WCF (Param encryption and .NET 1.1 clients) - wcf

I'm starting in the WCF world and would like to ask your opinion on something.
I need to implement a service exposing one method that receives a couple of parameters. I want the parameters, submitted from a form in the client to the service, to be sent encrypted in the SOAP message.
The service needs to be accessed from .NET 3.5 clients and also 1.1. It is not possible to install the WCF service via a windows service, it needs to be deployed as a IIS app.
My questions:
- How can the WCF service assure encryption of the input parameters? A certificate in the client or are there any alternatives?
- Is there any problem consuming the WCF service via 1.1 apps, or even other non .NET clients?
- Do you think this scenario is implementable with WCF?
Thank you in advance

There is no way for a .NET 1.1 application to call a WCF service unless that service is exposed through basicHttpBinding. That binding only permits the use of SSL for encryption.

SSL on the web service host.

.NET 1.1 doesn't support automatic encryption, or WS-Security. You can encrypt/decrypt the parameters manually, though.


RESTful WCF hosting

I have a RESTFul WCF service and it needs to be deployed now. I am really confused whether to deploy in windows service or IIS 7. I need to implement SSL also so the protocol would be HTTPS. It is just a simple service consumed by client using HTTPS protocol.
Please let me know which one is better.
Your question seems to have been asked (and answered) previously.
The following link provides a good discussion:
IIS WCF service hosting vs Windows Service
If your RESTFul WCF Service needs to be accessed via http (or https) protocol, then deploy in IIS7.

REST and hosting of WCF service

I am developing a WCF service (VS2010, .NET 4.0). If in the WCF service I utilise REST type functionality (i.e. decorate my methods with WebGet, etc), since REST heavily leverages the HTTP protocol, am I locked into hosting the WCF service as HTTP - i.e. do I have the option to host as net.tcp ?
Short answer - Yes, unless you want to write your own HTTP stack analog.
Is there any particular need in Tcp?

consuming WCF service in .net 2.0 windows application

I'm new in WCF service and I need to consume the WCF service from my client for my current .net 2.0 windows app. I successfully added the WCF service as web reference in my .net 2.0 application but when using the web method of the service it took long time to execute the method and in the end my application is not responding. Base on the request in fiddler, the request has been timed out. My client provides me a user name and password but I don't know where to use it. Base on the wcf web service wsdl of my client, it uses WSHttpBinding.
I also created a sample .net 4.0 windows application and added the service as reference but still cannot use the web method. I check also the request in fiddler and gives me a response error "The request for security token could not be satisfied because authentication failed.".
Please help. I need to consume the WCF service using my existing .net 2.0 application.
Thank you very much in advance!
If you want to consume your WCF service from .NET 2.0 via adding web reference you must use BasicHttpBinding - that is only backward compatible build-in binding (except custom defined binding) with ASMX based client.
Your exception in case of .NET 4.0 test complains about security token - WsHttpBinding uses Windows security by default. It is hard to diagnose the problem further because you didn't provide enough information.

consuming wcf in .net 2.0 winform

How can we consume WCF service in .Net 2.0 Winform. Please note that we don't have IIS on the client. an example or a sample would be great.
It all depends on how your WCF endpoints are configured.
If you're using SOAP based WCF Services over HTTP, you should be able to simply add a Service Reference from your .NET 2.0 WinForms application and be on your way (which is what I would suggest doing).
If that's not the case, you'll have to provide a little more detail about what you're trying to do with your WCF Services.
You can host your WCF service in a Windows Service as per this article. In that case, it will listen on the HTTP protocol on any port you configure.

WCF client and non-wcf client

Could you please tell what is the difference between a WCF client and a non-WCF client?
When I generate proxy of a WCF service using svcutil and put that in client, what is created - wcf client or non-wcf client?
When should I use WCF client and non-WCF Client?
If you have a WCF service, its services are available to potentially several types of clients - both .NET applications using WCF themselves, or other apps.
Basically, any WCF binding that start with net.... is a .NET specific binding - only other .NET apps with WCF can connect to those services and call their methods.
The bindings with basic.... or ws...... typically are interoperable, e.g. using only industry standards like SOAP and WS-* standards - those can be called from Java, Ruby, PHP - you name it. Any language/system with a SOAP stack can call such a service (provided you get the configuration right on both ends)
The webHttpBinding is another special case - it's exposing it's services over REST - which means anything with a HTTP stack (pretty much every computer system and more and more phones and devices, too) can call its methods.
As long as you are programming your stuff in .NET, always use the WCF client - it's the easiest and the best if it's available. If you need to call your WCF service from a PHP client, of course, then you have to use PHP technology and something that's compatible between the two worlds....