Consume WCF Service Hosted in a Windows Service - wcf

I wrote the WCF Service and hosted in windows service. I need to know how to consume this windows service in my client application.
I wrote Net pipe binding service.
How can I write the client application for net pipe binding?

You need to do a few easy steps:
start your Windows service hosting your WCF service
from within Visual Studio (2008 or higher), right-click on a project node in the solution explorer and choose "Add service reference"
enter the URL where your service can be reached
That's about all there is, really. Visual Studio will go to your running service, get all the metadata it needs (assuming you've enabled a MEX endpoint for metadata exchange), and will create a client proxy class for you to use to connect your client to your service.

you need to use ChannelFactory to create a proxy, and then you can use the proxy to perform wcf tasks.
ChannelFactory<IWCFService> pipeFactory = new ChannelFactory<IWCFService>(
new NetNamedPipeBinding(),
new EndpointAddress("net.pipe://localhost/PipeWCFService"));
IWCFService pipeProxy = pipeFactory.CreateChannel();

You can consume it like any other WCF service. The method used for hosting the WCF service is not relevant to the client side.
If you need details on how to actually build the client, let me know and i'll update the post.
Edit : Start here to learn how to build a WCF client.


How to build Wcf service that runs/processes request after client that published task is closed?

I am trying to build a WCF based web service hosted on IIS 7.0. WCF Service is hosted on IIS and is designed to accept requests from multiple WCF clients(console applications). Each WCF client will give/publish a task to service hosted on WCF. After publishing task client terminates or shuts down.
After a while Client will query WCF Service for status of the task it published, service will return the status either completed or terminated etc... for the query request.
I'm new to the paradigm of WCF and webservices. Can someone help me with WCF concepts that can help me achieve this. samples are appreciated.
If I understand you correctly, then you're looking for a WCF Service that keeps running after the client closes the connection and then make a new connection to that same service at a later time.
From the service's point of view, that new connection is a new, different client - so you're sharing the same service with multiple clients.
You can achieve this with the InstanceContextMode.Single service behavior:
public class EvalService : IEvalService { ...
See The lifetime of an instance of a WCF service?.

Questions about adding a WCF service to a Windows service assembly

I have found some basic information about hosting a WCF service in a Windows service, but not much. All of my experience thus far with WCF has been in Web projects. I have a few simple questions.
I have a project which creates a windows service application. I have done a right click -> add WCF Service. This creates Service1.cs and IService1.cs.
I'm wondering why no SVC file is created in this scenario? When I add services to Web projects i get an SVC file which I can navigate to and use to consume the service.
Adding the service adds some configurations to the app.config under the services element. I'm seeing a default base address of
What does this mean? It's sort of an odd looking address. Am I supposed to change it to whatever I want?
Navigating to this address in a browser results in an unable to connect message. Does the windows service itself have to be running to talk to the WCF service?
How do I go about consuming this service from another application without an svc file?
I'm taking a guess on this first one, but I'm thinking the .svc file when hosting in IIS is to tell IIS, "Hey I have a WCF service here, please handle accordingly".
The base address is as it should be and yes you can change it if I'm not mistaken.
You can't hit the WCF service unless the Windows service is running, which is one of the dangers of hosting in a Windows service, because if the service dies somehow your WCF service is offline until you get the Windows service running again.
You consume the service the same way you do any other WCF service, just using that base address to get at it.

How do I test my WCF duplex service?

I am currently developing a duplex WCF service and I wish to test the service using the WcfTestClient.exe that is provided by Visual Studio 2010. However as my WCF service is a duplex, the ending point are created as shown:
selfHost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IPostingService), new WSDualHttpBinding(), "Posting");
apparently after running wcftestclient.exe and connecting to the service, it says that it is not supported for dual http bindings.
Any idea how else can I test my WCF service?
Check this post which offers some alternatives to wcfclient.
I would just write a simple console application to test it, but that would require you to configure the bindings outside the wcfclient. You can use WCF Configuration Editor (from Tools menu) to assist with binding configuration.
Host the WCF application, Once it is started do the following..
Use 'Poster' a add on in Mozilla.
Set appropriate return type, pass the url to your WCF application.
Set Post method and you are done.

I can't access wcf service using net.tcp://<servicename>

I'm using IE8 and can't connect to my WCF service using net.tcp. I'm able to access the same service with http binding just fine. I got two binding enabled in app.config (net.tcp, http). Can anyone tell me if there is a settings that I need to set/play with for viewing service using net.tcp in IE.
You cannot connect to a WCF service using the netTcpBinding through IE.
What you need is a "real" WCF client app, or something like WCF Test Client which is shipped with WCF in the box - just find it and start using it!
Make sure you have a HTTP base address, for your service and a mexTcpBinding endpoint.

How would you communicate a wcf service with a windows service?

Two weeks ago I needed a way to communicate a wcf service with a windows service running on the same computer. The windows service had to get data from a external source and share it with the wcf service (hosted in IIS) who had to give it when a client made a request. I chose to do that with ipc.
I done it and now the windows service is the ipc server and the wcf service is the ipc client. This goes well but I think I made a mistake doing this because to make it run right the windows service must to be executed with the ASPNET account, for this the ASPNET password account must be assigned and when I do that the IIS does not work correctly.
I am thinking on different alternatives, but in all of them the problem persists. Some ideas?
What I needed was a system that made public, in a web service hosted in IIS, data gotten through telnet from another old system, what is a little unstable. How the response of this second system was slow I chose to put a process (the windows service) between the web service and the old system. The windows service had to save the data collected from the old system and when the wcf service asked it give it all at once through ipc.
Why does the windows service need to run as the ASPNET user? Is that because you're using an IPC connection that requires authentication from the caller?
Another alternative (if you have control over the windows-service code) would be to make that a WCF service as well (using a ServiceHost in the windows service). The IIS service could connect to the windows service using a NetTcp or NetNamedPipe binding if you need the IPC-like performance.
Why not just create another account with the same permission set of the ASPNET user which both the WCF service and your other service run under? That way, you have control over the password.
Ideally, the windows service should run as a WCF service, that way its easy for the client to communicate with it.
The next question is weather the 'client' needs to be a WCF service. If this client needs to serve other applications then it is appropriate, otherwise it may not be nessesary. I don't know enough about your system, so its up to you to decide what's best!