What does [String] mean in VB.NET? - vb.net

Does anybody know what does the following construct mean:
Dim s1 as [String]
What do the square brackets mean? And why does the following statement with Integer fail while the one above, with String works?
Dim i1 as [Integer]
Thanks in advance.

THe square brackets is used so that the compiler interprets it as a type, even if it would be a keyword. Imagine for example if you had a class named As:
Dim a As [As]
This is usually only used in auto generated code, so that it works with any type that you throw at it.
The reason that you can't use [Integer] is that Integer is not a data type, it's a keyword. You would have to use the corresponding data type, i.e. [Int32].

Square brackets are used to create a variable that has the same name as a keyword in VB.NET. So they are more often used that way:
Dim [Integer] As Integer
Dim [String] As String

In addition to the other answers:
For the case of using variable names with names the same as types: you shouldn't have to use those in your own code. If you do, you are naming your variable names incredibly poorly, and need to work on using better variable names first!


Difference between replaceCharacterInRange and stringByReplacingOccurrenceOfString

I m very confused with the string replacing methods of objective c.
Please tell where to use ReplaceCharacterInRange method and Where to use
stringByReplacingOccurrenceOfString Method.
These two methods differ a lot.
replaceStringWithCharactersInRange: withString:replaces all characters in the given range with the new string. It works on a NSMutableString and changes the string object you call it on.
In contrast stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:withString: replaces all occurrences of a given string, but returns a new string object. So it does work with immutable string as well.
So you use the first method if you want to keep your string but change parts of it while you use the second when you want to replace certain substrings within the string without changing the original string.

VB.NET Brackets () {} [] <>

Can someone please fill in the blanks for me, including a brief description of use and perhaps a code snippet? I'm well aware of the top two in particular, but a little hazy on the last one especially:
() - Used for calling a function, object instantiation, passing parameters, etc.
{} - Used for defining and adding elements to arrays or sets.
[] - Used for forcing an object to be treated as a type rather than keyword.
<> - Used for... ?
For Example, I see stuff like this all the time, but still not quite sure what the brackets means...
<TemplateContainer(GetType(TemplateItem))> _
Public Property MessageTemplate As ITemplate
VB.net uses parentheses for, among other things, arithmetic groupings and function parameters (both of which use parentheses in C#), as well as array subscripts and default-property parameters (both of which use brackets in C#), (indexers), etc. It also uses (Of ... ) to enclose a list of types (which would be enclosed in < ... > in C#, with no "Of" keyword.
Braces are used for array or set initialization expressions, and are also used when defining a generic type with multiple constraints (e.g. (Of Foo As {IEnumerable, IDisposable, Class})). Note that the latter usage is only permitted in constraints; it is alas not possible to e.g. Dim MyThing As {IEnumerable, IDisposable, Class}).
Braces are now also used for the New With {} construct:
Dim p = New Person With {.Name = "John Smith", .Age = 27}
Dim anon = New With {.Name = "Jack Smythe", .Age = 23}
Square brackets are used to enclose identifiers whose spelling would match that of a reserved word. For example, if a class defined a method called Not (perhaps the class was written in a language without a keyword Not), one could use such a method within VB by enclosing its name in square brackets (e.g. someVariable = [Not](5)). In the absence of the square brackets, the above expression would set someVariable to -6 (the result of applying the vb.net Not operator to the value 5).
Angle brackets, as noted elsewhere, are used for attributes. Note that in many cases, attributes are placed on the line above the thing they affect (so as to avoid pushing the affected variable past the right edge of the screen). In older versions of vb, such usage requires the use of a line-continuation mark (trailing underscore).
Angle brackets are also used for XML Literals and XML Axis Properties:
Dim xml = <simpleTag><anotherTag>text</anotherTag></simpleTag>
In this case it's used for the Attribute declaration. It can also be used in XML Literals as follows:
Public Sub ThisIsATest()
If 1 <> 0 Then
Dim foo = <root>
<child>this is some XML</child>
End If
End Sub
In VB.Net, <> is used to enclose Attributes.
VB.NET uses <> for attributes as well as to indicate "does not equal" (!=)
In your example it is just enclosing attributes. That same code in C# would be
public ITemplate MessageTemplate { get; set; }
This attribute is used in developing templated controls, which separate data from presentation. In other words, a templated control can retain the same functionality while changing it's appearance.

what's the meaning of the brackets in Property definition?

What is the meaning of the square brackets around the name of a property in the definition ?
Example :
Public Property [Date] As String
To use reserved keywords as identifiers, the brackets must be used to
distinguish between the identifier and the keyword:
dim [String] As String
public sub [Stop]
end sub
On msdn it says:
Any program element — such as a variable, class, or member — can have
the same name as a restricted keyword. For example, you can create a
variable named Loop. However, to refer to your version of it — which
has the same name as the restricted Loop keyword — you must either
qualify it by preceding it with its full namespace, or enclose it in
square brackets ([ ]), as in the following examples:
Reference here
This syntax allows you to use a reserved word as the name of a member or variable. Not recommended though IMHO from a code maintainability point of view (though see comments below for an alternative point of view on this particular point)!
Particularly not recommended if you're going to declare a property called "Date" as a string, but that's a separate issue...
Date is a reserved keyword in VB.NET, but can be used as a property or variable name if enclosed in square brackets:

How Do I Create Something 'OF' a Variable's Type?

I have some code like:
Lookup(Of String)("Testing")
Lookup(Of Integer)("Testing")
And both of those Lookups work great. What I'm trying to is call the appropriate LookUp based on the type of another variable. Something that would look like...
Lookup(Of GetType(MyStringVariable))("Testing")
I've tried to Google this but I'm having a hard time coming up with an appropriate search. Can anyone tell me how to do what I want?
You do not specify the full signature for the method that you're calling, but my psychic powers tell me that it is this:
Function Lookup(Of T)(key As String) As T
And you want to avoid having to repeat Integer twice as in the example below:
Dim x As Integer
x = Lookup(Of Integer)("foo");
The problem is that type parameters are only deduced when they're used in argument context, but never in return value context. So, you need a helper function with a ByRef argument to do the trick:
Sub Lookup(Of T)(key As String, ByRef result As T)
T = Lookup(Of T)(key)
End Sub
With that, you can write:
Dim x As Integer
Lookup("foo", x);
One solution to this is to use reflection. See this question for details.
You can't use a dynamic type unless you do runtime compiling, which of course is really inefficient.
Although generics allows you to use different types, the type still has to be known at compile time so that the compiler can generate the specific code for that type.
This is not the way to go. You should ask about what problem you are trying to solve, instead of asking about the way that you think that it should be solved. Even if it might be possible to do something close to what you are asking, it's most likely that the best solution is something completely different.
The VB.NET compiler in VS2008 actually uses type-inference. That means if you are using a generic method, and one of the parameters is of the generic type, then you don't need to specify the generic type in your call.
Take the following definition...
Function DoSomething(Of T)(Target As T) As Boolean
If you call it with a strongly-typed String for Target, and don't specify the generic parameter, it will infer T as String.
If you call it with a strongly-typed Integer for Target, and don't specify the generic parameter, it will infer T as Integer.
So you could call this function as follows:
Dim myResult As Boolean = DoSomething("my new string")
And it will automatically infer the type of T as String.
NOTE: This works for single or multiple generic parameters.
NOTE: This works also for variables in the argument list, not just literals.

vs String in .NET

I used developerfusion.com to convert a snippet of my C# code to VB .NET and I noticed the String type translated into [String].
I tried Google and Searching SO to no avail so I will ask the community is there a difference between [String] and String? And if so what is/are the difference(s)?
In VB.Net, the [] surrounding a word is used to allow a keyword to be used as a normal identifier. So using [String] means I want to identify something with the word String and not the VB keyword String.
The converter probably did that because it didn't recognise the string type and thought that it was a class defined in your code.
You can put brackets around identifiers to use keywords. You could create your own [String] class that would be different from the built in String class, but that could of course easily get confusing...
Public Class [String]
Public Value As Integer
End Class
Dim s As New [String]
s.Value = 42
Brackets usually indicate a variable name that using a reserved keyword. Did you name string variables String?
Brackets can be used in VB.NET to allow VB.NET keywords to be used as user defined names. For example, you could create a class called Integer, even though there is already an Integer keyword in VB.NET:
Public Class [Integer]
End Class
Hope this clarifies!