Creating Stored Procedure Syntax, relating to use of GO - sql

Does anyone know why.
(#Company varchar(50))
Gives me an error message in SQL management studio:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure My_Procedure, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near 'GO'.
Now, this is the last statement of a batch, maybe the last statement should not have a GO ?

If you go to "Save As...", click on the little down-arrow on the Save button and select "Save with Encoding..." then you can set your Line endings to Windows (CR LF). That seems to have resolved the issue for me...

There was a bug released in SQL Server that parses the GO statement incorrectly. I believe it was introduced when you could do GO X, and execute the batch X multiple times.
Sometimes I've had to add a comments section ("--") to force the parser to terminate rather than produce a syntax error. This has been seen when I've had 400,000 lines in a batch of code.
PRINT "This is a test."
GO --
PRINT "This is not a test."
GO 5 --

The sql you currently have in the question will work properly. The unformatted sql you had before Kev edited the post won't. The reason is that you had the GO on the same line as the sql. It needs to be on a separate line.

If you copy-paste text from text editor with Unix/Mac EOLs (e.g. Notepad++ supports this) the GO is interpreted as being on the same line as the last TSQL statement (yet on the screen you can see newlines normally). Converting EOLs to Windows (CRLF) in the text editor fixed the problem. Very tricky though.

Error for this sql
(#Company varchar(50))
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure My_Procedure, Line 7
Incorrect syntax near 'GO'.
note the Line 7, original question has Line 1.
If I put the GO on its own line SQL works fine.
Given that your error message says Line 1, it would appear that for some reason there isnt a correct CR/LF happening in your sql.

You can certainly have GO at the end of your batch. I see nothing wrong with this code per se. Put a semicolon after #Company.

I tried this SQL on my 2008 server by creating a table WM_PROPERTY_DATES and adding 2 columns, PRD_DATE and PRD_COMPANY.
Work just fine and creates the proc. Maybe you can try putting your code in a BEGIN...END block and see if the issue persists.

You said
Now, this is the last statement of a
batch, maybe the last statement should
not have a GO ?
This implies that these lines are all part of the same batch submitted to SQL. The thing is, a CREATE PROCEDURE (or CREATE FUNCTION or CREATE VIEW) statement must be the first statement in the batch. So, put a "GO" line in front of that CREATE statement, and see what happens.

In my case I had copied part of the code from a webpage and it seems that saved the page with different encoding, I tried SaveAs from SMS with different encoding, but didn't work.
To fix my issue I copy the code into NodePad, then save it in ANSI format and re-open the query

No serious company could possibly pretend to add GO after each statement. Perhaps after each batch.
GO is not a Transact-SQL statement. Is a delimiter understood by tools like ISQLW (aka. Query analizer), osql, sqlcmd and SSMS (Management Studio). These tools split the SQL file into batches, delimited by GO (or whatever is the 'batch delimiter' set, to to be accurate, but is usually GO) and then send to the server one batch at a time. The server never sees the GO, and if it would see it then it would report an error 102, incorrect syntax, as you already seen.


Sql error on simple joins on table

Below is my simple select statement with join which gives me error
Query :
select a.*,r.* from answers a join respondents r on = a.respondentid
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 2 Incorrect syntax near ' '.
I've had strange issues like this when copying and pasting queries from MS OneNote into SSMS 2014. The solution was to copy the query into notepad or outlook first and then back into SSMS. I'm sure long term my issue can be resolved by looking at the page encoding for where I store my queries.
Not sure, but probably what you can try is, close the current session and open new session and type your query manually instead of copy and paste from somewhere (try to write clean and clear query). Since, same query I was able to run
SQL Fiddle Example
Looking at your error, which is pointing at Line 2. It seems there is some extra blank character, which probably causing this error.

Oracle SQL Developer - Ctrl+Enter runs whole worksheet instead of current line

I am using Oracle SQL Developer, and since a few weeks, the shortcut Ctrl+Enter doesn't execute the current line or statement anymore, except for when I highlight it, but instead does run my whole worksheet. Using the green button on the top, which is supposed to only run the current line results in the same behaviour (except for when the line is highlighted). Hovering over the button still reveals the tooltip "Run Statement (Ctrl+Enter)". A colleague of mine does get this problem too.
I also looked into the Preferences->Shortcut Keys menu, but the shortcut set for running a statement is still Ctrl+Enter.
Anyone knows what's wrong with my SQL Developer?
Every SQL statement in SQL Developer should have semicolon ; otherwise ctrl+Enter would execute will execute entire worksheet.
Suppose for example I have two SQL statements: * from emp without semicolon ;
Then it will execute both statement simultaneously for that you should have semicolon after each SQL statement.
I faced it too. Usually you'll have PL/SQL block above the SQL code you are trying to execute. Comment out the PL/SQL block which is DECLARE, BEGIN without ending in semicolon creating this issue. So commenting the PL/SQL block in worksheet should solve your issue.
Thanks to the answer here: if it doesn't work even with a semicolon after the line like it didn't for me (Oracle SQL Developer, you need to put a '/' after each command if you want to execute them all independently, e.g.:
Think of the '/' as the real terminator/separator here.
I think I kinda solved it.
Since I'm not an administrator on the computers at work I couldn't install a new client, so I downloaded the SQL Developer in version a while ago and just ran it locally from my user directory.
Meanwhile the client is installed on the OS and when using this client I don't get this bug.
Thanks for the help though.

How to comment in hsqldb script file

I want to comment a query in .script file, how do I do this? I tested with #,--,({}),<--! -->,:: nothing worked. I get ad exception about unexpected token.
I was also having a problem with SQL stye comments in spring embedded database scripts. But it looked like it was because the beginning of each statement to the end of each statement was being processed as a single line thus any -- in the statement caused the rest of that statement, instead of just the rest of the line, to be commented out. So I trying switching to /* ... */ style comments and now life is much betters.
If you look HERE it says:
SQL Comments
-- SQL style line comment // Java style line comment /* C style line comment */ All these types of comments are ignored by the database.
But, in practice, at least when running from a spring embedded database script, these seem problematic.
HSQLDB stores the structure of the database in a file named dbname.script as a set of SQL statements. Normally, this file is not edited by the user. You cannot add comments to this file.
You can add comments on tables and columns with the SQL statement below:
COMMENT ON TABLE schemanme.tablename IS 'this is the user comment'
See the Guide:

Debugging a SQL Query

Does SQL Server 2008 have a built in debugger? I've got a stored procedure that returns an error if it is fed a string of alphabetic characters (as opposed to numeric) and I'd like to be able to determine what line it gets to before returning an error.
Yes, you can debug SQL stored procedures, functions, triggers, etc.
SQL Server Management Studio can debug stored procedures in SQL Server 2008. Open your stored procedure, and instead of hitting the "execute" button (the red exclamation mark) hit the "debug" button (the green "play" arrow).
I would add PRINT 'Checkpoint A passed' type statements at various points to see how far it gets.. the output would appear on the Messages tab. It's a lame way of debugging, but it works.
insert into blah blah blah
print 'Passed the insert'
select blah
print 'Passed the select'
You can try the Transact SQL Debugger
I've never used it but remember reading about it somewhere.

sp_notify_operator: The specified #operator_name does not exist (but it does!)

OK, so I think I'm going mad here! Here's where I am.
SQL Server 2008: I've set up Database Mail, and I've sent myself a test email. Simple, works fine.
I've created an operator, called 'Tom'. I've given it an email address (but nothing else).
However, when I run this command:
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_notify_operator #name=N'Tom',#subject=N'Test Database Message',#body=N'Testy Test Test'
...I get this:
Msg 14262, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_verify_operator_identifiers, Line 51
The specified #operator_name ('Tom') does not exist.
Is that error message masking something else which I should be looking at? There's definately an operator shown in SSMS, but if there's a sproc which lists operators I'll happily run that to see if it's actually there.
I'm just kinda stuck as to where to go next. SQL Server seems convinced I don't exist!
Ignore this! There's a possibility that I was trying to execute sp_notify_operator whilst connected to the wrong server...the one without any operators....