Combining two T-SQL pivot queries in one - sql

Suppose you had this table:
RecordId int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
CreateDate datetime NOT NULL,
IsSpecial bit NOT NULL
Now a report needs to be created where the total records and the total special records are broken down by month. I can use these two queries separately:
SELECT January, February, March, April, May, June,
July, August, September, October, November, December
SELECT RecordId, DATENAME(MONTH, CreateDate) AS RecordMonth
FROM dbo.Records
) AS SourceTable
COUNT(RecordId) FOR RecordMonth IN (January, February, March, April, May, June,
July, August, September, October, November, December)
) AS PivotTable;
SELECT January, February, March, April, May, June,
July, August, September, October, November, December
SELECT RecordId, DATENAME(MONTH, CreateDate) AS RecordMonth
FROM dbo.Records
WHERE IsSpecial = 1
) AS SourceTable
COUNT(RecordId) FOR RecordMonth IN (January, February, March, April, May, June,
July, August, September, October, November, December)
) AS PivotTable;
The results might look like this:
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec
total 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 1 2 1 2 4
total special 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Is it possible to combine these two queries into a single more efficient query?

I would do it like this:
CASE SQ.total_type
WHEN 1 THEN 'total special'
WHEN 2 THEN 'total expensive'
ELSE 'total'
END AS total_type,
SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(R.CreateDate) = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS January,
SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(R.CreateDate) = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS February,
SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(R.CreateDate) = 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS March,
dbo.Records R
SELECT 0 AS total_type UNION ALL -- All
SELECT 2 -- IsExpensive
(R.IsSpecial | (R.IsExpensive * 2)) & SQ.total_type = SQ.total_type
SQ.total_type DESC

You can only have one aggregate (COUNT(RecordId)) per pivot so all you do is combine into one result set with a UNION ALL with a suitable extra column to identify each pivot.
Otherwise, you have no way to distinguish the 2 different aggregates in the pivot

Thanks for the solution Tom, that answers my pivot question.
Too bad for me I had the wrong question. For my problem I'm now feeling it would be better to use a plain grouping query like this instead:
COUNT(*) AS Total,
WHEN IsSpecial = 1 THEN 1
END) AS TotalSpecial,
WHEN IsExpensive = 1 THEN 1
END) AS TotalExpensive
FROM Records
Then all that is left to do is rotate the results before they are presented. Nice to know eh?


How do i transform calendar year column to multiple year to months column based on months column and calendar year columns

I have data like this
id MoYear CalenderYear jan feb mar dec
1 2017 2017 1 2 4 0
1 2017 2018 1 0 6 10
2 2018 2018 80 5 8 22
3 2017 2018 30 12 0 3
Now i want ouput like this
id MOyear jan_17 feb_17 mar_17 dec_17 jan_18 feb_18 mar_18 dec_18
1 2017 1 2 4 0 1 0 6 10
2 2018 null null null null 80 5 8 22
3 2017 null null null null 30 12 0 3
I have calendar year column and months columns, based on the calendar year and months column i need to make multiple year-months columns.
I can get to the solution by unpivoting and then after back to pivot. But, the data is so large it takes a lot of memory. The performance is very bad.
Not sure if this will be better approach but you can achieve your output using case statement as well if you don't want to do pivot/unpivot.
Data Creation:
select 1 as ID, 2017 as MOYEar, 2017 as calenderyear, 1 as Jan, 2 as feb,
4 as mar, 0 as dece into #temp union all
select 1 as ID, 2017 as MOYEar, 2018 as calenderyear, 1 as Jan, 0 as feb,
6 as mar, 10 as dece union all
select 2 as ID, 2018 as MOYEar, 2018 as calenderyear, 80 as Jan, 5 as feb,
8 as mar, 22 as dece union all
select 3 as ID, 2017 as MOYEar, 2018 as calenderyear, 30 as Jan, 12 as feb,
0 as mar, 3 as dece
Select ID, MOYEar, max(case when calenderyear = '2017' then Jan else null end) as Jan_17,
max(case when calenderyear = '2017' then Feb else null end ) as Feb_17,
max(case when calenderyear = '2017' then Mar else null end ) as Mar_17,
max(case when calenderyear = '2017' then Dece else null end) as Dece_17,
max(case when calenderyear = '2018' then Jan else null end ) as Jan_18,
max(case when calenderyear = '2018' then Feb else null end ) as Feb_18,
max(case when calenderyear = '2018' then Mar else null end ) as Mar_18,
max(case when calenderyear = '2018' then Dece else null end) as Dece_18 from #temp
Group by ID, MOYEar
ID MOYEar Jan_17 Feb_17 Mar_17 Dece_17 Jan_18 Feb_18 Mar_18 Dece_18
1 2017 1 2 4 0 1 0 6 10
3 2017 NULL NULL NULL NULL 30 12 0 3
2 2018 NULL NULL NULL NULL 80 5 8 22

SQL Select Where date in (Jan and March) but not in Feb

I have a table like this in SQL called Balance
| id | accountId | Date | Type |
| PK | FK | Date | Int |
I need to find the accountIds that has balance entries in January and March, but not in Febuary.
Only in 2018 and Type should be 2.
How would I go about writing my sql select statement?
What's I've done so far:
Selecting rows that either in Jan OR March is not a problem for me.
SELECT AccountId, Date FROM Balance
WHERE Month(Date) in (1,3) AND YEAR(Date) = 2018 AND Type =2
ORDER BY AccountId, Date
But if an AccountId has a single entry, say in January, then this will be included. And that's not what I want.
Only if an Account has entries in both Jan and March, and not in Feb is it interesting.
I suspect Group BY and HAVING are keys here, but I'm unsure how to proceed
I would do this using aggregation:
select b.accountid
from balance b
where date >= '2018-01-01' and date < '2019-01-01'
group by b.accountid
having sum(case when month(date) = 1 then 1 else 0 end) > 0 and -- has january
sum(case when month(date) = 3 then 1 else 0 end) > 0 and -- has march
sum(case when month(date) = 2 then 1 else 0 end) = 0 -- does not have february

SQL Calculations for budgeting

I have a database that contains the following columns:
Vendor, Amount, StartDate, Months
I would like to be able to calculate the average monthly amount based on the Months that are entered. I would also like to see it calculate out from the start date to the end date based on the StartDate + Months calculation. The resulting table would look something like this:
Vendor1 has 2 months of 1112 starting Jan 1 while Vendor2 has 3 months of 2040 staring Feb 1
| | ANNUAL | JAN | FEB | MAR | APR |
Vendor1 | 2,224 | 1,112 | 1,112 | | |
Vendor2 | 6,120 | | 2,040 | 2,040 | 2,040 |
Any assistance or direction would be greatly appreciated.
That's a strange DB design. However, here's what you've got to try:
SELECT (Amount * Months) AS Annual, (Case #(StartDate < DATE("01.02.year")) WHEN 1 THEN Amount ELSE NULL) AS Jan FROM Table --etc for all months
Will think of modifications though, because this way is a little too straightforward.
You would use conditional aggregation. Assuming the start dates are all in the same year, the code might look like this:
select vendorid, (amount * months) as total,
(case when month(startdate) <= 1 and month(startdate) + months >= 1
then amount
end) as jan,
(case when month(startdate) <= 2 and month(startdate) + months >= 2
then amount
end) as feb,
(case when month(startdate) <= 3 and month(startdate) + months >= 3
then amount
end) as mar,
(case when month(startdate) <= 4 and month(startdate) + months >= 4
then amount
end) as apr,
from t;

How to maintain a running balance in a month wise report

YEAR (DateOfTransaction) AS year,
LEFT(DATENAME(MONTH, DateOfTransaction), 3) AS month,
SUM(CASE WHEN TransTypeName LIKE 'credit%' THEN amount ELSE 0 END) -
SUM(CASE WHEN TransTypeName LIKE 'Debit%' THEN amount ELSE 0 END) AS Balance
.............) AS t
PIVOT (SUM(balance) FOR month IN (jan, feb, march, ...., Dec)) AS pvt
This query returns a month-wise report account balance. I want a result is running balance.
January month I credit 5000, February month I credit 2000
My query result is
year jan feb march...dec
2014 5000 2000 null ..null
I want a result like this:
year jan feb march...dec
2014 5000 7000 null ..null
Try this
SELECT year,Jan = Jan, Feb = isnull(Jan,0)+isnull(Feb,0),....
YEAR (DateOfTransaction) AS year,
LEFT(DATENAME(MONTH, DateOfTransaction), 3) AS month,
SUM(CASE WHEN TransTypeName LIKE 'credit%' THEN amount ELSE 0 END) -
SUM(CASE WHEN TransTypeName LIKE 'Debit%' THEN amount ELSE 0 END) AS Balance
.............) AS t
PIVOT (SUM(balance) FOR month IN (jan, feb, march, ...., Dec)) AS pvt)t
Or you can simply add a temp table which stores numbers from 1 to 12
inner join #temp on n>=datepart(mm,DateofTransaction) group by year(transaction), n

Row as column in SQL Server 2008

I am working with SQL Server 2008. I have a temp table which returns the this result
Location Month value
US January 10
US February 10
US March 10
US April 10
US May 10
US June 10
UK January 10
UK January 10
UK February 10
UK February 10
UK March 10
UK March 10
UK April 10
UK April 10
UK May 10
UK May 10
UK June 10
UK June 10
I want to get the result as below
Location January February March Q1 April May June Q2
US 10 10 10 30 10 10 10 30
UK 20 20 20 60 20 20 20 60
How to query to get the above result using SQL Server 2008?
You can use this query, you have to complete it to fit your needs with all missing months/quarters:
select Location
,sum(case when [Month] = 'January' then value else 0 end) as January
,sum(case when [Month] = 'February' then value else 0 end) as February
,sum(case when [Month] = 'March' then value else 0 end) as March
,sum(case when [Month] in ( 'January', 'February', 'March')
then value else 0 end) as Q1
-- Repeat months...
,sum(value) as AllMonthTotal
from myTempTable
group by Location
-- UNION to get rowwise total
select 'TOTAL'
,sum(case when [Month] = 'January' then value else 0 end) as January
,sum(case when [Month] = 'February' then value else 0 end) as February
,sum(case when [Month] = 'March' then value else 0 end) as March
,sum(case when [Month] in ( 'January', 'February', 'March')
then value else 0 end) as Q1
-- Repeat months...
,sum(value) as AllMonthTotal
from myTempTable
There's also the PIVOT method:
Using PIVOT in SQL Server 2008
MSSQL dynamic pivot column values to column header