SQL Server Inserting Decimal, but selecting Int - sql

I have a table with two decimal(18,0) fields.
I am inserting into this table, two decimal values. For example, 1.11
When I select from the table (with no casts), I get 1.
I'm losing all percision and I have no clue why.
insert into TEST values (153, 'test', 'test', 1, 1, 1.11, 1.11)
Select * from TEST and they are 1 and 1 instead of 1.11,1.11
Any Ideas?

When you declare a field as decimal(18,0), you are saying that you want 0 digits of precision after the decimal point. You're going to want to define those columns as decimal(18,2) (or however many digits of precision you desire) in order to maintain a value of 1.11.
Refer to the MSDN page on decimal and numeric types for the grisly details.

Define the Precision to Decimal every time else it stores only int values not Decimal values

Try changing to type decimal(9,2)

Maybe try creating the columns as


Converting NVARCHAR to DECIMAL: All decimals lost

I am loading data from a CSV file to a staging table (using BULK INSERT) where all column types are NVARCHAR(100). This works well.
The idea is then to insert that data into the productive table and while doing that changing the data types.
When trying to convert a column with numeric values from NVARCHAR to DECIMAL, all decimals are gone.
Create and insert from staging table to production table:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [dbo].[factFinanzbuchhaltung]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[factFinanzbuchhaltung]
INSERT INTO [dbo].[factFinanzbuchhaltung]
FROM [dbo].[Stage_factFinanzbuchhaltung]
how the data looks before and after conversion
What am I doing wrong? I feel like I tried very combination of CONVERT, CAST and number of decimals. With our without rounding.
Decimal is a fixed point number, which has a declared number of decimals (a.k.a. scale). When you declare a column as type DECIMAL, you get a decimal with precision 18 and scale 0 (source). In other words, it can only store integer values (whole numbers), and drops anything after the decimal point.
You need to declare with the desired number of decimals, e.g. DECIMAL(18, 2) for two decimals. A quick look at your screenshot suggests you need DECIMAL(18, 8). The only other option would be to use FLOAT (double precision), but that could lead to loss of precision. In some database systems you also have a DECFLOAT (decimal floating point) type, but SQL Server does not have this type.

Redshift, casting of a decimal value is not rounding off

I have a reshift table, which has a decimal column of (38, 29), but the original data's maximum Integer part is 6 and scale is 12 i.e Decimal (18,12). But the table is created using the max precision and scale. So all the data in that has 0's at the end of the scale part as padding.
For Example:
All the data in the table is like the above example.
Now I'm retrieving the data from the table using the below query.
select cast(column as decimal(30,6)) from table;
The output I'm getting is
But when I try the below query
select cast(12345.123456789112300000000000000000000 as decimal(30,6)) from table;
The output I'm getting is
I want to know why this is happening. when I cast the column in the table, it is not rounding off to its highest value, it is just truncating.
But when I try with the decimal itself it is truncating and it is rounding off.
I also want to how to achieve the second query's result in the table itself.
So this comes down to when is a cast not a cast. If I cast and integer to an int it does nothing. Casting a varchar to a shorter varchar is nearly as simple as long as the data fits. Casting a decimal to a lower scale decimal is also a simplistic operation as it is not changing the data type, just some attribute of it (scale). What you desire is that Redshift implicitly ROUNDS the values when you make this conversion and it is not. (I'll let the database philosophers debate if this is a bug or not.)
Here's a simple example to highlight this:
drop table if exists goo;
create table goo (rownum int, num decimal(30,6));
insert into goo select 1, 12345.123456789112300000000000000000000::text;
insert into goo select 2, 12345.123456789112300000000000000000000::decimal(38,29);
insert into goo select 3, 12345.123456789112300000000000000000000::double;
select rownum, num::text from goo;
In all 3 of these examples there is an implicit cast to the data type of the column 'num' in the table. However you can see that what is getting into the table is different. Lots of experiments can be set up like this. (Note that I'm casting the result to text to avoid any bench precision changes.)
The answer in your case is to explicitly ROUND() the value.

SQL Datatype to use when inserting money

I am using Oracle SQL database and I have to insert a monetary value(salary) as part of a row. For some strange reason the money command isnt working, is there any alternates that would work with this?
Data input format: £00,000.000
(staffno CHAR(6) NOT NULL
, staffsurname VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL
, staffforename VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL
, PRIMARY KEY (staffno)
Look at this line
There is no existing money datatype.
If you are looking for something similar to SQL-Server small money type, you want to use a Number(10,4) and then format the number.
You can format the number using to_char function
select to_char(yourColumn, '$99,999.99') from yourTable where someCondition
The "strange" reason is simple: There is no MONEY data type.
The data type most appropriate for monetary values would be NUMBER (using an appropriate scale). Since it is a decimal floating-point type, it is better suited for monetary values than the binary floating-point types BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE.
Note, though, that you will still need to parse the input string £00,000.000 in your front end and send it as a numeric value to the back end.

using decimal in where clause - Arithmetic overflow error converting nvarchar to data type numeric

I got a sql server error and not sure how to fix it.I got a column 'NAME' in a view 'Products' with a type of nvarchar(30), the query is generated dynamically in code so cannot quite change it.
I got the 'Arithmetic overflow error converting nvarchar to data type numeric.' for the following query:
select * FROM Products WHERE NAME=12.0
however the following query works fine:
select * FROM Products WHERE NAME=112.0
I am quite confused by the error, I know I should put quotes around the number but just want know why the second query works and is there any settings could make the first query work?
update: also
select * FROM Products WHERE NAME=cast('12.0' as decimal(4,2))
doesn't work, but
select * FROM Products WHERE NAME=cast('12.0' as decimal(5,2))
works, any particular reasons?
Many thanks!
SQL Server is trying to convert the values in your table to match the perceived data type of the value coded into your WHERE clause. If you have data values with more numbers (e.g., DECIMAL(5,2)) and you try to convert them to match a value with fewer (e.g., DECIMAL(3,1)), then you will have an overflow.
Consider the following SQL, which will throw an error:
INSERT INTO #Products VALUES ('123.45')
INSERT INTO #Products VALUES ('12.0')
FROM #Products
Now try this, which will work:
INSERT INTO #Products VALUES ('123.45')
INSERT INTO #Products VALUES ('12.0')
FROM #Products
The difference between these is that SQL Server now accounts for cases where the table contains a number with a higher precision and/or scale than the one specified in the WHERE clause.
EDIT: further reading. Books Online states in the data type definition for DECIMAL and NUMERIC that:
In Transact-SQL statements, a constant with a decimal point is
automatically converted into a numeric data value, using the minimum
precision and scale necessary. For example, the constant 12.345 is
converted into a numeric value with a precision of 5 and a scale of 3.
Therefore, when you issue a query with the constant '12.0', it is being converted to the data type NUMERIC(3,1) and then trying to convert the NVARCHAR value to match.

Converting varchar to numeric type in SQL Server

I have a column in a table with a varchar datatype. It has 15 digits after the decimal point. Now I am having a hard time converting it to a numeric format.. float, double etc.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Example :
I tried using the following statements and it doesn't seem to work :
update table1
set Column1 = Convert(float,column1)..
Any suggestions ?
You can use the decimal data type and specify the precision to state how many digits are after the decimal point. So you could use decimal(28,20) for example, which would hold 28 digits with 20 of them after the decimal point.
Here's a SQL Fiddle, showing your data in decimal format.
Fiddle sample:
create table Table1(MyValues varchar(100))
insert into Table1(MyValues)
So the values are held as varchar in this table, but you can cast it to decimal as long as they are all valid values, like so:
select cast(MyValues as decimal(28,20)) as DecimalValues
from table1
Your Sample
Looking at your sample update statement, you wouldn't be able to convert the values from varchar to a numeric type and insert them back in to the same column, as the column is of type varchar. You would be better off adding a new column with a numeric data type and updating that.
So if you had 2 columns:
create table Table1(MyValues varchar(100), DecimalValues decimal(28,20))
You could do the below to update the numeric column with the nvarchar values that have been cast to decimal:
update Table1
set DecimalValues = cast(MyValues as decimal(28,20))
I think you're trying to actually change the data type of that column?
If that is the case you want to ALTER the table and change the column type over to float, like so:
alter table table1
alter column column1 float
See fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/637e6/1/0
You would use CONVERT if you're changing the text values to numbers for temporary use within a query (not to actually permanently change the data).