how to write the store procedure for searching (CSV)? - sql-server-2005

how can i write the store procedure for searching particular string in a column of table, for given set of strings (CSV string).
like : select * from xxx where tags like ('oscar','rahman','slumdog')
how can i write the procedure for that combination of tags.

To create a comma seperated string...
You could then apply this list to Oded example to create the LIKE parts of the WHERE cluase on the fly.
DECLARE #pos int, #curruntLocation char(20), #input varchar(2048)
SELECT #pos=0
SELECT #input = 'oscar,rahman,slumdog'
SELECT #input = #input + ','
CREATE TABLE #tempTable (temp varchar(100) )
WHILE CHARINDEX(',',#input) > 0
SELECT #pos=CHARINDEX(',',#input)
SELECT #curruntLocation = RTRIM(LTRIM(SUBSTRING(#input,1,#pos-1)))
INSERT INTO #tempTable (temp) VALUES (#curruntLocation)
SELECT #input=SUBSTRING(#input,#pos+1,2048)
SELECT * FROM #tempTable
DR0P TABLE #tempTable

First off, the use of like for exact matches is sub-optimal. Might as well use =, and if doing so, you can use the IN syntax:
select * from xxx
where tags IN ('oscar', 'rahman', 'slumdog')
I am guessing you are not looking for an exact match, but for any record where the tags field contains all of the tags.
This would be something like this:
select * from xxx
where tags like '%oscar%'
and tags like '%rahman%'
and tags like '%slumdog%'
This would be not be very fast or performant though.
Think about moving this kind of logic into your application, where it is faster and easier to do.
Following the comments - there are lots of examples on how to parse delimited strings out there. You can put these in a table and use dynamic sql to generate your query.
But, this will have bad performance and SQL Server will not be able to cache query plans for this kind of thing. As I said above - think about moving this kind of logic to application level.


SQL: SELECT number text base on a number

Background: I have an SQL database that contain a column (foo) of a text type and not integer. In the column I store integer in a text form.
Question: Is it possible to SELECT the row that contains (in foo column) number greater/lesser than n?
PS: I have a very good reason to store them as text form. Please refrain from commenting on that.
Update: (Forgot to mention) I am storing it in SQLite3.
FROM Table
WHERE CAST(foo as int)>#n
select *
from tableName
where cast(textColumn as int) > 5
A simple CAST in the WHERE clause will work as long as you are sure that the data in the foo column is going to properly convert to an integer. If not, your SELECT statement will throw an error. I would suggest you add an extra step here and take out the non-numeric characters before casting the field to an int. Here is a link on how to do something similar:
The only real modification you would need to do on this function would be to change the following lines:
PATINDEX('%[^0-9A-Za-z]%', #string)
PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', #string)
The results from that UDF should then be castable to an int without it throwing an error. It will further slow down your query, but it will be safer. You could even put your CAST inside the UDF and make it one call. The final UDF would look like this:
#string VARCHAR(8000)
SET #IncorrectCharLoc = PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', #string)
WHILE #IncorrectCharLoc > 0
SET #string = STUFF(#string, #IncorrectCharLoc, 1, '')
SET #IncorrectCharLoc = PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', #string)
SET #string = #string
RETURN CAST(#string as int)
Your final SELECT statement would look something like this:
FROM Table
WHERE UDF_ParseAlphaChars(Foo) > 5
Based upon the new information that the database is SQLite, the above probably won't work directly. I don't believe SQLite has native support for UDFs. You might be able to create a type of UDF using your programming language of choice (like this:
The other option I see to safely get all of your data (an IsNumeric would exclude certain rows from your results, which might not be what you want) would probably be to create an extra column that has the int representation of the string. It is a little more dangerous in that you need to keep two fields in sync, but it will allow you to quickly sort and filter the table data.
FROM Table
WHERE CAST(foo as int) > 2000

Complex query filter using Like() in T-SQL

I'm writing a SQL script that we want our accounting team to be able to edit, without dealing with engineering.
The general idea is to have a .sql script, which defines some variables at the top of the query, and then has several complex queries below it that use those variables.
The problem we have is that we want the accounting team to be able to specify the filter to use. For example:
DECLARE #filter VARCHAR(30);
SET #year = 2010
SET #month = 7
SET #filter = '%test%'
Here the team can change the month and the year that the subsequent queries return. They can also define ONE filter element, in this example, excluding any records where the username has the string 'test' in it.
My question is whether or not there is a way to specify OR's to a LIKE(). Eg, ideally we'd have the #filter variable as something like '%test%, or %other%. Now I know that's not real syntax, but I'm wondering if there is syntax that lets me achieve that. I've scowered MSDN on the LIKE() syntax with no joy. Should I use some different query expression?
Probably the simplest thing to do would be to just have multiple parameters, though it's not pretty:
SET #filter_1 = '%test%'
SET #filter_2 = '%foo%'
SET #filter_3 = '%'
SET #filter_4 = '%'
WHERE var LIKE #filter_1
OR var LIKE #filter_2
OR var LIKE #filter_3
OR var LIKE #filter_4
OR var LIKE #filter_5
By defaulting them to %, they will always match by default.
You could also use dynamic SQL and a local table variable. Basically, create a local table with one column, allow them to change the INSERT statements into that table, then define a loop that iterates over the contents of that table to dynamically generate the LIKE clauses. It would work, but it would be a bit more code. The example above is quick and dirty, but I'd guess it's probably sufficient for what you need to do.
I'd use a join with a LIKE predicate. You can execute the following code sample in a query window to see how this works:
(sFilter nvarchar(MAX) NOT NULL);
INSERT #tblFilter
SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('%one%'), ('%two%'), ('%three%')) v(s);
sData nvarchar(MAX));
INSERT #tblData(sData)
SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('one'), ('two three'), ('four')) v(s);
FROM #tblData d
JOIN #tblFilter f ON d.sData LIKE f.sFilter;
I assume that the different query strings are in the #tblFilter table, which could be a TVP, coming from XML values, from comma-separated values, from a temp table or whatever.

SQL query like filter

I need to execute a search query in SQL Server where I need to filter out data based upon an user input textfield.
The problem is, this query needs to be executed on several tables (so I only know the tablecolumns at runtime).
This is the query I have:
SELECT * FROM [BTcegeka.C2M].[dbo].[Lookup_Country] WHERE Name LIke '%test%'
Now the problem is I need to do the Like function on every column (I only know the columnname at runtime) in the table. I am calling this query from an ASP.NET website. The user selects a table from a dropdownlist and can then enter the search field.
This is what I really want to accomplish:
SELECT * FROM [BTcegeka.C2M].[dbo].[Lookup_Country] WHERE * LIke '%test%'
Obviously 'Where * Like' Fails. How can I accomplish this?
You can query all columns in a table like:
select name from sys.columns where object_id = object_id('YourTable')
Then you can construct a query that does a like for each column.
Another approach is to create a calculated column called SearchField that contains a concatenation of all strings you'd like to search for. Then you can search like:
create table #tmp (id int identity, col1 varchar(10), col2 varchar(10),
SearchField as col1 + '|' + col2 persisted)
insert #tmp (col1, col2) values
('alfa', 'beta'),
('gamma', 'DELTA'),
('GAMMA', 'delta')
select * from #tmp where SearchField like '%alfa%'
Try using your SQL query like this.
SELECT * FROM [BTcegeka.C2M].[dbo].[Lookup_Country]
COL1 LIke '%test%'
OR COL2 LIke '%test%'
OR COL3 LIke '%test%'
You may use AND instead of OR if your requirement needs that.
If you know the column names at run time, then you should build you query in .NET before passing it to sql. You can build it with the correct column name. This way you can account also for the type of the column you search in.
Careful though this path you chose is prone to SQL injection so before sending a query to the SQL you should check it.
If you really need to do this you can search in sqlserver meta tables and find the description of selected user table. Make a good use of this data is easy and you can make any sql you want with this information, but performance may not the that good
you have to use dynamic sql for implementing this. Your column name needs to be passed as parameter to this stored procedure or if you dont want to create stored procedure just declare one paramter and assign the value selected from the drop down list to it and use that in the query.
create procedure sp_dynamicColumn
#columnName varchar(10)
declare #DYNAMICSQL nvarchar(4000);
SET #DYNAMICSQL = 'Select * from [BTcegeka.C2M].[dbo].[Lookup_Country] where '+ #columnName + ' like ''%test%'''

SQL Server - Replacing Single Quotes and Using IN

I am passing a comma-delimited list of values into a stored procedure. I need to execute a query to see if the ID of an entity is in the comma-delimited list. Unfortunately, I think I do not understand something.
When I execute the following stored procedure:
exec dbo.myStoredProcedure #myFilter=N'1, 2, 3, 4'
I receive the following error:
"Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '1, 2, 3, 4' to data type int."
My stored procedure is fairly basic. It looks like this:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[myStoredProcedure]
#myFilter nvarchar(512) = NULL
-- Remove the quote marks so the filter will work with the "IN" statement
SELECT #myFilter = REPLACE(#myFilter, '''', '')
-- Execute the query
MyTable t
t.ID IN (#myFilter)
How do I use a parameter in a SQL statement as described above? Thank you!
You could make function that takes your parameter, slipts it and returns table with all the numbers in it.
If your are working with lists or arrays in SQL Server, I recommend that you read Erland Sommarskogs wonderful stuff:
Arrays and Lists in SQL Server 2005
You need to split the string and dump it into a temp table. Then you join against the temp table.
There are many examples of this, here is one at random.
Absent a split function, something like this:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[myStoredProcedure]
#myFilter varchar(512) = NULL -- don't use NVARCHAR for a list of INTs
MyTable t
CHARINDEX(','+CONVERT(VARCHAR,t.ID)+',',#myFilter) > 0
Performance will be poor. A table scan every time. Better to use a split function. See:
I would create a function that takes your comma delimited string and splits it and returns a single column table variable with each value in its own row. Select that column from the returned table in your IN statement.
I found a cute way of doing this - but it smells a bit.
declare #delimitedlist varchar(8000)
set #delimitedlist = '|1|2|33|11|3134|'
select * from mytable where #delimitedlist like '%|' + cast(id as varchar) + '|%'
So... this will return all records with an id equal to 1, 2, 33, 11, or 3134.
I would also add that this is not vulnerable to SQL injection (whereas dynamic SQL relies on your whitelisting/blacklisting techniques to ensure it isn't vulnerable). It might have a performance hit on large sets of data, but it works and it's secure.
I have a couple of blog posts on this as well, with a lot of interesting followup comments and dialog:
More on splitting lists
Processing list of integers

Filtering With Multi-Select Boxes With SQL Server

I need to filter result sets from sql server based on selections from a multi-select list box. I've been through the idea of doing an instring to determine if the row value exists in the selected filter values, but that's prone to partial matches (e.g. Car matches Carpet).
I also went through splitting the string into a table and joining/matching based on that, but I have reservations about how that is going to perform.
Seeing as this is a seemingly common task, I'm looking to the Stack Overflow community for some feedback and maybe a couple suggestions on the most commonly utilized approach to solving this problem.
I solved this one by writing a table-valued function (we're using 2005) which takes a delimited string and returns a table. You can then join to that or use WHERE EXISTS or WHERE x IN. We haven't done full stress testing yet, but with limited use and reasonably small sets of items I think that performance should be ok.
Below is one of the functions as a starting point for you. I also have one written to specifically accept a delimited list of INTs for ID values in lookup tables, etc.
Another possibility is to use LIKE with the delimiters to make sure that partial matches are ignore, but you can't use indexes with that, so performance will be poor for any large table. For example:
#my_string LIKE '%|' + my_column + '|%'
Name: GetTableFromStringList
Description: Returns a table of values extracted from a delimited list
#StringList - A delimited list of strings
#Delimiter - The delimiter used in the delimited list
Date Name Comments
---------- ------------- ----------------------------------------------------
2008-12-03 T. Hummel Initial Creation
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetTableFromStringList
#StringList VARCHAR(1000),
#Delimiter CHAR(1) = ','
#string VARCHAR(1000),
#position SMALLINT
SET #StringList = LTRIM(RTRIM(#StringList)) + #Delimiter
SET #position = CHARINDEX(#Delimiter, #StringList)
WHILE (#position > 0)
SET #string = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(#StringList, #position - 1)))
IF (#string <> '')
INSERT INTO #Results (String) VALUES (#string)
SET #StringList = RIGHT(#StringList, LEN(#StringList) - #position)
SET #position = CHARINDEX(#Delimiter, #StringList, 1)
I've been through the idea of doing an
instring to determine if the row value
exists in the selected filter values,
but that's prone to partial matches
(e.g. Car matches Carpet)
It sounds to me like you aren't including a unique ID, or possibly the primary key as part of values in your list box. Ideally each option will have a unique identifier that matches a column in the table you are searching on. If your listbox was like below then you would be able to filter for specifically for cars because you would get the unique value 3.
<option value="3">Car</option>
<option value="4">Carpret</option>
Then you just build a where clause that will allow you to find the values you need.
Updated, to answer comment.
How would I do the related join
considering that the user can select
and arbitrary number of options from
the list box? SELECT * FROM tblTable
JOIN tblOptions ON tblTable.FK = ? The
problem here is that I need to join on
multiple values.
I answered a similar question here.
One method would be to build a temporary table and add each selected option as a row to the temporary table. Then you would simply do a join to your temporary table.
If you want to simply create your sql dynamically you can do something like this.
SELECT * FROM tblTable WHERE option IN (selected_option_1, selected_option_2, selected_option_n)
I've found that a CLR table-valued function which takes your delimited string and calls Split on the string (returning the array as the IEnumerable) is more performant than anything written in T-SQL (it starts to break down when you have around one million items in the delimited list, but that's much further out than the T-SQL solution).
And then, you could join on the table or check with EXISTS.