Microsoft Access SQL Date Comparison - sql

I am using Access 2007.
I need to return rows with a date/time field falling within a date range to be specified in query parameters.
The following doesn't error out, but doesn't appear to work.
Likewise this doesn't work for me
How can I get this to work?
Update: Using CDate doesn't seem to make a difference.

Is BLAH the name of a field or a table? As you SELECT BLAH I imagine it names a field, but then BLAH.CREATED_DTG makes no sense -- do you mean FOO.CREATED_DTG perchance?

Does your dates start and end with a #?

also you have <= and >= ... you probably only want = on one of these operators.

Are you sure the CREATED_DTG field is Date format?
Have you tried
WHERE (FOO.CREATED_DTG BETWEEN #01/01/1971# And #07/07/2009#);
(or whatever is appropriate in the way of dates -- the point is, not a parameter query)

Are [START____DTG] and [END____DTG] fields in the table FOO, or are they parameters? If they are parameters, then you need to declare their type in order to get validation of the input values. If so, you should add this before the first line of your SELECT statement:


Replace empty date values with a matching value from the same column?

I have a small query that looks like this:
Center_Summary CS
ORDER BY CS.Import_Date
Which returns values like this:
And I want to replace these "empty" values which are pulling as 01/01/1900 with the value of 05/01/2019. In this case, it's because the ID and Import_Date match, so the Secondary_Date should match as well. I've thought to use REPLACE() (REPLACE(CS.Secondary_Date, '01/01/1900', ???), but I'm not sure how to write logic to pull in a matching value from the column Secondary_Date based on ID and Import_Date - what function should I be looking to use here?
How it's currently pulling (the dates in red I want to replace):
What my expected result is:
Why not just use a UPDATE with a WHERE?
UPDATE dbo.YourTable
SET SecondaryDate = ImportDate
WHERE SecondaryDate = '19000101';
"Empty" values are best represented by NULL. I would recommend converting them to NULL:
nullif(secondary_date, '1900-01-01')
If you really want another value, then you can use coalesce() or a case expression:
coalesce(nullif(secondary_date, '1900-01-01'), '2019-05-01')
However, I'm not generally a fan of such magic values in the code.

sqlldr - how to use if/then logic on a field?

I am loading a particular field that has date values. However, some of them are not complete... for example the values look like this
'2015-02' <--- this is what causes an error
I have tried solving this by combining NULLIF with a LENGTH() function like so, but this is not allowed:
Start_date NULLIF LENGTH(:start_date)<10 to_date .....
this returns the error
Expecting positive integer or column name, found keyword length.
My main objective is to load dates that are of a proper format, and load NULL otherwise. What is the easiest way to do this within the ctl file? Can I avoid creating a custom function?
Say I have a table like this:
create table dateTable(START_DATE date)
and I need to load this file, where I want to insert NULL where the string does not match my pattern
I can add some logic in my ctl file to check the length of the string to load this way:
load data
infile dateTable.csv
into TABLE dateTable
fields enclosed by "'"
( START_DATE "to_date(case when length(:START_DATE) = 10 then :START_DATE end, 'yyyy-mm-dd')"
This simply checks the length of the string, but you can edit it anyway you need to build your own logic; notice that CASE gives NULL when no condition is matched, so this is equivalent to case when length(:START_DATE) = 10 then :START_DATE else NULL end.
This gives the following result:
SQL> select * from dateTable;
In oracle, you can verify a string to make sure that is it valid date or not. Please Check IsDate function.

SQL Query - Greater Than with Text Data Type

I've searched around and couldn't find an answer anywhere.
I'm querying a database that has stored numbers as a VARCHAR2 data type. I'm trying to find numbers that are greater than 1450000 (where BI_SO_NBR > '1450000'), but this doesn't bring back the results I'm expecting.
I'm assuming it's because the value is stored as text and I don't know any way to get around it.
Is there some way to convert the field to a number in my query or some other trick that would work?Hopefully this makes sense.
I'm fairly new to SQL.
Thanks in advance.
If the number is too long to be converted correctly to a number, and it is always an integer with no left padding of zeroes, then you can also do:
where length(BI_SO_NBR) > length('1450000') or
(length(BI_SO_NBR) = length('1450000') and
BI_SO_NBR > '1450000'
You can try to use like this:
where to_number(BI_SO_NBR) > 1450000
Assuming you are using Oracle database. Also check To_Number function
You can try this(after OP commented that it worked):
where COALESCE(TO_NUMBER(REGEXP_SUBSTR(BI_SO_NBR, '^\d+(\.\d+)?')), 0) > 1450000
If you are talking about Oracle, then:
where to_number(bi_so_nbr) > 1450000
However, there are 2 issues with this:
1. if there is any value in bi_so_nbr that cannot be converted to a number, this can result in an error
2. the query will not use an index on bi_so_nbr, if there is one. You could solve this by creating a function based index, but converting the varchar2 to number would be a better solution.

Search Through All Between Values SQL

I have data following data structure..
7003 99210 99217
7003 10225 10324
7003 111111
I want to look through every _BEGIN and _END and return all rows where the input value is between the range of values including the values themselves (i.e. if 10324 is the input, row 2 would be returned)
I have tried this filter but it does not work..
where #theInput between a._BEGIN and a._END
where convert(char(7),'10400') >= convert(char(7),a._BEGIN)
AND convert(char(7),'10400') < convert(char(7),a._END)
Less than < and greater than > operators work on xCHAR data types without any syntactical error, but it may go semantically wrong. Look at examples:
1 - SELECT 'ab' BETWEEN 'aa' AND 'ac' # returns TRUE
2 - SELECT '2' BETWEEN '1' AND '10' # returns FALSE
Character 2 as being stored in a xCHAR type has greater value than 1xxxxx
So you should CAST types here. [Exampled on MySQL - For standard compatibility change UNSIGNED to INTEGER]
You'd better change the types of columns to avoid ambiguity for later use.
This would be the obvious answer...
WHERE #theInput between a._BEGIN and a._END
If the data is string (assuming here as we don't know what DB) You could add this.
Declare #searchArg VARCHAR(30) = CAST(#theInput as VARCHAR(30));
WHERE #searchArg between a._BEGIN and a._END
If you care about performance and you've got a lot of data and indexes you won't want to include function calls on the column values.. you could in-line this conversion but this assures that your predicates are Sargable.
(CAST(#theInput AS char) >= a._BEGIN AND #theInput < a.END);
I also saw several of the same type of questions:
SQL "between" not inclusive
MySQL "between" clause not inclusive?
When I do queries like this, I usually try one side with the greater/less than on either side and work from there. Maybe that can help. I'm very slow, but I do lots of trial and error.
Or, use Tony's convert.
I supposed you can convert them to anything appropriate for your program, numeric or text.
Also, see here,
I am not convinced you cannot do your CAST in the SELECT.
Nick, here is a MySQL version from SO, MySQL "between" clause not inclusive?

SQL Select to keep out fields that are NULL

I am trying to connect a Filemaker DB to Firebird SQL DB in both ways import to FM and export back to Firebird DB.
So far it works using the MBS Plug-in but FM 13 Pro canot handle NULL.
That means that for example Timestamp fields that are empty (NULL) produce a "0" value.
Thats means in Time something like 01.01.1889 00:00:00.
So my idea was to simply ignore fields containing NULL.
But here my poor knowlege stops.
First I thought I can do this with WHERE, but this is ignoring whole records sets:
Also I tried to filter it later on like this:
If (IsEmpty (MBS("SQL.GetFieldAsDateTime"; $command; "FIELD") ) = 0 ; MBS("SQL.GetFieldAsDateTime"; $command; "FIELD"))
With no result either.
This is a direct answer to halfbit's suggestion, which is correct but not for this SQL dialect. In a query to provide a replacement value when a field is NULL you need to use COALESCE(x,y). Where if X is null, Y will be used, and if Y is null then the field is NULL. Thats why it is common for me to use it like COALESCE(table.field,'') such that a constant is always outputted if table.field happens to be NULL.
select COALESCE(null,'Hello') as stackoverflow from rdb$database
You can use COALESCE() for more than two arguments, I just used two for conciseness.
I dont know the special SQL dialect, but
SELECT field1, field2, value(field, 0), ...FROM TABLE
should help you:
value gives the first argument, ie, your field if it is NOT NULL or the second argument if it is.