MySQL date_add() how to use month into this? - sql

Hallo all, i have this SQL
SELECT DATE_ADD( '2009-'+ MONTH( NOW() ) +'-01' , INTERVAL -1 MONTH );
i can't get it to work, what i make wrong here?
tanks for help.


It's the concatenation of the date that doesn't work. It converts the strings to numbers, so you get 2009+11+-1 = 2019, which then fails to convert to a date.
Instead of concatenating a date from strings, you can use the last_day function to get the last day of the current month, add one day to get to the next day of the next month, then subtract two months to get to the first day of the previous month:
select last_day(now()) + interval 1 day - interval 2 month;

Plus is an arithmetical operator, you have to use concat.
SELECT DATE_ADD( concat('2009-',MONTH(NOW()),'-01') , INTERVAL -1 MONTH )
or better
select date(now()) - interval day(NOW())-1 day - interval 1 month;
(this will also work in 2010)


Incrementing Date - SQL(Snowflake)

I want to Increment/Decrement the Year , Day , Month by pulling in the Current Date in Snowflake in a single query ?
For e.g.
Suppose Current System Date - 04082021 I want to make it 05092022. I have tried the dateadd function but I suppose it allows only one part i.e. either year or month or day to be incremented at once.
Is it Possible ? If Not, What are the other alternatives ?
If you want to useDATEADD function, here is the code:
returns 2022-09-05 from 2021-08-04
If you want to keep your format, Please use following code
I would do the arithmetic in thee parts:
select current_date + interval '1 year' + interval '1 month' + interval '1 day'
You can also use:
select current_date + interval '1 year, 1 month, 1 day'

Getting interval Monday-Sunday in SQL BIGQUERY

I'm trying to get the data between last weeks monday and last week sunday. I'm having trouble with getting the relative part. I'm trying like this:
The closest I got to what I seek was using now(), but it returned also some days from the current week. Thanks in advance
You are describing:
where date >= date_sub(date_trunc(current_date, week(Monday), interval 1 week) and
date < date_trunc(current_date, week(Monday))
Although the function calls change, the same logic works on datetimes and timestamps.
Of course week(Monday) is the default for isoweek, so you can use:
where date >= date_sub(date_trunc(current_date, isoweek, interval 1 week) and
date < date_trunc(current_date, isoweek)
I think it's what you want
You shouldn't use OR in the where statement, it'll cover all the days if you use OR. Instead, you can prefer using AND or between.

Trying to get the first day of last month, need a Postgresql implementation

I need to calculate the first day of last month, and the last day of last month as part of a SQL query, I found the exact answer to what I am looking for in this post
for instance
select DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, GETDATE())-1, 0) --First day of previous month
While I can follow the logic and it seems to work in SQL Server, I am using Postgresql/Redshift and I am getting the error
[42883][500310] [Amazon](500310) Invalid operation: function
pg_catalog.date_diff("unknown", integer, timestamp without time zone) does
not exist;
Can someone explain to me why Postgresql is throwing an error and how I can modify the code to get the same solution in Postgres?
Simpler in Postgres: Use date_trunc() to get the first day of the month, and then ...
subtract "one month" for the first day of the last month.
or subtract "one day" for the last day of the last month.
SELECT date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '1 month' AS last_month_first_day
, date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '1 day' AS last_month_last_day;
Returns timestamp or timestamptz, depending on input. timestamptz for now() as input.
To return type date:
SELECT (date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '1 month')::date AS last_month_first_day
, (date_trunc('month', now()))::date - 1 AS last_month_last_day;
You can subtract integer from a date (but not from a timestamp) to subtract days.
db<>fiddle here
How do I determine the last day of the previous month using PostgreSQL?
How to get the end of a day?
Second edit: okay I finally have a solution. This works in postgresql
I figured it out. You can't put an int in the date field of a datediff or dateadd in Postgresql. If you take the SQL Server solution from above and replace the 0's in each function with two of the same date, it doesn't matter what date it is but they have to be the same, it will produce the desired output.
edit: Actually this only helps get the first of last month, not the last of last month, as I haven't figured out a way to replicate the purpose of the -1 included in the second SQL script in the link above. I can't replace this int with an equivalent date. Help would still be appreciated.

PostgreSQL convert month string to start and end dates of month

Is it possible to convert e.g. string "201701" to dates '2017-01-01' and '2017-01-31' in PostgreSQL?
So for:
"201701" get '2017-01-01' and '2017-01-31'
"201702" get '2017-02-01' and '2017-02-28'
"201703" get '2017-03-01' and '2017-02-31'
You may use the TO_DATE function, and append the day component using string concatenation, something like this:
TO_DATE('201702' || '01', 'YYYYMMDD') AS first,
(TO_DATE('201702' || '01', 'YYYYMMDD') + INTERVAL '1 month') -
INTERVAL '1 day' AS last;
The above trick just adds 01 to form the first of the month. For the last day of the same month, it first adds one month to the first, to get the first of the next month, then rolls back one day to get the last of the current month.
The above answer by Tim Biegeleisen works, but here's an alternative.
The to_date() function converts a string literal to a date value.
sample usage is : to_date(text,format);
SELECT to_date('201701','YYYYMMDD');
You can also use date_trunc which is a part of PostgreSQL. It does the same as the above one.
select date_trunc('month', current_date) , date_trunc('month', CURRENT_DATE) + interval '1 month - 1 day';
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how do I convert mmyy to last day of month in netezza

One of my column needs to be transformed into a date field. It contains a value that gives the YYMM and it should be translated into the last day of that month:
For example, 1312 should become 12/31/2013.
I have tried various last_day, to_char functions but not able to convert 1312 in a date format. Please help !!
Netezza is based on Postgres, so maybe the Postgres method will work. Here is Postgres code that works (see here):
select to_date('1312'||'01', 'YYMMDD') + interval '1 month' - interval '1 day'
I would first convert the number to a date, then add 1 month and subtract 1 day.
select add_months(to_date(1312, 'yymm'), 1) - 1 as the_date