Is there an autocorrect feature in Expression Web 3 and if so how can I turn it off? - expression-web

I have an aspx page that starts with the code
<%# Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/
Every time I hit the save button, the text is changed to
<%# Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="Views/
(with the tilde and slash missing).
Why does Expression Web 3 do this and how can I turn this off?


Can I Write Two Partial Models In Single View

I Want To Add Two Partial Models in One View
Because I want to add some fields of MSTDepartmentmaster On The View Of MSTCityMaster
<%# Page Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<auto_increment.Models.MSTCityMaster>" %>
<%# Page Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<auto_increment.Models.MSTDepartmentMaster>" %>
it's not possible to inherit the single view by multiple different classes.
If you use two partial in a view then you can use both different class in different partials and use them in your view.

SharePoint 2010 – Replace Default New or Edit Form With SP Designer

Having created a web page that is just simple HTML (with JScript to "bring it to life") in SharePoint Designer, how can I cause SP ’10 to present this page for the "New" action? Or the "Edit" action?
This page is not associated with the Master Page/Content paradigm. It is at WebSite/Lists/TheTargetList/TheTargetForm.aspx
When I show the list properties tab for this list in Designer, and go to the "Forms" section (subtitled "Forms are used to display and edit data contained within this list"), and click the "New..." button at the right of that section's title bar and fill in the Title with the title of my file, I cannot add the file. (The bread crumbs at the top say "Site > Lists and Libraries > ListName > ")
Alternately, I go to the bottom of the tab's page, and select the link "Item" under Content Types (the choices being "Item" & "Folder").
Then the bread crumbs say "Site > Lists and Libraries > ListName > Content Types > Item >"
In the "Forms" section, I try to put the fully qualified name of the page I have created (my .aspx file) in the "New Form:" or "Edit Form:" areas, after having clicked the "" links. This lets me save that change, but destroys the web site's ability to show anything when I try to go to New or Edit — essentially "File not found." The same if I provide only the file name, not fully qualified.
So, if I have "Site/Lists/List/XYZ.aspx," and if that file is essentially like:
<script> . . . </script>
<body> . . . <br /> . . . </body>
How can I get this file to be opened as the "New" or "Edit" form for the list?
For reasons totaly beyond my ken, SharePoint designer, which had not been allowing me to insinuate my own custom page, now lets me do so.
Apparently SPD had a small stroke, and took a little while to regain functionality.

Make the template folder if angular be functional as views folder

I'm trying to use the erb template on my angular templates folder, but the functionality is limited, for example,
The <% link_to
is working
but devise methods or even raw('sdmdslkc') pops an error that the method is not found.
for example
<%= link_to('Logout', destroy_user_session_path, :method => :delete) %>
work on views but not in angular templates (says destroy_user_session_path method not found)
Whats missing ? is it fixable?
let me see if i understand, u have some template with some tags that belongs to another language that is not angular, html, or js. if so then it is not fixable because angular sends an ajax to bring that html file and injects it to your page, alot after any server has rendered any part of the page.
my suggestion for a work around is to try and tell angular to take a server page, say it was with and i would like some server tags i would tell angular that the template is somepage.aspx while making sure that my page evetually returns plain html.

Content Management System in Rails 3.0

I am using rails 3. When implementing CMS, the body was supposed to displays the following:
<h1>Welcome to our home page</h1>.
but display the text with its tags.
In my views/viewer/show.html, I placed the following code: <%= #page.body %>.
What can I do so solve this?
Rails does this to protect you from XSS attacks. To prevent the tags from showing literally, you can use html_safe:
<%= #page.body.html_safe %>
Only use html_safe if you understand the consequences! You maybe opening up your application to XSS attacks if you don't.
It's confusing what you are trying to achieve.
If all you want to show is a line in that page, then:
In your app/controllers/viewer_controller do:
#message = "Welcome to our home page"
In you view app/views/viewer/show.html do:
<%= #message%>

CSS automatically disappearing from Content Editor web part

I'm adding some css in content editor web part on my aspx page and css applies well but as soon as I stop editing page css disappears. When I open the web part again I can see empty
<style> </style>
tag. Any idea ?
This page has custom web part and even if I add some inline css to the web part it applies when page loads but disappear when page finish loading..
I'm trying this on Firefox.
Content editor web part does not let you embed style and script elements directly in the page.
Instead, content editor web part lets you link to a css or js source stored in a sharepoint library.
Alternatively, use SharePoint Designer (if installed in your company) to inline style and script.