Protecting strings within a Delphi application - sql

We have a Delphi 2006 application that drives a MS SQL Server database.
We have found a vulnerability where it is possible to load the executable into a hex editor and modify the SQL.
Our long term plan is to move this SQL to CLR stored procedures but this is some way off since many of our clients still use SQL 2000.
We've thought about obfuscating the strings, does anyone have a recommendation for a tool for doing this?
Is there a better solution, maybe code signing?

Sorry for being blunt, but if you are thinking of applying "security" measures in your executable you are doomed. No scrambling schema will retain an average hacker.
You also haven't explained how is your app designed. Is the database hosted by you, or resides in your client's premises? If the latter, then just forget about security and start hiring a lawyer to get a good confidentiality contract so your clients behave. If the former, then using stored procedures is the easiest way.

If embedded SQL is being hacked, then it implies that your database is quite open and anyone with MSQRY32.EXE (that is, MS Office) can get your data.
If you are a vendor, then you can't rely on CLR being enabled at your clients. So, why not use non-CLR stored procedures and correct permissioning in the database that is version independent?

This is not a vulnerability. If your machines are vulnerable to having people locally modify EXEs, that is your vulnerability.
All EXEs can be hacked, if someone has local admin account access, your game is over long before they get near your resource strings.

It will never be possible to protect completely, but you can make "casual attack" harder. The simple system that I use is a "ROT47" type system which is like ROT13 but wider ranging. The code then gets to look like the following:
frmLogin.Caption := xIniFile.ReadString(Rot47('$JDE6>' {CODEME'System'}),
The key here is that I have a comment which includes the string so both I can see it, but more importantly so can the utility that I run in my FinalBuilder build script. This allows me to ensure that strings are up-to-date at all times in release code. The utility looks for {CODEME in the lines, and if found knows the format of the data to output appropriately.

A solution that would require a deep restructuring of the application would be to use a multi-tier approach - most the of the SQL code would be in the application server module, that being on a server should be more protected than a client side exe.

Can't you encrypt all your queries and put them to the resource file?
During runtime, firstly you would have to:
Load your query string from resource.
Decrypt it.
Then you just run your query as before.
That should not be a big problem. Of course if you are not storing your queries in some resource / folder than you need to refactor your application a bit. But you should store them anyway in some organized manner. So you will be hitting a two birds with one stone here ;-)
For encryption of the strings you could use a free library called DCPCrypt.

I think you should use a exe packer which makes it hard for anyone to modify the stuff using hex editor.

First - do an analysis of your threat. Who is using your vulnerability, why is this a problem. Then act accordingly.
If your application is win32 and your threat are some kids witch are just having fun, a free exe packer (e.g. upx) might be the solution. On .NET applications signing might be what you want.
If you need more than that, it's going to be expensive and it's going to be more difficult to develop your application. Perhaps you even need to restructure it. Commercial protection schemes are available (perhaps with dongle?) - even protection schemes where you store your strings on some external hardware. If the hardware is not present, no SQL-Strings. But, as I said, that's more expensive.

Move DB interface to stored procedures. Normal regular stored procedures without any CLR. It's not a big deal if you already have queries to put inside.
If you don't want to learn T-SQL for some reasons, simple move all you query string to database and store in application single query, which purpose is reading SQL code with given query ID from database only.
All tricks with encoding produces a lot of troubles, but don't give any real security because must use reversable encrypting (dictated by the nature of the problem) and all keys for decoding placed in application executable too.

There are "protection" suites that encrypt and/or validate your exe before running. searching for "encrypt exe" or "validate exe" or so will probably help. Usually they are payware, but sub $100.
The principle is the same as an exe packer (and has some of its downsides, like cheaper antivirus heuristics sometimes reacting on them, a slightly elevated memory load), just more focussed on security. A problem is also that for most exe packers, depackers exist.
I use dinkeydongle's wares, but that is a kind that also ties into an hardware dongle, so that might be a bridge to far for you.


SQL Code Push, Tracking and Auditing

Just a bit of background on where my question is coming from: my company has multiple databases across the globe that uses the same schema and once of my department's responsibility is to monitor and make sure all these DBs are in sync from a schema SQL change perspective.
Now, my question is if anyone knows of any Software/tool that has a a Frontend UI which is able to do the following (the lower number the more important to have):
Able to track what SQL code change was applied on which database and when. Basically, if we write a SQL query that changed the structure of a table and we need it applied to 80% or 100% percent of the DBs, either via manual input or some automatic check the tool will tell me that yes, this was indeed applied.
Code distribution tool: we give it the query or a file that contains the code and it's able to push to the Databases it needs to (and create the audit log for that)
Code/object repository: keeps track of what was custom developed and pushed to the databases
I know SSIS might be able to do some of these things, but we need a tool that also has a simple frontend interface that can be accessed by non-IT personnel. (*clarification: we are not planning on giving non-DBA people access to change things, just to the audit aspect of said tool)
I've tried searching the internet, but i have a feeling i'm not using the right vocabulary to get the results i'm looking for.
Hence i wanted to see if the community was aware of any such tool or something similar?
Try searching for one of these two types of systems:
Release/Build/Deployment Automation Complex programs like Serena that have modules for pushing, tracking, and auditing any kind of software, anywhere. These will include all the GUI bells and whistles. But you'll have to deal with extra databases, configuration, agents, workflows, consultants(?), etc. These programs are geared more towards developers.
Remote Execution/Configuration Management Simpler programs like Salt, Fabric, and Ansible that let you run operating system commands anywhere. They don't offer as many features, and you have to do more of the work yourself, but in some ways that's liberating. If you know exactly what commands you want to run you don't need some other program holding your hand. These programs are geared more towards administrators.
From a database administrator's point of view, the main problem with those types of programs is that none of them are relational. Yes they can connect to a database and run a script, but none of them really speak SQL. Their native languages are Java, XML, SSH, etc. There's nothing wrong with those technologies, but if you only care about databases you don't want to deal with all that complexity.
If you're not happy with either of those types of programs I recommend you look at my open source program Method5. It is a remote execution program built as an extension to Oracle SQL. It works entirely inside an Oracle database, so you can install it yourself and won't need any additional websites, agents, configuration files, GUIs, etc.
Based on your comment about getting bogged down by links, and my answer to your question about half a year ago, I think this is the kind of program you were gradually heading towards creating. It took my team a couple thousand hours of developing and testing to get it right so you were probably wise to give up on making your own.
To specifically answer your requirements:
Tracking Changes are stored in an audit trail. But more importantly it has the ability and a pre-built script to compare an unlimited number of schemas, all in one view. At the end of the day what you really want to know is "are my schemas the same", not necessarily "did the same thing get run everywhere?".
Code Distribution If you just have SQL or PL/SQL, deploying it through Method5 is as easy as it can possibly get. Just specify what you want to run, and where you want to run it, like this: select * from table(m5('create index ...', 'dev, qa, prodDB1, prodDB2')); The program does not (yet) run SQL*Plus scripts. But when you have the ability to run SQL and PL/SQL so easily there's little need for SQL*Plus.
Code Repository All executions are stored in a simple table, M5_AUDIT. It contains the code, who ran it, where they ran it, and how they ran it. It wasn't designed to be a repository like SVN but it's good enough for simple auditing and tracking code.
Method5 does not contain a GUI but in some ways I consider that to be a feature. Since everything is done relationally, everything is in a simple table. You can use any of your existing GUIs - Toad, PL/SQL Developer, Excel, Apex, etc. It's a robust back-end solution that will hopefully make a good foundation for easily building a simple front end.

What Database type should I choose for my VB .Net desktop app?

well I need some suggestion from someone who already know what type of database for my application is the best.
I have tried to play with My.Settings type stored data and also MS-Access.
But I was wondering if I will made some Password manager app, and if my database will be installed in C drive of user, if someone will find the database, he could easy open it and see all passwords and datas,
Thank you for suggestion as I really need some help on this question.
I believe the answer here is "it depends"!
All databases have their advantages and disadvantages. The rule that applies here is that depending on the use you want to do, choose respectively.
The strengths of MySQL for example is low cost (free if you ever need community support), the ability to run on any platform but also significant flexibility in remote management.
The MS SQL is also very stable, provides storage processes, transactions and other powerful features. However less cost and simplicity of management with respect to MySQL. Of course Express Edition is a good and sufficient solution for many circumstances.
If you would like a more specific suggestion you must provide us with some more information and features for the application you want to develop.
I'm using the file database SQLite, with SQLite Studio (for Free) and it's great staff, if you don't need robust data storage solution.
Here are some recommendations, how to set password:
Password Protect a SQLite DB. Is it possible?
common SQL,
single file,
simple according to my mind.
and many more.
Database should be password protected
Use Encrypting Strategy to save password
May be below article help you

JSON vs classic schema design [duplicate]

The Project
I've been asked to work on an interesting project -- what amounts to a basic Web CMS -- that uses HTML/CSS/jQuery with PHP. However, one requirement is that there won't be a database to house the data (they want flat files for the documents/pages -- preferable in JSON format).
In a very basic sense, it'll be used to generate HTML pages via a very "non-techie" interface. Each installation would only have around 20 pages, but a few may get up to 100. It has to be fairly easy to drop onto a PHP capable server and run, with very little setup needed.
What's Out There
There are tons of CMS options and quite a few flat file versions. But an OSS or other existing CMS is not an option. They need a simple propriety system.
Initial Thoughts
So flat files it is... but I'd really like to get some feedback on the drawbacks, and if it is worth the effort to try and convince them to use something like MySQL (SQLite or CouchDB are out since none of the servers can be configured to run them at the present time).
Of course the document files are pretty straightforward, but we're also talking about login info for 1 or 2 admins per installation, a few lists, as well as configs/settings (which also can easily be stored in a file with protection).
The Dilemma
If there are benefits to using MySQL rather than JOSN formatted files and some arrays in a simple project like this -- beyond my own pre-conceived notions :) -- I'll be sure to argue them.
But honestly I can't see any that outweigh their need to not have a database system.
I'd appreciate you insight and opinions.
If you can't cite a specific need for relational table design, then you're good with flat files. Build as specified. The moment you can cite a specific need, let them know; upgrading isn't that hard, if you're perception is timely (that is, if you aren;t in the position of having to normalize data that should have been integrated earlier).
It's a shame you can't use CouchDB, this seems like the perfect application for it. Keep in mind that using flat-files severely constrains your architecture and, especially, scalability.
What's the best case scenario for your CMS app? It's successful and people want to use it more? If you're using flat-files it'll be harder to service and improve your system (e.g. make it more robust, and add new features for future versions) and performance will not scale well. So "success" in this case is at best short-lived, as success translates into more and more work for less and less gains in feature-set and performance.
Then again, if the CSM is designed right, then switching between a flat file to RDMS should be as simple as using a different data access file.
Will this be installed on any shared hosting sites. For this to work somewhat safely, a mechanism like suEXEC needs to be set up properly as the web server will need write permissions to various directories.
What would be cool with a simple site that was feed via JSON and jQuery is that the site wouldn't need to load on each click. Just the relevant data would change. You could then use hashes in the location bar to keep track of where you were (ex. http://localhost/#about)
The problem being if they are editing the raw JSON file they can mess it up pretty quick. I think your admin tools would have to generate the JSON files based on the input so that you can ensure nothing breaks. The admin tools would be more entailed then the site (though isn't that always the case with dynamic sites)
What is the predicted data sizes for the CMS?
A large reason for the use of a RDMS is quick,specific access to large amounts of data. The data format might not be large, but if there is a lot of the data, then it might be better in the long run for a RDMS.
Then again, if the CSM is designed right, then switching between a flat file to RDMS should be as simple as using a different data access file.
While an RDBMS may be necessary for a very large CMS, a small one could run off flat files very well. A lot of CMS products out there fall down in that regard, I think, by throwing an RDBMS into the mix when there's no real need.
However, if you are using flat files, there are security issues which others have highlighted. Another issue I've come across is hosting providers using the disable_functions directive in php.ini to disable file I/O functions like fopen() and friends. If you're hosting your CMS on a box you control, you won't have this problem but if you're using a third-party provider, check first.
As the original poster, I wasn't signed in, so I'm following up to the answers so far in an answer (sorry if this is bad form).
There may instances where this is on
a shared host.
Though the JSON files can technically
be edited, this won't be the case.
The admin interface will be robust
enough to do all of the creating/editing of pages
The size for each install will be
relatively small -- 1 - 2 admins,
10-100 pages. A few lists of common
items may run longer (snippets of
copy for example).
Security will be a big issue -- any
other options suggestions on this
Well, isn't there a problem with they being distrustful to any database system? Isn't the problem more in their thinking than in technology? Maybe they are afraid of database because it sounds complex to them. In that case, if you just present them some very simple CMS (like CMS made simple, which I've heard is really simple and the learning process is very fast), if they see everything is easy then may be they just don't care what's behind, if it's a database or whatever!
They could hear to arguments like better maintenance, lower cost of maintenance, much better handover to another webmaster than proprietary solutions (they are not dependent on you) etc.

Is there any 'web-based' sql test environment?

In HTML+CSS+JS world, is very helpful tool for asking / making example about web development. And I also saw several browser(javascript)-based programming language compilers and REPLs. But I can't find online / web-based test environment for database operations( especially for RDBMS ).
Is there any open/free database service with web-based interfaces for testing queries?
Added: This tool will be good for this situation; If I'm troubling with complex queries, then create a sample table via web interface and ask it on stackoverflow with the 'sample table URL'. Anyone can access to the URL and test their queries on web site. (Yes, queries are running on 'real' database system) And also the query results can be tracked, then we can even make 'ranking' for it :)
Try SQL Fiddle.
You can try your SQL query and execute/test it.
There are free "disposable" database servers like db4free and even MonoQL.
As far as the web-based interfaces and short URLs go, I don't think you'll have much luck.
To manage your data you have to stick to what is provided (usually phpMyAdmin or similar) and there is no short-URL to query mapping. One other caveat of such system is that (without the appropriate user permissions) one user could easily destroy all your test data -- and remember that (relational) database versioning is much more expensive than plain text versioning, so that's pretty much out of the question.
For non-RDBMS, I can think of -- but it suffers from the same problems.
Almost forgot, the Stack Exchange Data Explorer, lets you practice T-SQL queries (with permalinks).
PS: As a personal side-note, I think it's a cool idea and I would love to see something like that implemented, perhaps even mashed-up with SchemaBank or similar - that would be just awesome.
You can't really test a query without the right underlying dbms, schemas (or databases), tables, constraints, stored procedures, and permissions, which tend to be highly application specific. (That is, not readily reusable among multiple users.)
Instead, the database world has grown up into database management systems that you can freely download and install locally. Then you can build and populate your own tables, and test your queries however you like.
Most of these come with both a command line interface and some kind of graphical interface. It's not clear to me what a web-based interface would give you that doesn't already exist in one form or another.
I think that, to do what you want, would require commercial licenses for Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, and Sybase. That's a pretty high barrier to entry for a free web site.
Trouble with a web based query analyser is that you'd need to let it 'tunnel' on to your box to run the queries and for many making a development/test box open to the internet is not a possibility.
For a non web based tool you could look at LinqPad - it does Linq & Sql and other stuff too - very handy tool indeed

Languages other than SQL in postgres

I've been using PostgreSQL a little bit lately, and one of the things that I think is cool is that you can use languages other than SQL for scripting functions and whatnot. But when is this actually useful?
For example, the documentation says that the main use for PL/Perl is that it's pretty good at text manipulation. But isn't that more of something that should be programmed into the application?
Secondly, is there any valid reason to use an untrusted language? It seems like making it so that any user can execute any operation would be a bad idea on a production system.
PS. Bonus points if someone can make PL/LOLCODE seem useful.
#Mike: this kind of thinking makes me nervous. I've heard to many times "this should be infinitely portable", but when the question is asked: do you actually foresee that there will be any porting? the answer is: no.
Sticking to the lowest common denominator can really hurt performance, as can the introduction of abstraction layers (ORM's, PHP PDO, etc). My opinion is:
Evaluate realistically if there is a need to support multiple RDBMS's. For example if you are writing an open source web application, chances are that you need to support MySQL and PostgreSQL at least (if not MSSQL and Oracle)
After the evaluation, make the most of the platform you decided upon
And BTW: you are mixing relational with non-relation databases (CouchDB is not a RDBMS comparable with Oracle for example), further exemplifying the point that the perceived need for portability is many times greatly overestimated.
"isn't that [text manipulation] more of something that should be programmed into the application?"
Usually, yes. The generally accepted "three-tier" application design for databases says that your logic should be in the middle tier, between the client and the database. However, sometimes you need some logic in a trigger or need to index on a function, requiring that some code be placed into the database. In that case all the usual "which language should I use?" questions come up.
If you only need a little logic, the most-portable language should probably be used (pl/pgSQL). If you need to do some serious programming though, you might be better off using a more expressive language (maybe pl/ruby). This will always be a judgment call.
"is there any valid reason to use an untrusted language?"
As above, yes. Again, putting direct file access (for example) into your middle tier is best when possible, but if you need to fire things off based on triggers (that might need access to data not available directly to your middle tier), then you need untrusted languages. It's not ideal, and should generally be avoided. And you definitely need to guard access to it.
These days, any "unique" or "cool" feature in a DBMS makes me incredibly nervous. I break out in a rash and have to stop work until the itching goes away.
I just hate to be locked in to a platform unnecessarily. Suppose you build a big chunk of your system in PL/Perl inside the database. Or in C# within SQL Server, or PL/SQL within Oracle, there are plenty of examples*.
Now you suddenly discover that your chosen platform doesn't scale. Or isn't fast enough. Or something. Worse, there's a new kid on the database block (something like MonetDB, CouchDB, Cache, say but much cooler) that would solve all your problems (even if your only problem, like mine, is having an uncool databse platform). And you can't switch to it without recoding half your application.
(*Admittedly, the paid-for products are to some extent seeking to lock you in by persuading you to use their unique features, which is not an accusation that can directly be levelled at the free providers, but the effect is the same).
So that's a rant on the first part of the question. Heart-felt, though.
is there any valid reason to use an
untrusted language? It seems like
making it so that any user can execute
any operation would be a bad idea
My goodness, yes it does! A sort of "Perl injection attack"? Almost worth doing it just to see what happens, I'd have thought.
For philosophical reasons outlined above I think I'll pass on the PL/LOLCODE challenge. Although I was somewhat amazed to discover it was a link to something extant.
From my perspective, I guess the answer is 'it depends'.
There is an argument that manipulation of the data belongs in the database layer, so that the business logic does not need to be overly concerned about how the manipulation happens, it just knows that it has.
Another very good reason to process data on the db layer is if the volume of data being crunched means that network bandwidth will become an issue. I once had to categorise very large amounts of data. Processing this in the application layer was severly restricted by the time required to transfer all the data across the network for processing.
I then wrote a binning algorithm in PL/pgSQL and it worked much faster.
Regarding untrusted languages, I heard a podcast from Josh Berkus (a postgres advocate) who discussed an application of postgresql that brought in data from MySQL as part of its processing, so that the communication itself was handled by the postgres server. I don't remember the full details, I think it was on the FLOSS Weekly podcast which is quite an interesting discussion of the history of PostGRESQL and some of the issues it is put to.
The untrusted versions of the procedural languages allow you to access I/O on the system.
This can come in handy if you need a trigger or something send a email or connect to a socket server to send a popup notification. There are tons of uses for this type of thing, and because of postgresql isolation levels you cans safely do things like this.
You can put checkpoints in the function so if the transaction fails the email or whatever won't go out. The nice thing about doing this is it removes the logic from the client and puts it on the server.
I think most additional languages are offered so that if you develop in that language on a regular basis, you can feel comfortable writing db functions, triggers, etc. The usefulness of these features is to provide a control over data as close to the data as possible.
An example of a useful stored procedure I recently wrote in an external language that would not have been possible in pl/sql is a version of 'df' which allowed SQL table generators to pick a tablespace with the most free space available at runtime.
I used plperlu, and it was relatively simple, although I had to be careful with data typing.