Source of data for "official" country/region list - automation

Lately we've started getting issues with outdated countries / regions list being presented to users of our web-application.
We currently have a few DB tables to store localized country names along with their regions (states). However as the planet goes, that list is in constant evolution and it's proving to be a pain to maintain as some regions are deleted, some merged - existing data needs to be updated all the time.
What are, if any exist, the best practices when it come to dealing with multi-locale countries/regions list?
Is there a place or a standard in place? I know of ISO 3166, but their list isn't exactly DB friendly ... plus it's not fully localized.
An ideal solution would simply allow us to "sync" to it? Preferably in multiple language. The solution would preferably be free or subscription based with an historic of what changed so we could update our data (aka tblAddress)

geonames is pretty accurate in this respect, and they update regularly.

There is no such thing. This is a political issue, which you can only solve in the context of your own application. Deciding to use ISO 3166 could be the easiest to defend. I know of issues with at least:

The ISO lists here are DB friendly, though they only include short names and codes.

This one looks very good: Multiple languages, update option, database independent file format for import, countries/regions/cities information, and some other features you might use or not.
And it's quite affordable if you need it for only one server.

You can try CLDR
This set of data is maintained by the Unicode organization. It is updated regularly and the data is versioned so it is easy for you to manage the state of your list.

Hy! you can find a free dump of all countries with their respective continents, its much easy to use.just download the dump & upload in your data base.

Well, wait, do you just want an up-to-date list of countries? Or do you need to know that Country X has split into Country Y and Country Z? Because I'm not aware of any automated way to get the latter. Even updates to the ISO databases are distributed as PDFs (you're on your own for implementing the change)

The EU maintains data about Local Administrative Units (LAUs) which can be downloaded as hierarchical XLS files in several languages.

United Nations Statistics Division, Standard country or area codes for statistical use (M49).
Look for "Search and Download: Full View" on page left. That leads here.
Groups countries by continent, sub-continental region, Least Developed Countries, and so on.
If you cannot import the excel version, note that the csv has unquoted" fields and a comma in one country name that will bust your import ("Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba"). Perhaps open it first in LibreOffice or whatever, fix the broken country name and shunt its other right-most columns back into place. Then set all cells to type Text, saveAs csv with [Edit Filter Settings] checked [x] in the saveAs dialog, and make sure string delimiter is set to ", as it should be by default.


Migrating RMS to RDB

We're approaching the migration of legacy OpenVMS RMS files into relational database (both MS SQL 2012 and Oracle 10g are available).
I wonder if there are:
Tools to retrieve schema of indexed files
Tools to parse indexed files
Tools to deal with custom RMS data formats (zoned decimals etc)
as a bundle/API/Library
Perhaps I should change the approach?
There are several tools available, notably through ODBC vendors (I work for one: Attunity).
1 >> Tools to retrieve schema of indexed files
Please clarify. Looking for just record/column layout and indexes within the files or also relationships between files.
1a) How are the files currently being used? Cobol, Basic, Fortran programs? Datatrieve?
They will be using some data definition method, so you want a tool which can exploit that.
Connx, and Attunity Connect can 'import' CDD definitions, BASIC - MAP files, Cobol Copybooks. Variants are typically covered as well. I have written many a (perl/awk) script to convert special definition to XML.
1b ) Analyze/RMS, or a program with calling RMS XAB's can get available index information. Atunity connect will know how to map those onto the fields from 1a)
1c ) There is no formal, stored, relationship between (indexed) files on OpenVMS. That's all in the program logic. However, some modestly smart Perl/Awk/DCL script can often generate a tablem of likely foreign/primary keys by looking at filed names and datatypes matches.
How many files / layouts / gigabytes are we talking about?
2 >> Tools to parse indexed files
Please clarify? Once the structure is known (question 1), the parsing is done by reading using that structure right? You never ever want to understand the indexed file internals. Just tell RMS to fetch records.
3 >> Tools to deal with custom RMS data formats (zoned decimals etc) as a bundle/API/Library
Again, please clarify. Once the structure is known just use the 'right' tool to read using that structure and surely it will honor the detailed data definitions.
(I know it is quite simple to write one yourself, just thought there would be something in the industry)
Famous last words... 'quite simple'. Entire companies have been build and thrive doing just that for general cases. I admit that for specific cases it can be relatively straightforward, but 'the devil is in the details'.
In the Attunity Connect case we have a UDT (User Defined data Type) to handle the 'odd' cases, often involving DATES. Dates in integers, in strings, as units since xxx are all available out of the box, but for example some have -1 meaning 'some high date' which needs some help to be stored in a DB.
All the databases have some bulk load tool (BCP, SQL$LOADER).
As long as you can deliver data conforming to what those expect (tabular, comma-seperated, quoted-or-not, escapes-or-not) you should be in good shape.
The EGH tool Vselect may be a handy, and high performance, way to bulk read indexed files, filter and format some and spit out sequential files for the DB loaders. It can read RMS indexed file faster than RMS can! (It has its own metadata language though!)
Attunity offers full access and replication services.
They include a CDC (change data capture) to not a only load the data, but to also keep it up to date in near-real-time. That's useful for 'evolution' versus 'revolution'.
Check out Attunity 'Replicate'. Once you have a data dictionary, just point to the tables desired (include, exlude filters), point to a target DB and click to replicate. Of course there are options for (global or per-table) transformations (like an AREA-CODE+EXHANGE+NUMBER to single phone number, or adding a modified date columns ).
Will this be a single big switch conversion, or is there desire to migrate the data and keep the old systems alive for days, months, years perhaps, all along keeping the data in close sync?
Hope this helps some,
Hein van den Heuvel.
OP: Perhaps I should change the approach? Probably.
You might consider finding data migration vendors, some which likely have off-the-shelf solutions, if not as a COTS tool, more likely packaged as a service (I don't think this is a big market).
What this won't help you with is what I think of as much bigger problem with the application code: who is going to change all the code that is making RMS calls, in the corresponding code that makes relational DB calls? How will the entity ("Joe Programmer", or some tool), know where the data migrated to, so that he can write the correct call? What are you doing to do about the fact that the data representation is like to change?
Ideally you'd like an automated migration tool, that will move the data itself (therefore knows that datalayouts and representation changes), and will make the code changes that correspond. You can look for these kind of vendors, too.

What is the relational database equivalent of Factorial and the Fibonacci function?

When learning a new programming language there are always a couple of traditional problems that are good to get yourself moving. For example, Hello world and Fibonacci will show how to read input, print output and compute functions (the bread and butter that will solve basically everything) and while they are really simple they are nontrivial enough to be worth their time (and there is always some fun to be had by calculating the factorial of a ridiculously large number in a language with bignums)
So now I'm trying to get to grips with some SQL system and all the textbook examples I can think of involve mind-numbingly boring tables like "Student" or "Employee". What nice alternate datasets could I use instead? I am looking for something that (in order of importance) ...
The data can be generated by a straightforward algorithm.
I don't want to have to enter things by hand.
I want to be able to easily increase the size of my tables to stress efficiency, etc
Can be used to showcase as much stuff as possible. Selects, Joins, Indexing... You name it.
Can be used to get back some interesting results.
I can live with "boring" data manipulation if the data is real and has an use by itself but I'd rather have something more interesting if I am creating the dataset from scratch.
In the worst case, I at least presume there should be some sort of benchmark dataset out there that would at least fit the first two criteria and I would love to hear about that too.
The benchmark database in the Microsoft world is Northwind. One similar open source (EPL) one is Eclipse's Classic Models database.
You can't autogenerate either as far as I know.
However, Northwind "imports and exports specialty foods from around the world", while Classic Models sells "scale models of classic cars". Both are pretty interesting. :)
SQL is a query language, not a procedural language, so unless you will be playing with PL/SQL or something similar, your examples will be manipulating data.
So here is what was fun for me -- data mining! Go to:
And download their micro-data (you will need to make an account, but its free).
You'll need to write a little script to inject the fixed width file into your db, which in itself should be fun. And you will need to write a little script to auto create the fields (since there are many) based on parsing their meta-file. That's fun, too.
Then, you can start asking questions. Suppose the questions are about house prices:
Say you want to look at the evolution of house price values by those with incomes in the top 10% of the population over the last 40 years. Then restrict to if they are living in california. See if there is a correlation between income and the proportion of mortgage payments as a percentage of income. Then group this by geographic area. Then see if there is a correlation between those areas with the highest mortgage burden and the percentage of units occupied by renters. Your db will have some built-in statistical functions, but you can always program your own as well -- so correl might be the equivalent of fibonnacci. Then write a little script to do the same thing in R, importing data from your db, manipulating it, and storing the result.
The best way to learn about DBs is to use them for some other purpose.
Once you are done playing with iPUMS, take a look at GEO data, with (depending on your database) something like PostGis -- the only difference is that iPUMS gives you resolution in terms of tracts, whereas GIS data has latitude/longitude coordinates. Then you can plot a heat map of mortgage burdens for the U.S., and evolve this heat map over different time scales.
Perhaps you can do something with chemistry. Input the 118 elements, or extract them for an online source. Use basic rules to combine them into molecules, which you can store in the database. Combine molecules into bigger molecules and perform more complex queries upon them.
You will have a hard time finding database agnostic tutorials. The main reason for that is that the SQL-92 standard on which most examples are based on is plain old boring. There are updated standards, but most database agnostic tutorials will dumb-it-down to the lowest common denomiator: SQL-92.
If you want to learn about databases as a software engineer, I would definitely recommend starting with Microsoft SQL Server. There are many reasons for that, some are facts, some are opinions. The primary reason though is that it's a lot easier to get a lot further with SQL Server.
As for sample data, Northwind has been replaced by AdventureWorks. You can get the latest versions from codeplex. This is a much more realistic database and allows demonstrating way more than basic joins, filtering and roll-ups. The great thing too, is that it is actually maintained for each release of SQL Server and updated to showcase some of the new features of the database.
Now, for your goal #1, well, I would consider the scaling out an exercise. After you go through the basic and boring stuff, you should gradually be able to perform efficient large-scale data manipulation and while not really generating data, at least copy/paste/modify your SQL data to take it to the size you think.
Keep in mind though that benchmarking databases is not trivial. The performance and efficiency of a database depends on many aspect of your application. How it is used is just as important as how it is setup.
Good luck and do let us know if you find a viable solution outside this forum.
Implement your genealogical tree within a single table and print it. In itself is not a very general problem, but the approach certainly is, and it should prove reasonably challenging.
Geographic data can showcase a lot of SQL capabilities while being somewhat complicated (but not too complicated). It's also readily available from many sources online - international organizations, etc.
You could create a database with countries, cities, zip codes, etc. Mark capitals of countries (remember that some countries have more than one capital city...). Include GIS data if you want to get really fancy. Also, consider how you might model different address information. Now what if the address information had to support international addresses? You can do the same with phone numbers as well. Once you get the hang of things you could even integrate with Google Maps or something similar.
You'd likely have to do the database design and import work yourself, but really that's a pretty huge part of working with databases.
Eclipse's Classic Model database is the best open source database equivalent of Factorial and the Fibonacci function .And Microsoft's Northwind is the another powerful alternative that you can use .

There has to be a better way to do localized database fields

So far there've been several questions regarding this, and they've all come down to the same answer: one table for the language-neutral data, 1-* to a table with the translations and an indexed language ID field.
This has several problems:
Twice as much CRUD.
Need for Ajax CRUD if you want a decently friendly web UI.
More than twice the validation -- you need to ensure that the relationship is 1-* rather than 0-*.
Collation differences between languages isn't accommodated.
Queries require joins.
If you want slugs in multiple languages, oh boy.
A lot of database people have worked on all sorts of theoretical and practical problems, but surprisingly few people work on this one.
I think what we need ultimately is:
A field type that'll store multiple versions of strings
Multiple indices for each such field, one for each language or variation, with the option to specify the correct collation mode
A standard ORM object for this crazy thing
UI elements
Overkill? Sure, maybe, but the whole problem is a real nightmare as it is. And it's not exactly an uncommon scenario.
We gotta try to convince server vendors to work on this.
Edit: By the way, this is my first time using the community wiki; hopefully I'm doing it right.
Edit 2: Something about my wording seems to have made people think that I'm attacking the very concept of DBMS. I'm not; I'm simply saying that built-in support for localization is a much-needed feature.
I probably shouldn't have mentioned performance; it's of course completely negligible most of the time. The focus of my concern is on the fact that this really stifles productivity.
I'll provide an example. Suppose I have a very trivial table for a decidedly trivial store:
Products (id, price, description, name, slug)
In EF/MVC, I'd throw this in the ORM designer, maybe encapsulate it in a repository, build a Products controller, and have actions for Index, Details, Create, Update, Edit and Delete. To identify a product in any of the items, I'd simply do a WHERE(slug = #slug). I'd make a view model for the create/edit actions, design the form control, and wire it up straight to the repository. Done and done. To access the details for a product, the user would go to /products/details/product-slug.
But then since the rest of the website is bilingual, I decide to change the products table accordingly.
Products (id, price)
ProductsText (productId, language, description, name, slug)
Hey, that's not so bad. Yeah, not yet. Then you write your relationships and your constraints, and then you write you write out all your properties in the view-model, and then you make a complete CRUD controller for the ProductsText data or use jQuery/Ajax to add create/update/edit buttons on your Products controller, and then you add validation logic to make sure the user enters at least the primary language, and then when you want to read data for the end-user pages you write another query to take join ProductsText.slug and ProductsText.language with Products... I probably missed something, but you get the idea.
The complexity of the program just explodes with boilerplate code once you have localization involved.
Of course, I don't expect the problem to be solved completely, and it's obviously just as much a UI problem as it is a database problem. But there's just so much that could be done to make all this easier. A "multistring" field type might be a really good start.
Edit 3: Anyone ever hear of SQL Server Modeling Services? It has some localization tools in it that could be a step in the right direction. Still CTP though.
-- Simulate the French locale with the SET LANGUAGE statement.
select Id, CountryName,
[System.Globalization].[SessionsString](CountryName, 1) as CountryNameString
from [Location].[CountriesTable]
What is a localized database field?
Typically in applications we've worked in, the UI is localized. This is accomplished using a database, and we put all the translations (and potentially the master phrases) in the table with a locale-code and phraseid being the primary key. This is fairly straightforward, requires a single reusable set of stored procs and has good performance and the usage is well-understood. We often allow translation on the fly so that the app interface includes a translation feature where corrections can be made and other users will see them live - either rich forms applications or web forms applications (depending on caching - which is another key feature of UI localization)
As far as querying requiring joins - that's just a fact of life in a normalized relational database, and performance there is usually managed with a good normalized design and proper indexing.
In other "data", it has made little sense to localize except under direction of the application requirements. For instance, even though you may offer a product in multiple countries, the SKU and distributor may be different. This level of localization is very application specific and we often dealt with it as a separate database and there really isn't anything tying those individually country database together - many products were not available although there may have been equivalent products in the other countries.
If you are selling the same products around the world, then you kind of fall into the original scenario in a kind of multi-lingual CMS. This requires significant work besides the low-level database. For instance, if someone corrects the default product description, what flags the translators that the translations need to also be corrected? These questions are non-trivial. Although I can see where database vendors could assist with features, these are intrinsic difficulties of application requirements and design and not necessarily something the database can add features which will universally solve.
The collation issue is indeed a little awkward. Typically data is stored in nvarchar and you would not know the collation you wanted for retrieval at the time you wrote the stored proc, since the locale would be a parameter. This only affects collections retrieved which need to be ordered by content, not usually natural key and certainly not retrieval by key - it's not a large problem, but is one which cannot easily be handled without dynamic SQL (casting using the preferred collation from a table depending upon the location passed in, if you mix data from different locales, you would have to decide if you want to sort by locale first and then it may be difficult to pick a collation which might work properly within all locales in the same result set). You are probably going to want to use a Windows collation with such a wide variety of data.
Similarly with ORMs, we typically treated the composite unique key of locale/phraseid as the key to retrieve objects (we typically also had a surrogate identity primary key) - I know that traditional ORMs don't necessarily like this departure from retrieval by a meaningless surrogate key.
I've encountered all of these issues for localized CRM-style web sites. Not fun to design and optimize, but it can be done. My 2ยข worth:
1. Twice as much CRUD.
This depends on how your CRUD is designed. Any of my stored procedures or functions that can retrieve a possibly-localized field take a locale/culture code parameter. All of these fields are also NVARCHAR to avoid encoding issues.
2. Need for Ajax CRUD if you want a decently friendly web UI.
I suppose so, but this is application-dependent. Should defer to the "internal" CRUD (DRY principle).
3. More than twice the validation -- you need to ensure that the relationship is 1-* rather than 0-*.
This also assumes that all content is required in all supported locales, instead of using a fallback mechanism. For example, Microsoft's MSDN content is available in multiple locales, but some is in only one (generally this is US English, the "neutral" locale for Microsoft).
For a CRM-style system, any locale can be used for the initial content as long as the fallback uses that if the neutral content is not available.
4. Collation differences between languages isn't accommodated.
I find that it is easier to put all collation support at the UI/reporting layer. Multilingual-aware tables with collation/locale specified on a row-by-row basis would be a very nice-to-have feature but I wouldn't like to wait for it to become available...
5. Queries require joins.
Yes, definitely makes the query a bit more complicated :-) but no real way around that. Can get even more complicated if locale fallback is included (a "locale specificity" ranking field helps here).
6. If you want slugs in multiple languages, oh boy.
This is the reason that the .NET replacement parameters in the format string were designed to be indexed, not positional (printf(), etc. are positional). An English format may need replacements in 1, 2, 3 order, while the German equivalent uses 3, 1, 2.
To make life easier for localizers, whenever I create a .NET resource bundle I document the parameters including index, data type (including minimum and/or maximum string lengths), and a contextual description - context is important for determining text gender in some locales.
Plurality may also require multiple related resources as some locales need more than just "single" and "plural" (e.g. "0 files", "1 file", "2 files").
The same rules must apply to any localizable column in the database.
Well the answers are not that helpfull so far. I had the same problem on various projects I was doing in the past. And there was never a shortcut nor a solution out of the box that helpped me to solve this problem in a easy way. But your approach is going into the right direction and with a little work on your Data Access Layer you can actualy abstract all the burden that is caused by this requirement.
So for Metadata like Types, Categories, Countries etc. performance is not an issue since the whole stuff can be cached. For freetext entries it is a different story. You most probably can't cache them and they tend to be quite long.
You might already know those pages:
Best-practices for localizing a SQL Server (2005/2008) database
In my experience I haven't commonly run into the problem where the data stored in the database has many language-dependent versions of the same text. Typically a developed application will have many language files for all the text that's more or less statically built into the application. Then we see database data for text users enter. While an application may be used by users with many different languages, the situation where users type the same text in multiple languages is not so common. Typically uses of an application will show the UI in their language and then enter and view data in their language.
For example, users of our application in the US vs in Netherlands or Saudi Arabia would see the UI in the language of their choice, but for any given installation, the data they enter will consistently be in their native language.
Obviously this doesn't apply to all cases. CRMs are an example where you would have the same text with multiple translations, like Wikipedia, but I think what I described above is the more common scenario.
"A lot of database people have worked on all sorts of theoretical and practical problems, but surprisingly few people work on this one."
That's because there is nothing to work on, from a theoretical perspective, in your example. The so-called "problems" you mention are, all of them, nothing more than a direct consequence of the fact that you are managing more data.
"Twice as much CRUD."
And why is that a problem ? I know of at least a few systems I built that had a lot more of that than your example.
"Need for Ajax CRUD if you want a decently friendly web UI."
Is that really so ? I don't know, but at any rate how data is handled in the presentation layer, is no concern of the DBMS, and if the programmer thinks it is too difficult/cumbersome, then don't blame the DBMS for that.
More than twice the validation -- you need to ensure that the relationship is 1-* rather than 0-*.
And why is that a problem ? If more business rules are stated, more validation is required.
"Collation differences between languages isn't accommodated."
How so ? What is the sense of collating English text with French ? Of English text with Ukrainian or Russian or Chinese ? Or did you mean something else ?
"Queries require joins."
And why is that a problem ?
"If you want slugs in multiple languages, oh boy."
In what context ? For what purpose ?
SELECT language,nllabel FROM ...
NATURAL JOIN (SELECT 'EN' as language UNION SELECT 'FR' as language)
Oh but wait, I forgot ... JOINs are also a problem.
"and it's obviously just as much a UI problem as it is a database problem."
I disagree that it is. When looking at your problem from a database angle, there are two things that might possibly be a small beginning of a solution :
the possibility to do full view updating (both through JOIN and through GROUP, for your case).
the possibility to have attributes of type 'table' inside database tables. You could then have the entire set of applicable localized names-stuff as a sinle attribute in a single row for your product/...
As for full view updating : don't hold your breath. You'll suffocate long before it has arrived.
As for nested tables : they might already exist, if anyone has them Oracle will, I don't really know, but I'm not really confident that this will really make life easier on the UI side of things.
Oh, and BTW : SQL is nowhere near "theoretically pure".

Wiki Database, is there one?

I was searching the net for something like a wiki database, just like wikipedia but instead stores structured content, editable by users. What I was looking for was an online database accessible by everyone where people can design the schema and data with proper versioning of both schema and data. I couldn't find any such site. I am not sure if it is my search skills or if there really is no wiki database as of now. Does anyone out there know anything like this?
I think there is a great potential for something like this. A possible example will be a website with a GUI for querying a MySQL DB where any website visitor can create DB objects and populate data.
UPDATE: I had registered the domain to get started on a tool but I didn't find enough time yet. If anyone is interested in spending some time and coding on this, please let me know at
It's not quite what you're looking for, but Semantic Mediawiki adds database-like features to MediaWiki:
It's still fundamentally a Wiki, but you can add semantic tags to pages ([[foo::bar]] [[baz::1000]]) and then do database-type queries across them: SELECT baz FROM pages WHERE foo=bar would be {{#ask: [[foo::bar]] | ?baz}}. There is even an embryonic SPARQL implementation for pseudo-SQL queries.
OK this question is old, but Google led me here, so for anyone else out there looking for a wiki for structured data: Take a look at Foswiki.
This might be like what you're looking for: They're working on extracting data from Wikipedia, and encoding it in a structured format using RDF, so that it can be queried using SPARQL. has a big list of RDF data sets.
Do you mean something like
You should check out which is a bit different but still may be of interest.
Something that might come close to your requirements is Google Docs.
What's offered is document editing roughly similar to MS Word, and spreadsheets roughly similar to Excel. I'm thinking of the latter, of course.
In Google Docs, You can create spreadsheets for free; being spreadsheets, they naturally have a row-and-column structure similar to a database, and which you can define flexibly. You can also share these sheets with other people. This seems to be a by-invite-only process rather than open-to-all, but there may be other possibilities I'm not aware of, or that level of sharing might be enough for you in any case.
mindtouch should be able to do it. It's rather easy to get data in / out. (for example: it's trivial to aggregate all the IP's for servers into one table).
I pretty much use it as a DB in the wiki itself (pages have tables, key/value..inheritance, templates, etc...) but you can also interface with the API, write dekiscript, grab the XML...
I like this idea. I have heard of some sites that are trying to pull together large datasets for various things for open consumption, but none that would allow a wiki feel.
You could start with something as simple as an installation of phpMyAdmin with a known password that would allow people to log in, create a database, edit data and query from any other site on the web.
It might suffer from more accuracy problems than wikipedia though.
OpenRecord, development of which seems to have halted in 2008, seems to approach this. It is a structured wiki in which pages are views on the data. Unlike RDBMSes it is loosely typed - the system tries to make a best guess about what data you entered, but defaults to text when it cannot guess. Schemas appear to have been implied.
An example of the typing that is given is that of a date. If you enter '2008' in a record, the system interprets this as a date. If you enter 'unknown' however, the system allows that as well.
Perhaps you might be interested in Couch DB:
Apache CouchDB is a document-oriented
database that can be queried and
indexed in a MapReduce fashion using
JavaScript. CouchDB also offers
incremental replication with
bi-directional conflict detection and
I'm working on an Open Source PHP / Symfony / PostgreSQL app that does this.
It allows multiple projects, each project can have multiple directories, each directory has a defined field structure. Admins set all this up.
Then members of the public can suggest new records, edit or report existing ones. All this is moderated and versioned.
It's early days yet but it basically works and is already in real world use in several projects.
Future plans already in progress include tools to help keep the data up to date, better searching/querying and field types that allow translations of content between languages.
There is more at
I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned Wikibase yet, which is the software that powers Wikidata.

Tiger/Lines or shapefiles of USA states and cities?

i've been asked to generate some demographic reports (crime rates, birth/deaths, etc) based on state and cities for the USA. I have all the demographic data (provided by our client) but can't seem to find any places which have the boundaries (read: LAT/LONG's) of the USA States and their cities.
Our data are Lat/Long points of data (eg. a crime, a birth, etc) and we want to get some mapped reports and also datamine using Sql server (we're using MS Sql 2008, but that shouldn't impact this question).
So .. can anyone direct me to where there are some state and city boundary sources? I know our government has all this information available for free at the US Census Bureau, but i can't seem to understand where it's found and how to digest this info.
I'm assuming that this info will be in the form of lat/long polygons (eg. a shapefile, etc) which i can then import into the DB and mine away.
Can anyone help, please?
A bit late, but in case anyone stumbles across this like I did:
To get the city boundary layers you navigate to "Download Shapefiles" for the year you're interested in and drop down to the city boundary layer, which is called "Places". (which is not an intuitive enough name for me...)
That's the link for 2011's shapefiles.
I can suggest the post
Here's a link to the 2008 TIGER/Line shapefiles, and it sounds like looking at the TIGER/Line Shapefiles FAQ would probably be helpful -- other info at the main page for the 2008 data set.
I know the census is difficult to navigate at times. Try going to the National Atlas at also the National map at
I think you are looking for GIS data. For example, I found US Census Bureau TIGER/Line 2007FE Shapefiles Mississippi, United States although I am not sure what you get with the download nor how to exploit the information...
Was not able to use the tiger.. something web site. pain in the rear. Just download the file at the location below and may be trim according to your necessity.