Is there a way to get IE to render CYMK images - cmyk

I put images on our website that were very nice in Firefox and little red x's in IE. I understand that IE wants only RGB and I could convert my images. In fact I tried it out. The issue is that the images get dulled down, look dead in RGB. I'm hoping that there is some way to say, IE load these images in RGB, but Firefox load these other images in CMYK. Any ideas?

I do not believe you can get IE to render CMYK encoded images. To avoid manually changing them, you could put a filter on the site to automatically convert them but I would assume that the quality would suffer.
CMYK encoding is typcally used for print, which as quality requirements that are overkill for the web. With a decent quality photo editing tool, such as photoshop, you should be able to get decent, web quality, versions of these photos using RGB encidong.

As far as I have been able to find, it's not currently possible to get IE to use a CMYK format (perhaps with an add-on?).
Your conversion process may not be saving the most optimal color setting. Perhaps using a different conversion mechanism (i.e. a different tool) from CMYK to RGB would help.


CMYK Overprinting and Knockout in Ghostscript

I'm trying to get a grasp on the capabilities of the current version of Ghostscript (see also this question that I asked a few days ago). So, I downloaded a "test form" for the PDF/X-4 standard from, a standards organization in Switzerland, and tried to render it... (In case anyone wants to try this, here's the direct download link: You can find more info on this page (in German):
Anyway: I was pleasantly surprised to see that most of the test fields were rendered correctly on screen. Most of the other PDF viewers that I had tried had failed miserably. Then I noticed that there were a few test cases that produced errors:
CMYK Overprint Mode (on page 1) is not respected for fonts and
vectors (it works fine for images, masks and shadings).
Rendering of Knockout Transparency Groups (on page 2) is not performed correctly.
Rendering of a few more fields (on page 4) that had to do with overprinting (Spot to CMYK, CMYK over Spot, Image Overprint etc.) failed.
So, I started experimenting... First I noticed that I still had an old version of Ghostscript installed. So, I compiled the new version 9.16 and tried again. This time, the Knockout Transparency Groups (see above) were rendered correctly. Great!
Then I read here that "the handling of overprinting and spot colors depends upon the process color model of the output device". So, instead of -sDEVICE=x11 I now tried -sDEVICE=x11cmyk. And to my surprise, the errors regarding the CMYK Overprint Mode went away. Unfortunately, the errors on page 4 remained.
What's more, I now have two new problems: First of all, the pages are now rendered in wrong colors. In fact, the white background of the test pages now appears in cyan! Also, it seems, Ghostscript is now trying to simulate some kind of ugly halftoning on screen. I read here again that "The differences in appearance of files with overprinting and spot colors caused by the differences in the color model of the output device [...] are not due to a limitation in the implementation of Ghostscript or its output devices." So, I'm assuming that I'm missing something. But what is it?
Is there a way (maybe another device, a command line parameter or something) to tell Ghostscript to handle overprinting correctly? Or hasn't this been implemented yet?
What causes the cyan tinting of the white background?
Is there a way to print this correctly to an inkjet, the way it appears on screen? (lpr doesn't seem to work well.)
Thanks in advance.
So, I experimented a lot and read a few discussions. Also, the documentation here, which I found pretty interesting, as it says:
"Ghostscript currently provides overprint simulation for spot
colorants when rendering to the separation devices psdcmyk and
tiffsep. These devices maintain all the spot color planes and merge
these together to provide a simulated preview of what would be
Alright, this is what #KenS (see below) mentioned in a comment. But then
"It is possible to get a simulated preview of overprinting with other
CMYK devices by specifying -dSimulateOverprint = true/false In this
case, simulated overprinting is achieved through a blending of the
CMYK colorants." [p.9]
Now, I read that as saying that I can use a CMYK device (like tiff32nc) to get a simulated preview of overprinting with spot colors. Am I correct? So, after some more reading here (just in case this has anything to do with CMYK, which I doubt), I finally tried the following:
I even experimented with the options -dOverrideICC, -dRenderIntent and -sProofProfile. Nothing seems to work. What am I misunderstanding here? Is there really no way to render a non-seperated full-color preview of correctly overprinted spot colors?
So, I finally tried the tiffsep device (not really, what I would like to achieve, but interesting as a test case) and checked the five files that are produced. And there are still errors! If you would like to check, run the command
over the aforementioned PDF/X-4 document. Then examine, e.g., the third test field in the first row in the left column (page 4).
So, I really don't know what to make of this. Does that mean that Ghostscript can't handle overprinting with spot colors at all - contrary to what the documentation says? Is that a bug? Or do I have the command wrong? Am I missing anything?
First answer is stop trying to use the X11 device, its an RGB device and not hugely well supported. In order to do X11CMYK the input must be rendered to CMYK then post filtered to RGB. Its not a good solution.
Overprinting is only defined for CMYK process colours (and spots), any other colour model will not perform overprinting. So I would suggest you render to TIFF or JPEG devices using their CMYK variants.
Spot colours are even more complex, if the device does not support the requested spot colour then it uses the tint transform to convert into the defined alternate colour space. If tint transformation takes place the spot is not overprinted.
Since the display devices cannot support spot colours, you can't preview spot overprinting using a display device. If you want to do this you should use the tiffsep device.
If you believe you have found a bug in Ghostscript, then please report it as such, but you will have to report it against a CMYK device, and I'll say now that we won't be very active with bugs in the X11 CMYK device, its practically unused.
Printing to an inkjet device depends on the printing workflow, and I have no idea what you are using for that. If its CUPS (and I'm guessing solely based on the fact that you are using an X11 device) then this 'should' just work. But it depends on the complete end-to-end print process, and I have no idea what it is you are doing.
Again note that spot colours will not be available on a CMYK printer, so overprinting spots is probably not going to work the way you expect.
I may be very late to the party but this works for me:
gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dSimulateOverprint=true \
-sDEVICE=jpegcmyk -sOUTPUTFILE=overprint.jpg overprint.pdf

Blurry results on EPS/PDF import [duplicate]

I want to create a visualization of a matrix for some academic work. I decided to go about this by having the pixels in the image correspond to the values in the matrix. I created the nice small png that follows:
When properly scaled up, you get a very reasonable image:
This is a screenshot from within inkscape. However, when export this as a pdf, both evince and chrome do a terrible job at upscaling what should be very trivial, and instead I get something that looks like:
The pdf itself seems to scale appropriately well for printing, but unfortunately I do a lot of my editing without printing, and this looks unacceptable. I did find this incredibly old thread about people seeming to have a similar issue with chrome's pdf viewer, and the "solution" was to just upscale the raster graphics. This is a solution, but is terribly inefficient.
Is anyone aware of a way to change the pdf so that it gets upscaled appropriately? Maybe a config change in evince or chrome that will render these properly? Even a nice way to go from a raster image to a vector image might be suitable?
The comments aggregated into an answer...
An image dictionary in a PDF has an (optional) boolean entry Interpolate. It is specified as a flag indicating whether image interpolation shall be performed by a conforming reader.
The program used by the OP to create the PDF, Inkscape, seems to have explicitly set this flag to true. Editing the PDF to unset this flag creates a file which looks as desired by the OP.
(This also is a solution proposed in this Inkscape forum thread eventually found by the OP, which is to save the PDF with high-resolution bitmaps embedded. File -> Inkscape Preferences -> Bitmaps -> Resolution for Create Bitmap Copy, and set it to 6000 dpi)
The fact that interpolation looks different in different viewers and different output media, is by design. The PDF specification states on interpolation:
A conforming Reader may choose to not implement this feature of PDF, or may use any specific implementation of interpolation that it wishes.
A different way to get around this problem (especially as some PDF viewers have the tendency to not really live up to the specification and e.g. interpolate ignoring that flag) would be to use vector graphics here, drawing the bitmap pixels as rectangles. The result should be optimal.

Converting pdf to vector image

I'm trying to use pdf content (mathematics) in my webpage. I basically want to convert the pdf to some vector image. Converting the pdf to swf does the job very well, but as flash isn't supported on every platform, I'm trying to find another solution.
I read about svg, but as those pdf's contain a lot of mathematics, the result of the converters I found is really ugly and incorrect.
I've also thought about retyping the latex, and displaying it using mathjax, in some way this is the best solution, but also very time consuming.
The only thing I want is to convert it to a nice vector image, I don't want to change the content, or anything else. Besides converting to swf or retyping it, is there any other solution ?
this is svg output
and here original pdf
The only solution I could find is illustrator.
Just open the pdf, save as svg, and choose to embed all used glyphs.
Result is perfect:
what about using flash + raster image in case of platform without flash, if flash mostly works for you?
Your PDF is a little difficult for reasons that are probably not apparent to you.
The core problem with it is that some of the graphics in the document are actually drawn using custom glyphs. You can see this if you copy and paste the text out of Acrobat. There are a variety of unusual characters in there that don't seem to serve any useful purpose. That's those squares at the bottom of your SVG with EEs and FFs in them.
However these characters are actually custom glyphs for things like the braces around the matrices at the bottom of the page. So they are both fairly important and also very specific to this document.
I tried ABCpdf .NET to convert your PDF to SVG. It worked fine apart from these custom glyphs at the bottom. The output was about 90KB. It looked very similar to your inkscape SVG output but just a bit smaller (the inkscape one is 160KB).
The only way to get rid of these non-Unicode glyphs is to vectorize the text. I did this using ABCpdf and the output looked fine in SVG. But... vectorized text is big and SVG isn't a particularly efficient medium. The output was about 1MB! Zipped it goes down to half that but it's still no-where near as efficient as the original PDF.
The problems I am seeing here are going to be universal whatever format you use. These custom characters are always going to be problematic whether you output to SVG, SWF, HTML canvas, VML or indeed any vector format.
So what would I suggest? Well the obvious vector format that is widely used on the web is... PDF!
I know it's not quite what you're looking for but I think this is the realistic solution given the constraints above. :-)

Poor image rendering with Google Docs PDF viewer

I used Word 2007 to create a PDF file with an 1526px * 900px image filling a whole page. This is not the first time it's happened, but Google Docs PDF viewer absolutely mangles the colour rendering making it unusable.
I've taken screenshots at the same zoom level in Google Docs viewer and Foxit Reader.
Here's an image for comparison:
It's awful! I've tried messing about with some things, but can't find anything that can correct this issue.
In Chrome you can select "Print" and then "Save as PDF". The image quality in the saved PDF file will go up significantly, compared to the one from "Download as PDF". Google seems to be optimizing images to preserve bandwidth.
Let it be recorded here, 16 months after the present original posting by Turkeyphant and a similar posting [1] on the Docs+Drive product forum, that the problem appears to have been fixed within about the past week. Since that time, when a pdf (or Word) file is opened that resides on the Docs+Drive cloud, the file is rendered with what appears to be proper 24-bit color. The treatment whereby the color was reduced to 5 bits, which could encode 32 colors or 32 shades of gray or 16 of each, depending on the image, has been abandoned.
To the best of my knowledge the Docs+Drive staff have not announced this change, either on their Blog or on their product forum. I noticed the change a few days ago and noted it on the conversation [1].
[1] (2013-05-21) Problem in pdf-viewer with color images
It might have something to do with compression of the image in the PDF.
I mean, PDF supports JPEG2000-encoded images (JPXDecode Filter) and PDF Reference states that:
From a single JPEG2000 data stream, multiple versions of an image may
be decoded. These different versions form progressions along four
degrees of freedom: sampling resolution, color depth, band, and
location. For example, with a resolution progression, a thumbnail
version of the image may be decoded from the data, followed by a
sequence of other versions of the image, each with approximately four
times as many samples (twice the width times twice the height) as the
previous one. The last version is the full-resolution image.
Google Docs viewer might be displaying only first version of the image (with lower resolution or lower color depth) thus producing "awful" output.
Perhaps the attached pair of images will help towards clarifying what is happening with color in images that are rendered through the Google Docs pdf viewer. I inserted the Wikipedia image RGB_Color_Solid_Cube (1024*1024 pixels) into an otherwise empty Google Docs text document, converted it to pdf, and viewed the resulting pdf files two ways: once through the Google Docs+Drive pdf viewer and once through the regular pdf viewer of the Chrome or Firefox browser. Then I made screenshots. Here is the RGB Color Cube via the Docs PDF Viewer and here is the RGB Color Cube via a regular browser PDF Viewer.
The color resolution in the Docs PDF Viewer version is really awful; it looks like 64 colors at most. Maybe someone else is able to recognize this kind of rendering and identify the problem better.
This is related to compression and it's something that you can't change in the default view of Google Docs Viewer. The simple solution is to upload the PDF and just serve it from the site in an iFrame. Here is an example:
Problem Embedding Google Docs PDF Solution

Is there a programmatic way to convert PDFs to images using Adobe's PDF renderer?

We trying to set up automated regression testing our generated PDFs by converting our them to images and then using Python Imaging library to test the difference, pixel by pixel, between new and old versions. Right now, the only step that isn't automated is converting the PDFs to images. I know there are ways to convert PDFs to images with other rendering engines (e.g. postscript), but since we're doing precise pixel by pixel comparisons we want to make sure that we are using Adobe's PDF renderer to generate the image. Is there a way to do this with Adobe's renderer?
Have a look at GhostScript -
Also have a look at the PDF tools from tall components -
You can use Acrobat programatically, however this may be against their licensing and as far as I remember it was much slower than GhostScript.