JScript Documentation [closed] - documentation

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Note: NOT Javascript. :-)
I just had a random thought, and have decided to learn more Jscript. I know the basics, I'm proficient in HTML, XML and C++ BUT, there doesn't seem to be much docs on Jscript. The official MS Documentation for JScript contains a WHOPPING ONE WHOLE PAGE about web-page development in Jscript! And that page, is useless.
Is this the right documentation? I downloaded it from Microsoft's website. I have no idea where to go for descent docs related to Jscript, nothing on Gooogle, nothing in book shops, nothing anywhere.

Have you seen these detailed docs? They look quite comprehensive to me.
There are additional pointers to information in the references of the Wikipedia article.
There also seem to be several books available.


Incomplete Frege Documentation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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The javadocs at http://www.frege-lang.org/doc/index.html seem to be missing quite a bit (namely, no frege.prelude package), and does not seem very up to date. Might there be a good documentation for Frege hidden in plain sight somewhere?
What you have seen is the API doc of the runtime classes, which is really minimal since the typical Frege user will not work with those.
Thomas correctly pointed to the library documentation.
In addition, there is "Hoogle" support for Frege: http://hoogle.haskell.org:8081/ where you can search the API.
All is linked from the Frege home page.
Hope that helps.

Any netty 4 documentation available? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I know Norman is working on the Netty 4 book as I've been following the tweets, but was wondering if there are any pieces available to help someone who hasn't worked with Netty 3. I have looked a little at the existing 3.x articles, but I think it would be easier to understand the primary components without having to learn 3.x and then mentally apply the New and Noteworthy section to bridge the gap.
For now, I'm just trying to go through the example/test code to see how it's used, but any overview/fundemental documentation would be great. If not, that's ok - just thought I'd check.
There is nothing out there at the moment except what you find on the Blog and the javadocs. I'm currently working hard on getting the javadocs up-to-date before our next release, so you may find all you need in there. An other source of informations is like you said the example module which contains a lot examples for all kind of use-cases.
Hopefully the MEAP of the Netty book will start in not so far future. But we will see..

How do documentation generators work? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm trying to understand how documentation generators like Doxygen, JavaDocs etc. work. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not asking how to use them, but how they do it. I tried to find information about the topic but only found 1 article which is really old, so I'm kinda frustrated.
Does someone know any articles or literature about this?
For doxygen there is a manual page about the internals of Doxygen.
Some small document generators just use regular expressions to extract the documentation. The more flexible and complicated way is to develop a parser for the language and a parser for the documentation syntax just like doxygen and Javadoc do.

Web API introduction for Objective-C? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I've never accessed a web API, and I'm looking for a thorough introduction. Specifically, I want to access Google APIs from a Mac OS X application. I can successfully find similar code, copy and paste, but I really want to understand how this all works, and can not find any beginner text of the subject.
Apple's introduction to using NSURLConnection is here, and there's some Apple sample code here. Google also has a gdata-objectivec-client client library, which I've never used, but sounds like a drop-in solution to accessing Google's data services. The Google project page has links to overview slides, an introduction and example applications.

Favorite Documentation Generator system? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none programmer and as I jump around languages, quality consistent documentation is becoming more and more important to me. I've recently been using Doxygen, but Wikipedia reveals the usual ridiculous list of similar frameworks.
What is your favorite documentation generator and why? (Vote where you agree to keep it tidy!)
I use different files written in MediaWiki MarkUp, since this is easy to learn for everyone. I convert this to HTML and a CHM file, and to LaTeX for the PDF documentation.
This was the most painless way for me to generate Online documentation AND printable documentation in one strike with a simple way of input.
The tools I use are org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext with a custom DocumentBuilder for LaTeX, the Microsoft Help compiler (which sadly only runs on windows), and a LaTeX distribution.
EDIT: I managed to get the Microsoft Help compiler running with Wine, so my Linux build server is now able to create the whole documentation automatically.