SQL SERVER: View to get minimum and maximum values from a table - sql

I have a MSSQL Server table like this:
id (auto-increment)
Data are inserted throughout the day. I now need a view to get the opening and closing amounts for each account for each day.
My trouble is creating a fast query to access both minimum and maximum values.
Creating a view to access just the minimum is fine using an in statement, however getting both minimum and maximum is tricky. I've tried using a with clause, but the query is incredibly slow.
BTW I am mapping the view to hibernate, so stored procedures and functions won't work the same way (that I know of).
I guess my question wasn't clear from the responses I received. I want to get the opening and closing balances for each account. Maximum and minimum referred to getting the max and min (id) when grouped by date and account_id.
I want to get the amount when the id is equal to the maximum id (closing balance) and the amount when the id is equal to the minimum id (opening balance) for each account for each day.

SELECT account_id, date, MIN(amount), MAX(amount)
FROM <table>
GROUP BY account_id, date
There must be something missing from your question.

This does the work, don't have enough data to evaluate performance:
create table #accounts
id integer identity,
account_id integer,
amount decimal(18,3),
tran_date datetime
insert into #accounts values (1,124.56,'06/01/2009 09:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (1,125.56,'06/01/2009 10:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (1,126.56,'06/01/2009 11:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (2,124.56,'06/01/2009 09:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (2,125.56,'06/01/2009 10:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (2,126.56,'06/01/2009 11:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (3,124.56,'06/01/2009 09:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (3,125.56,'06/01/2009 10:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (3,126.56,'06/01/2009 11:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (4,124.56,'06/01/2009 09:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (4,125.56,'06/01/2009 10:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (4,126.56,'06/01/2009 11:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (1,124.56,'06/02/2009 09:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (1,125.56,'06/02/2009 10:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (1,126.56,'06/02/2009 11:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (2,124.56,'06/02/2009 09:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (2,125.56,'06/02/2009 10:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (2,126.56,'06/02/2009 11:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (3,124.56,'06/02/2009 09:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (3,125.56,'06/02/2009 10:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (3,126.56,'06/02/2009 11:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (4,124.56,'06/02/2009 09:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (4,125.56,'06/02/2009 10:34:56');
insert into #accounts values (4,126.56,'06/02/2009 11:34:56');
ranges.tran_day transaction_day,
ranges.account_id account_id,
bod.amount bod_bal,
eod.amount eod_bal
-- Subquery to define min/max records per account per day
cast(convert(varchar(10),tran_date,101) as datetime) tran_day,
max(id) max_id,
min(id) min_id
group by
cast(convert(varchar(10),tran_date,101) as datetime)
) ranges
-- Beginning of day balance
JOIN #accounts bod
on (bod.id = ranges.min_id)
-- End of day balance
JOIN #accounts eod
on (eod.id = ranges.max_id)
If you need better performance, store the subquery to a temp table first and put an index on it for the joins ... that might speed it up a bit.

Based on John Saunders answer and Jeremy comment:
SELECT account_id, date, MIN(amount), MAX(amount)
FROM <table>
GROUP BY account_id, DatePart( Year, date ),DatePart( Month, date ), DatePart( Day, date )

Essentially I need the following query, but the with statement causes it to run slowly:
with x as (
MAX(ab.id) as maxId, MIN(ab.id) as minId
from Balance ab
group by ab.account_id, dbo.Get_PeriodDateFromDatetime(ab.StatementDate)
ab.Amount as openingBalance, ab2.Amount as closingBalance
from Balance ab, Balance ab2, x
where ab.id = x.maxId and ab2.id = x.minId

I don't know if this improves any, but the query you posted looks to be missing some parts, like account_id in the "with" query and joins on account_id in the main part:
with x as (
ab.account_id, MAX(ab.id) as closeId, MIN(ab.id) as openId
from Balance ab
group by ab.account_id, dbo.Get_PeriodDateFromDatetime(ab.StatementDate)
opbal.account_id, opbal.StatementDate,
opbal.Amount as openingBalance, clsbal.Amount as closingBalance
from Balance opbal, Balance clbal, x
where clsbal.id = x.closeId
and clsbal.ccount_id = x.account_id
and opbal.id = x.openId
and op.account_id = x.account_id
I'm a little concerned about the call to dbo.Get_PeriodDateFromDatetime(ab.StatementDate): if you have an index on account_id and StatementDate (you do have that index, don't you? It looks like a good candidate for a clustered index, too) then it's maybe not too bad, unless the table is massive.
How slow is "slow", by the way?


Counting number of transactions within past 1 hour on a particular user

Is there any way how to (in the best case, without using cursor) count number of transactions that the same user made in previous 1 hour.
That means that for this table
INSERT INTO #TR VALUES (1,'2018-07-31 06:02:00.000',10)
INSERT INTO #TR VALUES (2,'2018-07-31 06:36:00.000',10)
INSERT INTO #TR VALUES (3,'2018-07-31 06:55:00.000',10)
INSERT INTO #TR VALUES (4,'2018-07-31 07:10:00.000',10)
INSERT INTO #TR VALUES (5,'2018-07-31 09:05:00.000',10)
INSERT INTO #TR VALUES (6,'2018-07-31 06:05:00.000',11)
INSERT INTO #TR VALUES (7,'2018-07-31 06:55:00.000',11)
INSERT INTO #TR VALUES (8,'2018-07-31 07:10:00.000',11)
INSERT INTO #TR VALUES (9,'2018-07-31 06:12:00.000',12)
The result should be:
The solution could be something like: COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY USER_PK ORDER BY TR_DATE ROWS BETWEEN ((WHERE DATEADD(HH,-1,PRECENDING.TR_DATE) > CURRENT ROW.TR_DATE) AND CURRENT ROW ...but I know that ROWS BETWEEN can not be used like that...
I am guessing SQL Server based on the syntax. In SQL Server, you can use apply:
select t.*, tr2.result
from #tr tr outer apply
(select count(*) as result
from #tr tr2
where tr2.user_id = tr.user_id and
tr2.tr_date > dateadd(hour, -1, tr.date) and
tr2.tr_date <= tr.tr_date
) tr2;
SELECT USER_PK, COUNT(*) AS TransactionCount
You can change GETDATE() with whatever you want, but they need to have the same value

Query to get latest datetime for 2 columns individually

create table Orders
city varchar(5)
,orderid int
,OrderedDateTime datetime
,ThresholdDatetime datetime
insert into Orders values ('Texas',23,'2017-08-24 12:20:56.560','2017-08-24 20:00:23.000')
insert into Orders values ('Texas',23,'2017-08-24 13:20:45.560','2017-08-24 22:20:23.000')
insert into Orders values ('Texas',23,'2017-08-24 16:20:45.560','2017-08-24 20:00:23.000')
insert into Orders values ('Texas',23,'2017-08-24 17:20:23.560','2017-08-24 22:00:23.000')
insert into Orders values ('Texas',23,'2017-08-23 12:20:23.560','2017-08-23 14:00:23.000')
insert into Orders values ('Texas',23,'2017-08-23 13:20:23.560','2017-08-23 21:20:23.000')
insert into Orders values ('Texas',23,'2017-08-23 16:20:23.560','2017-08-23 20:00:23.000')
insert into Orders values ('Texas',23,'2017-08-23 18:20:23.560','2017-08-23 20:00:23.000')
insert into Orders values ('Texas',23,'2017-08-22 12:20:23.560','2017-08-22 14:00:23.000')
insert into Orders values ('Texas',23,'2017-08-22 13:20:23.560','2017-08-22 21:20:23.000')
insert into Orders values ('Texas',23,'2017-08-22 16:20:23.560','2017-08-22 20:00:23.000')
insert into Orders values ('Texas',23,'2017-08-22 19:20:23.560','2017-08-22 20:00:23.000')
The requirement is to get latest datetime from the 'orderedDateTime' column and latest datetime from 'ThresholdDateTime' column which should return a record for each day as mentioned in the output image.
I already have a solution for this, but seeking better answers than mine , as i think my query is having performance issues
select city,orderid, max(OrderedDateTime) as MaxOrderedDateTime ,max(ThresholdDatetime) as MaxThresholdTime
,day(ThresholdDatetime) as [UniqueDay]
from dbo.Orders
where OrderedDateTime<=ThresholdDatetime
and convert(date,OrderedDateTime)=convert(date,ThresholdDatetime)
group by city,orderid,day(ThresholdDatetime)
Try coding like this:
MaxOrderedDateTime = MAX(o.OrderedDateTime),
MaxThresholdTime = MAX(o.ThresholdDatetime)
#Orders o
CAST(o.OrderedDateTime AS DATE);

How to find increasing volumes in sql server

Below is the sample data
create table #sample (id int,Spenddate datetime, Balance int)
insert into #sample values (1,getdate(),100)
insert into #sample values (1,getdate()+1,98)
insert into #sample values (1,getdate()+2,50)
insert into #sample values (1,getdate()+3,0)
insert into #sample values (1,getdate()+5,20)
insert into #sample values (1,getdate()+6,25)
insert into #sample values (1,getdate()+7,30)
insert into #sample values (1,getdate()+8,40)
insert into #sample values (1,getdate()+9,55)
I need to find the continuous increases ...
Actually the real time situation is,
Instead of debiting, somehow system mistakenly crediting the amount to the customer after balance went to zero. So I need to find affected records.
you can do this using lag and lead function in sql server 2012
What you need is the lag() function, But you don't have it in SQL Server 2008. You can get the same effect with a correlated subquery or cross apply. So the same query should get all records that have a larger balance than the previously reported balance:
select *
from (select v.*,
(select top 1 v2.balance
from #values v2
where v2.id = v.id and v2.SpendDate < v.SpendDate
order by v2.SpendDate desc
) as prev_balance
from #values v
) v
where prev_balance < balance;
you can do this using lag and lead function in sql server 2012

Computing difference in rows for all except consecutive days?

I have a table as follows. I want to compute the difference in dates (in seconds) between consecutive rows according to the following:
If the dates differ by more than a day, then we go ahead and compute the difference
If the dates differ by more than a day and there are consecutive days with the value 84600 for the second date, then I want to first combine the dates before taking a difference
I am currently doing a self-join to handle the first case but am not sure if there is a good way to handle the second case. Any suggestion?
The following also gives an example:
CREATE TABLE #TEMP(Person VARCHAR(100), StartTime Datetime, TotalSeconds INT)
INSERT INTO #TEMP VALUES('A', '2013-02-20', 49800); -- We want to take the difference with the next row in this case
INSERT INTO #TEMP VALUES('A', '2013-02-25', 3000); -- Before taking the difference, I want to first merge the next four rows because 5th March is followed by three days with the value 86400
INSERT INTO #TEMP VALUES('A', '2013-03-05', 2100);
INSERT INTO #TEMP VALUES('A', '2013-03-06', 86400);
INSERT INTO #TEMP VALUES('A', '2013-03-07', 86400);
INSERT INTO #TEMP VALUES('A', '2013-03-08', 86400);
INSERT INTO #TEMP VALUES('A', '2013-03-09', 17100);
INSERT INTO #TEMP VALUES('B', '2012-04-24', 22500);
INSERT INTO #TEMP VALUES('B', '2012-04-26', 600);
INSERT INTO #TEMP VALUES('B', '2012-04-27', 10500);
INSERT INTO #TEMP VALUES('B', '2012-04-29', 41400);
INSERT INTO #TEMP VALUES('B', '2012-05-04', 86100);
The following handles the second case:
select Person, MIN(StartTime) as StartTime, MAX(StartTime) as maxStartTime
from (SELECT *,
dateadd(d, - ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by person order by StartTime), StartTime) as thegroup
) t
group by Person, thegroup
It groups all the time periods for a person, with consecutive dates collapsing into a single period (with a begin and end time). The trick is to assign a sequence number, using row_number() and then take the difference from StartTime. This difference is constant for a group of consecutive dates -- hence the outer group by.
You can use a with statement to put this into your query and then get the difference that you desire between consecutive rows.

Pseudo Random Repeatable Sort in SQL Server (not NEWID() and not RAND())

I would like to randomly sort a result in a repeatable fashion for purposes such as paging. For this NEWID() is too random in that the same results cannot be re-obtained. Order by Rand(seed) would be ideal as with the same seed the same random collection would result. Unfortunately, the Rand() state resets with every row, does anyone have a solution?
declare #seed as int;
set #seed = 1000;
create table temp (
id int,
date datetime)
insert into temp (id, date) values (1,'20090119')
insert into temp (id, date) values (2,'20090118')
insert into temp (id, date) values (3,'20090117')
insert into temp (id, date) values (4,'20090116')
insert into temp (id, date) values (5,'20090115')
insert into temp (id, date) values (6,'20090114')
-- re-seeds for every item
select *, RAND(), RAND(id+#seed) as r from temp order by r
--1 2009-01-19 00:00:00.000 0.277720118060575 0.732224964471124
--2 2009-01-18 00:00:00.000 0.277720118060575 0.732243597442382
--3 2009-01-17 00:00:00.000 0.277720118060575 0.73226223041364
--4 2009-01-16 00:00:00.000 0.277720118060575 0.732280863384898
--5 2009-01-15 00:00:00.000 0.277720118060575 0.732299496356156
--6 2009-01-14 00:00:00.000 0.277720118060575 0.732318129327415
-- Note how the last column is +=~0.00002
drop table temp
-- interestingly this works:
select RAND(#seed), RAND()
--0.732206331499865 0.306382810665955
Note, I tried Rand(ID) but that just turns out to be sorted. Apparently Rand(n) < Rand(n+1)
Building off of gkrogers hash suggestion this works great. Any thoughts on performance?
declare #seed as int;
set #seed = 10;
create table temp (
id int,
date datetime)
insert into temp (id, date) values (1,'20090119')
insert into temp (id, date) values (2,'20090118')
insert into temp (id, date) values (3,'20090117')
insert into temp (id, date) values (4,'20090116')
insert into temp (id, date) values (5,'20090115')
insert into temp (id, date) values (6,'20090114')
-- re-seeds for every item
select *, HASHBYTES('md5',cast(id+#seed as varchar)) r
from temp order by r
--1 2009-01-19 00:00:00.000 0x6512BD43D9CAA6E02C990B0A82652DCA
--5 2009-01-15 00:00:00.000 0x9BF31C7FF062936A96D3C8BD1F8F2FF3
--4 2009-01-16 00:00:00.000 0xAAB3238922BCC25A6F606EB525FFDC56
--2 2009-01-18 00:00:00.000 0xC20AD4D76FE97759AA27A0C99BFF6710
--3 2009-01-17 00:00:00.000 0xC51CE410C124A10E0DB5E4B97FC2AF39
--6 2009-01-14 00:00:00.000 0xC74D97B01EAE257E44AA9D5BADE97BAF
drop table temp
EDIT: Note, the declaration of #seed as it's use in the query could be replace with a parameter or with a constant int if dynamic SQL is used. (declaration of #int in a TSQL fashion is not necessary)
You can use a value from each row to re-evaluate the rand function:
Select *, Rand(#seed + id) as r from temp order by r
adding the ID ensures that the rand is reseeded for each row. But for a value of seed you will always get back the same sequence of rows (provided that the table does not change)
Creating a hash can be much more time consuming than creating a seeded random number.
To get more variation in the ourput of RAND([seed]) you need to make the [seed] vary significantly too. Possibly such as...
RAND(id * 9999) AS [r]
Using a constant ensures the replicability you asked for. But be careful of the result of (id * 9999) causing an overflow if you expect your table to get big enough...
SELECT *, checksum(id) AS r FROM table ORDER BY r
This kind of works. Although the output from checksum() does not look all that random to me. The MSDN Documentation states:
[...], we do not recommend using CHECKSUM to detect whether values have changed, unless your application can tolerate occasionally missing a change. Consider using HashBytes instead. When an MD5 hash algorithm is specified, the probability of HashBytes returning the same result for two different inputs is much lower than that of CHECKSUM.
But may be it faster.
After doing some reading this is an accepted method.
Select Rand(#seed) -- now rand is seeded
Select *, 0 * id + Rand() as r from temp order by r
Having id in the expression causes it to be reevaluated every row. But multiplying it by 0 ensures that it doesnt not affect the outcome of rand.
What a horrible way of doing things!
create table temp (
id int,
date datetime)
insert into temp (id, date) values (1,'20090119')
insert into temp (id, date) values (2,'20090118')
insert into temp (id, date) values (3,'20090117')
insert into temp (id, date) values (4,'20090116')
insert into temp (id, date) values (5,'20090115')
insert into temp (id, date) values (6,'20090114')
-- re-seeds for every item
select *, NEWID() r
from temp order by r
drop table temp
This has worked well for me in the past, and it can be applied to any table (just bolt on the ORDER BY clause):
(SELECT ABS(CAST(NEWID() AS BINARY(6)) % 1000) + 1);