Database table with just 1 or 2 optional fields... split into multiple tables? - sql

In a DB I'm designing, there's one fairly central table representing something that's been sold or is for sale. It distinguishes between personal sales (like eBay) and sales from a proper company. This means there is literally 1 or two fields which are not equally appropiate to both cases... for instance one field is only used in one case, another field is optional in one case but mandatory in the other.
If there were more specialty it would be sensible to have a core table and then two tables with the fields relevant to the specific cases. But here, creating two tables just to contain like one field plus the reference to the core table seems both aesthetically bad, and painful to the query designer and DB software.
What do you think? Is it ok to bend the rules slightly by having a single table with weakened constraints - meaning the DB cannot 100% prevent inconsistent data being added (in a very limited way) - or do I suck it up and create dumb-looking 1-field tables?

What you're describing with one table for common columns and dependent tables for subtype-specific columns is called Class Table Inheritance. It's a perfectly good thing to do.
What #Scott Ferguson seems to be describing (two distinct tables for the two types of sales) is called Concrete Table Inheritance. It can also be a good solution depending on your needs, but more often it just makes it harder to write query across both subtypes.
If all you need is one or two columns that apply only to a given subtype, I agree it seems like overkill to create dependent tables. Remember that most brands of SQL database support CHECK constraints or triggers, so you can design data integrity rules into the metadata.
sale_id SERIAL,
is_business INT NOT NULL, -- 1 for corporate, 0 for personal
sku VARCHAR(20), -- only for corporate
paypal_id VARCHAR(20), -- mandatory but only for personal
CONSTRAINT CHECK (is_business = 0 AND paypal_id IS NOT NULL)

I think the choice of having these fields is not going to hurt you today and would be the choice I would go for. just remember that as your database evolves you may need to make the decision to refactor to 2 separate tables, (if you need more fields)

There are some who insist that inapplicable fields should never be allowed, but I think this is one of those rules that someone wrote in a book and now we're all supposed to follow it without questioning why. In the case you're describing, a single table sounds like the simple, intelligent solution.
I would certainly not create two tables. Then all the common fields would be duplicated, and all your queries would have to join or union two tables. So the real question is, One table or three. But you seem to realize that.
You didn't clarify what the additional fields are. If the presence or absence of one field implies the record type, then I sometimes use that fact as the record type indicator rather than creating a redundant type. Like, if the only difference between a "personal sale" and a "business sale" is that a business sale has a foreign key for a company filled in, then you could simply state that you define a business sale as one with a company filled in, and no ambiguity is possible. But if the situation gets even slightly more complicated, this can be a trap: I've seen applications that say if a is null and b=c d / 7 = then it's record type A, else if b is null and etc etc. If you can't do it with one test on one field, forget it and put in a record type field.
You can always enforce consistency with code or constraints.
I worry a lot more about redundant data creating consistency problems then inapplicable fields. Redundant data creates all sorts of problems. Data inapplicable to a record type? In the worst case, just ignore it. If it's a "personal sale" and somehow a company got filled in, ignore it or null it out on sight. Problem solved.

If there are two distinct entities, "Personal Sales" and "Company Sales", then perhaps you ought to have two tables to represent those entities?

News flash: the DB cannot prevent 100% of corrupt data now matter which way you cut it. So far you have only considered what I call level 1 corruption (level 0 corruption is essentially what would happen if you wrote garbage over your database with a hex editor).
I have yet to see a database that could prevent level 2 corruption (syntactically correct records but when taken as a whole mean something perverse).

The PRO for keeping all fields in one table is that you get rid of JOIN's which makes your queries faster.
The CONTRA is that your table grows larger which makes your queries slower.
Which one impacts you more, totally depends on your data distribution and which queries you issue most often.
In general, splitting is better for OLTP systems, joining is better for data analysis (that tends to scan the tables).
Let's imagine 2 scenarios:
Split fields. There are 1,000,000 rows, the average row size is 20 bytes, the split field is filled once per 50 rows (i. e. 20,000 records in the split table).
We want to query like this:
SELECT SUM(mainfield + COALESCE(splitfield, 0))
FROM maintable
ON splitid = mainid
This will require scanning 20,000,000 bytes and nested loops (or hash lookups) to find 10,000 records.
Each hash lookup is roughly equivalent to scanning 10 rows, so the total time will be equivalent of scanning 20,000,000 + 10 * 20,000 * 20 = 24,000,000 bytes
Joined fields. There are 1,000,000 rows, the average row size is 24 bytes, so the query will scan 24,000,000 bytes.
As you can see, the times tie.
However, if either parameter changes (field is filled more often or more rarely, the row size is more or less, etc), one or another solution will become better.


DB Architecture: One table using WHERE vs multiple

I wonder what is the difference between having one table with 6 millions row (aka with a huge DB) and 100k active users:
id serial primary key,
color text,
is_left_one boolean,
stock int
With also 6 index like:
CREATE INDEX blue_left_shoes ON shoes(color,is_left_one) WHERE color=blue AND is_left_one=true;
Versus: 6 tables with 1 million rows:
CREATE TABLE blue_left_shoes(
id serial primary key,
stock int
The latter one seems more efficient because users don't have to ask for the condition since the table IS the condition, but perhaps creating the indexes mitigate this?
This table is used to query either left, right, "blue", "green" or "red" shoes and to check the number of remaining items, but it is a simplified example but you can think of Amazon (or any digital selling platform) tooltip "only 3 items left in stock" for the workload and the usecase. It is the users (100k active daily) who will make the query.
NB: The question is mostly for PostgreSQL but differences with other DB is still relevant and interesting.
In the latter case, where you use a table called blue_left_shoes
Your code needs to first work out which table to look at (as opposed to parameterising a value in the where clause)
As permutations and options increase, you need to increase the number of tables, and increase the logic in your app that works out which table to use
Anything that needs to use this database (i.e. a reporting tool or an API) now needs to re implement all of these rules
You are imposing logic at a high layer to improve performance.
If you were to partition and/or index your table appropriately, you get the same effect - SQL queries only look through the records that matter. The difference is that you don't need to implement this logic in higher layers
As long as you can get the indexing right, keeping this is one table is almost always the right thing to do.
Database partitioning is where you select one or more columns to decide how to "split up" your table. In your case you could choose (color, is_left_one).
Now your table is logically split and ordered in this way and when you search for blue,true it automatically knows which partition to look in. It doesn't look in any other partitions (this is called partition pruning)
Note that this occurs automatically from the search criteria. You don't need to manually work out a particular table to look at.
Partitioning doesn't require any extra storage (beyond various metadata that has to be saved)
You can't apply multiple partitions to a table. Only one
Creating an index also provides performance improvements. However indexes take up space and can impact insert and update performance (as they need to be maintained). Practically speaking, the select trade off almost always far outweighs any insert/update negatives
You should always look at indexes before partitioning
Non selective indexes
In your particular case, there's an extra thing to consider: a boolean field is not "selective". I won't go into details but suffice to say you shouldn't create an index on this field alone, as it won't be used because it only halves the number of records you have to look through. You'd need to include some other fields in any index (i.e. colour) to make it useful
In general, you want to keep all "like" data in a single table, not split among multiples. There are good reasons for this:
Adding new combinations is easier.
Maintaining the tables is easier.
You an easily do queries "across" entities.
Overall, the database is more efficient, because it is more likely that pages will be filled.
And there are other reasons as well. In your case, you might have an argument for breaking the data into 6 separate tables. The gain here comes from not having the color and is_left_one in the data. That means that this data is not repeated 6 million times. And that could save many tens of megabytes of data storage.
I say the last a bit tongue-in-cheek (meaning I'm not that serious). Computers nowadays have so much member that 100 Mbytes is just not significant in general. However, if you have a severely memory limited environment (I'm thinking "watch" here, not even "smart phone") then it might be useful.
Otherwise, partitioning is a fine solution that pretty much meets your needs.
For this:
WHERE color=blue AND is_left_one=true
The optimal index is
INDEX(color, is_left_one) -- in either order
Having id first makes it useless for that WHERE.
It is generally bad to have multiple identical tables instead of one.

Query on varchar vs foreign key performance

This is for SQL Server.
I have a table that will contain a lot of rows and that table will be queried multiple times so I need to make sure my design is optimized.
Just for the question let say that table contains 2 columns. Name and Type.
Name is a varchar and it will be unique.
Type can be 5 different value (type1... type5). (It possible can contains more values in the future)
Should I make type a varchar (and create an index) or would be it better to create a table of types that will contains 5 rows with only a column for the name and make type a foreign key?
Is there a performance difference between both approach? The queries will not always have the same condition. Sometime it will query the name, type, or both with different values.
EDIT: Consider that in my application if type would be a table, the IDs would be cached so I wouldn't have to query the Type table everytime.
Strictly speaking, you'll probably get better query performance if you keep all the data in one table. However doing this is known as "denormalization" and comes with a number of pretty significant drawbacks.
If your table has "a lot of rows", storing an extra varchar field for every row as opposed to say, a small, or even tinyint, can add a non-trivial amount of size to your table
If any of that data needs to change, you'll have to perform lots of updates against that table. This means transaction log growth and potential blocking on the table during modification locks. If you store it as a separate table with 5-ish rows, if you need to update the data associated with that data, you just update one of the 5 rows you need.
Denormalizing data means that the definition of that data is no longer stored in one place, but in multiple places (actually its stored across every single row that contains those values).
For all the reasons listed above, managing that data (inserts, updates, deletes, and simply defining the data) can quickly become far more overhead than simply normalizing the data correctly in the first place, and for little to no benefit beyond what can be done with proper indexing.
If you find the need to return both the "big" table and some other information from the type table and you're worried about join performance, truthfully, wouldn't be. That's a generalization, but If your big table has, say, 500M rows in it, I can't see many use cases where you'd want all those rows returned; you're probably going to get a subset. In which case, that join might be more manageable. Provided you index type, the join should be pretty snappy.
If you do go the route of denormalizing your data, I'd recommend still having the lookup table as the "master definition" of what a "type" is, so it's not a conglomeration of millions of rows of data.
If you STILL want to denormalize the data WITHOUT a lookup table, at least put a CHECK constraint on the column to limit which values are allowable or not.
How much is "a lot of rows"?.
If it is hundreds of thousands or more, then a Columnstore Index may be a good fit.
It depends on your needs, but usually you would want the type column to be of a numerical value (in your case tinyint).

Building a MySQL database that can take an infinite number of fields

I am building a MySQL-driven website that will analyze customer surveys distributed by a variety of clients. Generally, these surveys are structured fairly consistently, and most of our clients' data can be reduced to the same normalized database structure.
However, every client inevitably ends up including highly specific demographic questions for their customers that are irrelevant to every other one of our clients. For instance, although all of our clients will ask about customer satisfaction, only our auto clients will ask whether the customers know how to drive manual transmissions.
Up to now, I have been adding columns to a respondents table for all general demographic information, with a lot of default null's mixed in. However, as we add more clients, it's clear that this will end up with a massive number of columns which are almost always null.
Is there a way to do this consistently? I would rather keep as much of the standardized data as possible in the respondents table since our import script is already written for that table. One thought of mine is to build a respondent_supplemental_demographic_info table that has the columns response_id, demographic_field, demographic_value (so the manual transmissions example might become: 'ID999', 'can_drive_manual_indicator', true). This could hold an infinite number of demographic_fields, but would be incredible painful to work with from both a processing and programming perspective. Any ideas?
Your solution to this problem is called entity-attribute-value (EAV). This "unpivots" columns so they are rows in a table and then you tie them together into a single view.
EAV structures are a bit tricky to learn how to deal with. They require many more joins or aggregations to get a single view out. Also, the types of the values becomes challenging. Generally there is one value column, so everything is stored as a string. You can, of course, have a type column with different types.
They also take up more space, because the entity id is repeated on each row (I think that is the response_id in your case).
Although not idea in all situations, they are appropriate in a situation such as you describe. You are adding attributes indefinitely. You will quickly run over the maximum number of columns allowed in a single table (typically between 1,000 and 4,000 depending on the database). You can also keep track of each value in each column separately -- if they are added at different times, for instance, you can keep a time stamp on when they go in.
Another alternative is to maintain a separate table for each client, and then use some other process to combine the data into a common data structure.
Do not fall for a table with key-value pairs (field id, field value) as that is inefficient.
In your case I would create a table per customer. And metadata tables (in a separate DB) describing these tables. With these metadata you can generate SQL etcetera. That is definitely superior too having many null columns. Or copied, adapted scripts. It requires a bit of programming, where an application uses the metadata to generate SQL, collect the data (without customer specific semantic knowledge) and generate reports.

What is considered a large sql table considering number of fields

I know the question does not make that good of a sense.
What is a typical number of columns in a small, medium and large table (in a database) in professional environment.
Want to get an idea what is a good design, how big I can grow my table column wise. Is 100 columns or 200 columns in a table OK?
It totally depends upon the nature of the subject you are modeling. If you need one column, you need one; if you need 500, then you need 500. Properly designed, the size of the tables you end up with will always be "just right".
How big can they be, what performs well, what if you need more columns than you can physically stuff into SQL... those are all implementation, maintenance, and/or performance questions, and that's a different and secondary subject. Get the models right first, then worry about implementation.
Well, for SQL Server 2005, according to the Max Capacity Specifications, the maximum number of columns per base table are 1024. So that's a hard upper limit.
You should normalize your tables to at least third normal form (3NF). That should be your primary guide.
You should consider the row size. 100 sparse columns is differnt from 100 varchar (3000) columns. It is almost always better to make a related table (with an enforced 1-1 relationship) when you are starting to get past the record size that SQL Server can store on one page.
You also should consider how the data will be queried. Are many of those fields ones that will not frequently need to be returned? Do they have a natural grouping (think a person record vice a user login record) and will that natural grouping dictate how they will be queried? In that case it might be better to separate them out.
And of course you should consider normalization. If you are doing multiple columns to avoid having a one-to-many relationship and a join, then you should not do that even if you only have 6 columns. Joins (with the key fields indexed) are preferable to denormalized tables except in data warehousing situations in general. It is better if you don't have to add new columns because you need to store a new phone type.

Table with a lot of columns

If my table has a huge number of columns (over 80) should I split it into several tables with a 1-to-1 relationship or just keep it as it is? Why? My main concern is performance.
PS - my table is already in 3rd normal form.
PS2 - I am using MS Sql Server 2008.
PS3 - I do not need to access all table data at once, but rather have 3 different categories of data within that table, which I access separately. It is something like: member preferences, member account, member profile.
80 columns really isn't that many...
I wouldn't worry about it from a performance standpoint. Having a single table (if you're typically using all of the data in your standard operations) will probably outperform multiple tables with 1-1 relationships, especially if you're indexing appropriately.
I would worry about this (potentially) from a maintenance standpoint, though. The more columns of data in a single table, the less understandable the role of that table in your grand scheme becomes. Also, if you're typically only using a small subset of the data, and all 80 columns are not always required, splitting into 2+ tables might help performance.
Re the performance question - it depends. The larger a row is, the less rows can be read from disk in one read. If you have a lot of rows, and you want to be able to read the core information from the table very quickly, then it may be worth splitting it into two tables - one with small rows with only the core info that can be read quickly, and an extra table containing all the info you rarely use that you can lookup when needed.
Taking another tack, from a maintenance & testing point of view, if as you say you have 3 distinct groups of data in the one table albeit all with the same unique id (e.g. member_id) it might make sense to split it out into separate tables.
If you need to add fields to say your profile details section of the members info table, do you really want to run the risk of having to re-test the preferences & account details elements of your app as well to ensure no knock on impacts.
Also for audit trail purposes if you want to track the last user ID/Timestamp to change a members data. If the admin app allows Preferences/Account Details/Profile Details to be updated separately then it makes sense to have them in separate tables to more easily track updates.
Not quite a SQL/Performance answer but maybe something to look at from a DB & App design pov
Depends what those columns are. If you've got hard coded duplicated fields like Colour1, Colour2, Colour3, then these are candidates for child tables. My general rule of thumb is if there's more than one field of the same type (Colour), then you might as well code for N of them, not a fixed number.
1-1 may be easier, if you have say Member_Info; Member_Pref; Member_Profile. Having too many columns can make it run if you want lots of varchar(255) as you may go over the rowsize limit, and it just makes it too confusing.
Just make sure you have the correct forgein key constraints and suchwhat, so there's always 1 row in each table with the same member_id