Is it OK to use boost::shared ptr in DLL interface? - dll

Is it valid to develop a DLL in C++ that returns boost shared pointers and uses them as parameters?
So, is it ok to export functions like this?
1.) boost::shared_ptr<Connection> startConnection();
2.) void sendToConnection(boost::shared_ptr<Connection> conn, byte* data, int len);
In special: Does the reference count work across DLL boundaries or would the requirement be that exe and dll use the same runtime?
The intention is to overcome the problems with object ownership. So the object gets deleted when both dll and exe don't reference it any more.

According to Scott Meyers in Effective C++ (3rd Edition), shared_ptrs are safe across dll boundaries. The shared_ptr object keeps a pointer to the destructor from the dll that created it.
In his book in Item 18 he states, "An especially nice feature of
tr1::shared_ptr is that it automatically uses its per-pointer deleter
to eliminate another potential client error, the "cross-DLL problem."
This problem crops up when an object is created using new in one
dynamically linked library (DLL) but is deleted in a different DLL. On
many platforms, such cross-DLL new/delete pairs lead to runtime
errors. tr1::shared_ptr avoid the problem, because its default deleter
uses delete from the same DLL where the tr1::shared_ptr is created."
Tim Lesher has an interesting gotcha to watch for, though, that he mentions here. You need to make sure that the DLL that created the shared_ptr isn't unloaded before the shared_ptr finally goes out of scope. I would say that in most cases this isn't something you have to watch for, but if you're creating dlls that will be loosely coupled then I would recommend against using a shared_ptr.
Another potential downside is making sure both sides are created with compatible versions of the boost library. Boost's shared_ptr has been stable for a long while. At least since 1.34 it's been tr1 compatible.

In my opinion, if it's not in the standard and it's not an object/mechanism provided by your library, then it shouldn't be part of the interface to the library. You can create your own object to do the reference counting, and perhaps use boost underneath, but it shouldn't be explicitly exposed in the interface.

DLLs do not normally own resources - the resources are owned by the processes that use the DLL. You are probably better off returning a plain pointer, which you then store in a shared pointer on the calling side. But without more info it's hard to be 100% certain about this.

Something to lookout for if you expose raw pointers from a dll interface. It forces you to use the shared dll CRT, memory allocated in one CRT cannot be deallocated in a different CRT. If you use the shared dll CRT in all your modules ( dll's & exe's ) then you are fine, they all share the same heap, if you dont you will be crossing CRT's and the world will meltdown.
Aside from that issue, I agree with the accepted answer. The creation factory probably shouldn't define ownership & lifecycle management for the client code.

No it is not.
The layout of boost::shared_ptr<T> might not be the same on both sides of the DLL boundary. (Layout is influenced by compiler version, packing pragmas, and other compiler options, as well as the actual version of the Boost source code.)
Only "standard layout" (a new concept in C++11, related to the old "POD = plain old data" concept) types can safely be passed between separately-built modules.


C++/CLI: are local managed variables allowed in unmanaged class methods?

I know gcroot is used for holding a refrence to a managed object in a native class, but what about using managed objects as local variables inside an unmanaged class function ?
The compiler does not seem to generate an error on this, but is it "proper" ? Does it hurt performence?
There is no such thing as a local managed object. All managed objects are stored on the heap, required to let the garbage collector do its job. You could only have a reference as a local variable. A pointer at runtime.
Using an managed object reference in an unmanaged function is possible if you compile that code with /clr or #pragma managed in effect. Such code will be translated to IL and gets just-in-time compiled at runtime, just like normal managed code. It won't otherwise have the characteristics of managed code, there is no verification and you'll suffer all the normal pointer bugs. And yes, it can hurt performance because such code doesn't get the normal optimizer love. The optimizer built in the jitter isn't as effective because it works under time constraints.
Compile native code without the /clr option or use #pragma unmanaged inside your code to switch the compiler on-the-fly.
Managed objects, both values of managed value types (value struct, value class, enum class) and handles to managed reference types (ref struct, ref class) can be used inside code which is compiled to MSIL.
And code that is compiled to MSIL can be part of unmanaged objects (for example, a virtual member function of a standard C++ type can be compiled to MSIL, and the Visual C++ compiler "It Just Works" technology will make sure that the v-table is set up correctly). This is extremely useful when forwarding events and callbacks produced by standard C++ code into the managed GUI world. But it is also applicable if you have an algorithm implemented in managed code (perhaps C#) that you want to call from C++.
As Hans mentions, there are performance implications of switching between MSIL and machine code generation for a particular function. But if you are sitting on a native-managed boundary, then compilation to MSIL and use of the "It Just Works" a/k/a "C++ interop" is by far the highest performance alternative.

how to ildasm/ilasm round trip a dll exposing COM objects

I want to round trip a dll that exposes COM objects (interop).
With ildasm i dumped the dll.
In the ildasm dump i renamed all occurances of the class name.
An Ilasm with DLL switch and inclusion of the resources produced the new dll.
I dont know how to register this new dll (Win7).
Regasm/Regedit complains about a strong name.
What else do i have to adjust?
Thank you.
A strong name for an assembly explicitly prevents you from doing this. Strong names were designed to detect somebody tampering with the code of an assembly, useful when the assembly is stored in an insecure location like a website. You are definitely tampering with the DLL so you'll break the strong name. Resigning it is required and that requires access to the private key that was used originally.
That said, there are some mitigating factors in the specific case of a [ComVisible] assembly. There isn't any way for an application to verify the strong name since the client of such an assembly is native code that doesn't know beans about strong names. The strong name is only required to allow the assembly to be registered in the GAC. Which in general is a good place for such assemblies since it helps to avoid DLL Hell.
So there are two things you can do to solve this problem:
Read the regasm.exe message carefully. It probably only displays a warning if you use the /codebase option. "RegAsm : warning RA0000 : Registering an unsigned assembly with /codebase can cause your assembly to interfere with other applications that may be installed on the same computer. The /codebase switch is intended to be used only with signed assemblies. Please give your assembly a strong name and re-register it." Which really means "You are about to commit yourself to DLL Hell". There are various degrees of DLL Hell, the name+location of the DLL is a fairly mild one. The far more important one is that the interfaces and classes get a new [Guid]. Which they'll automatically get since you changed the names, assuming that there is not a [Guid] attribute present in the original code.
Just sign the assembly with your own key, using sn.exe. Since nobody can actually check the strong name, any is good enough.
And do keep your eye on the ball, the actual name of the [ComVisible] interface and class names is immaterial in COM. Only the [Guid] matters, that's what the COM client uses to find the types back.

Get library interface from dll

i have a compiled dll library but i have no documentation about it. There is a way to get the public interface of a dll (at least function names, params numbers and type).
You would have to decompile it and analyze each function, its calling convention, parametrs count, parameters meaning (unless it comes with some PDB, but I doubt it), I've done something like this before, it's complicated work, but it can be done.
In order to retrieve the public symbols (functions and variables) exported by a Dynamic-Link Library, one can use the well-known dependency walker. Parameters and Types are only available when the associated PDB file is available (which does not seems to be your case).
You could use the OLEViewer that comes with Visual Studio to view the TypeLib of the DLL if it is a COM library. This would give you the information you need.

Do COM Dll References Require Manual Disposal? If so, How?

I have written some code in VB that verifies that a particular port in the Windows Firewall is open, and opens one otherwise. The code uses references to three COM DLLs. I wrote a WindowsFirewall class, which Imports the primary namespace defined by the DLLs. Within members of the WindowsFirewall class I construct some of the types defined by the DLLs referenced. The following code isn't the entire class, but demonstrates what I am doing.
Imports NetFwTypeLib
Public Class WindowsFirewall
Public Shared Function IsFirewallEnabled as Boolean
Dim icfMgr As INetFwMgr
icfMgr = CType(System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("HNetCfg.FwMgr")), INetFwMgr)
Dim profile As INetFwProfile
profile = icfMgr.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile
Dim fIsFirewallEnabled as Boolean
fIsFirewallEnabled = profile.FirewallEnabled
return fIsFirewallEnabled
End Function
End Class
I do not reference COM DLLs very often. I have read that unmanaged code may not be cleaned up by the garbage collector and I would like to know how to make sure that I have not introduced any memory leaks. Please tell me (a) if I have introduced a memory leak, and (b) how I may clean it up.
(My theory is that the icfMgr and profile objects do allocate memory that remains unreleased until after the application closes. I am hopeful that setting their references equal to nothing will mark them for garbage collection, since I can find no other way to dispose of them. Neither one implements IDisposable, and neither contains a Finalize method. I suspect they may not even be relevant here, and that both of those methods of releasing memory only apply to .Net types.)
Not sure what to recommend here. There is most definitely no memory leak here, the garbage collector releases COM reference counts. COM objects are not disposable but you can release them early with Marshal.ReleaseComObject(). The trouble with doing this explicitly is that it is normally very hard to track interface references.
In your code snippet for example, calling ReleaseComObject on the icfMgr won't have any effect. There's a hidden reference through the LocalPolicy member that will keep the interface reference alive. You'd have to call ReleaseComObject on that hidden reference as well.
I would not recommend making this a practice at all. Getting it wrong produces hard to diagnose failure, you're essentially back to the bad old days of explicit memory management. But it is somewhat manageable in your specific example.
You are exactly right: unmanaged code cannot be managed and thus needs to be managed by hand: disposed of. However, this greatly depends on what you are doing, but in many cases, it is sufficient to wrap the object instantiation around a Using-block. This only works if you use an object that implements IDisposable.
However, the way you currently create an instance of a COM object, you will not have the possibility to clean up easily. It depends on the object. When it doesn't need cleaning up (check the destructor of FwMgr), it doesn't need disposing either. However, most COM objects do need disposal.
So, how to add the IDisposable interface to a COM object that doesn't natively support it? It's a bit of work to do so manually, but you should create a wrapper .NET assembly. Luckily, the work has been taken out of our hands and Microsoft has created some tools and guidelines.
Some of this information is covered here too. You may want to also look up WeakReference as an alternative.
Note that COM and .NET do not talk well together, but they do talk. An excellent reference is .NET and COM The Complete Interoperability Guide by Don Box, SAMS Publishing.
In answer to your "memory leak" question: it is impossible to tell whether you introduced a memory leak, and how big it is. It depends on how often you call your COM object. Call it once per running process? Don't worry too much. Call it hundredths of times in an inner loop? Be very careful. Want to know for sure? Lookup the original documentation or source: if it releases handles, memory or other resources when it is destructed, then yes, you introduced a leak.

DynamicMethod in Cecil

Is there anything similar to Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod in Cecil? Thanks.
What about for the following things?
EmitCall (e.g.
IL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, GetBuildKey, null);
IL.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox_Any, dependencyType);
LocalBuilder (e.g. LocalBuilder resolving = ilContext.IL.DeclareLocal(typeof(bool));)
System.Reflection.Emit.Label (e.g. Label existingObjectNotNull = buildContext.IL.DefineLabel();) //Do I have to use TextMap?
ILGenerator.BeginCatchBlock (e.g. ilContext.IL.BeginCatchBlock(typeof(Exception)); )
ILGenerator.MarkLabel (e.g. ilContext.IL.MarkLabel(parameterResolveFailed); )
ILGenerator.EndExceptionBlock() (e.g. ilContext.IL.EndExceptionBlock(); )
There's no way to create a DynamicMethod with Cecil, nor does it have an equivalent.
A DynamicMethod is strongly tied to the runtime, while Cecil is completely decoupled. The two of them have a completely separate type system. DynamicMethod are meant to be, well, dynamic, and as such have to use the System.Reflection type system, as it's the one available at runtime. Mono.Cecil has another representation of this type system suitable to static analysis, without having to actually load the assembly at runtime. So if you want to use a DynamicMethod, you have to use it along with its environment.
This question was originally asked, iirc, in the context of runtimes without DynamicMethods or SRE all-together, like the Compact Framework, where Cecil can be used to emit code at runtime.
Of course it's possible, but then you have to pay the price of loading the assembly, which is no small price on CF devices. It means that if you could somehow emulate a DynamicMethod by creating an assembly with only one static method with Cecil, it sounds a terrible idea. The assemblies would not be collectable (DynamicMethods are), making it a giant memory leak.
If you need to emit code at runtime on the Compact Framework, emit as less as possible, and emit as few assemblies as possible.