NHibernate Linq uses implicit transaction? - nhibernate

I'm using Ayende's NHibernate Linq version 2.1.2, available here, and when I use NHProf to inspect queries that use this method:
public IQueryable<T> GetAll()
return Session.Linq<T>();
It gives me the warning that I'm using an implicit transaction. Problem is, I'm using this in a repository to abstract out the database session, but I still want the flexibility of returning an IQueryable so I can run any Linq query I want. Is there a way to explicitly wrap the Session.Linq<T>() in a transaction without exposing it, or should I just ignore the warning in this case?
A little more background. I'm using the method like so:
var repo = new Repository();
var animals = repo.GetAll<Animal>().Where(x => x.Size > 100);

NHProf's message is actually not related to your repository implementation. It's just pointing out that you are running your query outside a transaction, which can be a source of problems.
Ayende explains this in a blog post: NH Prof Alerts: Use of implicit transactions is discouraged
You should manage your transactions from a higher level in your application. There are several ways to do this while using repositories, have a look at unhaddins

I had a very similar problem which I solved quite simply.
I created a LinqClass within my repository returned by my Linq method
public virtual LinqClass Linq()
return new LinqClass(Session, LinqSource());
public class LinqClass : IDisposable
public LinqClass(ISession session, IQueryable<T> linqSource)
_linq = linqSource;
_transaction = session.BeginTransaction();
private readonly IQueryable<T> _linq;
private readonly ITransaction _transaction;
public IQueryable<T> Linq
get { return _linq; }
public void Dispose()
I could then wrap my linq statements up in a using block
using (var linq = Linq())
var versions = from t in linq.Linq
where t.BaseName == BaseName
orderby t.Version descending
select t.Version;
return versions.Take(1).SingleOrDefault();
and even if returning data from the middle of it, the transaction commit is still called. No more implicit transactions. Obviously this example is for NHibernate, but it should work similarly for other things.

I'm pretty sure you can ingnore this warning.
Can you see the transaction in NHProf?


How would I alter the SQL that Linq-to-Nhibernate generates for specific columns?

To take advantage of Full text indexing on MariaDB 10, I need to use this new "MATCH AGAINST" syntax in the sql string.
I think it would be really cool if, for certain columns only, I could override linq-to-nhibernate to change the sql it generates when I use
.Where(x => FullTextIndexedStringProperty.Contains("Some word")).ToList().
Who can give me some general directions on how to get started?
This will get you a very simple MATCH ... AGAINST clause. If you want to get more complex (more arguments, specifying the search modifier), you'll have to make some bigger changes. Hopefully this will get you started though:
Create a new dialect and register a simple MATCH (...) AGAINST (...) function:
public class CustomMySQLDialect : MySQLDialect
public CustomMySQLDialect()
new SQLFunctionTemplate(
"match (?1) against (?2)"));
Create a static extension method on string that you'll use in LINQ statements:
public static class LinqExtensions
public static bool MatchAgainst(this string source, string against)
throw new NotImplementedException();
Create a new LINQ to HQL generator class that associates the method with the SQL function we registered in the custom dialect:
public class MatchAgainstGenerator : BaseHqlGeneratorForMethod
public MatchAgainstGenerator()
this.SupportedMethods = new[]
ReflectionHelper.GetMethod(() => LinqExtensions.MatchAgainst(null, null))
public override HqlTreeNode BuildHql(
MethodInfo method,
System.Linq.Expressions.Expression targetObject,
ReadOnlyCollection<System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> arguments,
HqlTreeBuilder treeBuilder,
IHqlExpressionVisitor visitor)
return treeBuilder.BooleanMethodCall(
Create a custom LinqToHqlGeneratorsRegistry:
public class MyLinqToHqlRegistry : DefaultLinqToHqlGeneratorsRegistry
public MyLinqToHqlRegistry()
var generator = new MatchAgainstGenerator();
RegisterGenerator(typeof(LinqExtensions).GetMethod("MatchAgainst"), generator);
Use your custom dialect, and Linq to HQL registry either in your cfg.xml file or in code:
var cfg = new Configuration()
.DataBaseIntegration(db =>
Finally, use your extension method in a LINQ-to-NHibernate query:
.Where(a => a.Body.MatchAgainst("configured"))
This will generate SQL that looks like this:
userquery_0_.Id as Id51_,
userquery_0_.Title as Title51_,
userquery_0_.Body as Body51_
articles userquery_0_
match (userquery_0_.Body) against ('configured');
Again, this won't help if you have more complicated requirements. But hopefully this is at least a good starting point.
In case anyone is curious about how to make this support more complex scenarios, here are the problems I think you'd run into:
Separating the arguments to MATCH from those to AGAINST.
Registering a custom SQL function with NHibernate that can take an arbitrary number of arguments in different places
Creating the correct HQL even after solving the two issues above.

Linq repository and GetTable<T>()

I'm following the fairly standard L2S repository pattern, using the following as one of the methods
public IEnumerable<T> GetAllByFilter(Func<T, bool> expression)
return _dataContext.GetTable<T>().Where(expression);
I'm a bit miffed to see that the call to GetTable appears to literally get the table, with the Where expression presumably evaluated in-memory afterwards.
So a simple call like
var order = GetAllByFilter(o => o.OrderNumber == 1);
which should only ever return one record, is fetching the entire 50000 record database.
Is Linq normally this bad? Or am I missing something?
public IEnumerable<T> GetAllByFilter(Func<T, bool> expression)
return _dataContext.GetTable<T>().Where(expression);
public IQueryable<T> GetAllByFilter(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression)
return _dataContext.GetTable<T>().Where(expression);
This will use Queryable (i.e. SQL) instead of Enumerable (i.e. local) and therefore will perform much better.

Correct use of the NHibernate Unit Of Work pattern and Ninject

I have the following implementation and would like some feedback as to whether it makes correct use of NHibernate for sessions and transactions.
public interface IUnitOfWork : IDisposable
ISession CurrentSession { get; }
void Commit();
void Rollback();
public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
private readonly ISessionFactory _sessionFactory;
private readonly ITransaction _transaction;
public UnitOfWork(ISessionFactory sessionFactory)
_sessionFactory = sessionFactory;
CurrentSession = _sessionFactory.OpenSession();
_transaction = CurrentSession.BeginTransaction();
public ISession CurrentSession { get; private set; }
public void Dispose()
CurrentSession = null;
public void Commit()
public void Rollback()
if (_transaction.IsActive) _transaction.Rollback();
Ninject binding
Here is an example of the usage:
public class Repository : IRepository
private readonly ISessionFactory _sessionFactory;
public Repository(ISessionFactory sessionFactory)
_sessionFactory = sessionFactory;
public void Add(IObj obj)
using (var unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(_sessionFactory))
In my previous implementation I would inject IUnitOfWork into my repository constructor like so
public Repository(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
But the Dispose() method would not execute causing a subsequent call to throw this exception: "Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'AdoTransaction'."
First observation: your repository should not commit the unit of work. This defeats the whole point of the unit of work pattern. By immediately saving your changes inside the repository, you're "micro managing" the NHibernate Session.
The unit of work should be referenced higher up the stack, in your application/service layer. This allows you to have application code that performs several actions, potentially on different repositories, and still at the end commit everything at once.
The UnitOfWork class itself looks Ok, though you should ask yourself if you really need it. In NHibernate, the ISession IS your unit of work. Your UnitOfWork class does not seem to add a lot of value (especially since you're exposing the CurrentSession property anyway)
But you do need to think about it's lifetime. I think you have it wrong on this point. Session lifetime management depends on the type of application you're developing: in a web app, you typically want to have a unit of work per request (you might want to google on 'nhibernate session per request'). In a desktop app it's slightly more complicated, you will most of the time want a 'session per screen' or 'conversation per business transaction'.
I have a mostly CRUD type of application, and I implemented the Unit Of Work with Repository pattern, but couldn't really get away from the Session/Transaction split. Sessions and Transactions need different lifetimes. In the desktop world, a Session is usually "per-screen" and a Transaction is "per-user-action".
More information in this excellent article.
So what I ended up with was:
IUnitOfWork -> Wraps session, implements IDisposable
IAtomicUnitOfWork -> Wraps transaction, implements IDisposable
IRepository -> Provides Get, Save, Delete and query access
I made it so that you need an IUnitOfWork to build an IAtomicUnitOfWork and you need an IAtomicUnitOfWork to build an IRepository, so that enforces proper transaction management. That's really all I gained by implementing my own interfaces.
As jeroenh said, you are almost just as well to use ISession and ITransaction but in the end I felt a little better writing all my code against an interface that I defined.
An important part of the answer lies in what you want your transaction sizes to be. Right now (as jeroenh has indicated) the transaction is per method invocation on your repository. This is very small and probably not needed. I created an ASP.MVC application and it uses a transaction size that included everything from a single http request. This could be multiple database reads/updates. I am using the same unit of work and Ninject for IOC. Take a look, maybe something will help with your issues:
Hope this helps.

Castle ActiveRecord: TransactionScope

Just a quick question about usage of TransactionScope in ActiveRecord. Is this something that is used and works or do people use some other method of handling transactions. I am not familiar, and I am not working with AC but I am thinking about adopting SessionScope and TransactionScope for my project, and was just wondering what people think about it.
If you can use Windsor, I recommend using the ActiveRecordIntegration facility in combination with the Automatic Transaction Management Facility which allows you to apply transactions declaratively, e.g.:
using Castle.Services.Transaction;
public class BusinessClass
public void Load(int id)
// note the "virtual"
public virtual void Save(Data data)

Using nHibernate and the repository pattern, need some direction

Ok so I 'm just getting into nhibernate (using fluent).
One thing that I love about it is that I can use the Repository pattern (read about it from the nhibernate rhino blog).
Basically using generics, I can create methods that will work accross ALL my database tables.
public interface IRepository<T>
T GetById(int id);
ICollection<T> FindAll();
void Add(T entity);
void Remove(T entity);
public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T>
public ISession Session
return SessionProvider.GetSession();
public T GetById(int id)
return Session.Get<T>(id);
public ICollection<T> FindAll()
return Session.CreateCriteria(typeof(T)).List<T>();
public void Add(T t)
public void Remove(T t)
I then inherit the Repository class and I can then add methods that are specific to that entity.
When trying to add an Update method, someone mentioned that the Repository pattern is suppose to act on collections? Am I looking at things incorrectly here? Why can't I create an update method?
I tried adding a update method, but I'm confused as to how I will handle the session and update the database?
I want a single place for all my database access for each entity, so UserRepository will have all basic CRUD and then maybe some other methods like GetUserByEmail() etc.
Don't use the repository pattern - use the UnitOfWork pattern instead, and pass defined query ICriteria to the ISession. Essentially the Repo pattern is wrapping something that doesn't need to be wrapped with NH.
see http://ayende.com/Blog/archive/2009/04/17/repository-is-the-new-singleton.aspx for more info
Perhaps you misheard or someone mispoke - the Repository pattern is supposed to expose collection like behavior, not operate on collections. Just like you can add, remove and search for items in a collection, your repository offers save, delete and search operations that work against your database.
I suggest you download the code for S#arp Architecture. It includes a repository implementation that you can reuse quite easily. If you don't want to take the dependency, at the very least you can spend some time studying their implementation to give you a better idea of how to approach it yourself.