6: Incorrect syntax near '#TableName'.
Which kind of makes sense because the normal SQL for a single table would be:
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'tbl_XYZ')
Note the first instance of tbl_XYZ (in the WHERE clause) has single quotes around it, while the second instance in the DROP statement does not. If I use a variable (#TableName) then I don't get to make this distinction.
So can a stored procedure be created to do this? Or do I have to copy the IF EXISTS ... everywhere?

You should be able to use dynamic sql:
declare #sql varchar(max)
if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = #TableName)
set #sql = 'drop table ' + #TableName
Hope this helps.
Update: Yes, you could make #sql smaller, this was just a quick example. Also note other comments about SQL Injection Attacks

Personally I would be very wary of doing this. If you feel you need it for administrative purposes, please make sure the rights to execute this are extremely limited. Further, I would have the proc copy the table name and the date and the user executing it to a logging table. That way at least you will know who dropped the wrong table. You may want other protections as well. For instance you may want to specify certain tables that cannot be dropped ever using this proc.
Further this will not work on all tables in all cases. You cannot drop a table that has a foreign key associated with it.
Under no circumstances would I allow a user or anyone not the database admin to execute this proc. If you havea a system design where users can drop tables, there is most likely something drastically wrong with your design and it should be rethought.
Also, do not use this proc unless you have a really, really good backup schedule in place and experience restoring from backups.

You'll have to use EXEC to execute that query as a string. In other words, when you pass in the table name, define a varchar and assign the query and tablename, then exec the variable you created.
Edit: HOWEVER, I don't recommend that because someone could pass in sql rather than a TableName and cause all kinds of wonderful problems. See Sql injection for more information.
Your best bet is to create a parameterized query on the client side for this. For example, in C# I would do something like:
// EDIT 2: on second thought, ignore this code; it probably won't work
SqlCommand sc = new SqlCommand();
sc.Connection = someConnection;
sc.CommandType = Command.Text;
sc.CommandText = "drop table #tablename";
sc.Parameters.AddWithValue("#tablename", "the_table_name");


SQL Server - find SPs which don't drop temp tables

(1) Is there a good/reliable way to query the system catalogue in order
to find all stored procedures which create some temporary tables in their
source code bodies but which don't drop them at the end of their bodies?
(2) In general, can creating temp tables in a SP and not dropping
them in the same SP cause some problems and if so, what problems?
I am asking this question in the contexts of
SQL Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2012 mostly.
Many thanks in advance.
Not 100% sure if this is accurate as I don't have a good set of test data to work with. First you need a function to count occurrences of a string (shamelessly stolen from here):
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.CountOccurancesOfString
#searchString nvarchar(max),
#searchTerm nvarchar(max)
return (LEN(#searchString)-LEN(REPLACE(#searchString,#searchTerm,'')))/LEN(#searchTerm)
Next make use of the function like this. It searches the procedure text for the strings and reports when the number of creates doesn't match the number of drops:
WITH CreatesAndDrops AS (
dbo.CountOccurancesOfString(UPPER(syscomments.text), 'CREATE TABLE #') AS Creates,
dbo.CountOccurancesOfString(UPPER(syscomments.text), 'DROP TABLE #') AS Drops
FROM sys.procedures
JOIN sys.syscomments
ON procedures.object_id =
SELECT * FROM CreatesAndDrops
WHERE Creates <> Drops
1) probably no good / reliable way -- though you can extract the text of sp's using some arcane ways that you can find in other places.
2) In general - no this causes no problems -- temp tables (#tables) are scope limited and will be flagged for removal when their scope disappears.
and table variables likewise
an exception is for global temp tables (##tables) which are cleaned up when no scope holds a reference to them. Avoid those guys -- there are usually (read almost always) better ways to do something than with a global temp table.
Sigh -- if you want to go down the (1) path then be aware that there are lots of pitfalls in looking at code inside sql server -- many of the helper functions and information tables will truncate the actual code down to a NVARCHAR(4000)
If you look at the code of sp_helptext you'll see a really horrible cursor that pulls the actual text..
I wrote this a long time ago to look for strings in code - you could run it on your database -- look for 'CREATE TABLE #' and 'DROP TABLE #' and compare the outputs....
, [ObjectText]
so.[name] AS [ObjectName]
, REPLACE(comments.[c], '#x0D;', '') AS [ObjectText]
sys.objects AS so
FROM syscomments AS sc
WHERE sc.[id] = so.[object_id]
AS comments ([c])
so.[is_ms_shipped] = 0
AND so.[type] = 'P'
AS spText
spText.[ObjectText] LIKE '%' + #SearchString + '%'
Or much better - use whatever tool of choice you like on your codebase - you've got all your sp's etc scripted out into source control somewhere, right.....?
I think SQL Search tool from red-gate would come handy in this case. You can download from here. This tool will find the sql text within stored procedures, functions, views etc...
Just install this plugin and you can find sql text easily from SSMS.

SQL Server 2014 'Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'select'.'

Is there anything wrong in the following sql code:
DROP CONSTRAINT select from syscolumns c,sysobjects d, sysobjects t
where AND AND d.type='D' AND t.type='U'
You can't just say
You must give a constraint name:
It seems you are trying to use the latter query to return a result set of constraint names? You can't feed the ALTER statement with a SELECT like that, it doesn't work either. Either use SQL to generate the script, then save the script and run it, or use dynamic SQL.
Dynamic SQL is one of the most dangerous practices to use when dropping objects, yet I see it suggested so casually on StackOverflow. You don't use it unless you need automation and you need a script that will adapt to potential differences (such as deploying a change script to a customer). Otherwise, you should be practicing safe-DBA and generating the script to a text window, then validate it before executing it. Dynamic SQL jumps directly from the generation to the execution. Take the 15 extra seconds to validate.
You can save it and deploy it to other databases with the knowledge that only the actions in that script will be run. Deploying dynamic SQL also deploys potentially a different action to each database; sometimes this is what you want, and sometimes it is not.
To generate the DDL like so, from the SSMS menu pick "Results to Text", or CTRL-T for short, then run:
from syscolumns c, sysobjects d, sysobjects t
where AND AND d.type='D' AND t.type='U'
Then you have your script, copy-paste it, verify it, save it. This technique works in any database with a data dictionary catalog.
ALTER TABLE .. DROP CONSTRAINT SELECT .. is not valid syntax; an identifier ("constraint_name") is required after DROP CONSTRAINT.
As with all SQL DDL, the column identifiers are not values and cannot be the result of an expression (SELECT or otherwise). To use a value in such a statement requires building and executing Dynamic SQL.
For instance,
declare #name varchar(200)
-- I recommend not using implicit cross-joins, but ..
from syscolumns c, sysobjects d, sysobjects t
where AND AND d.type='D' AND t.type='U'
-- Build dynamic SQL
-- And execute it
EXEC (#sql)
You really should not be using sysobjects as this has been deprecated for a long time. In fact I'm struggling to understand why no one else has pointed this out yet. Whilst other people are correct in their analysis of the problems with your SQL statement (notably #mrjoltcola who has give a good explanation of why your statement is wrong), as supposed experts answering this question we should also be educating those asking the questions to ensure that they don't use outdated and deprecated syntax. In addition, where there is an opportunity to improve the quality of the OPs code, we should also take it in order to reduce the possibility that at some point they will come back and complain that their code has broken because they upgraded their server or whatever (granted, I know this is about SQL 2014 but the next update will likely cut off sysobjects at the knees as it has had the Sword of Damocles hanging over it long enough).
So, with all that in mind I would adapt mrjoltcola's answer as follows, using sys.columns, sys.tables and sys.default_constraints as well as using explicit INNER JOINS.
FROM sys.tables t
INNER JOIN sys.columns c
ON c.[object_id] = t.[object_id]
INNER JOIN sys.default_constraints d
ON d.[parent_object_id] = t.[object_id]
AND d.[parent_column_id] = c.[column_id]
That will give you drop code for that one table and column. Of course, you could assign the result of that query to an NVARCHAR variable and then call sp_executesql if you needed to perform the whole operation programatically like this.
EXEC sp_executesql #sql
However it's all too easy to get into trouble using dynamic SQL so if you're at all unsure then I'd avoid it wherever possible - it should really be a method of last resort.
Do you not need to provide constraint name to drop in your earlier alter statement?

use output of SQL statement as the table to run a query on

I believe what I am attempting to achieve may only be done through the use of Dynamic SQL. However, I have tried a couple of things without success.
I have a table in database DB1 (lets say DB1.dbo.table1, in a MS SQL server) that contains the names of other databases in the server (DB2,DB3, etc). Now, all the dbs listed in that table contain a particular table (lets call it desiredTable) which I want to query. So what I'm looking for is a way of creating a stored procedure/script/whatever that queries DB1.dbotable1 for the other DBs and then run a statement on each of the dbs retrieved, something like:
#DBNAME = select dbName from DB1.dbo.table1
select value1 from #DBNAME.dbo.desiredTable
Is that possible? I'm planning on running the sp/script in various systems DB1.dbo.table1 being a constant.
You need to build a query dinamically and then execute it. Something like this:
SELECT #MyDynamicDBName = dbName
FROM DB1.dbo.table1
SET #MyDynamicQuery = 'SELECT value1 FROM ' + #MyDynamicDBName + '.dbo.desiredTable'
You can use the undocumented stored procedure, sp_MSForEachDB. The usual warnings about using an undocumented stored procedure apply though. Here's an example of how you might use it in your case:
EXEC sp_MSForEachDB 'SELECT value1 FROM ?.dbo.desiredTable'
Notice the use of ? in place of the DB name.
I'm not sure how you would limit it to only DBs in your own table. If I come up with something, then I'll post it here.

SQL Server invalid column name

If I try to execute the following code, I get the errors
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 3 Invalid column name 'Another'. Msg
207, Level 16, State 1, Line 4 Invalid column name 'Another'.
even though the predicate for both IF statements always evaluates to false.
IF (1=0)
SELECT Another FROM #Foo
IF (1=0)
SELECT Another FROM #Foo
This is probably over-simplified for the sake of the example; in reality what I need to do is select the values from a column, but only if the column exists. If it doesn't exist, I don't care about it. In the problem that drove me to ask this question, my predicate was along the lines of EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = #ID AND name = #Name). Is there a way to achieve this without resorting to my arch-enemy Dynamic SQL? I understand that my SQL must always be well-formed (i.e. conform to grammar) - even within a block that's never executed - but I'm flabbergasted that I'm also being forced to make it semantically correct too!
Though I'm not sure the code below adds much to the code above, it's a further example of the problem. In this scenario, I only want to set the value of Definitely (which definitely exists as a column) with the value from Maybe (which maybe exists as a column) if Maybe exists.
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.TableName', 'U') AND name = 'Maybe')
UPDATE dbo.TableName SET Definitely = Maybe
SQL Server doesn't execute line by line. It isn't procedural like .net or Java code. So there is no "non-executed block"
The batch is compiled in one go. At this point, the column doesn't exist but it knows the table will be. Table does not have a column called "Another". Fail.
Exactly as expected.
Now, what is the real problem you are trying to solve?
Some options:
2 tables or one table with both columns
use Stored procedures to decouple scope
not use temp tables (maybe not needed; it could be your procedural thinking...)
dynamic SQL (from Mitch's deleted answer)
Edit, after comment;
Why not hide schema changes behind a view, rather than changing all code to work with columns that may/may not be there?
You can use EXEC to handle it. It's not really dynamic SQL if the code never actually changes.
For example:
CREATE TABLE dbo.Test (definitely INT NOT NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.Test (definitely) VALUES (1), (2), (3)
FROM sys.columns
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.Test', 'U') AND
name = 'Maybe')
EXEC('UPDATE dbo.Test SET definitely = maybe')
SELECT * FROM dbo.Test
FROM sys.columns
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.Test', 'U') AND
name = 'Maybe')
EXEC('UPDATE dbo.Test SET definitely = maybe')
SELECT * FROM dbo.Test
You can also try Martin Smith's "Workaround" using a non-existing table to get "deferred name resolution" for columns.
I had the same issue.
We are creating a script for all changes for years and this is the first time that we have this issue.
I've tried all your answers and didn't find the issue.
In my case it was because of temporary table within the script that I'm using also within a stored procedure, although every sentence has go.
I've found that if I'm adding if exists with drop to the temporary table after the script is using the temporary table, it is working correctly.
Best regards,
Derived from the answer by #gbn.
What i did to solve the issue was to use 'GO' between the ALTER query and the query that uses the column added by ALTER. This will make the 2 queries to be run as separate batches thereby ensuring your 'Another' column is there before the SELECT query.

Drop all temporary tables for an instance

I was wondering how / if it's possible to have a query which drops all temporary tables?
I've been trying to work something out using the tempdb.sys.tables, but am struggling to format the name column to make it something that can then be dropped - another factor making things a bit trickier is that often the temp table names contain a '_' which means doing a replace becomes a bit more fiddly (for me at least!)
Is there anything I can use that will drop all temp tables (local or global) without having to drop them all individually on a named basis?
The point of temporary tables is that they are.. temporary. As soon as they go out of scope
#temp create in stored proc : stored proc exits
#temp created in session : session disconnects
##temp : session that created it disconnects
The query disappears. If you find that you need to remove temporary tables manually, you need to revisit how you are using them.
For the global ones, this will generate and execute the statement to drop them all.
declare #sql nvarchar(max)
select #sql = isnull(#sql+';', '') + 'drop table ' + quotename(name)
from tempdb..sysobjects
where name like '##%'
exec (#sql)
It is a bad idea to drop other sessions' [global] temp tables though.
For the local (to this session) temp tables, just disconnect and reconnect again.
The version below avoids all of the hassles of dealing with the '_'s. I just wanted to get rid of non-global temp tables, hence the '#[^#]%' in my WHERE clause, drop the [^#] if you want to drop global temp tables as well, or use a '##%' if you only want to drop global temp tables.
The DROP statement seems happy to take the full name with the '_', etc., so we don't need to manipulate and edit these. The OBJECT_ID(...) NOT NULL allows me to avoid tables that were not created by my session, presumably since these tables should not be 'visible' to me, they come back with NULL from this call. The QUOTENAME is needed to make sure the name is correctly quoted / escaped. If you have no temp tables, #d_sql will be the empty string still, so we check for that before printing / executing.
SET #d_sql = ''
SELECT #d_sql = #d_sql + 'DROP TABLE ' + QUOTENAME(name) + ';
FROM tempdb..sysobjects
WHERE name like '#[^#]%'
IF #d_sql <> ''
PRINT #d_sql
-- EXEC( #d_sql )
In a stored procedure they are dropped automatically when the execution of the proc completes.
I normally come across the desire for this when I copy code out of a stored procedure to debug part of it and the stored proc does not contain the drop table commands.
Closing and reopening the connection works as stated in the accepted answer. Rather than doing this manually after each execution you can enable SQLCMD mode on the Query menu in SSMS
And then use the :connect command (adjust to your server/instance name)
:connect (local)\SQL2014
create table #foo(x int)
create table #bar(x int)
select *
from #foo
Can be run multiple times without problems. The messages tab shows
Connecting to (local)\SQL2014...
(0 row(s) affected)
Disconnecting connection from (local)\SQL2014...