Is there any reason to open a file with shared-write access? - file-io

I've always opened my files two ways -- either read access and shared-read, or read/write access and no sharing.
To me it seems that allowing shared-write could always result in unexpected things happening to the file while you're reading it. Are there any good reasons to open a file in shared-write mode?

If a file is shared by many processes, it is sometimes impractical to lock the whole file (for performance reasons).
In this case, you can lock a region of the file while it is being written.
In Windows you might use the function LockFile().
In Linux/Unix you might use fcntl() or flock()

I'll hazard a guess... one thing it may be used for is for parallel computations. Say you have two threads doing some highly parallelizable computation and you need the data to be written to a single file. You're also able to pre-determine the size needed to store the output of each thread (say 50MB).
So, allocate a 100MB file, have thread one start writing at offset 0 and thread #2 start at 50MB. When the threads complete you will have your single, composed file (otherwise, using separate files, you'd need to append the result from thread #2 to thread #1).
ASCII Art Attempt
| 50MB | 50MB | [100 MB Total FileSize]
| | |
^ ^
| |
Thread 1 Thread 2
All that said, I've never done this. It may not even work! You can conceivably just share the File Handle/Stream between threads using some other synchronization mechanism, but then you'd have to also reset the offset on each thread. Perhaps one or the other is more efficient.
On one hand there could be lots of disk thrashing if both threads are always writing simeltanouesly. Conversely, syncing the writes may negate the benefits of concurrency if there is a lot of contention on the write lock. And as often said, profile and test!
Anyways, I'm also curious about a "real life" scenario where shared write access has been used and will be watching for more answers!

Sockets on a level lower than File I/O.
Say a server listens on some local port 1999 and relays inbound to all subscribing clients on service port 3128.
The server could read from multiple local clients and relay to multiple remote clients. If the server were an authentication daemon, multiple local applications might attempt to authenticate via the same server (service). The remote clients could be notified that user-x is now authenticated because s/he logged in successfully to one of the apps sharing authentication server.
I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm venturing a guess.


scalability of azure cloud queue

In current project we currently use 8 worker role machines side by side that actually work a little different than azure may expect it.
Short outline of the system:
each worker start up to 8 processes that actually connect to cloud queue and processes messages
each process accesses three different cloud queues for collecting messages for different purposes (delta recognition, backup, metadata)
each message leads to a WCF call to an ERP system to gather information and finally add retreived response in an ReDis cache
this approach has been chosen over many smaller machines due to costs and performance. While 24 one-core machines would perform by 400 calls/s to the ERP system, 8 four-core machines with 8 processes do over 800 calls/s.
Now to the question: when even increasing the count of machines to increase performance to 1200 calls/s, we experienced outages of Cloud Queue. In same moment of time, 80% of the machines' processes don't process messages anymore.
Here we have two problems:
Remote debugging is not possible for these processes, but it was possible to use dile to get some information out.
We use GetMessages method of Cloud Queue to get up to 4 messages from queue. Cloud Queue always answers with 0 messages. Reconnect the cloud queue does not help.
Restarting workers does help, but shortly lead to same problem.
Are we hitting the natural end of scalability of Cloud Queue and should switch to Service Bus?
I have not been able to fully understand the problem, I described it in the natual borders of Cloud Queue.
To summarize:
Count of TCP connections have been impressive. Actually too impressive (multiple hundreds)
Going back to original memory size let the system operate normally again
In my experience I have been able to get better raw performance out of Azure Cloud Queues than service bus, but Service Bus has better enterprise features (reliable, topics, etc). Azure Cloud Queue should process up to 2K/second per queue.
You can also try partitioning to multiple queues if there is some natural partition key.
Make sure that your process don't have some sort of thread deadlock that is the real culprit. You can test this by connecting to the queue when it appears hung and trying to pull messages from the queue. If that works it is your process, not the queue.
Also take a look at this to setup some other monitors:
It took some time to solve this issue:
First a summarization of the usage of the storage account:
We used the blob storage once a day pretty heavily.
The "normal" diagonistics that Azure provides out of the box also used the same storage account.
Some controlling processes used small tables to store and read information once an hour for ca. 20 minutes
There may be up to 800 calls/s that try to increase a number to count calls to an ERP system.
When recognizing that the storage account is put under heavy load we split it up.
Now there are three physical storage accounts heaving 2 queues.
The original one still keeps up to 800/s calls for increasing counters
Diagnositics are still on the original one
Controlling information has been also moved
The system runs now for 2 weeks, working like a charm. There are several things we learned from that:
No, the infrastructure is "not just there" and it doesn't scale endlessly.
Even if we thought we didn't use "that much" summarized we used quite heavily and uncontrolled.
There is no "best practices" anywhere in the net that tells the complete story. Esp. when start working with the storage account a guide from MS would be quite helpful
Exception handling in storage is quite bad. Even if the storage account is overused, I would expect some kind of exception and not just returning zero message without any surrounding information
Read complete story here: natural borders of cloud storage scalability
The scalability has a lot of influences. You may are interested in Azure Service Bus: Massive count of listeners and senders to be aware of some more pitfalls.

BIND9.7. When several named processes are running, how to judge which process is providing the service?

For example, I execute "sudo named" several times, so there are several named processes running. When I use "pidof named", I get several pids.
I want to calculate the CPU usage rate of the BIND process,so I need to get some parameters from "/proc/pid/stat", so I need the pid of the named process which is really providing the domain resolution service.
What's the difference between the named process which is providing the service and the others? Could you give me a detailed explanation?
thanks very much~
(It's my first time to use stackoverflow , to use English to ask quetions , please ignore those syntax errors.)
There should be just one named running, the scripts that manage the service ensure that. You shouldn't start it like that, you should use what your distribution uses to start it, probably something along the lines of service bind start (that is probably a RedHat-ism), or /etc/rc.d/bind start (for bog-standard SysVinit).
I was responsible for DNS for quite some time here. Some tips:
DNS is a very critical service, configure and monitor with extreme care. Do read up on setting up and managing this, don't go ahead until you are absolutely clear.
Get somebody as a backup for the case that you aren't available, and make sure they understand the previous point.
DNS isn't CPU intensive (OK, with signed domains and that newfangled stuff that might have changed), it is memory intensive (and network intensive, or at least sensitive to delays). Our main DNS server was running for months at a time, and clocked up some half hour of CPU time during that kind of period IIRC.
Separate your master server (responsible for the domain(s) from the servers queried by clients (caching servers). There have been vulnerabilities where malformed questions or "answers" to questions that hadn't been asked soiled the database
The master server will have all the domain information in RAM, make sure you have got enough of it
Make sure all machines under your jurisdiction use the same caching server. It makes no sense for more than one, that destroys the idea of cache.
The caching servers collect immense amounts of data over time. This data rarely is performance critical, so configure them with plenty of swap space to accommodate overflows.
Bind issues as many named processes as many CPUs you have:
man named:
-n #cpus
Create #cpus worker threads to take advantage of multiple CPUs. If not specified, named will try to determine the number of CPUs present and create one thread per CPU. If it is unable to determine the number of CPUs, a single worker thread will be created.
External source:

How to control number of running worker processes for MongoDB?

Well, as the question simply explains itself, let me clear it up little more.
I am running MongoDB primarily for read-only purposes at back-end. My crons do the writes and they don't really push it hard when they are triggered. Some updates, some new documents etc.
The thing is requests usually do not even hit the application level because of entire page caching handled within MemCached by Nginx. So the application doesn't query database for another hour per page.
But so far as I can see in my process list, there are 21 MongoDB worker processes that are using none of the CPU but reasonably large amount of memory because of the previous queries.
I checked the configuration settings and googled around but couldn't find any answer.. So, is there any way to limit those processes or at least to tell MongoDB reduce/empty its memory usage after a while?
Workers are using for talking to config server and other replica as well apart from just serving user request. This is documented in here.
we can limit net.maxIncomingConnections as par recommendation on this page to limit the number of workers processing user request. But this should be used with precaution as setting this number too low and then sending more concurrent calls will result in some calls being queued.

What is application state?

This is a very general question. I am a bit confused with the term state. I would like to know what do people mean by "state of an application"? Why do they call webserver as "stateless" and database as "stateful"?
How is the state of an application (in a VM) transferred, when the VM memory is moved from one machine to another during live migration.
Is transferring the memory, caches and register values of a system enough to transfer the state of the running application?
You've definitely asked a mouthful -- it's unfortunate that the word state is used in so many different contexts, but each one is a valid use of the word.
State of an application
An application's state is roughly the entire contents of its memory. This can be a difficult concept to get behind until you've seen something like Erlang's server loops, which explicitly pass all the state of the application in a variable from one invocation of the function to the next. In more "normal" programming languages, the "state" of the program is all its global variables, static variables, objects allocated on the heap, objects allocated on the stack, registers, open file descriptors and file offsets, open network sockets and associated kernel buffers, and so forth.
You can actually save that state and resume execution of the process elsewhere. The BLCR checkpoint tools for Linux do exactly this. (Though it is an extremely uncommon task to perform.)
State of a protocol
The state of a protocol is a different sort of meaning -- the statelessness of HTTP requests means that every web browser communication with webservers essentially starts over, from scratch -- every cookie is re-transmitted in both directions to try to "fake" some amount of a "session" for the user's sake. The servers don't hold any resources open for any given client across requests -- each one starts from scratch.
Networked filesystems might also be stateless (earlier versions of NFS) or stateful (newer versions of NFS). The earlier versions assumed every individual packet of reading, writing, or metadata control would be committed as it arrived, and every time a specific byte was needed from a file, it would be re-requested. This allowed the servers to be very simple -- they would do what the client packets told them to do and no effort was required to bring servers and clients back to consistency if a server rebooted or routers disappeared. However, this was bad for performance -- every client requested static data hundreds or thousands of times each day. So newer versions of NFS allowed some amount of data caching on the clients, and persistent file handles between servers and clients, and the servers had to keep track of the state of the clients that were connected -- and vice versa: the clients also had to know what promises they had made to the servers.
A stateful firewall will keep track of active TCP sessions. It knows which sessions the system administrators want to allow through, so it looks for those initial packets specifically. Once the session is set up, it then tracks the established connections as entities in their own rights. (This was a real advancement upon previous stateless firewalls which considered packets in isolation -- the rulesets on previous firewalls were much more permissive to achieve the same levels of functionality, but allowed through far too many malicious packets that pretended a session was already active.)
An application state is simply the state at which an application resides with regards to where in a program is being executed and the memory that is stored for the application. The web is "stateless," meaning everytime you reload a page, no information remains from the previous version of the page. All information must be resent from the server in order to display the page.
Technically, browsers get around the statelessness of the web by utilizing techniques like caching and cookies.
Application state is a data repository available to all classes. Application state is stored in memory on the server and is faster than storing and retrieving information in a database. Unlike session state, which is specific to a single user session, application state applies to all users and sessions. Therefore, application state is a useful place to store small amounts of often-used data that does not change from one user to another.
Is transferring the memory, caches and register values of a system enough to transfer the state of the running application?
Does the application have a file open, positioned at byte 225? If so, that file is part of the application's state because the next byte written should go to position 226.
Has the application authenticated itself to a secure server with a time-based key? Then that connection is part of the application's state, because if the application were to be suspended for 24 hours after saving memory, cache, and register values, when it resumes it will no longer have a valid connection to the secure server because it will have timed out.
Things which make an application stateful are easy to overlook.

Persistent DB Connections - Yea or Nay?

I'm using PHP's PDO layer for data access in a project, and I've been reading up on it and seeing that it has good innate support for persistent DB connections. I'm wondering when/if I should use them. Would I see performance benefits in a CRUD-heavy app? Are there downsides to consider, perhaps related to security?
If it matters to you, I'm using MySQL 5.x.
You could use this as a rough "ruleset":
YES, use persistent connections, if:
There are only few applications/users accessing the database, i.e. you will not result in 200 open (but probably idle) connections, because there are 200 different users shared on the same host.
The database is running on another server that you are accessing over the network
An (one) application accesses the database very often
NO, don't use persistent connections, if:
Your application only needs to access the database 100 times an hour.
You have many webservers accessing one database server
You're using Apache in prefork mode. It uses one connection for each child process, which can ramp up fairly quickly. (via #Powerlord in the comments)
Using persistent connections is considerable faster, especially if you are accessing the database over a network. It doesn't make so much difference if the database is running on the same machine, but it is still a little bit faster. However - as the name says - the connection is persistent, i.e. it stays open, even if it is not used.
The problem with that is, that in "default configuration", MySQL only allows 1000 parallel "open channels". After that, new connections are refused (You can tweak this setting). So if you have - say - 20 Webservers with each 100 Clients on them, and every one of them has just one page access per hour, simple math will show you that you'll need 2000 parallel connections to the database. That won't work.
Ergo: Only use it for applications with lots of requests.
In brief, my experience says that persistent connections should be avoided as far as possible.
Note that mysql_close is a no-operation (no-op) for connections that are created using mysql_pconnect. This means persistent connection cannot be closed by client at will. Such connection will be closed by mysqldb server when no activity occurs on the connection for duration more than wait_timeout. If wait_timeout is large value (say 30 min) then mysql db server can easily reach max_connections limit. In such case, mysql db will not accept any future connection request. This is when your pager starts beeping.
In order to avoid reaching max_connections limit, use of Persistent connection need careful balancing of following variables...
Number of apache processes on one host
Total number of hosts running apache
wait_timout variable in mysql db server
max_connections variable in mysql db server
Number of requests served by one apache process before it is re-spawned
So, pl use persistent connection after enough deliberation. You may not want to invite complex runtime issues for a small gain that you get from persistent connection.
Creating connections to the database is a fairly expensive operation. Persistent connections are a good idea. In the ASP.Net and Java world, we have "connection pooling", which is roughly the same thing, and also a good idea.
IMO, The real answer to this question is whatever works best for you app. I would recommend you benchmark your app using both persistent and non-persistent connections.
Maggie Nelson # Objectively Oriented posted about this in August and Robert Swarthout made an accompanying post with some hard numbers. Both are pretty good reads.
In my humble opinion:
When using PHP for web development, most of your connection will only "live" for the life of the page executing. A persistant connection is going to cost you a lot of overhead as you'll have to put it in the session or some such thing.
99% of the time a single non-persistant connection that dies at the end of the page execution will work just fine.
The other 1% of the time, you probably should not be using PHP for the app, and there is no perfect solution for you.
In general, you'll need to use non-persistent connections sometimes, and it's nice to have a single pattern to apply to db connection design (as long as there's relatively little upside to using persistent connections in your context.)
I was going to ask this same question but rather than ask the same question again I'll just add some information that I've found.
Are PHP persistent connections evil ?
Persistent Database Connections
It is also worth noting that the newer mysqli extension does not even include the option to use persistent database connections.
I'm still using persitent connections at the moment but plan to switch to non-persistent in the near future.