Google suggest API does not work with Chinese locale - api

I have a problem with Google suggest API when using Chinese locale. I am picking Chinese hieroglyphs at random and use the REST API to retrieve suggestions. Unfortunately, Google always return an empty list of suggestions (I am completely sure, that I convert my request in utf-8, and it is working fine with other languages, ex. Russian):
Sample request:
Google answer:["速",[]])
Does anyone know how to retrieve suggestions for Chinese locale? Maybe I am missing some flags or something? Maybe there is an official document from Google, saying that Chinese is not supported? And are there any people from China, using Google toolbar? Does it really work? I'd appreciate any help!
If it matters, I am writing a simple WinAPI application, using C++... says, at the bottom, that google suggest now supports "155 domains in 51 languages." This implies a possible solution, which is that you need to use the relevant domain.
gives me["速",[["速腾","2,020,000 结果","0"] ...
A bit of experimentation shows that I'm able to get results for japanese only from, but not from I'm in Japan, YMMV.

Hmm I don't know it seems to work for me. e.g
yields["木",[["木村了","297,026 results","0z"]]])


Link to change language of site

Does anyone know or recommend a method for a simple way to convert a site into a different language. I just need the site to change from spanish to english and vice versa, but the site will load in spanish first. Perhaps a plugin is available? Most of the content is dynamic and the site is being developed with Concrete5 CMS. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you.
I think you need to install an add-on for this. Check out Internationalization, it's free:
Here is a YouTube video showing it in action, so you can quickly see if it's what you had in mind:
You need some automatic translation tool (since you said your content is dynamic).There are many in internet, you just have to search for "Automatic translation API".
I recommend you using the Google Translate one.

Convert festival tts to flite tts

i currently have a tts which is built using festival and festvox. i need to convert these voices and build a TTS in flite. apparently you can do the conversion using festvox (the festvox and flite websites say so but no proper steps on how to do it). can some one please help me out with it as i am new to this area?
thanx in advance ..
Just in-case anyone else was wondering the same i found the steps mentioned in this document useful and also subscribe to the mailing lists and feel free to ask question.
although i must mention i never implemented to TTS using "flite". i went ahead with "espeak"

Arabic Spell Checker API

I searched about spell checker API from google but the arabic language is not supported there if any one can help me to find the AP that support arabic language or any other good idea.
AFAIK none of Google's spell check APIs are documented/supported, and as such they could break at any time.
It is possible to spell check using the Google translate api:كيف حاك&sc=1
[[["كيف حاك","كيف حاك","",""]],,"ar",,,,,["كيف \u003cb\u003e\u003ci\u003eحالك\u003c/i\u003e\u003c/b\u003e","كيف حالك"],[],33]
Scroll to the right and you'll see the corrected results كيف حالك at the end.
The sc=1 parameter includes the spell check in the results. You'll have to figure out how to parse the JSON results to get the corrected spelling,
You could try this one:
It has a REST API and provides dictionary management functionalities.
Disclaimer: I am the developer of this.

If a website doesn't have an API - what to do?

There is a website called:
It's pretty cool, you can monitor what your grades are in your current classes. But I want to make an objective-c app that can log in as me and get my grades. Then probably, it would alert me to any bad grades, etc.
Problem!!! It doesn't have an API, so I'm stuck. Does anyone know how I would do this?
You can always just download the page and parse it yourself - be warned that this approach is fraught with peril. You can read about web scraping in general on Wikipedia.

Google Wave extension for Programmers and their Code

Sorry if this is well known but Googling for my answer only came up with links about making Google Wave gadgets.
My question is, are there any Google Wave gadgets that allow for better collaborative code editing? I mean, I can set the font to fixed width etc., but are their any gadgets designed for it?
Responses shouldn't include anything about git or svn. I use those when I want to use those. This is about Google Wave!
Here is a huge list of robots available for Wave:
Maybe there is one in there?
Don't know how well it works but found an extension called CodeBot.
-- its a work in progress. Let me know if you want the source code.
I will package it and release it or something like it for the next WHIFF