How can I recognize ActiveMQ disconnect using NMS and C# - activemq

I have a C# publisher and subscriber that talk to each other using ActiveMQ and NMS. Everything works fine, except I have no way to know when ActiveMQ goes down. This is particularly bad for the consumer. They stop getting data, but aside from the fact that data stops showing up, no errors or events are raised.
Is there a way using NMS(particulary Apache.NMS.IConnection or the Apache.NMS.ISession objects)
I downloaded the implementation that I'm using from Spring, but I'm not using any specific spring implementations, everything I'm using is in the Apache.NMS and Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ namespaces.

Well, it's been a lot since this question has been asked, but now you have several events available:
m_connection.ConnectionInterruptedListener += new ConnectionInterruptedListener(OnConnectionInterruptedListener);
m_connection.ConnectionResumedListener += new ConnectionResumedListener(OnConnectionResumedListener);
m_connection.ExceptionListener += new ExceptionListener(OnExceptionListener);
where m_connection is a IConnection object.
With these 3 events you will be able to find when your broker is down (among other usefull information, such as when it resumes the connection or when he encounters an exception)
Note: If you are in failover mode, these exceptions will be swallowed by the failover transport layer and handled automatically with them. Hence you will not receive any of these events.


RTI DDS reader fails to identify topic

and subsequently obviously to read/take the topic. The problematic topic is published under BuiltinQosLibExp::Generic.KeepLastReliable.TransientLocal policy and the message is fired only once at the startup of the publisher application. Few things to consider:
Im not using this policy and taking the default policy configuration in code
dds::sub::qos::DataReaderQos tempQos = inSubScriber->default_datareader_qos();
m_EntitySpecReader = new dds::sub::DataReader<XXX_ICD::Entity_Specification_DT>(*inSubScriber, topicLocal, tempQos, m_EntitySpecListener);
from subscriber
The problem is not Firewall or some connection issue, as I know to receive other cyclic topics without any problem.
It is frustrating that I see this topic if Im trying to monitor either with rtiddsspy or RTI administration console.
Last bullet and most frustrating, when I actually felt stuck, is that I have a listener configured with all available callbacks and I thought to receive if not the data at least some callback clue regarding the possible mismatch, lost, something .... but it keeps silence no matter what Im trying to do :)
Will be more than happy to understand if somebody has an answer or potential direction to check :)
You are using the default QoS for your DataReader. This means that its Durability policy is VOLATILE. Even though the DataWriter is configured as TRANSIENT_LOCAL, it will not deliver "old" samples to your DataReader since it is not requesting those due to its volatile durability. In this context, "old" samples are samples that were written before the DataWriter discovered the DataReader.
Things should start working as expected when you configure your DataReader with a Durability policy as TRANSIENT_LOCAL as well.
If you instrumented a Listener on the DataReader, it should show you that a match has taken place though, or that it has failed. If you implemented both the on_subscription_matched and on_requested_incompatible_qos callbacks, then at least one of those two should fire if you have both applications started and if they are able to discover each other.
Since you discovered that the problem was a type mismatch, I wanted to show how the AdminConsole tool could have helped you finding that. Reproducing your issue, this is what it showed:

Socket connection ActiveMQ with .Net

I have a task where I need to establish a connection between an ActiveMQ queue and a .Net application. I am using the AMQP.Net Lite plugin for this. But I have a need for the receiver of the .Net application to be called the moment the message goes into the queue.
Is there any solution where there is no need for the .Net application to stay from time to time by checking the MQ queue to see if there is any new message?
Any direct connection using socket? how should I proceed in this case?
Sounds like you want to setup a standard consumer (or it may be called a receiver). Your use case is exactly the purpose of the consumer-side of the AMQP API.. see below
Note: Messaging systems often deploy a 'callback' or 'listener' model for asynchronous processing when receiving messages. That will still feel "instantaneous" from a data processing perspective. It is a different programming paradigm that is simpler to code as it does not require logic to break out of an infinite loop in the receiver/consumer pattern.
AMQP.NET lite receiver sample

How to deal with application crashes with RabbitMQ

Recently, I have implemented RabbitMQ for a couple of use cases. Sending mails is one of them (which is quite common in practice)
My Problem Statement:
A web service(say service A) needs to publish 1000 messages in the queue (which will be picked by some mail sending engine). But unfortunately, after publishing 500 messages to the queue, my app crashes.
Now, if I hit the same service again then the 500 messages that were already pushed in the first go will be pushed again. Though the mails duplication isn't a big deal for now, but is definitely not desired. How to deal with this one. Any thoughts ?
Solutions that I came up with:
Using the batch feature - but it is not supported by AsyncRabbitTemplate so I'm restrained from using that.
Using the database. But that's definitely cumbersome. I won't use this one as well.
If you can identify the duplicates, you can use the Idempotent Receiver enterprise integration pattern on the consumer side.
Spring Integration has an implementation.
However, it's not clear why you are using the async template since that is for send and receive operations. This application sounds like it only needs to send the requests, not wait for a reply.
It's also not clear how batching can help since the crash could occur on the consumer side after it has processed half of the batch.
In either case, you need to track where you got to before the crash.

NServiceBus Pub/Subscribe using SQLServer transport - can the subscriber scale out?

Using the latest version of NServiceBus 4.4 I believe.
We are looking to implement NServiceBus and this section is using SQLServer as a transport. We want to pub/subscribe, which is fine but how would it work with scaling out the subscribers?
I have done a PoC where I ran the recieving endpoint of a SQLServer transport multiple times and when a message came in, the first instance of the running reciever got the message and processed it, resulting in the other process NOT processing it, which is correct.
In a pub/subscribe architecture using SQLServer, would this same method of running multiple instances of the subscriber work and since we are using a common queue (SQLServer) it will just sort itself out and not process the message multiple times?
When using SQL Server persistence, the subscribers for your events and messages are held in the Subscription table within the NServiceBus database, so you can check which endpoints are subscribing to what messages or events by viewing the contents of that.
It's worth noting that you can only publish "message" classes with NServiceBus that are implementing the IEvent interface (unless you make use of unobtrusive mode).
When you publish a message or event using bus.Publish, all subscribers to that type will subscribe to it, as long as the individual endpoint names are different.
More information from Particular Software is here:
And here.

How to detect alarm-based blocking RabbitMQ producer?

I have a producer sending durable messages to a RabbitMQ exchange. If the RabbitMQ memory or disk exceeds the watermark threshold, RabbitMQ will block my producer. The documentation says that it stops reading from the socket, and also pauses heartbeats.
What I would like is a way to know in my producer code that I have been blocked. Currently, even with a heartbeat enabled, everything just pauses forever. I'd like to receive some sort of exception so that I know I've been blocked and I can warn the user and/or take some other action, but I can't find any way to do this. I am using both the Java and C# clients and would need this functionality in both. Any advice? Thanks.
Sorry to tell you but with RabbitMQ (at least with 2.8.6) this isn't possible :-(
had a similar problem, which centred around trying to establish a channel when the connection was blocked. The result was the same as what you're experiencing.
I did some investigation into the actual core of the RabbitMQ C# .Net Library and discovered the root cause of the problem is that it goes into an infinite blocking state.
You can see more details on the RabbitMQ mailing list here:
One suggestion (which we didn't implement) was to do the work inside of a thread and have some other component manage the timeout and kill the thread if it is exceeded. We just accepted the risk :-(
The Rabbitmq uses a blocking rpc call that listens for a reply indefinitely.
If you look the Java client api, what it does is:
AMQChannel.BlockingRpcContinuation k = new AMQChannel.SimpleBlockingRpcContinuation();
Now -1 passed in the argument blocks until a reply is received.
The good thing is you could pass in your timeout in order to make it return.
The bad thing is you will have to update the client jars.
If you are OK with doing that, you could pass in a timeout wherever a blocking call like above is made.
The code would look something like:
try {
return k.getReply(200);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
throw new MyCustomRuntimeorTimeoutException("RabbitTimeout ex",e);
And in your code you could handle this exception and perform your logic in this event.
Some related classes that might require this fix would be:
FYI: I have tried this and it works.