What is a good invisible captcha? [closed] - captcha

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What is a good invisible captcha? My site requires JavaScript so anything which requires that is fine.

Add a new input field, label it "Please leave blank", hide it using CSS, and ignore the post if that field is filled in. Something like this:
<style type='text/css'>
#other_email_label, #other_email {
display: none;
<form action='mail'>
<label id='other_email_label' for='other_email'>Please leave blank:</label>
<input type='text' name='other_email' id='other_email'>
So a human being won't see that field (unless they have CSS turned off, in which case they'll see the label and leave it blank) but a spam robot will fill it in. Any post with that field populated must be from a spam robot.

Here's a simple math captcha by Phil Haack. It even works with javascript disabled.
In his own words:
The way it works is that it renders
some javascript to perform a really
simple calculation and write the
answer into a hidden text field using
javascript. When the user submits the
form, we take the submitted value from
the hidden form field, combine it with
a secret salt value, and then hash the
whole thing together. We then compare
this value with the hash of the
expected answer, which is stored in a
hidden form field base64 encoded. If
javascript is disabled, then we render
out the question as text alongside a
visible text field, thus giving users
reading your site via non-javascript
browsers a chance to comment.

I've used the technique of a Display:None text box, and rejecting any submission that fills it in and had pretty good luck with that.

For what it's worth Google is rolling out 'Invisible ReCAPTCHA' (https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/comingsoon/invisible.html), I already got whitelisted with my site. At the moment implementing it, however the docs aren't that elaborated...:)

MTCaptcha is a reCaptcha alternative captcha service that supports invisible captchas similar to the recently launched reCaptcha V3, where its invisible to most users but shows a captcha if it feels the traffic is risky.

If you mean - use captcha that a human can't see as a human validation test - i think it's impossible.
This way a robot ignoring the captcha will pass for a real person! Seems like a trap for a naive spam robot.
If you want your captcha-protected site to work with clients that have no javascript - then you should hardcode it into html.
Also, if you can reliably identify trusted users (either by judgment call or by detecting some usage pattern) - you can let them post to your site without captcha.


How to customize ads tracking of Adsense?

I know my question is relevant to Custom click tracking for adsense
but I am here asking it again because I need more answers of above mentioned question. only one answer already there, But it is not what I need. can u people re answer same question again please or answer this question?
Actually I want to show a line chart similar to google analytics showing how many times ads on mysite has been displayed and how many times the ads has been clicked. Can i achieve this?
have you tried this? i have answered on question referenced by you.
my Answer:
Even though there is no good way but it is quite easy to do so. First of all put your adsense code in a div like:
<div id="adsDiv" class="adsDiv">
<!--here your adsense code-->
now in your jquery code use this:
$(".adsDiv").on("click", function(){
setTimeout(function() {
//here call to php function via ajax etc and in php you can easily check which user is currently online via session who clicked on ad.
}, 5000);
note your php will function called after 5000 ms which means user has clicked and viewed your ad. you can increase or decrease it as per your need.
You can check your particular click in your report part as like below....
Here you can check the add size 970X250 is clicked 7 times and other are..

Button being used as a link

Im maintaining a site I didnt build thats for car insurance. In the banner of every page is an input that takes you to a page with a form to fill out. I cant understand why an input is used instead of a link, is there ever a valid and semantic reason for doing this?
Occasionally, people have done this because they want a link that "looks like a button". However, it is bad design.
It was never a good idea, but in the old days there was at least some justification for it: it gave a button feel and functionality to the link. However, with modern web design there is no need to do this: the same functionality can be created simply by styling a normal link appropriately.
On the other hand, this is probably more of a style issue than a real problem. It may not be worth changing it if you are maintaining an existing site.
using button or input type="button" is the original way to set up an Ajax request. that said, since it's taking the user to another page, sounds like they do not know what they are doing and/or wanted the styles that #dan1111 mentioned

Is there a defined answer to whether hiding an H1 tag will get a site banned by Google?

I have been researching this for a few hours and I feel that I can't decide on what is right or wrong. This was asked before on Stackoverflow, but a couple of years ago so I thought I could ask again. I want to include H1 tags on my pages but hide them, because I have graphic in my banner, but I was taught to use an H1 tag for accessibility reasons.
I discovered that this can be considered SEO spamming and can get a site blacklisted, I do not want this. It was also discovered that using H1 tags can greatly increase the sites SEO when using relative headers.
So I want to use them and hide them, for two reasons, but avoid Google blacklisting my site, is there a standard accepted method to doing this, or will I need to choose between risking blacklisting and helping those with visual disabilities a better user experience?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
The simplest method is just to include the image with an alt attribute in the h1:
<h1><img src="banner.png" alt="my banner text" /></h1>
And you can be assured that you won't be penalized for that. I have not seen any definitive information that doing image replacement will result in a higher ranking than using alt properly. Like most SEO lore, there is very little data. That said, as long as you are not trying to game the search engines and present something different to the user and the search engine, it's unlikely you'll be penalized for using image replacement.
If you do do image replacement, be sure to position the text off-screen by using absolute positioning or negative margins rather than display: none or visibility: hidden so that screen reader users can access the content.
You're not improving accessibility if you hide headings.
If you do so with display: none; or visibility:hidden;, it's as if you never added them in the first place: they won't be read by screen readers and obviously won't be displayed if CSS are enabled.
If you do so with negative text-indent or left absolute positioning, only blind people will read them but not partially-sighted people that don't use any screen reader, and they're way more than blind people (perhaps 10 times).

Hidden div content, do search engines consider this content or ignore it? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
jQuery and SEO (hidden div's)
What if I added a hidden div tag inside it some content text, does search engines look into this div?
<div style="display:none">some text</div>
It will be indexed but can be frowned upon by Google if you are hiding/showing content for SEO reasons. In other words, what Google sees should be what the user sees when clicking the link.
have a look on this discussion at google form:
Hope this helps.
It depends who you ask :)
Google is pretty smart and does take CSS into account in certain ways. As far as I can tell they seem pretty good at distinguishing between genuinely useful (to the user) content that is hidden and complete spam content hidden.
Best way to get an idea of what the search engine sees is the use lynx http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynx_(web_browser)

Checkbox as alternative to captcha?

Does a checbox provide an alternative to using captcha on website? I am thinking i i need to use captcha for user signup. Instead if i put a checkbox for the terms like "By clicking here I agree...." can that solve the bots issues or is captcha required in addition to the checkbox?
One thing you can do with a checkbox is to make a honeypot. To do so, you would make a checkbox and hide it with CSS (because bots, as a rule, don't care about CSS). If the box is checked, then it's probably a bot.
If you are trying to keep bots from signing up, they will be able to check the checkbox pretty easy. the point of the captcha is that it takes human intelligence.
No, bots can check boxes, use a service such as http://www.google.com/recaptcha to easily make a bot-proof form.
Not at all, a checkbox is just like any other input, which bots manipulate.
As recommended above recaptcha is good. I also like Akismet, which handles this completely different.
Checkbox Captcha generated with client-side Javascript can be an interesting option.
Check out that article published by UX Movement: "Captchas vs. Spambots: Why the Checkbox Captcha Wins" http://uxmovement.com/forms/captchas-vs-spambots-why-the-checkbox-captcha-wins).
This technique can work, but it is not too difficult to beat, given time and an interest in your specific site.
Using CSS and Javascript (which isn't completely accessible) to create the checkbox will defeat the more simplistic spambots.
Also using a randomized name (which is verified server-side) for the checkbox POST/GET variable, and perhaps an image for the label (which creates more accessibility problems) will help make this more difficult.
In the end this should work fine, until someone takes the time to target your site or system specifically.
Edit The article linked to in this answer has good information.