WebLogic 10 WLST command to stop a deployment - weblogic

Is there a WLST command to stop a Weblogig deployment? (i.e. the opposite of the nmStart() command)
If so, what is it?
I am changing database passwords and I want to shutdown all deployments so all connections will close. Currently I have to log into the console to shut everything down and I am looking for a quicker way.

I'd say nmKill but I'm not sure about the terminology you are using. The nmStart is used to start a server in the current domain using Node Manager, not to start a "deployment".
By the way, the WLS Console provides a recording feature that writes out the edits you make in the console to a WLST script. This can be very handy if you are not a WLST expert. To turn on recording, click 'Record' (in the the toolbar near the top of the page). Then, make your edits in the console. Finally, turn the recording off when you're done.

The more usual method, which is independant of whether you're using node manager or not, would be the shutdown command which is also able to work at the cluster level.


Execute job spoon with software

I have a JOB done in SPOON, which is executed without problems in the command line, but I would like to know if there is any software in which I can execute these JOBS and go to see the execution visually. The idea is that for the most pleasant exploitation area these tasks are executed.
You have two solutions:
Use the carte server which is shipped with the PDI. Install the PDI on any server, launch carte (specifying the port), then you can execute/view/stop/restart job/transformation from any browser. Documentation is here.
Of course you can launch a job/transformation from your own PDI. Just define a new Slave server, on the left panel, tab view, default username/password = cluster/cluster. Then each time you run a job/transformation, choose the carte server, instead of Pentaho/local in the Run configuration.
If you just want to follow job/transformation, you may use the database logging: Right-click any where, Parameters, Logging, Job/Transformation, then define a database, a table and a logging interval of 2 seconds.
Then every two seconds, the line_read, line_written, errors, and log_field are written to a database. This database can be read by an external process and displayed on the screen or on a browser.
This method is used in the github/ETL-pilot which uses a tomcat (because you probably have a tomcat already running with a Pentaho server), but can easily be adapted to a nodejs or any other server. (If you do it and OpenSource it, please add a link to your work on our github).

How to perform a command in a shell on remote server immediately after deploying some code from intellij idea?

I have a web server running on a virtual machine and I need some actions (e.g. "service apache2 reload") to be performed there automatically after I'll deploy my code from Idea
Automatically -- no way AFAIK.
https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-3344 -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.
You may also watch related tickets:
The only manual solutions I may suggest right now are:
either keep SSH console opened (IDE has it built-in) and execute such command manually once deployed
or create "Remote SSH External Tools" entry that will do such job (connect and issue specified command) manually after deployment (once created you can assign custom shortcut to it so it can be run more easier).
In both cases -- check this manual.

Glassfish start-cluster command fails

I'm attempting to restart a glassfish server (glassfish3?) using a script which runs daily, which executes the following commands:
asadmin stop-cluster myapp-cluster
asadmin start-cluster myapp-cluster
However, either command just gives the ouptut:
The server lives on Amazon, obviously. Any idea why it's failing, or better yet, how to make it work?
After some more googling, I logged into the asadmin, and at the prompt, typed "start-domain". That started the domain. After that, I typed "start-cluster myapp-cluster", and now the app is up.
So, apparently for some reason the domain was down. Probably it would be a good idea to modify the script to stop the cluster, stop the domain, then start the domain, and start the cluster. Ideally, glassfish would stop going down every few days...

How can I start go server permanently?

I've got problem with my Go server.
When I'm connected to my NAS via SSH and do ./gogs web, the server is starting. But when I close the SSH connection, the server is stopped.
How I can start my Go server permanently?
You have scripts in gogs allowing you to launch the server as a daemon:
scripts/init/debian/gogs (recently fixed with issue 519)
That would allow the process to remain while the session is closed.
You have other options in issues 172.
This is not a Go-specifioc problem, what is happening is that the Go program is still attached to your terminal and when you log out, the kernel will trigger a SIGHUP to every binary still connected to that terminal session.
Your best option is probably to use nohup ./gogs web.
Second-best option would be to rewrite main, so that it intercepts and handles SIGHUP, stopping it from killing your program. However, doing so requires handling quite a few things properly (you really should close stdin, stdout and stderr; make sure all your logging is done through the log library, ...)

OSX: "Window Server: failed setting the front application to My App"

I am launching a launchAgent from a post install script using the following command:
su -l $LOGGED_IN_USER -c "/bin/launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/com.myApp.mac.agent.plist"
The agent displays a status item (NSStatusItem) with a couple of menu options. One of them has a settings option. Clicking this will open an NSWindow, with few NSTextFields. At times, though this window is the top most, whatever I type goes to the underlying app. I am unable to type anything into the text field. Whenever this happens, I notice the following log in the console:
WindowServer[97]: [cps/setfront] Failed setting the front application to MyApp, psn 0x0-0xb20b2, securitySessionID=0x186c5, err=-600
This is not a consistent behaviour. Any idea why this log comes? And is there any work around for this? Is it ok to launch the agent using su -l?
I don't know exactly why you're getting that error and behavior. I recommend reading Technical Note TN2083: Daemons and Agents. It explains in detail the various facets of the execution context of a process and how that affects what a process can do. That includes whether or not a process can connect to the Window Server.
For what it's worth, error -600 is procNotFound, whose description is "no eligible process with specified descriptor". It seems that the Window Server is not able to find a process with the given process serial number (PSN) in the given security session.
I would not use -l in your sudo command. A user's login scripts can do all sorts of crazy things and you don't those done by your installer. However, I don't believe that's related to the main problem.