What are the steps to creating an 'executable bundle' - objective-c

I'm trying to create an NSService in a Bundle project. I need to add a main and other bits of code to the actual cocoa bundle created for me by xcode.
Is this as simple as just adding an object-c class via the xcode wizard, then adding my main function to that? or is there some other magic way or other steps involved?.
Many thanks.

You can add code by simply adding source files.
A bundle normally does not have a main function since it is loaded from another executable.

thanks Nikolia - after adding the code, i also had to change the bundle type to Executable, which also allowed me to change the extension from .bundle to .service.
Now all I need to do is work out how to stop the service!


WhirlyMaply missing MaplyBridge.h

I am trying to use WhirlyMaply for a personal project.
Am trying to follow their tutorial and they mention I have to have a bridge file since the code is written in Objective-C and I am writing my project in Swift.
However there is no MaplyBridge.h file found as per their instructions ...
The following is the link http://mousebird.github.io/WhirlyGlobe/tutorial/building_from_source.html
The description on page http://mousebird.github.io/WhirlyGlobe/tutorial/building_from_source.html is bad.
You need to create MaplyBridge.h yourself. You may decide to not create it in the "BinaryDirectory/WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent.framework/Headers/" folder but instead create it somewhere in your project. As described in the tutorial, you still need to go to Build Settings and look for “Objective-C Bridging Header” then correctly set the path to your new MaplyBridge.h".
In a later path of the tutorial, such as in http://mousebird.github.io/WhirlyGlobe/tutorial/ios/your_first_globe.html, you will add code to MaplyBridge.h. For example, to get the tutorial's swift code to compile you'll add the line "#import " to MaplyBridge.h.
See http://www.learnswiftonline.com/getting-started/adding-swift-bridging-header/ for some more background information

iOS - Execute precompiled app from a server

I'm looking for executing a .xib (with its own controllers and libraries) precompiled on a server, downloading it on runtime.
Is it possible?
So could somebody give me an example of a program that uses NSBundle that executes other app?
And how do I create the bundled application?
I don't think you can import a xib into the application's bundle at run-time (which you would have to in order for this to happen). Others may know more and correct me!
I can think of a couple of ways you could try to do this, but are you aiming to get it in to the store?
This is expressly prohibited by Apple Developer Guidelines.
A .xib file is just a data file, so there shouldn't be any problem loading one that's outside your app's bundle. I can't say I've ever tried it, but as long as it's in a bundle, you should be able to:
Create an instance of NSBundle using the path to the bundle containing the .xib you want to load. See +[NSBundle bundleWithPath:] for that.
Load the .xib using the bundle you created in the previous step with any of the normal .xib-loading methods, such as -[UIViewController initWithNibNamed:bundle:] or +[UINib nibWithNibName:bundle:].
with it's own controllers and libraries
That part won't work. iOS doesn't allow dynamic linking to frameworks other than the ones provided by the system, so there's no way to load your code. If you can build all the code you need into your app, though, you should still be able to use downloaded .xib's as described above. That would let you do things like update the way your views are laid out or what targets and actions your controls are connected to.

Using external library

I am working on my first objective-c program, and would like to include an external library I found. I'm fairly new to programming and have never really worked with libraries that were not already included.
Do I just drag the folder into Xcode?
Drag it in to the project and use
#import "TheLibrary/somefile.h"
in whichever file you need to use it.

duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_$_ClassName

I am trying to run my cocos2d application and facing this error, as I have recently upgraded my sdk to 4.2 and my cocos2d to 0.99.5.
I tried to clean my project even change the Target ios Deployment but error remains the same. Also rename the className aswell in order to avoid duplication from Library classes names of cocos2d.
ld: duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_$_MenuSceneNew in
libraries.a(MenuScene.o) and
Another rather simple thing to check is that you did not accidentally #import a .m file instead of a .h header file.
Happened to me.
You are linking the file MenuScene.m twice. You apparently have it in a static library and also in your main application.
Another reason for this, for those out there who did the same as I just did, might be that you re-created a managed object class. By doing that and choosing another group in the project structure, you accidentally create another reference to the same files.
I ended up with two references for header and implementation in both the root of the project and in my model group. Removing the topmost references to .h and .m files got rid of the linking failure.
Sometimes Core Data inserts AnyProjectNameModel.xcdatamodeld to the Compile Sources of the Build Phases. Check it and delete it and everything is run again...
The error message just indicates the generated ManagedObjects...
The correct place for the AnyProjectNameModel.xcdatamodeld is the Copy Bundle resources in the Build Phases.
Check the Compile Sources of your target and see if a class.m file is included twice
A stupid mistake that I made was that I named my #implementation the same as my superclass.
In the .h
#interface Subclass : Superclass
In the .m
#import "Subclass.h"
#implementation Superclass
None of the regular suggestions from google seemed to help, so if someone is as crazy or tired as I am (maybe a healthy mix of both), make sure you haven't duplicated an #implementation!
In my case this was happening because of Xcode automatically generating my NSManagedObject class, which then clashed with my manually created NSManagedObject class. In this case you can set "Codegen" to "Manual/None" in the Data Model Inspector for your newly created Entity.
Another thing to check for the double linking - its possible to have the same file in two different places in the file list on the left. Then the compiler compiles and links it twice.
This happens when playing with organizing your file hierarchy, for example.
You don't have to be making a library or anything fancy - just drag a .m in to two different locations in the project tree.
Remember to only remove the reference to one of them, no file trashing is needed.
To me, removing -all_load from 'Other Linker Flags' fixed the problem.
I have also had this particular error occur when a file that has not been added to the project, is referenced somewhere in the project. The two cases where I have experienced this are where I have deleted/removed files from the project without removing references to them, and when working cooperatively on a project where a teammate added the reference but I have not added the file to my version of the project.
I know the OP has resolved their problem, but I felt this might help someone else who reads this question while looking for help.
I have figured out the solution myself, sorry for posting little delayed. All assistance are much appreciated the but problem arises when I add new CCLayer derived class and checkmark cocos2d 0.99.5 static library which was wrong. Then I re-Ad my class without checking and clean my targets and then build and go. Problem solved now.
I had a project with 2 targets. A target named Component and the second named Sample. Sample was using component as a link library.
Then Component was using a pod named MyPod (installed with cocoapod).
The Podfile was written like this :
def shared_pods
pod 'MyPod'
target 'Component' do
target 'Sample' do
Both targets was referencing the shared pod list. When building Component target, no problem appears, but when building sample i get a duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_$_ClassName.
I have changed the Podfile to :
def shared_pods
# empty
target 'Component' do
pod 'MyPod'
target 'Sample' do
And that solve the problem.
3 hours spent, hope to save somebody time.
XCode Beta crashed for me while deleting a reference to a class. This caused the problem described in the answer, the fix was different again.
In my Target's Build Phase, under "Compile Sources", the item giving me grief was red. I couldn't remove it with the minus button, but typing "skip" in the compiler flags caused the red class to disappear after reloading the project. I'm assuming you could type anything in there.
It took me two hours to find the solution to my prob, I put it in here for another option to those having this problem, although it is probably not going to be a common one.
None of the Answers worked for me, so what I did was remove the files from the project and choose only Remove References.
Then I added back the same files and it worked.
That fixed my error. Maybe XCode got lost references stored somewhere since the project is multi-collaboration.
Hope that helps someone.
Another possibility for error like this is when there is a class name collision. Either 2 classes with the same name within your project, or class from your project clashing with one defined in some of dependency libraries.
Remove target from right panel and again add target. This will remove any duplicate references.
It may happen if 2 programmer add the same target and commit the project file.
In my case I was using a binary library includes the same class name I was using outside,
So I changed my class name and It's working fine :)
In my case, I had added the libxxxx.a to Link Binary with Libraries section in the subProjects as well as in the mainProject. Hence there were duplicate symbols. Removing from subProjects fixed it.

Using images from a static Library

I'm trying to convert a project, which has images, into a static library.
The code that gets the image is as follows:
[UIImage imageNamed:#"foo.png"]
When I include this library into another project, the image doesn't load. However, if I copy the images into the new project, then it does load.
Is there any way I can get this to work where the images are only contained in the library and I don't have to copy them over to my project?
By the way, my Header Search Paths contains the path to where these images are located in the library, if that makes any difference.
Just prepend the name of the bundle that contains your image to the image name:
[UIImage imageNamed:#"Myframework.bundle/MyImage"
This also works in Interface Builder, the preview may be broken but the image will be properly loaded.
If using CocoaPods (which I would recommend) make sure to use the resource_bundles option for your images and Nibs.
You can see a related answer here.
A static library cannot contain bundle resource. So simply linking the .a file will not be enough. But you should be able to cross-reference the static library xcodeproj. Example
Had a similar situation to this and wrote a script to copy the files in to the .app at compile time. A similar fix to the one we use is described in the "Non-code assets for static libraries" section on this web page. This works but can cause some code signing errors. Another option is to create a second .bundle target for the resources described on this web page although for some reason I could not get the bundle to actually build. I am currently looking at writing a script to copy the resources in to a bundle at compile time and compile any .xib files to .nibs, this is also a possible solution you could look at.