WCF nested Callback - wcf

The backgound: I am trying to forward the server-side ApplyChangeFailed event that is fired by a Sync Services for ADO 1.0 DBServerSyncProvider to the client. All the code examples for Sync Services conflict resolution do not use WCF, and when the client connects to the server database directly, this problem does not exist. My DBServerSyncProvider is wrapped by a head-less WCF service, however, and I cannot show the user a dialog with the offending data for review.
So, the obvious solution seemed to be to convert the HTTP WCF service that Sync Services generated to TCP, make it a duplex connection, and define a callback handler on the client that receives the SyncConflict object and sets the Action property of the event.
When I did that, I got a runtime error (before the callback was attempted):
System.InvalidOperationException: This operation would deadlock because the
reply cannot be received until the current Message completes processing. If
you want to allow out-of-order message processing, specify ConcurrencyMode of
Reentrant or Multiple on CallbackBehaviorAttribute.
So I did what the message suggested and decorated both the service and the callback behavior with the Multiple attribute. Then the runtime error went away, but the call results in a "deadlock" and never returns. What do I do to get around this? Is it not possible to have a WCF service that calls back the client before the original service call returns?
Edit: I think this could be the explanation of the issue, but I am still not sure what the correct solution should be.

After updating the ConcurrencyMode have you tried firing the callback in a seperate thread?
This answer to another question has some example code that starts another thread and passes through the callback, you might be able to modify that design for your purpose?

By starting the sync agent in a separate thread on the client, the callback works just fine:
private int kickOffSyncInSeparateThread()
SyncRunner syncRunner = new SyncRunner();
Thread syncThread = new Thread(
new ThreadStart(syncRunner.RunSyncInThread));
catch (ThreadStateException ex)
return 1;
catch (ThreadInterruptedException ex)
return 2;
return 0;
And this is my SyncRunner:
class SyncRunner
public void RunSyncInThread()
MysyncAgent = new MySyncAgent();
Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.SyncStatistics syncStats =


NServiceBus Send() vs SendLocal() and exceptions

We are implementing a saga that calls out to other services with NServiceBus. I'm not quite clear about how NServiceBus deals with exceptions inside a saga.
Inside the saga we have a handler, and that handler calls an external service that should only be called once the original message handler completes succesfully. Is it okay to do:
public void Handle(IFooMessage message)
var message = Bus.CreateInstance<ExternalService.IBarMessage>();
// something bad happens here, exception is thrown
or will the message be sent to ExternalService multiple times? Someone here has suggested changing it to:
// handler in the saga
public void Handle(IFooMessage message)
// Do something
var message = Bus.CreateInstance<ISendBarMessage>();
// something bad happens, exception is thrown
// a service-level handler
public void Handle(ISendBarMessage message)
var message = Bus.CreateInstance<ExternalService.IBarMessage>();
I've done an experiment and from what I can tell the first method seems fine, but I can't find any documentation other than http://docs.particular.net/nservicebus/errors/ which says:
When an exception bubbles through to the NServiceBus infrastructure, it rolls back the transaction on a transactional endpoint, causing the message to be returned to the queue, and any messages that user code tried to send or publish to be undone as well.
Any help to clarify this point would be much appreciated.
As long as you're doing messaging from your saga and not doing any web service calls, then you're safe - no need to do SendLocal.

Close and Abort in custom service channel

My client is using one WCF service which is throwing an exception
(EXCEPTION: The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state).
All subsequent calls throwing an same exception.
I read on internet that client need to close()/Abort() channel, this will solve the problem. is it completely right?
Also I am using customer serviceChannel factory provided by service developers. When I create channel it does not show the close and abort methods. So how do I get these close and abort methods when I create custom service channel instance on client side?
Assuming that you have a proxy instance that implements the IClientChannel interface, here is a way (hopefully the right way) to use it.
IClientChannel clientChannel = (IClientChannel)proxy;
bool success = false;
// do something with the proxy
success = true;
if (!success)
You may also want to check this. You can wrap your operations using a shared class or function.

Openning Async WCF Service with wrong Username-Password hangs

I have a WCF service that implements the 'Custom-Username-Password-Validator'.
The service itself checks the username+password against a local file,
and if there is no match - it throws a FaultException with a message.
When I use the service synchronously it works fine.
When I go to work with it ASYNC, I have a problem.
If I pass the wrong 'Username+Password' credentials - and open the client,
instead of returning immediatly from the service going into my 'Channel_Faulted()' method,
the client thread simply waits until the Timeout triggers,
and then I get a 'TimeoutException'.
client = new MyServiceClient("WSDualHttpBinding_IMyervice");
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "username";
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "bad password";
client.ChannelFactory.Faulted += new EventHandler(ChannelFactory_Faulted);
client.Open(); // This hangs for 01:00:00 minute
// Doesn't reach here
client.DoSomethingCompleted += new EventHandler<DoSomethingEventArgs(client_DoSomethingCompleted);
catch (Exception ex)
// Enters here with a 'TimeoutException' exception
why does the client not trigger the 'Faulted' method I have ?
Why does it wait for a response from the service even though the service through a 'FaultException' during the 'Validate' method of the 'CustomUserNameValidator' ?
Sure, the code you are using appears to be missing 3 lines after your code line:
client.ChannelFactory.Faulted += new EventHandler(ChannelFactory_Faulted);
But again, I'm taking a shot in the dark since I've not made use of this option yet.
var local = client.ChannelFactory.CreateChannel();
((IClientChannel)local).Faulted += ChannelFaulted;
Better yet, the open method doesn't appear to be necessary according to the sample provide here: ChannelFactory
I personally have not used the ChannelFactory.Faulted event handler however, here is a post for your consideration: creating-wcf-channelfactory

Do I need to Close and/or Dispose callback channels acquired through OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel?

I'm using OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel to get a channel to the client that called a WCF service operation.
Do I need to worry about closing / disposing these callback channels or is this taken care of by the framework?
Well, I just tried it myself and it turns out that if you Close & Dispose the callback channel (after casting to IClientChannel) the entire Service channel becomes useless and when called throws a ProtocolException saying:
"This channel can no longer be used to send messages as the output session was auto-closed due to a server-initiated shutdown. Either disable auto-close by setting the DispatchRuntime.AutomaticInputSessionShutdown to false, or consider modifying the shutdown protocol with the remote server."
I assume that this is an unwelcome consequence or side effect of attempting to close & dispose the callback channel, meaning that this should not be done.
In my opinion you should.
The callback mechanism supplies nothing like a higher-level protocol for managing the
connection between the service and the callback endpoint. It is up to the developer to
come up with some application-level protocol or a consistent pattern for managing the
lifecycle of the connection. The service can only call back to the client if the client-side channel is still open, which is typically achieved by not closing the proxy. Keeping the proxy open will also prevent the callback object from being garbage-collected. If the service maintains a reference on a callback endpoint and the client-side proxy is closed or the client application itself is gone, when the service invokes the callback it will get an ObjectDisposedException from the service channel. It is therefore preferable for the client to inform the service when it no longer wishes to receive callbacks or when the client application is shutting down. To that end, you can add an explicit Disconnect() method to the service contract. Since every method call carries the callback reference with it, in the Disconnect() method the service can remove the callback reference from its internal store.
here is an exemple :
class MyService : IServiceContract
static List<IServiceContractCallback> m_Callbacks = new List<IServiceContractCallback>();
public void Connect()
IServiceContractCallbackcallback = OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel<IServiceContractCallback>();
if(m_Callbacks.Contains(callback) == false)
public void Disconnect()
IServiceContractCallback callback = OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel<IServiceContractCallback>();
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot find callback");
In such a way a client can inform the service that the callback is no longer needed. Does it answer your question ?

Closing WCF connection

We are using WCF service
on the client side we are planning to explicitly close the connection
It seems there are more then one way of closing
In the finally block of the WCF service consumption use
if (client.State == CommunicationState.Faulted)
Since if the service is in fault state we will not be able to call close()
using(ClientProxy proxy = new ClientProxy())
//call your service methods
in sample2 i am not sure what will happen if the service is in fault state, will it throw error closing the connection?
You have all the necessary information at hand - the resulting Best Practice to use and properly close/abort all your WCF client proxies would be:
YourClientProxy clientProxy = new YourClientProxy();
.. use your service
catch (TimeoutException)
Catching the FaultException handles all cases when the service responsded with an error condition (and thus your channel is in a faulted state), and CommunicationException will handle all other communication-related exceptions that can occur, like network connectivity dropping etc.
The approach with the using() block won't work, since if an exception happens at the end of the block, when the Dispose() method calls the Close() method on the client proxy, you have no way to catching and handling that.
The 2nd sample using the "using" block is incorrect. The using block ensures that the Dispose method is called on the proxy object. The Dispose method in turn calls the Close method which will (try to) connect to the service which will throw an exception when the communication state is faulted. So your feelings/hunch are absolutely right. It would be nice if the proxy Dispose method used the code from your first sample but it doesn't so don't use the using block :)
In Juval Lowy's Excellent Programming WCF book he recommends:
ClientProxy clientProxy = new ClientProxy();
Use sample 1
Here is a good article on why you should not use using: