How do I create google xml sitemap and robot.txt file? [closed] - seo

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Hi I'm a bit of a beginner at seo,
Could anyone tell me how I create and xml sitemap and robots.txt file for my site.
Is there some kind of generator for them?
Thanks for your help

XML sitemap generator
robots.txt generator
EDIT I don't know if you are wanting to do this for a blog etc... but, if you have WordPress installed, there are quite a few plug-ins that will do this for you and keep it up to date automatically.


Is there a native Cocoa library to parse eBook metadata information? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to get metadata info from a eBook such as author, publication date, publisher, plot, etc. The formats are '.mobi', '.azw', '.azw2', '.azw3', '.epub'.
Is there any cocoa class for that? If not, which libraries do you suggest me?
I think no, but all those formats have xml based metadata formats, so use any xml parser you like.
Just unzip file and see what inside. For example internals of some .epub

How to create MVC application and need good website to learn more about this? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Anyone suggest me to good source to learn more about MVC4. I Need to learn this from the scratch.Thanks in Advance !!.
Please do have a look here. it starts from scratch (a very basic start)

How to use nutch-2.2.1 for crawling [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm new to Nutch please guys help me to figure out crawling using nutch.Help me to figure out any useful link or document which help me to use nutch
Here is a guide for setting up with Nutch 1.4. Obviosuly Nutch 2.x has newer features but the older version still provides most, if not all the features you are looking for.

Is there a PDF library that can handle accessibility? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am currently trying to parse the semantic structure of a PDF file. I believe the metadata added to make PDFs accessible is the correct way to go about it, but I can't find a library that will handle it cleanly.
I've tried PDFLib TET on iOS but I can't get it to open certain test documents and the error it returns is too obscure to be Googleable.
Are there any other libraries that do the same?
I'd have a look at the pCOS-Library (also from For use in PHP there would be an alternative you could have a look at They might have a tool for that purpose.

I want to know main things to learn before starting module development in Prestashop? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to know main things to learn before starting module development in Prestashop ?
Some use full website url's and videos , tutorials which will cover up important points and also clear my concepts .
This is a broad question, but let me give you some advice.
1) Google for How to develop Prestashop Modules.
2) Search for youtube videos on youtube
3) Search for some books for Prestahsop
4) Read Prestashop documentation
The place to start from is
Recently I found a good tutorial at
I hope it helps