Formatting text from Mulitline text box in word with VBA - vba

I'm putting together a template in Word, using a form for the user to fill in to then populate some of the document.
The bit I'm currently stuck on is at the end of the document, where the cc's are listed.
The form has a multiline text box into which the user puts in their cc's, one per line.
I then want to add to the end of the document the contents of the text box, but in the right format. Specifically, it should look like:
cc: First CC contact
Second CC contact
so on and so forth
I attempted to do this using 2 bookmarks, so my code currently is:
' If 'CC' box has content, add it
If doc_CC.TextLength > 0 Then
.Bookmarks("CC").Range.Text = vbCr + "cc:"
.Bookmarks("CCs").Range.Text = doc_CC + vbCr
End If
However, when this is run, on the page it looks like:
cc: first contact
second contact
and so on
Realise that the 2 bookmark method is a bit messy but it seemed like a good idea at the time - obviously this is not the case! Have done some searching for a way to do it with Split but am not making much progress down this path - suspect I'm googling for the wrong thing.
How do I do this so that the formatting is as desired? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Try inserting a tab character? + Chr(9) or even + vbTab may work.

Have found a work around which, while doesn't answer the actual question of how to do it, does produce a result to the same effect.
Have used a 2 column table without no lines instead with contents of a1 being "cc:" and contents of a2 being whatever was entered into the multiline text box. If there is nothing in the text box, then the table is deleted.
I'll keep on eye on this question though so if some one does have the proper answer I can mark it accordingly.

Another possibility would be to format the cc paragraph with a hanging indent (like is used for bullets or numbering). Use a newline character - Chr(11) - instead of vbcr to separate each entry. The text should all line up,then...


MS Word, how to change formatting of entire paragraphs automatically in whole document?

I have a 20-page word document punctuated with descriptive notes throughout, like this:
3 Input Data Requirements
Some requirement text.
NOTE: This is a descriptive note about the requirement, which is the paragraph that I would like to use find-and-replace or a VBA script to select automatically and change the formatting to italicized. The notes invariably end in a carriage-return: ¶.
If it was just a text document, not MS-Word, I would just use a regex in a code editor like sublime to wrap it with <I>...</I> or something along those lines.
Preferably, is there a way to do this in Word's "advanced" find-and-replace feature? Or if not, what's the best way to do it in VBA?
I've tried using a search string like this in find-and-replace: NOTE: *[a-z0-9,. A-Z)(-]{1,255}^l but the line-break part doesn't seem to work, and the 255 char max isn't enough for many of the paragraphs.
EDIT: Another slightly important detail: The doc is automatically generated from another piece of software as a .RTF, which I promptly converted to .docx.
Attempt #2: Use Notepad++ to find and replace using regex. Remove quotes.
Find: "( NOTE: .*?)\r"
Replace with: " \i \1 \i0 \r "
Sure is. No VBA or fancy tricks needed.
CTRL + H to bring up the replace dialog.
Click "More".
Select "Font" in the drop down menu called "Format".
Click italics.
Enter find and replace text as the same thing. Make sure you set this up right so that you don't accidentally replace substrings (e.g. goal to replace all " test " with " nice ", testing -> niceing).
Should work. If you need to alter entire paragraphs, consistently, then you probably should have used the styles on those paragraphs to begin with. That way, you can change all of them at once by updating the style itself.
You can use Advance Find, yes. Find Next and then Replace makes the selection Italic.

SSRS textbox hanging indent

I currently have a text box within a table that displays multiple stores based on user parameter input. The problem that I am experiencing that I would like to have a hanging indent that will force the store name to indent once it wraps to the next line (see screenshot).
Is this possible? I am aware that I could put the "Stores:" in it's own textbox, however this makes it difficult when it comes to lining up report items to prevent hidden/merged cells/columns during export to Excel.
The code that I am currently using in the text box is ="<b>" & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.iif(Parameters!StoreKey.Count > 1, "Stores: ", "Store: ") & "</b>" & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Join(Parameters!StoreKey.Label, ", ")
The Textbox property you're looking for is called HangingIndent. Try setting it to -10pt.
You could use a table, in the first column you put "Stores: ", in the second the string value, set the borders to none and finally play a little with the alignment (First column top-right alignment & Second column top-left alignment, its your choice) to make it look as if it was all in a single text box.

Working with Unicode in VBA StrConv

I have an Excel file and a userform where user can type in students' details and the form will check for duplication and then add the info onto the last line of a table. I want to improve it further by making the form capitalize the first letter of each name using this code:
Me.Surname.Value = StrConv(Me.Surname.Value, vbProperCase)
Me.Surname.Value is the input of the form, mostly Vietnamese such as Trần, Nguyễn, Thảo, etc. However, they are changed into something like Tr?n, Nguy?n, Th?o after going through StrConv. I read some suggestions and change my locale to Vietnamese but the problem persists.
Do you have any suggestion to fix this? I am thinking of converting the inputs into hex value and then write them down using ChrW(), but I can't find a way to do that.
I played a bit with this and the culprit seems to be StrConv.
It works for me if instead of using StrConv I explicitely set the proper case:
Surname.Text = UCase(Left(Surname.Text, 1)) & Mid(Surname.Text, 2)
or even more precise:
Surname.Text = UCase(Left(Surname.Text, 1)) & Mid(LCase(Surname.Text), 2)

How do I edit an Access report on the fly?

This seems like it would be pretty simple, but I’ve been googling my brains out for the last two weeks and I can’t find the answer. I'm using Access 2010...
I have a form with a button that the user clicks to get a report, that button pops-up a form that ask for the date of the requested report and then the report open with the correct info. The problem is I need to manipulate the data before it is displayed. Some of it I’ve done directly through the SQL statement and some through the Control Source of the text boxes on the report. But some of the data is a little more complicated… I need to extract certain text from a “remarks” field (memo) and I need to concatenate a few fields together separated by a comma, some of which may be blank. I know I can use the “+” to do that as in “lastName & (“,” + firstName) which will eliminate the unwanted trailing comma… but what if “lastName” is blank… I will be left with an unwanted preceding comma???
How do I loop through the data as it is being “written” to the report so as to edit it “on-the-fly”? I don’t want the user to edit the data because I want to get the exact same results every time.
This an answer to the first question (but what if “lastName” is blank):
lastName & IIf(Len(Lastname) > 0, ",", "") & firstName

automating word 2010 to generate docs

the webapp was already done on office2007 and i need to convert it so it'll work in office2010.
i was able to convert the header generator part of the code but i have problem with the body of the doc itself. the code copy the data from a "data" doc and paste it into the generated doc.
appword.activewindow.activepane.view.seekview = 0
'set appsel1 = appword.activewindow.selection
set appsel1 = appword.window(filepath).selection -that is the original one
appword.selection.insertafter("some text")
appsel1.endkey(6) -the code stops here
appword.selection.insertafter("some other text")
the iexplorer debuger says ERROR:appsel1 object required. and when i view its data using the iexplorer debugger its data is "empty" instead of "{...}"
can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong
if you need more of the code tell me.
After this method is applied, the selection expands to include the new
If you use this method with a selection that refers to an entire
paragraph, the text is inserted after the ending paragraph mark (the
text will appear at the beginning of the next paragraph). To insert
text at the end of a paragraph, determine the ending point and
subtract 1 from this location (the paragraph mark is one character).
However, if the selection ends with a paragraph mark that also happens
to be the end of the document, Microsoft Word inserts the text before
the final paragraph mark rather than creating a new paragraph at the
end of the document.
Also, if the selection is a bookmark, Word inserts the specified
text but does not extend the selection or the bookmark to include the
new text.
So I suspect that you still have no selected text.
I wonder if you can do a Selection Collapse(wdCollapseStart) but that's just a thought.