IBOutlet like constructs in the Objective-C runtime - objective-c

My understanding of IBOutlets is that they act as a marker to ivars and properties in Objective-C classes. Is there anything in the Objective-C runtime that would allow one to query whether an ivar or property or a class has been marked with an IBOutlet at runtime? Or does XCode just do something clever with these at compile time?
If they are a runtime construct, is it possible to define ones own markers and use them in this way:
MyMarker MyClass instance;

It is my understanding that Interface Builder simply reads the header files. IBOutlet and IBAction are trivial #defines:
#define IBOutlet
#define IBAction void
that do not affect the compile at all. Interface Builder reads your header files directly (it is notified by Xcode when the header files change, but it just reads and parses the header files itself.
When the nib files are dearchived, the values are set using the ivar or property through the normal interface, but nothing special is noted that the ivar/property is usable by Interface Builder.
So no, the existence of the IBOutlet/IBAction property is not stored and cannot be accessed, nor can you add your own properties.
You could look at attributes and see if there is anything useful that could be attached to the ivar with an attribute, but I'd be very surprised.

Yes, IBOutlet and IBAction are just thrown away by the parser at the precompilation stage, so there's nothing in the compiled output. And as noted above, they're just textually processed by Interface Builder so that it knows what subset of properties/methods to make available to the connections window.
However, that doesn't stop you doing the same thing yourself - you could just define some #define that are compiled away by the preprocessor, and using textual processing manipulate them. But none of these are available at runtime, which means that you can't really do what you propose.
It's technically possible to write a macro that would do some manipulation of a property/ivar and then add extra information to a different ivar; for example:
#define OUTLET(type,name) type name;BOOL property_##name;
#interface Foo : NSObject
would expand to
#interface Foo :NSObject
NSString* foo;
BOOL property_foo;
and you could then use the existence of property_foo to do something with your code (which should be detectable at runtime as well as compile time).
I wouldn't recommend trying to do this generally though ... for a start, it will make your interface (and therefore memory objects) larger than they'd need to be. You'd be better off creating your own class (or struct typedef) to hold the additional information you want.


Objective-C : Accessing fields in implementation

Is it possible to fields defined only in implementation but not in interface definition ?
#interface MyInterface .... #end --> dict not defined here!!!
#implementation MyInterface
NSDictionary *dict;
In this case if somewhere I somehow accessed to this class, can I access to the dict or should I create a getter just like in Java ?
Edit after #Rob's answer
Thanks for the answer Rob, I wish I have the implementation of these interface and classes. Instead I am trying to bind two different libraries ( I know it is reallllly bad as architectural point of view but this is where I end up).
Basically, I am in react-native world. And we are using react-native-video as our player layer. But since AVPlayer does not support some subtitle types our head company sent us a library that needs a player instance and a view instance to draw subtitle on the view. I believe they will bind to events of the player and draw sub titles based on player states.
So react-native-video is in this github repo with the interface and implementation.
I find the UIView that includes the properties and casted it to the object itself RTCVideo in this case). But now I am stuck. I can go and change some stuff as per your suggestion in the "Development Pods" to be able to access but this is my last bullet :) I prefer to convince these two libraries in a friendly way :)
Yes, but the above syntax isn't what you want. The modern way to do this is with a class extension.
Your header file is the same:
#interface MyInterface
But in your .m file, you create an extension by appending ():
#interface MyInterface ()
#property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSDictionary *dict;
Now, inside your .m file, you can access self.dict normally, but outside of your .m file it won't appear available.
For full details, see Programming with Objective-C: Class Extensions Extend the Internal Implementation.
The syntax you've written actually creates a static (global) variable called dict that isn't tied to any instance.
It is possible to create raw instance variables using a {...} syntax, either on the extension or on the implementation, but this isn't used that often today, except for managing raw buffers that you don't want accessors for. The syntax is either:
#interface MyInterface () {
NSDictionary *_dict;
or on the implementation:
#implementation MyInterface {
NSDictionary *_dict;
But I recommend simple extensions with properties any time you can. And if you are considering creating an accessor for it, you definitely want to use #property and let the system do it for you.
If I understand your edits correctly, you're trying to read the internal ivars of an object that doesn't expose them with an accessor, correct? I believe specifically you want to access _player.
There's several common ways to do that. The key feature you want is Key-Value Coding.
The simplest approach for this problem is -valueForKey:
AVPlayer *player = [view valueForKey:#"player"];
The first thing -valueForKey: looks for is _<key>, and if it's just an object pointer (as in this case), it just returns it.
(This can be broken if a class return false for +accessInstanceVariablesDirectly, but the default is true, and it's unusual to override this.)
Another very common approach is to just declare any methods you know exist as a category. (This won't work for _player, since it's not a method, but in case you need similar things.) Imagine you wanted to call the "private" method -removePlayerTimeObserver. In your .m file, just say you know about it using a category:
#interface RCTVideo (PrivateMethods)
- (void)removePlayerTimeObserver;
And since you know about it, you can call it:
[video removePlayerTimeObserver];
If you're wrong, and that method doesn't really exist, then the program will crash. In Objective-C, almost all rules are advisory. You can break them if you want to. ObjC programmers tend to be big rule-followers because otherwise the program crashes and ObjC has very clear rules that are pretty easy to follow. It's not because the system forces us to.

In Objective-C, when creating a subclass, how to make it aware of properties declared in the .m file of the superclass ? What is the recommended way?

I have imported an Objective-C library with its entire source code in my Xcode project. The recommended way of using this library is to subclass its main object and customise its behaviour. The problem is that this superclass has many properties declared in the .m through the well known mechanism:
#interface BGRichTextEditorViewController ()
#property (strong) NSString *theString;
This way, they are invisible by my subclass, and all I can do is either change the code of the library and move the properties to the .h or use valueForKey to access the superclass properties from the subclass. Is there a more elegant way to solve this ? Many thanks
That is a class Extension. The public interface is in the header file, and the private properties are hidden from you. It is by design by whoever wrote the library.
If you work around this with valueForKey you might very well find your code breaking on a new release of the library (They are usually private for a reason).
If you have the source code and don't need to be on the bleeding edge release, I would simply fork the library and make your own changes.

Is following use of objc #protected directive safe/legit?

I have to expose a private property to sub-classes.
Since there is no such thing as "protected properties" in objc AFAIK, I'm using the #protected directive to expose the corresponding ivar that's synthesised by the complier.
This method appears to work, however, I'm not sure if I'm affecting the synthesis of the property and ARC in some inadvisable way?
I'm using a weak property here to show how the compiler forced me to use __weak modifier with the #protected directive, i.e. it appears the complier is aware of the two declarations and the link between them.
Superclass .h file
#interface Superclass : NSObject
SCNScene * __weak _scnScene;
Superclass .m file
#interface Superclass ()
#property (weak, nonatomic) SCNScene * scnScene;
#implementation Superclass
Subclass .m file
#implementation Subclass
// Can use _scnScene just fine
_scnScene = .....
Yes, it'll probably work. Don't do it this way. It's very inflexible. It forces you to declare ivars in the header, it only works with ivars, and it doesn't give you any control over read/write controls (or let you create a custom getters/setters). There isn't really a good reason to use the # access controls anymore (not since the move to non-fragile ivars, and they weren't that useful before).
A typical way to do this is with a +Protected header with a category. For example, you'd create a header file Superclass+Protected.h like this:
#interface Superclass (Protected)
#property (weak, nonatomic) SCNScene * scnScene;
Then you import that into any implementation files that are allowed to access scnScene. Note that you could make this readonly if you wanted, so internally it's writable, but to protected implementations it's only readable, and to the public, it's invisible.
This is more flexible than literal "protected" because you can import this header into any other implementation where it is appropriate. So it can also be the equivalent of C++'s "friend." Obviously naming the file and providing some header comments can be helpful to let callers know if they should or shouldn't import this file.
To any complaints that this doesn't enforce access controls (not that you made any, but for anyone that does), neither does #protected. If I call valueForKeyPath:, I can access protected ivars, too. ObjC helps you create "no trespassing signs" so that callers know when they're in places they shouldn't be. It doesn't try to stop programs from accessing their own memory space. (This would be a futile goal; you can always read private variables and call private functions in any language that allows raw memory access; the point of access controls is to help callers write correct code, not stop them from doing anything.)
In the context of a class declaration, protected is the default visibility for instance variables, so your declaration has no effect. In fact, the following declaration:
#interface Superclass : NSObject
would have the precisely the same effect as the declaration you posted, because the compiler automatically synthesizes any needed ivars for declared properties, unless you declare them yourself.

Explaning syntax for #property id<delegateName>

I see a lot of code references when writing delegates using something likes
#property (nonatomic, weak) id<mySuperCoolDelegate> delegate;
normally where id<mySuperCoolDelegate> is, is the data type of the property. So the questions are:
Is my understanding correct, that above syntax is telling the compiler data type of the id is mySuperCoolDelegate?
Any other examples where this sort of code (data type specified for id) could be used?
This piece of code is objective-c's way of implementing interfaces (as in Java or Go). using "id" means that you don't know at compile time what type of object it will be. But using the protocol in angle brackets you are telling the compiler that no matter what object it will be, it will need to support the 'mySuperCoolDelegate" protocol. If it doesn't - the compiler will let you know.
This syntax tells the compiler that delegate is of some kind of class (any class) that implements the mySuperCoolDelegate protocol.
This allows a certain component to notify another component on some event that happened without the need to know about the notified component (type-wise). (e.g. UITextView notifies its controller that the text has been changed without having a reference to that controller, only through the generic-typed delegate so the UITextView does not need to limit itself to a specific controller's type)
Also note that delegates are usually declared as weak (rather than strong). If an instance of UIViewController has a strong reference to a UITextView instance and that text view delegate (assume it is strong) is the controller instance then you will have a retaining cycle where both objects release will be dependent on the other object's release (which will never happen and leave you with a memory leak).
This tells the compiler that the property can be of any type as long as it implements the protocol mySuperCoolDelegate.
Still too short to be 100% accurate but easy to understand:
id is similar to NSObject*, meaning it is a reference to any kind of object (not only subclasses of NSObject, to be frank). Witin <> you declare which protocols the object has to conform to.
Example: It could be both:
#interface mySuperCoolClass : <mySuperCoolDelegate> ... #end
#interface somebodyElsesSuperCoolClass : <mySuperCoolDelegate> ... #end
Wherever you use that property, the compiler will allow you to access all methods that are declared in the related #protocol (most likely in some .h file that you need to #include).

Unexpected content in default files generated for opengl template in xcode

I was just starting a new opengl project in xcode. When I was going through the default files created, I was confused by this following line of codes in the viewController interface.
#interface RetinaTestViewController ()
#property (nonatomic, retain) EAGLContext *context;
#property (nonatomic, assign) CADisplayLink *displayLink;
- (BOOL)loadShaders;
- (BOOL)compileShader:(GLuint *)shader type:(GLenum)type file:(NSString *)file;
- (BOOL)linkProgram:(GLuint)prog;
- (BOOL)validateProgram:(GLuint)prog;
My question is why this is written in the implementation of viewController rather than in the interface itself. This may be very basic but I just started to work with the openGL stuff. Please do help.
I don't think this is really OpenGL related, but Objective-C has something called categories, which allow you to add extra methods to an existing class. You can add them to any class you want, whether you have the source code or not. The syntax looks like:
#interface classname (categoryName)
- (void)extraMethod1;
- (void)extraMethod2;
#implementation classname (categoryName)
- (void)extraMethod1
- (void)extraMethod2
And, as I say, you can use that to add methods to any class, including e.g. NSString, NSDictionary and the other Foundation objects.
The brackets after the classname in the interface declaration dictate that this is a category, not a full interface definition. Historically there was no way to add extra storage to a class through a category, so you may not declare member variables in categories. Hence there's no {} section.
In the modern runtime (on 64bit OS X and iOS), you can add extra storage via #properties, as Apple appear to do in the code you've given.
Here Apple are using category methods to create something like private methods — in this case methods that everyone in the class knows are there but which aren't declared externally. That's a design decision, to keep the bits that other people are likely to look at neat and to indicate the programmer's intent.
What's going on is that:
the bits of RetinaTestViewController that Apple want everyone else to know about are declared in the header file
the bits that aren't meant to be exposed are declared only in the implementation file
A well-designed object should expose a public interface and conform to that interface, while doing whatever is necessary internally and keeping its internals secret.
You can read a little more category methods here, here and here (scroll down to number 11).