simple question concerning NSString adding multiple strings - objective-c

I have a fairly simple question concerning NSString however it doesn't seem to do what I want.
this is what i have
NSString *title = [NSString stringWithformat:, #"is the character"];
This is a line in my parser takes the charactername and inserts in into a plist , however it doesn't insert the #"is the character" is there something I'm doing wrong?

Your code is wrong. It should be :
NSString *title
= [NSString stringWithformat:#"%# is the character",];
assuming that is another NSString.
Read the Formatting String Objects paragraph of the String Programming Guide for Cocoa to learn everything about formatting strings.

stringWithFormat takes a format string as the first argument so, assuming is the name of your character, you need:
NSString *title = [NSString stringWithformat: #"%s is the character",];
What you have is the character name as the format string so, if it's #"Bob" then Bob is what you'll get. If it was "#Bob %s", that would work but would probably stuff up somewhere else that you display just the character name :-)
Note that you should use "%s" for a C string, I think "%#" is the correct format specifier if is an NSString itself.


Padding NSString not working

I have read that to left-pad an NSString all you need to do is this:
NSString *paddedStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%-20.20# %-20.20#",
aString, anotherSting];
But, that does not work !! I don´t know why. I have tried a lot of combinations without success. Examples:
NSString *paddedStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%-20s#", " ", myString];
but that way is ugly and ... ugly. It just append 20 times the char (" ") before the string (myString) and that is not what we need right?
The goal is to have an NSString formatted to present two or more columns of 20 chars each one no matter the length of the string within a row.
Example Goal Output:
Day Hour Name Age
Does anybody know how to do this right?
I'm using ARC and iOS 5.
And actually, the formatted string is going to be written to file using NSFileHandle.
Thanks to all of you folks !!
I have noticed that this works:
NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%-10.10s %-10.10s",
[strOne UTF8String], [strTwo UTF8String]];
But... We don't want C-style strings either.
Here is a way to do that :
NSString *paddedStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#",
[#"day" stringByPaddingToLength:20
withString:#" "
[#"Hour" stringByPaddingToLength:20
withString:#" "

Objective-C: Reading contents of a file into an NSString object doesn't convert unicode

I have a file, which I'm reading into an NSString object using stringWithContentsOfFile. It contains Unicode for Japanese characters such as:
which I believe is
I would like my NSString object to store the string as the latter, but it is storing it as the former.
The thing I don't quite understand is that when I do this:
NSString *myString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:path encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
It stores it as: \u305b\u3044\u3075\u304f.
But when I hardcode in the string:
NSString *myString = #"\u305b\u3044\u3075\u304f";
It correctly converts it and stores it as: せいふく
Does stringWIthContentsOfFile escape the Unicode in some way? Any help will be appreciated.
In the file \u305b\u3044\u3075\u304f are just normal characters. So you are getting them in string. You need to save actual Japanese characters in the file. That is, store せいふく in file and that will be loaded in the string.
You can try this, dont know how feasible it is..
NSArray *unicodeArray = [stringFromFile componentsSeparatedByString:#"\\u"];
NSMutableString *finalString = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:#""];
for (NSString *unicodeString in unicodeArray) {
if (![unicodeString isEqualToString:#""]) {
unichar codeValue;
[[NSScanner scannerWithString:unicodeString] scanHexInt:&codeValue];
NSString* betaString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&codeValue length:1];
[finalString appendString:betaString];
//finalString should have せいふく
Something like \u305b in an Objective-C string is in fact an instruction to the compiler to replace it with the actual UTF-8 byte sequence for that character. The method reading the file is not a compiler, and only reads the bytes it finds. So to get that character (officially called "code point"), your file must contain the actual UTF-8 byte sequence for that character, and not the symbolic representation \u305b.
It's a bit like \x43. This is, in your source code, four characters, but it is replaced by one byte with value 0x43. So if you write #"\x43" to a file, the file will not contain the four characters '\', 'x', '4', '3', it will contain the single character 'C' (which has ASCII value 0x43).

\n does not skip to next line in NSString

NSMutableString *a = #"Hi";
NSMutableString *b =[a stringByAppendingString:#"\n\n Hi Again"];
The above doesn't give an error but does not put "Hi Again" on the next line. Why?
I realised after posting, that the OP had NSString in the title but put NSMutableString in the code. I have submitted an edit to change the NSMutableString to NSString.
I will leave this as it still maybe helpful.
Well I am surprised that does not give an error, because you are giving a NSMutableString a NSString.
You need to read the Documentation on NSMutableStrings.
to give you an idea
//non mutable strings
NSString *shortGreetingString = #"Hi";
NSString *longGreetingString = #"Hi Again";
/*mutable string - is created and given a character capacity The number of characters indicated by capacity is simply a hint to increase the efficiency of data storage. The value does not limit the length of the string
NSMutableString *mutableString= [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:15];
/*The mutableString, now uses an appendFormat to construct the string
each %# in the Parameters for the appendFormat is a place holder for values of NSStrings
listed in the order you want after the comma.
Any other charactars will be included in the construction, in this case the new lines.
[mutableString appendFormat:#"%#\n\n%#",shortGreetingString,longGreetingString];
NSLog (#"mutableString = %#" ,mutableString);
[pool drain];
I think this might help you. You'd rather to use '\r' instead of '\n'
I also had a similar problem and found \n works in LLDB but not in GDB
Try using NSString. You could use:
NSString *a = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#\n\n%#", #"Hi", #"Hello again"]
If your string is going in a UIView (e.g a UILabel), you also need to set the number of lines to 0

Using scanf with NSStrings

I want the user to input a string and then assign the input to an NSString. Right now my code looks like this:
NSString *word;
scanf("%s", &word);
The scanf function reads into a C string (actually an array of char), like this:
char word[40];
int nChars = scanf("%39s", word); // read up to 39 chars (leave room for NUL)
You can convert a char array into NSString like this:
NSString* word2 = [NSString stringWithBytes:word
However scanf only works with console (command line) programs. If you're trying to get input on a Mac or iOS device then scanf is not what you want to use to get user input.
scanf does not work with any object types. If you have a C string and want to create an NSString from it, use -[NSString initWithBytes:length:encoding:].
scanf does not work with NSString as scanf doesn’t work on objects. It works only on primitive datatypes such as:
What to do?
Technically a string is made up of a sequence of individual characters. So to accept string input, you can read in the sequence of characters and convert it to a string.
[NSString stringWithCString:cstring encoding:1];
Here is a working example:
NSLog(#"What is the first name?");
char cstring[40];
scanf("%s", cstring);
firstName = [NSString stringWithCString:cstring encoding:1];
Here’s an explanation of the above code, comment by comment:
You declare a variable called cstring to hold 40 characters.
You then tell scanf to expect a list of characters by using the %s format specifier.
Finally, you create an NSString object from the list of characters that were read in.
Run your project; if you enter a word and hit Enter, the program should print out the same word you typed. Just make sure the word is less than 40 characters; if you enter more, you might cause the program to crash — you are welcome to test that out yourself! :]
Taken from: RW.
This is how I'd do it:
char word [40];
NSString * userInput = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString: word encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
yes, but sscanf does, and may be a good solution for complex NSString parsing.
Maybe this will work for you because it accepts string with spaces as well.
NSLog(#"Enter The Name Of State");
char name[20];
Simple Solution is
char word[40];
scanf("%39s", word);
NSString* word2 = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:word];
The NSFileHandle class is an object-oriented wrapper for a file descriptor. For files, you can read, write, and seek within the file.
NSFileHandle *inputFile = [NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardInput];
NSData *inputData = [inputFile availableData];
NSString *word = [[NSString alloc]initWithData:inputData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

stringByAppendingFormat not working

I have an NSString and fail to apply the following statement:
NSString *myString = #"some text";
[myString stringByAppendingFormat:#"some text = %d", 3];
no log or error, the string just doesn't get changed. I already tried with NSString (as documented) and NSMutableString.
any clues most welcome.
I would suggest correcting to (documentation):
NSString *myString = #"some text";
myString = [myString stringByAppendingFormat:#" = %d", 3];
From the docs:
Returns a string made by appending to the receiver a string constructed from a given format string and the following arguments.
It's working, you're just ignoring the return value, which is the string with the appended format. (See the docs.) You can't modify an NSString — to modify an NSMutableString, use -appendFormat: instead.
Of course, in your toy example, you could shorten it to this:
NSString *myString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"some text = %d", 3];
However, it's likely that you need to append a format string to an existing string created elsewhere. In that case, and particularly if you're appending multiple parts, it's good to think about and balance the pros and cons of using a mutable string or several immutable, autoreleased strings.
Creating strings with #"" always results in immutable strings. If you want to create a new NSMutableString do it as following.
NSMutableString *myString = [NSMutableString stringWithString:#"some text"];
[myString appendFormat:#"some text = %d", 3];
I had a similar warning message while appending a localized string. This is how I resolved it
NSString *msgBody = [msgBody stringByAppendingFormat:#"%#",NSLocalizedString(#"LOCALSTRINGMSG",#"Message Body")];