db2 sql script file - sql

I have an oracle script that I am trying to convert to valid db2 syntax. Within this sql file I have various calls to other sql files passing in a parameter using the '#' syntax.
#script1 param1
#script2 param2
Can anyone help me with valid db2 equivalent statements? Is there an equivalent run command in db2? is it possible to pass parameters to a sql script in db2?

The thing you are after is the DB2 Command Line Processor (CLP).
If you want to execute a script, you would execute in the CLP:
db2 -vtf script1
-f tells the CLP to run command input from the given file.
Here's the full list of options.
Unfortunately db2 doesn't support passing parameters to a script. You would have to combine your db2 -vtf commands with other scripting commands (such as sed) to generate the scripts for you, as in this example.

1) place the filename.sql file in SQLLIB/BIN
2) run db2cmd
3) execute this to connect to the required db
db2 connect to *dbname* user *userid* using *password*
4) excute this command
db2 -vtf *filename.sql*
This should execute the sql statements in the file one by one. The sql statements must be ending with a semicolon

There is an easier way for passing in parameters, that works fine for us (it might not work with (complex) multiline sql statements).
Convert your sql-script into a shell script by adding 'db2 ' at the beginning of each line. Than you can use the standard variable replacement syntax from your shell in your scripts.
so instead of
insert ...
update ...
you will have
db2 insert ...
db2 update ...

Place file in one directory.
Open db2cmd.exe as administrator
Navigate to directory where you have place the script
type db2 -vtf `


Change delimiter in a DB2 script

I have setup DB2 v11.5.5.1 in a Docker container and accessed it via DBeaver.
I want to run a script with a CREATE PROCEDURE statement on DB2 database.
But it returns SQL Error [42601]: An unexpected token "END-OF-STATEMENT" was found following "E IF EXISTS TEMP_IDS".
The sample script I tried is here.
-- some statements;
How can I solve this delimiter issue in DB2 script? I think the issue with changing the delimiter.
Your mistake is that you are trying to use a Db2 CLP (command line processor) feature inside DBEaver, i.e you are trying to use --#SET TERMINATOR....
This feature --#SET TERMINATOR is available if you execute your script with the Db2 clp (i.e. on MS-Windows that is db2.exe, and on linux/unix the db2 command in the shell).
For Dbeaver, a jdbc application, there is a different method to configure the alternative statement terminator / delimiter. Use the properties settings to find this option and choose a valid character in that GUI. Then retry.
For example, in Dbeaver Community Edition version 2021.04, use:
File > Properties > Editors > SQL Exitor > SQL Processing: "Statements Delimiter"

nested sql scripts and variables in Postgres

I need to migrate from Oracle to Postgres.
In Oracle I have .sql files calling nested .sql files (with input and output parameters each one) in this way: nested sql scripts and variables
Looking for a similar solution in Postgres I found this:
How to run postgres sql script from another script?
But what happens with the solution: \i other_script.sql
Can I pass input parameters to it? (and if yes, how?) Can I return parameters from it? (and if yes, how?)
Or the other_script.sql and the calling.script share variables?
Or there isn't an equivalent solution for input/output parameters. And variables are not shared between the two .sql files?
psql session variables are session based, so you can set any psql variable inside script, and you can read this variable outside script.
\set myvar some value
select :'myvar';
You can read more in psql documentation.

Declare SQL construct or statement is not supported for simple query

I have simple SQL Query and need to get the input from parameter. I am getting the when i click parameter button. Please let me know how to get the parameter if i have declare statement in my scripts.
Note :OLEDB connection manager used for connection
You can't use parameters in an OLEDB Source if your command contains DECLARE, or anything other than a single SELECT statement.
The way to do what you want is to use build your entire SQL Command into a single SSIS variable, and use the "SQL Command from variable" option in the OLEDB source.
EDIT based on comments:
If you have to handle a SQL Command over 4000 characters, the only way to do it is in a Script Component. The SQL Command in a script component can be any length. Here is an example.

Can I prepare a statement in plain Oracle SQL?

3GLs provide mechanisms to prepare statements before executing them. E.g.
FROM people
The same query can then be executed for different ages. But can such a statement also be prepared in a "plain" Oracle SQL client? Can the same be done in e.g. SQL Plus or dbForge Studio for Oracle as in Java or C# or any other programming language that supports prepared statements?
In dbForge Studio for Oracle, named parameters can be used, preceded by a colon :
FROM people
WHERE name=:name
The parameters can then be filled in with the "Edit parameters dialog box", available from the SQL toolbar.
I know you didn't ask about PostgreSQL but about Oracle. However, of note, PostgreSQL has this feature right in its SQL language.
The SQL standard includes a PREPARE statement, but it is only for use in embedded SQL. The PostgreSQL version of the PREPARE statement works like this:
PREPARE nameByAge(number) AS
FROM People
WHERE age=$1;
and you use it like this:
EXECUTE nameByAge(18);
EXECUTE nameByAge(50);
So unfortunately for Oracle SQLPlus the answer seems to be no, not bind variables. But SQLPlus has substitution variables, similar to shell scripts. You use them as &1, &2, &3, ... and they get their parameters from the way you call the SQLPlus script.
sqlplus user/password #script.sql 18
sqlplus user/password #script.sql 50
with the script.sql being
FROM People
WHERE age=&1;
this would work, even though it is not bind. But then, do you really care about the slight savings in repeat parse time? In fact Oracle hashes SQL statements and already replaces constants with bind variables to be able to better reuse query plans. So the savings you would get with PREPARE and BIND are really minuscule.

How to indicate in postgreSQL command in which database to execute a script? (simmilar to SQL Server "use" command)

I have the following problem, I need to put in a script that is going to run before the new version is rolled the SQL code that enables the pgAgent in PostgreSQL. However, this code should be run on the maintenance database (postgres) and the database where we run the script file is another one.
I remember that in SQL Server there is a command "use " so you could do something like:
use foo
-- some code
use bar
-- more code
is there something similar in PostgreSQL?
You can put in your file something like:
\c first_db_name
select * from t; --- your sql
\c second_db_name
select * from t; --- your sql
Are you piping these commands through the psql command? If so, \c databasename is what you want.
psql documentation
You can't switch databases in Postgres in this way. You actually have to reconnect to the other database.
PostgreSQL doesn't have the USE command. You would most likely use psql with the --dbname option to accomplish this, --dbname takes the database name as a parameter. See this link for details on the other options you can pass in you will also want to check out the --file option as well. http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/interactive/app-psql.html
well after looking on the web for some time I found this which was what I need it