How can I connect to an external database from a sql statement or a stored procedure? - sql

When running a SQL statement or a stored procedure on a database, can you connect to an external database and pull data from there?
something like:
SELECT a.UserID, b.DataIWantToGet
FROM mydb.Users as a, externaldb.Data as b

You'll need to setup a Linked Server instance. Then you can reference the external database as though it were a SQL Server database.

Yep -- there's two methods: either use the function OPENROWSET, or use linked servers. OPENROWSET is useful for ad-hoc single statements, but if you're going to be doing this regularly, read up on linked servers as they allow you to do exactly what you've specified in your SQL Statement ... e.g.,
SELECT database.owner.table for local data
SELECT server.database.owner.table for remote data
And yes, you can mix and match to do joins twixt local and remote. Note though that you'll need to be caureul if you do joins against large tables that exist on the remote server as the query could take a long time to exexute...

Yes, you can. You should take a look at linked servers for starters. You can also use OPENROWSET to hit them directly with no linked server.

Easiest way :
Click connect to server
when it asks for server name use:
(The ip and opened port of target sql server)
Type correct username and password


SQL Server linked-server - cannot see all of the rows in target server's database table

I can't see all of the rows in the linked-server's tables. So if I run select count(*) from cmrez.dbo.reservations on the target server itself it returns 809472, but if I run the same query from a remote (linked) server I only get 78324. What's up with that!?
I seem to have come up with a solution. The target server supports mixed-mode logins, so I created a new login and I specify for the linked server to use that login and it appears to work. I don't know why I couldn't use pass-through security, but that doesn't matter as long as it works ;-).

Sql: export database using TSQL

I have database connection to database DB1. The only thing I could do - execute any t-sql statements including using stored procedures. I want to export the specific table (or even the specific rows of specific table) to my local database. As you can read abve, DBs are on diffrent servers meaning no direct connection is possible. Therefore question: Is it possible to write query that returns the other query to execute on local server and get data? Also note, that table contains BLOBs. Thanks.
If you have SQL Server Management Studio, you can use the data import function on your local database to get the data. It works as long as you have Read/Select access on the tables you are trying to copy.
If you have Visual Studio you can use the database tools in there to move data between two servers as long as you can connect to both from your workstation.
Needs Ultimate or Premium though:
RedGate has some usefull tools too:
Maybe you should ask at instead.
If you can login to the remote db (where you can only issue t-sql), you may create linked server on your local server to the remote and use it later directly in queries, like:
select * from [LinkedServerName].[DatabaseName].[SchemaName].[TableName]

SQL Server 2005 Linked server not finding tables

I have a linked server where I can clearly see all the databases and tables, so I know the server is properly linked. However, when I try to execute a query, it says invalid object name, at the linked server's table.
The linked server is aliased as TCS, therefore, my query takes that table as
FROM [TCS].dbo.table as b
I have also tried including the database name also as FROM [TCS\db1].dbo.table.
What am I missing here?
Try including the DB name like so:
FROM [TCS].db1.dbo.table as b
I don't think you can specify the DB using a slash.
I would also check to make sure your security settings for the linked server are allowing your account to connect. This article touches on how to do that.
the user (used for the link) doesn't have access to the table; Grant access;
the default DB on the server doesn't have the table. You have to change it to the relevant one or included in the db in the name: [TCS].DATABASE.dbo.table as b;

SQL Server: is it possible to get data from another SQL server without setting linked server?

I need to do the following query (for example):
SELECT c1.CustomerName FROM Customer as c1
INNER JOIN [ExternalServer].[Database].[dbo].[Customer] as c2
ON c2.RefId = c1.RefId
For some security reason my client doesn't allow me to create a linked server. The user under whom I execute this query has access to both tables. Is it possible to make it work without using linked server? Thanks.
You could use OPENROWSET, which'll require the connection info, username & password...
While I understand that the client believes that having an always-on connection to their data is risky, that's why you lock down the account. OPENROWSET means including the connection info in plain text.
'Linked Server' is a very specific thing -- basically, a permanent connection between servers. I can think of all sorts of reasons not to want that, while at the same time having no problem with folks writing queries that combine data from the two different data sources.
Anyway, depending on your requirement -- if this is just for ad hoc querying, OPENROWSET is good if inside of SQL-Server, or if you want to do this in MS Access, just link to the two tables, and your Access query won't care that one comes from one server, and one comes from another.
Alternatively, with a web or windows front-end, you could indpendently query each table into a data object, and then build a separate query on top of that.
Http Endpoints...
There's a million ways. I wouldn't be so quick to assume, as #Lasse suggests, that any form of 'linking' this data together would make you some kind of rougue data linker.

how to access table across multiple data server

I have two Sysbase servers , server1 and server2 . I have a stored procedure declared and running on server1. In that SP i want to access table from server2. How can i do that? Also my both instances are running in a UNIX box
You can do that, read more about "Proxy tables" at Sybase Infocenter (search for: create proxy_table statement) Afaik, there has to be remote server declared as well. I think it's documented well.
First, create a 'Remote Server' in the database that has the stored procedure.
You will need to tell it what the 'Server Type' is and how to connect (ODBC, for instance), then in the connection information, you can simply put the DSN name.
Now, you can create proxy tables to reference tables in your other server.
Try using the four part name. See here: