How to delete unique index referenced by foreign keys? - sql

I have a table, let's call it Users. This table has primary key called Id. Despite having Id as primary key (unique clustered), it has other index (unique nonclustered) on the same column(Id).
I would like to drop this constraint, but foreign keys reference this unique nonclustered index and I get The constraint ... is being referenced by table... error.
What is the best way to drop such index? Do you have any scripts that drop, do something, and recreate foreign key on specific column in specific table? There is a lot of foreign keys, so it would be nice if I could do it automatically. I could use INFORMATION_SCHEMA and other system object to extract information about these keys, but I don't want to write, what have already been written or can be done in other way.

In order to drop a nonclustered index that is referenced by a foreign key you must furst drop the foreign key constraint.
Take a look at the following scrips available from a poster over at SQL Server Central. They may require some tweaking for your "exact" requirements however they provide the basis for scripting out and then subsequently rebuilding foreign keys.
Scrip out Foreign Keys

The two-index approach can make sense:
The second index is probably much smaller than the clustered index, and would more easily fit into memory
The second index might include a selection of columns that benefit specific queries
For dropping the second index, you'll have to drop all foreign keys that refer to it first. Here is a link to the script I use to drop & recreate foreign keys.


Indexes In Postgres

So i am trying to wrap my head around what indexes in postgresql, I have understood so far that indexes help for faster querying and that all primary keys have an index, I was wondering if all foreign keys(referring to a primary key of another table) should also have an index or is it just the attributes in a table that we are querying that need indexes?
Indexes should be based primarily on queries that are being used. If you are going to be filtering or aggregating or sorting by the foreign key, then it is sensible as an index.
The other use is using indexes to enforce unique constraints.
In other words, there is no rule that foreign keys should always be indexed. It is often a good idea, but that depends on the queries you want to run.
It is not mandatory to index the foreign key. But if you ever delete from the referenced table, or update it in a way that changes the primary key, then it will have to search for rows in the referencing table by the foreign key column to make sure it will be left with no violations (or to set them to null, or delete them, depending on what action was defined in the foreign key). Without an index on the foreign key column this will likely be slow.
Also, it is likely you will want to run queries like "Show me all the detail rows of this master row", and without a index that will also be slow.
If you never delete from the referenced table and never run that kind of query, then you probably do not need the index.

SQL: Failed to add the Foreign Key

I am currently using PopSQL for my school project. Can someone help me with this problem?
The error message is self-explanatory. You need an index on the column that the foreign key refers to.
So, do create it:
create index idx_section_sectno on section(sectno):
Also, you might want to read the MySQL documentation for foreign key constraints:
MySQL requires indexes on foreign keys and referenced keys so that foreign key checks can be fast and not require a table scan.
Other conditions apply to forein keys that you want to be aware of.

Do I need to create indexes on foreign keys on Oracle?

I have a table A and a table B. A has a foreign key to B on B's primary key, B_ID.
For some reason (I know there are legitimate reasons) it is not using an index when I join these two tables on the key.
Do I need to separately create an index on A.B_ID or should the existence of a foreign key provide that?
The foreign key constraint alone does not provide the index on Oracle - one must (and should) be created.
Creating a foreign key does not automatically create an index on A.B_ID. So it would generally make sense from a query performance perspective to create a separate index on A.B_ID.
If you ever delete rows in B, you definitely want A.B_ID to be indexed. Otherwise, Oracle will have to do a full table scan on A every time you delete a row from B to make sure that there are no orphaned records (depending on the Oracle version, there may be additional locking implications as well, but those are diminished in more recent Oracle versions).
Just for more info: Oracle doesn't create an index automatically (as it does for unique constraints) because (a) it is not required to enforce the constraint, and (b) in some cases you don't need one.
Most of the time, however, you will want to create an index (in fact, in Oracle Apex there's a report of "unindexed foreign keys").
Whenever the application needs to be able to delete a row in the parent table, or update the PK value (which is rarer), the DML will suffer if no index exists, because it will have to lock the entire child table.
A case where I usually choose not to add an index is where the FK is to a "static data" table that defines the domain of a column (e.g. a table of status codes), where updates and deletes on the parent table are never done directly by the application. However, if adding an index on the column gives benefits to important queries in the application, then the index will still be a good idea.
SQL Server has never put indexes onto foreign key columns automatically - check out Kim Tripp's excellent blog post on the background and history of this urban myth.
It's usually a good idea to index your foreign key columns, however - so yes, I would recommend making sure each FK column is backed up by an index; not necessarily on that one column alone - maybe it can make sense to create an index on two or three columns with the FK column as the first one in there. Depends on your scenario and your data.
For performance reasons an index should be created. Is used in delete operations on primary table (to check that the record you are deleting is not used) and in joins that usually a foreign key is involved. Only few tables (I do not create them in logs) could be that do not need the index but probably, in this cases probably you don't need the foreign key constraint as well.
There are some databases that already automatically create indexes on foreign Keys.
Jet Engine (Microsoft Access Files)
SQL Server
As with anything relating to performance, it depends on many factors and there is no silve bullet e.g. in a very high activilty environment the maintainance of an index may be unacceptable.
Most salient here would seem to be selectivity: if the values in the index would be highly duplicated then it may give better performance to drop the index (if possible) and allow a table scan.
UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, and FOREIGN KEY constraints generate indexes that enforce or "back" the constraint (and are sometimes called backing indexes). PRIMARY KEY constraints generate unique indexes. FOREIGN KEY constraints generate non-unique indexes. UNIQUE constraints generate unique indexes if all the columns are non-nullable, and they generate non-unique indexes if one or more columns are nullable. Therefore, if a column or set of columns has a UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, or FOREIGN KEY constraint on it, you do not need to create an index on those columns for performance.

Does creating a FK automatically index the column?

I am using mySQL 5.1 and am wondering, is it necessary to add CREATE INDEX syntax on a column after you have defined it in a FK relationship. Common sense tells me that if a column is a key (foreign or otherwise), then it needs to be indexed - but you never know ...
Do I have to EXPLICITLY create an index on my FK - or does creating an FK implicitly creates an index on the column ?
Quoting this page of the MySQL manual : FOREIGN KEY Constraints :
InnoDB requires indexes on foreign
keys and referenced keys so that
foreign key checks can be fast and not
require a table scan. In the
referencing table, there must be an
index where the foreign key columns
are listed as the first columns in the
same order. Such an index is
created on the referencing table
automatically if it does not exist.

How do I clear a table with a lot of references in oracle?

For instance, suppose I have table A. Then I have tables B-Z that have a foreign key to table A's primary key. Then perhaps there are also some tables that have a foreign key constraint to a table in B-Z's primary key constraint. Is there any easy way to clear out table A and all of the tables that refer to A (or that refer to a table that refers to A) without having to explicitly delete from each table or add an ON CASCADE constraint to each foreign key?
Note that this is mainly for testing purposes, not to be used in production. I would just drop the entire schema and start over again, but that simply isn't feasible for every test (considering how long it takes to build the schema).
I think the most efficient way to do this would be to drop all the FK's, truncate the tables, and then rebuild the FK's.