will the sql queries i run in ms-access also work on mysql without any changes? - sql

will the sql queries i run in ms-access also work on mysql without any changes ?

It's possible, but it depends on what the queries use. Date and string functions are the most likely to cause problems when porting queries.
The DATEDIFF keyword is supported on both Access & MySQL, but the function takes different parameters:

Well, if the coder wrote the queries with portability in the forefront of their mind then there's a good chance that you will need to make only minimal changes. However, you could only expect the most simple queries to work with no changes, regardless of which SQL product were involved.
In an ideal world, all SQL products would comply with ISO/ANSI Standard SQL with vendor extensions. In reality, while mySQL generally has a good track record in Standard SQL compliance, the Access Database Engine's record is rather poor -- it still doesn't even conform to entry level SQL-92, which was a fairly fundamental requirement even a decade ago (and seemingly none too difficult to achieve either).
[Your question is in all lower case. I've assumed by 'queries' you mean SQL DML SELECT. If you use 'queries' to mean INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE SQL DML plus SQL DDL and SQL DCL then this changes the answer. You should note the the Access Database Engine's UPDATE SQL DML is proprietary and non-deterministic; further, it does not support SQL-92's scalar subquery syntax. This is of major significance when porting to a SQL product.]
Thanks for your question. It just goes to show that it's worth considering portability from day one.

I would like to add one more point to OMG Ponies answer
Transform that is use for cross tab queries in MS ACCESS cannot be used in MySQL
TRANSFORM Sum([M_Sales].[Amount]) AS SumOfAmount
SELECT [M_Sales].[Department]
FROM M_Sales
GROUP BY [M_Sales].[Department]
PIVOT Format([M_Sales].[Sale_date],"mmm") In ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec");
in MSACCESS ( taken from )
could be something in MySql Common MySQL Queries . Just visit the Pivot table section

Given some of your previous questions, you could save some time with MySQL, compared to Access: 12.1.10. CREATE TABLE Syntax


Do all relational databases have same syntax

I have been using MySQL and PostgreSQL for a while. I want to learn more about relational databases. I want to work with other databases like SQL Server etc. So, do all relational databases have the same syntax?
You already know two databases, so you should be aware that there are differences in syntax. For instance, MySQL supports:
select now() + interval 1 day
But Postgres does not.
The basic SQL structure is the same -- all databases support SELECT, FROM, GROUP BY, and similar constructs. However, there are definitely differences among databases. Much of what you have learned will apply to other databases, but it is worth testing to be sure that it works and does what you intend.

Force LINQ to SQL or ENTITIES to emit BETWEEN operator

When dealing with SQL Server and dates that are clustered indexes, in order to properly access the index the query must be in the form of:
select fields
from dbo.MyTable
where myDate between #begDate and #endDate
The between operator is what triggers the clustered seek. How can I tell LINQ to emit the between operator instead of >= this and <= that?
Unfortunately, Linq does not have a between operator or equivalent. The best (and possibly) only way to achieve this is in sql.
If you are looking to write complex or optimized queries, it is better to use sql rather than linq. The main advantages for this are:
Code can be fully tested in management studio, without having to translate and debug in a second language
For legacy purposes, it is generally better to use sql for database access code, as this is more widely known amongst database experts. LINQ is the curse of DBAs who have to manage/support code written by others.
I agree with Gerge Mauer's suggestion to use a stored procedure or ADO.
This might still leave you with the problem of parameter sniffing, in which case you may have to use query hints such as OPTIMIZE FOR / RECOMPILE, or local variables to get around this, as demonstrated in this article:

Moving from Oracle SQL to ANSI SQL pros and cons

I work in a project where the UI has direct access to the database through SQL code. The company has a framework where we create UI pages in xml and after that it is parsed and creates FLEX pages. If we want some data from the DB (Oracle) we add a sql query in the xml (instead of databinding with a datacontext object like we could do with WPF). If we want to add some logic, there is no code behind, we call store procedures. After we have the data we need the parser does the job.
The new requirements are to use the framework and create a new product that will be compatible with SQL Server and the thoughts are to start transforming the (Oracle)SQL queries to ANSI SQL.
Can somebody tell me the benefits and mainly the problems that we are going to face doing that?
Do you think there is a better way?
Note: The framework is really big and there are a lot of products built on that so managers are not keen to just throw it away(I tried but.. :))
Each dialect of SQL is different. You could use ANSI SQL but a) not all of ANSI SQL is implemented by most DBMS and b) most DBMS's have implementation-specific optimisations which will perform better for some cases.
So I'd say, don't go for ANSI SQL. It won't always work and sometimes it will work slower than taking advantage of a vendor's non-standard implementations.
Specifically, Oracle requires a StoredProcedure to return a REF_CURSOR from a stored procedure to fill a DataSet. SQL Server doesnt; the SP returns what the sp SELECTed. You're going to have to change your SP's to get rid of the returned REF_CURSOR.
Date handling is quite different: Oracle needs a to_date to turn a string into a date in where clauses etc; SQL Server just takes the string and converts it for you. And so on and so on. (I'm not at all sure what the ANSI Standard is, or even if it covers this!) To avoid changing your SQL you could add create SQL Server function called to_date, but this is now going to slow up your SQL.
If you have much PL/SQL in stored procedures, you have a big job converting it to T-SQL. They are quite different.
Good luck!

How to JOIN a table in MySQL with a table in Oracle

Now, I'm pretty sure that it's not possible, but I want to 1) Confirm this, and 2) Hear alternatives.
My solution today was to run the MySQL query, then use its result to construct a "NOT IN ('value1', 'value2', 'value3')" string, which I tacked onto the Oracle query before running it. Rather cumbersome, but it worked, and it's fast enough so far.
What is the typical way of solving this problem?
Typical way, assuming the Oracle & MySQL databases are allowed to talk to one another, would be to create a database link on the Oracle instance, connecting to the MySQL one: http://www.dba-oracle.com/t_how_create_database_link.htm
Then you can run queries in Oracle as though you're only ever working on a single database...

Microsoft T-SQL to Oracle SQL translation

I've worked with T-SQL for years but I've just moved to an organisation that is going to require writing some Oracle stuff, probably just simple CRUD operations at least until I find my feet. I'm not going to be migrating databases from one to the other simply interacting with existing Oracle databases from an Application Development perspective. Is there are tool or utility available to easily translate T-SQL into Oracle SQL, a keyword mapper is the sort of thing I'm looking for.
P.S. I'm too lazy to RTFM, besides it's not going to be a big part of my role so I just want something to get me up to speed a little faster.
The language difference listed so far are trivial compared to the logical differences. Anyone can lookup NVL. What's hard to lookup is
In SQL server you manipulate your schema, anywhere, anytime, with little or no fuss.
In Oracle, we don't like DDL in stored procedures so you have jump through hoops. You need to use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to perform a DDL function.
Temp Tables
IN SQL Server when the logic becomes a bit tough, the common thing is to shortcut the sql and have it resolved to a temp table and then the next step is done using that temp table.
MSSS makes it very easy to do this.
In Oracle we don't like that. By forcing an intermediate result you completely prevent the Optimizer from finding a shortcut for you. BUT If you must stop halfway and persist the intermediate results Oracle wants you to make the temp table in advance, not on the fly.
In MSSS you worry about locking, you have nolock hints to apply to DML, you have lock escalation to reduce the count of locks.
In Oracle we don't worry about these in that way.
Read Commited
Until recently MSSS didn't fully handle Read Committed isolation so you worried about dirty reads.
Oracle has been that way for decades.
MSSS has no concept of Bitmap indexes, IOT, Table Clusters, Single Table hash clusters, non unique indexes enforcing unique constraints....
I get the impression most answers focus on migrating an entire database or just point to some differences between T-SQL and PL/SQL. I recently had the same problem. The Oracle database exists, but I need to convert a whole load of T-SQL scripts to PL/SQL.
I installed Oracle SQL Developer and ran the Translation Scratch Editor (Tools > Migration > Scratch Editor).
Then, just enter your T-SQL, choose the correct translation in the dropdown-list (it should default to 'T-SQL to PL/SQL'), and convert it.
I have to things to mention.
1) When I worked on Oracle 8, you could not do "Select #Result", you had to instead use the dummy table as follows "Select #Result from dual". Not sure if that ridiculousness still exists.
2) In the Oracle world they seem to love cursors and you better read up on them, they use them all the time AFAICS.
Good luck and enjoy,
it is not that different to MS SQL. Thankfully, I do not have to work with it anymore and I am back in the warm comfort of MS tools.
If you replace your ISNULL and NVL nonsense with COALESCE, it'll work in T-SQL and PL/SQL!
It's not trivial to map them back and forth, so I doubt there's a tool that does it automatically. But this link might help you out: http://vyaskn.tripod.com/oracle_sql_server_differences_equivalents.htm
The most important differences for plain T-SQL are:
NVL replaces ISNULL
CONVERT is not supported
Identity columns must be replaced with sequences <-- not technically T- or PL/ but just SQL
Note. I assume you do not use the deprecated SQL Server *= syntax for joins
#jodonell: The table you link to is a bit outdated, oracle has become somewhat more standards compliant after 9i supporting things like CASE and ANSI outer joins
I have done a few SQL server to oracle migrations. There is no way to migrate without rewriting the backend code. Too many differences between the 2 databases and more importantly differences between the 2 mind sets of the programmers. Many managers think that the 2 are interchangeable, I have had managers ask me to copy the stored procedures from SQL server and compile them in oracle, not a clue! Toad is by far the best tool on the market for supporting an oracle application. SQL developer is ok but was disappointing compared to toad. I hope that oracle will catch their product up to toad one day but it is not there yet. Have a good day :) chances are if you are migrating to oracle it is for a reason and in order to meet that requirement you will need to rewrite the back end code or you will have many issues.
In Oracle SQL Developer, there is a tool called Translation Scratch Editor. You can find it from Tools > Migration.
The Oracle SQL Developer is a free download from Oracle and it is an easy install.
If you're doing a one-off conversion, rather than trying to support two versions, you must look at Oracle Migration Workbench. This tool works with Oracle's SQLDeveloper (which you really should have if you are working with Oracle). This does a conversion of the schema, data, and some of the T-SQL to PL/SQL. Knowing both well, I found it did about an 80% job. Good enough to make it worth while to convert the bulk of procedures, and hand convert the remainder "tougher" unknown parts.
Not cheap ($995) but this tool works great: http://www.swissql.com/products/sql-translator/sql-converter.html
A few people have mentioned here converting back and forward. I do not know of a tool to convert from MSSQL to Oracle, but I used the free MS tool to convert a Oracle db to MSSQL and it worked for me and converted a large db with no problems I can call. It is similar to the Access to MSSQL tool that MS also provide for free. Enjoy
jOOQ has a publicly available, free translator, which can be accessed from the website here: https://www.jooq.org/translate
It supports DML, DDL, and a few procedural syntax elements. If you want to run the translation locally via command line, a license can be purchased and the command line works as follows:
$ java -cp jooq-3.11.9.jar org.jooq.ParserCLI -t ORACLE -s "SELECT substring('abcde', 2, 3)"
select substr('abcde', 2, 3) from dual;
See: https://www.jooq.org/doc/latest/manual/sql-building/sql-parser/sql-parser-cli
(Disclaimer, I work for the vendor)