Is there any way to hide panels in IntelliJ 9? - ide

In IntelliJ 9.0, is there any way to hide the panels on the sides and bottom? Specifically, I'm trying to hide the Ant Build panel, since I don't use Ant and don't want to have these extra panels taking up space on my side and bottom bars.

CTRL-SHIFT-F12 maximizes the editor
Also, SHIFT-ESC closes the active panel

You can permanently remove the Ant Build panel by disabling the plugin. Go to Settings > Plugins and uncheck the "Enable" box next to Ant Support.

Install Tool Window Manager plugin to be able to disable tabs that you don't use.

For current IDEA version 2018.1 (and for many previous editions)
Right-click the tool window button you want to hide (in your case the Ant Build).
Choose Remove from Sidebar
More info:


IntelliJ: Is there a way to split tool windows horizontally?

In IntelliJ I would like to have "project" and "structure" tool windows side by side horizontally, not vertically. Is this possible?
I found the solution in this question: Switching from Eclipse to IntelliJ: Is there a way to split tool windows?
In short, you need to go in to the File -> Settings -> Appearance and Behavior -> Appearance: and check "Side-by-side layout on the left."
Truly a UI failure on IntelliJ's part; that should very obviously be a checkbox on the tool window UI, not a setting!

Pop-up menu is not fully visible in IntelliJ IDEA

I am just evaluating IntelliJ IDEA. Installed it with default procedures.
I created a simple Spring project and when I right click on the project, not able to see the the bottom part of the pop up menu. The issue is because of my laptop screen's height is less and could not fit the entire set of pop-up menu items.
In eclipse there is a drop down arrow, so that I can scroll to the menu items, which do not fit in the screen. How can I get the similar eclipse functionality in IntelliJ?
Well, you are only missing one useful feature (Genereate Java code from wsdl). I would ignore it unless you need to generate such code.
If you want to run this generation you can do this with Ctrl + Shift + A (and start typing feature name)
//btw, it is better to make code generation in maven anyway

Eclipse Kepler: detached window and toolbar

In my Eclipse plug-in I have a custom editor which has its own toolbar. If I detach such an editor I still can use this toolbar. But only if there is no other editor (without this toolbar) active on the workbench. In this case the toolbar of the detached window disappears while activating the workbench so I can't use it anymore for the detached window. Is this a bug or a feature?
Is it somehow possible to attach the toolbar to the detached editor window to prevent such errors?
If your editor's toolbar is actually showing in the main window (the usual case) then what is happening is that when you click on the main window to use the tool the main window activates, changing the currently active part. This is a known issue for which no viable solution has been proposed...
See and related defects for the gory details.
The usual workaround is to use key-bindings for commands you want to execute in DW's.

Managing IntelliJ Tool Windows, how to

Currently my IntelliJ shows amongst other things
How do i decide
What tool windows are shown
Where they are shown
Those things are called Tool Windows, and you can find them at View > Tool Windows.
To disable some of them, you can install the plugin ToolWindow Manager and disable one by one.
You can enable/disable all tool windows in Settings > Appearance > Show tool window bars
You can find more information about them here.
These are called "Tool Windows". If you right click on them it shows a menu that at the bottom has a "Hide" option. I notice some of them can't be hidden, but you can drag them to other places that are out of your view. For example, you can drag them from the bottom to the side. You can also drag to answer your second question.

How do I set up IntelliJ on dual monitors?

I have just installed IntelliJ 9.0.2 on a machine running 64-bit Ubuntu 10.04.
How do I get another window to put on my second screen?
I would like to have both an editor and some tool windows on both screens.
All 'windows' inside of IntelliJ other than the code editor tabs have a "Float" option which pops open an independent window which you can drag to anywhere on your screen. This will allow you to manage your IDEA windows however you like.
IntelliJ also allow you to open multiple projects at once. When opening a project with one already opened, you are prompted as to wether you would like it in your current window or a "New Instance". If you choose new instance, it will open up a completely new IntelliJ with the other project in it. This will work for you if you have many projects you work on at once.
IntelliJ 14 and onwards you can select the settings cog and tick floating mode to detach menus, or drag editor tabs off the main window to detach them
If you're running on OSX you'll need to make sure it's not treating the screens as separate spaces, otherwise they'll snap back onto the same window as the main editor when switching between windows.
To do this untick Displays have separate Spaces in the Mission Control System Preferences.
IntelliJ 10 will have draggable & dockable editor tabs. A very nice feature. It's already present in the early access versions.