JSP result set from MS Access - how to get the location name? - sql

I have a table called "form" in ms access which have following fields:
formno, location, status.
I want to create a report which calculates:
the total no of forms(columns) at each location
the total no of forms(columns) with status= "pending" at each location.
I tried to do it with this query:
select count(formno) as totalforms
from form
group by location;
select count(formno) as pendingforms
from form
group by location
WHERE status = 'pending';

SELECT Location, COUNT(FormNo) AS TotalForms,
SUM(IIF(status = "pending", 1, 0)) AS Pending
Does this help?

The second SQL Statment has the Where Clause in the wrong place. It should look like one of these:
SELECT Count(form.formno) AS CountOfformno, form.location
FROM form
GROUP BY form.location, form.status
HAVING (((form.status)='pending'));
SELECT Count(form.formno) AS CountOfformno, form.location
FROM form
WHERE (((form.status)='pending'))
GROUP BY form.location;
Basically if you wish to group by a column and set criteria on it use the Having Clause. The Where Clause comes before the group by clause.
To learn the SQL syntax you may find it easier to use the Query By Design Grid (in Design View) first then switch to SQL View after you get the results you are after in Datasheet View.

Form is a reserved word and must be enclosed in square brackets: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/286335. I would suggest renaming the table, because it will continue to cause problems.
select location,count(formno) as totalforms
from [form]
group by location
select location, count(formno) as pendingforms
from [form]
WHERE status = 'pending'
group by location
Note that count(*) can also be used if you wish to include all records in the table: In SQL is there a difference between count(*) and count(<fieldname>)


How to write a query to parse data into multiple columns from one column

I have an existing table (link #1) that I am trying to write a query for so that the query reformats the data as seen in the second link. Basically it is a table listing the completed email types for a group of users. The "Completed Type" is a single column with multiple values. I am trying to parse out the individual values (3 of them) from the "Completed Type" into their own column with a total count. I also would like to add a seperate column called "Completed" which is simply a sum of "Closed without response" and "Replied" for that particular user for that particular month.
I plan on then creating a pivot in Excel that will read off of the new query with the reformated data. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to write this in SQL. I tried creating individual queries to total the different "Completed" types and then tried to union them, but it is not working.
Existing table
Future Query Output
Any advice or guidance you can provide in writing a SQL query in Access that will produce image # 2 would be GREATLY appreciated! Thank you in advance!
You can use case when and sum, for example:
select month,
sum(case when completed_type = "completed" then 1 else 0 end) as completed
from table
group by month, id
Use a crosstab query:
Sum([Case Count]) AS [SumOfCase Count]
[Adjusted Name],
Sum(Abs([Completed Type] Not Like "Closed*")) AS Completed
[Adjusted Name],
[Month] DESC
[Completed Type] In ("Replied","Sent","Closed without response");

SQL sum, multiple Group By's and Date criteria

I'm looking to perform a sum calculation on a SQL table to find the quantity of a particular stock item held against a particular salesperson up to and including a specific date.
I'm able to perform the sum function to find the quantities on a Salesperson/item basis whenever I do not factor in the date range criteria, but as soon as i add that aspect, it all goes a bit pear shaped! Here is my code so far:
SELECT Salesperson, Item No, Sum(Quantity) AS 'Quantity'
FROM dbo
WHERE (Location Code='VAN')
GROUP BY Salesperson, Item No,
HAVING (Registering Date<={ts '2017-05-03 00:00:00'})
The location code = VAN filter is required to ensure it ignores Warehouse quantities.My SQL knowledge is limited to the few instances I run into it at work and my interaction is largely based through Microsoft Query in Excel. When looking at the above code, i figured that the 'Registering date' criteria should be in the 'WHERE' section, however when i add the criteria using the options available in Microsoft Query, it creates the 'HAVING' line.
If anyone could provide any pointers, it would be much appreciated!
I would imagine a query like this:
SELECT Salesperson, [Item No], Sum(Quantity) AS Quantity
--------------------^ escape the non-standard column name
FROM dbo.??
---------^ table name goes here
WHERE Location Code = 'VAN' AND
[Registering Date] <= '2017-05-03'
------^ put the filtering condition in the correct clause
GROUP BY Salesperson, Item No
-----------------------------^ remove the comma
Your code, as written, has multiple errors. I am guessing that most are transcription errors rather than in the original query (queries don't run if no table is given in the FROM for instance). The "major" error would then be filtering in the HAVING clause rather than the WHERE clause.

How to get an group data from sql?

Can anyone help me create chart like the one below? I'm using CFDB on wordpres. It is a simple form inputs counter.
I've figured out something like this:
SELECT month(FROM_UNIXTIME(`submit_time`)) as miesiac,
year(FROM_UNIXTIME(`submit_time`)) as rok,
`form_name`, `field_name`, `field_value`, `field_order`, `file`
FROM `wp_cf7dbplugin_submits`
WHERE year(FROM_UNIXTIME(`submit_time`)) = 2016
I would like to get final result like in the attachment.
Now I get something like this one:
enter image description here
In order to generate the data needed for a chart like the one in your example, you need to return the number of form submissions for each month and form type.
SELECT COUNT(sub.form_name) as total, sub.form_name, sub.miesiac
SELECT DISTINCT `submit_time`, month(FROM_UNIXTIME(`submit_time`)) as miesiac,
FROM `wp_cf7dbplugin_submits`
WHERE year(FROM_UNIXTIME(`submit_time`)) = 2016 ) sub
GROUP BY sub.form_name, sub.miesiac
The sub-query identifies the distinct submissions (since each submission has multiple rows) and the main query counts the number of submissions for each form type per month. There's no need to include the year because it's already included in the WHERE statement.

Oracle Group by issue

I have the below query. The problem is the last column productdesc is returning two records and the query fails because of distinct. Now i need to add one more column in where clause of the select query so that it returns one record. The issue is that the column i need
to add should not be a part of group by clause.
SELECT product_billing_id,
SUM(round(summary_net_amt_excl_gst/100)) gross,
(SELECT DISTINCT description
FROM RES.tariff_nt
WHERE product_billing_id = aa.product_billing_id
AND billing_ele = aa.billing_ele) productdescr
FROM bil.bill_sum aa
WHERE file_id = 38613 --1=1
AND line_type = 'D'
AND (product_billing_id, billing_ele) IN (SELECT DISTINCT
FROM bil.bill_l2 )
AND trans_type_desc <> 'Change'
GROUP BY product_billing_id, billing_ele
I want to modify the select statement to the below way by adding a new filter to the where clause so that it returns one record .
(SELECT DISTINCT description
FROM RRES.tariff_nt
WHERE product_billing_id = aa.product_billing_id
AND billing_ele = aa.billing_ele
AND (rate_structure_start_date <= TO_DATE(aa.p_effective_date,'yyyymmdd')
AND rate_structure_end_date > TO_DATE(aa.p_effective_date,'yyyymmdd'))
) productdescr
The aa.p_effective_date should not be a part of GROUP BY clause. How can I do it? Oracle is the Database.
So there are multiple RES.tariff records for a given product_billing_id/billing_ele, differentiated by the start/end dates
You want the description for the record that encompasses the 'p_effective_date' from bil.bill_sum. The kicker is that you can't (or don't want to) include that in the group by. That suggests you've got multiple rows in bil.bill_sum with different effective dates.
The issue is what do you want to happen if you are summarising up those multiple rows with different dates. Which of those dates do you want to use as the one to get the description.
If it doesn't matter, simply use MIN(aa.p_effective_date), or MAX.
Have you looked into the Oracle analytical functions. This is good link Analytical Functions by Example

Aggregate SQL Function to grab only the first from each group

I have 2 tables - an Account table and a Users table. Each account can have multiple users. I have a scenario where I want to execute a single query/join against these two tables, but I want all the Account data (Account.*) and only the first set of user data (specifically their name).
Instead of doing a "min" or "max" on my aggregated group, I wanted to do a "first". But, apparently, there is no "First" aggregate function in TSQL.
Any suggestions on how to go about getting this query? Obviously, it is easy to get the cartesian product of Account x Users:
SELECT User.Name, Account.* FROM Account, User
WHERE Account.ID = User.Account_ID
But how might I got about only getting the first user from the product based on the order of their User.ID ?
Rather than grouping, go about it like this...
from account a
join (
row_number() over (order by account_id, id) -
rank() over (order by account_id) as row_num from user
) first on first.account_id = a.id and first.row_num = 0
I know my answer is a bit late, but that might help others. There is a way to achieve a First() and Last() in SQL Server, and here it is :
Stuff(Min(Convert(Varchar, DATE_FIELD, 126) + Convert(Varchar, DESIRED_FIELD)), 1, 23, '')
Use Min() for First() and Max() for Last(). The DATE_FIELD should be the date that determines if it is the first or last record. The DESIRED_FIELD is the field you want the first or the last value. What it does is :
Add the date in ISO format at the start of the string (23 characters long)
Append the DESIRED_FIELD to that string
Get the MIN/MAX value for that field (since it start with the date, you will get the first or last record)
Stuff that concatened string to remove the first 23 characters (the date part)
Here you go!
EDIT: I got problems with the first formula : when the DATE_FIELD has .000 as milliseconds, SQL Server returns the date as string with NO milliseconds at all, thus removing the first 4 characters from the DESIRED_FIELD. I simply changed the format to "20" (without milliseconds) and it works all great. The only downside is if you have two fields that were created at the same seconds, the sort can possibly be messy... in which cas you can revert to "126" for the format.
Stuff(Max(Convert(Varchar, DATE_FIELD, 20) + Convert(Varchar, DESIRED_FIELD)), 1, 19, '')
EDIT 2 : My original intent was to return the last (or first) NON NULL row. I got asked how to return the last or first row, wether it be null or not. Simply add a ISNULL to the DESIRED_FIELD. When you concatenate two strings with a + operator, when one of them is NULL, the result is NULL. So use the following :
Stuff(Max(Convert(Varchar, DATE_FIELD, 20) + IsNull(Convert(Varchar, DESIRED_FIELD), '')), 1, 19, '')
Select *
From Accounts a
Left Join (
Select u.*,
row_number() over (Partition By u.AccountKey Order By u.UserKey) as Ranking
From Users u
) as UsersRanked
on UsersRanked.AccountKey = a.AccountKey and UsersRanked.Ranking = 1
This can be simplified by using the Partition By clause. In the above, if an account has three users, then the subquery numbers them 1,2, and 3, and for a different AccountKey, it will reset the numnbering. This means for each unique AccountKey, there will always be a 1, and potentially 2,3,4, etc.
Thus you filter on Ranking=1 to grab the first from each group.
This will give you one row per account, and if there is at least one user for that account, then it will give you the user with the lowest key(because I use a left join, you will always get an account listing even if no user exists). Replace Order By u.UserKey with another field if you prefer that the first user be chosen alphabetically or some other criteria.
I've benchmarked all the methods, the simpelest and fastest method to achieve this is by using outer/cross apply
SELECT u.Name, Account.* FROM Account
OUTER APPLY (SELECT TOP 1 * FROM User WHERE Account.ID = Account_ID ) as u
CROSS APPLY works just like INNER JOIN and fetches the rows where both tables are related, while OUTER APPLY works like LEFT OUTER JOIN and fetches all rows from the left table (Account here)
You can use OUTER APPLY, see documentation.
SELECT User1.Name, Account.* FROM Account
FROM [User]
WHERE Account.ID = [User].Account_ID
ORDER BY Name ASC) User1
WHERE Account_ID = a.AccountID
ORDER BY UserID) [Name],
FROM Account a
The STUFF response from Dominic Goulet is slick. But, if your DATE_FIELD is SMALLDATETIME (instead of DATETIME), then the ISO 8601 length will be 19 instead of 23 (because SMALLDATETIME has no milliseconds) - so adjust the STUFF parameter accordingly or the return value from the STUFF function will be incorrect (missing the first four characters).
First and Last do not exist in Sql Server 2005 or 2008, but in Sql Server 2012 there is a First_Value, Last_Value function. I tried to implement the aggregate First and Last for Sql Server 2005 and came to the obstacle that sql server does guarantee the calculation of the aggregate in a defined order. (See attribute SqlUserDefinedAggregateAttribute.IsInvariantToOrder Property, which is not implemented.) This might be because the query analyser tries to execute the calculation of the aggregate on multiple threads and combine the results, which speeds up the execution, but does not guarantee an order in which elements are aggregated.
Define "First". What you think of as first is a coincidence that normally has to do with clustered index order but should not be relied on (you can contrive examples that break it).
You are right not to use MAX() or MIN(). While tempting, consider the scenario where you the first name and last name are in separate fields. You might get names from different records.
Since it sounds like all your really care is that you get exactly one arbitrary record for each group, what you can do is just MIN or MAX an ID field for that record, and then join the table into the query on that ID.
There are a number of ways of doing this, here a a quick and dirty one.
Select (SELECT TOP 1 U.Name FROM Users U WHERE U.Account_ID = A.ID) AS "Name,
FROM Account A
(Slightly Off-Topic, but) I often run aggregate queries to list exception summaries, and then I want to know WHY a customer is in the results, so use MIN and MAX to give 2 semi-random samples that I can look at in details e.g.
SELECT Customer.Id, COUNT(*) AS ProblemCount
, MIN(Invoice.Id) AS MinInv, MAX(Invoice.Id) AS MaxInv
FROM Customer
INNER JOIN Invoice on Invoice.CustomerId = Customer.Id
WHERE Invoice.SomethingHasGoneWrong=1
GROUP BY Customer.Id
Create and join with a subselect 'FirstUser' that returns the first user for each account
SELECT User.Name, Account.*
FROM Account, User,
(select min(user.id) id,account_id from User group by user.account_id) as firstUser
WHERE Account.ID = User.Account_ID
and User.id = firstUser.id and Account.ID = firstUser.account_id