Is it OK not to use a Primary Key When I don't Need one - sql

If I don't need a primary key should I not add one to the database?

You do need a primary key. You just don't know that yet.

A primary key uniquely identifies a row in your table.
The fact it's indexed and/or clustered is a physical implementation issue and unrelated to the logical design.
You need one for the table to make sense.

If you don't need a primary key then don't use one. I usually have the need for primary keys, so I usually use them. If you have related tables you probably want primary and foreign keys.

Yes, but only in the same sense that it's okay not to use a seatbelt if you're not planning to be in an accident. That is, it's a small price to pay for a big benefit when you need it, and even if you think you don't need it odds are you will in the future. The difference is you're a lot more likely to need a primary key than to get in a car accident.
You should also know that some database systems create a primary key for you if you don't, so you're not saving that much in terms of what's going on in the engine.

No, unless you can find an example of, "This database would work so much better if table_x didn't have a primary key."
You can make an arguement to never use a primary key, if performance, data integrity, and normalization are not required. Security and backup/restore capabilities may not be needed, but eventually, you put on your big-boy pants and join the real world of database implementation.

Yes, a table should ALWAYS have a primary key... unless you don't need to uniquely identify the records in it. (I like to make absolute statements and immediately contradict them)
When would you not need to uniquely identify the records in a table? Almost never. I have done this before though for things like audit log tables. Data that won't be updated or deleted, and wont be constrained in any way. Essentially structured logging.

A primary key will always help with query performance. So if you ever need to query using the "key" to a "foreign key", or used as lookup then yes, craete a foreign key.

I don't know. I have used a couple tables where there is just a single row and a single column. Will always only be a single row and a single column. There is no foreign key relationships.
Why would I put a primary key on that?

A primary key is mainly formally defined to aid referencial Integrity, however if the table is very small, or is unlikely to contain unique data then it's an un-necessary overhead.
Defining indexes on the table can normally be used to imply a primary key without formally declaring one.
However you should consider that defining the Primary key can be useful for Developers and Schema generation or SQL Dev tools, as having the meta data helps understanding, and some tools rely on this to correctly define the Primary/foreign key relationships in the model.

Each table in a relational DB needs a primary key. As already noted, a primary key is data that identies a record uniquely...
You might get away with not having an "ID" field, if you have a N-M table that joins 2 different tables, but you can uniquely identifiy the record by the values from both columns you join. (Composite primary key)
Having a table without an primary key is against the first normal form, and has nothing to do in a relational DB

You should always have a primary key, even if it's just on ID. Maybe NoSQL is what you're after instead (just asking)?

That depends very much on how sure you can be that you don't need one. If you have just the slightest bit of doubt, add one - you'll thank yourself later. An indicator being if the data you store could be related to other data in your DB at one point.
One use case I can think of is a logging kind-of table, in which you simply dump one entry after the other (to properly process them later). You probably won't need a primary key there, if you're storing enough data to filter out the relevant messages (like a date). Of course, it's questionable to use a RDBMS for this.


Identifying primary key for a vote table

I am working on a voting table design using Postgres 9.5 (but maybe the question itself is applicable to sql in general). My vote table should be like:
object | user | timestamp
Where object and user are foreign keys to the ids corresponding to their own tables. I have a problem identifying what actually should be a primary key.
I thought at first to make a primary_key(object, user) but since I use django as a server, it just doesn't support multicolumn primary key, I am not sure either about the performance since I may access a row using only one of those 2 columns (i.e. object or user), but the advantage this idea works automatically as a unique key since the same user shouldn't vote twice for the same object. And I don't need any additional indexes.
The other idea is to introduce an auto or serial id field, I really don't think of any advantage of using this approach especially when the table gets bigger. I need also to introduce at least a unique_key(object, user) which adds to the computational complexity and data storage. Not even sure about the performance when I select using one of the 2 columns, may be I need also 2 additional indexes for the object and user to accelerate the select operation since I need this heavily.
Is there something I am missing here? or is there a better idea?
django themselves recognise that the "natural primary key" in this case is not supported. So your gut feeling is right, but django don't support it.
Relational database designs use a set of columns as the primary key
for a table. When this set includes more than one column, it is known
as a “composite” or “compound” primary key. (For more on the
terminology, here is an ​article discussing database keys).
Currently Django models only support a single column in this set,
denying many designs where the natural primary key of a table is
multiple columns. Django currently can't work with these schemas; they
must instead introduce a redundant single-column key (a “surrogate”
key), forcing applications to make arbitrary and otherwise-unnecessary
choices about which key to use for the table in any given instance.
I'm less failure with django personally. One option might be to form an extra column as a primary key by concatenating object and user.
Remember that there is nothing special about a primary key. You can always add a UNIQUE KEY on the pair of columns and make them both NOT NULL.
You might find this example useful.
The correct solution woulf be to have a PRIMARY KEY (object, user) and an additional index on user. The primary key index can also be used for searches for object alone.
Form a database point of view, your problem is that you use an inadequate middleware if it does not support composite primary keys.
You'll probably have to introduce an artificial primary key constraint and in addition have a unique constraint on (object, user) and an index on user, but your gut feelings that that is not the best solution from a database perspective are absolutely true.

Relational database design question - Surrogate-key or Natural-key?

Which one is the best practice and Why?
a) Type Table, Surrogate/Artificial Key
Foreign key is from user.type to
b) Type Table, Natural Key
Foreign key is from user.type to type.typeName:
I believe that in practice, using a natural key is rarely the best option. I would probably go for the surrogate key approach as in your first example.
The following are the main disadvantages of the natural key approach:
You might have an incorrect type name, or you may simply want to rename the type. To edit it, you would have to update all the tables that would be using it as a foreign key.
An index on an int field will be much more compact than one on a varchar field.
In some cases, it might be difficult to have a unique natural key, and this is necessary since it will be used as a primary key. This might not apply in your case.
The first one is more future proof, because it allows you to change the string representing the type without updating the whole user table. In other words you use a surrogate key, an additional immutable identifier introduced for the sake of flexibility.
A good reason to use a surrogate key (instead of a natural key like name) is when the natural key isn't really a good choice in terms of uniqueness. In my lifetime i've known no fewer than 4 "Chris Smith"s. Person names are not unique.
I prefer to use the surrogate key. It is often people will identity and use the natural key which will be fine for a while, until they decide they want to change the value. Then problems start.
You should probably always use an ID number (that way if you change the type name, you don't need to update the user table) it also allows you to keep your datasize down, as a table full of INTs is much smaller than one full of 45 character varchars.
If typeName is a natural key, then it's probably the preferable option, because it won't require a join to get the value.
You should only really use a surrogate key (id) when the name is likely to change.
Surrogate key for me too, please.
The other might be easier when you need to bang out some code, but it will eventually be harder. Back in the day, my tech boss decided using an email addr as a primary key was a good idea. Needless to say, when people wanted to change their addresses it really sucked.
Use natural keys whenever they work. Names usually don't work. They are too mutable.
If you are inventing your own data, you might as well invent a syntheic key. If you are building a database of data provided by other people or their software, analyze the source data to see how they identify things that need identification.
If they are managing data at all well, they will have natural keys that work for the important stuff. For the unimportant stuff, suit yourself.
well i think surrgote key is helpful when you don't have any uniquely identified key whose value is related and meaningful as is to be its primary key... moreover surrgote key is easier to implement and less overhead to maintain.
but on the other hand surrgote key is sometimes make extra cost by joining tables.
think about 'User' ... I have
UserId varchar(20), ID int, Name varchar(200)
as the table structure.
now consider that i want to take a track on many tables as who is inserting records... if i use Id as a primary key, then [1,2,3,4,5..] etc will be in foreign tables and whenever i need to know who is inserting data i've to join User Table with it because 1,2,3,4,5,6 is meaningless. but if i use UserId as a primary key which is uniquely identified then on other foreign tables [john, annie, nadia, linda123] etc will be saved which is sometimes easily distinguishable and meaningful . so i need not to join user table everytime when i do query.
but mind it, it takes some extra physical space as varchar is saved in foreign tables which takes extra bytes.. and ofcourse indexing has a significant performance issue where int performs better rather than varchar
Surrogate key is a substitution for the natural primary key.
It is just a unique identifier or number for each row that can be used for the primary key to the table.
The only requirement for a surrogate primary key is that it is unique for each row in the table.
It is useful because the natural primary key (i.e. Customer Number in Customer table) can change and this makes updates more difficult.

Do I need a primary key if something will NOT be changed?

If I had a site where a user can flag another user post and it cannot be undone or changed, do I need to have a primary key? All my selects would be on the post_id and with a where clause to see if the user already flagged it.
It seems to me from some of your other posts that the reason you are trying to avoid adding a primary key to your table is to save space.
Stop thinking like that.
It's a bad idea to make non-standard optimizations like this without having tested them first to see if they actually work. Have you run some tests that shows that you save a significant amount of space in your database by omitting the primary key on this table? Or are you just guessing?
Using a primary key doesn't necessarily mean that you will use more space. Depending on the database, if you omit the primary key it might add a hidden field for you anyway (for example if you don't have a PK in MySQL/InnoDB it adds a hidden clustered index on a synthetic column containing 6 byte row ID values (source)). If you do use a primary key, rather than adding a new column you can just choose some existing columns that you know should be unique anyway. It won't take up any more space, it will just mean that the data will be stored in a different order to make it easier to search.
When you add an index, that index is going to take up extra space, as an index is basically just a copy of a few columns of the table, plus a link back to the row in the original table. Remember that hidden column the database uses when you don't have a PK? Well now it has to use that to find your rows, so you'll get a copy of it in your index too. If you use a primary key then you probably don't need one of your indexes that you would have added, so you're actually saving space here.
Besides all this, some useful database tools just won't work well if you don't have a primary key on your table. You will annoy everyone that has to maintain your database after you are gone.
So tell me, why do you think it's a good idea to NOT have one?
A primary key has nothing to do with whether data can be changed - it's a single point of reference for an entire row, which can make looking up and/or changing data faster.
All my selects would be on the post_id and with a where clause to see if the user already flagged it.
You need to provide more information about business rules. For example, should the system support more than one user flagging the same post?
If the answer is "no", then I would model a POST_STATUS_CODE table and have a foreign key to the table in your POSTS table.
If the answer is "yes", then I would still have a POST_STATUS_CODE table but also a table linking the POSTS and POST_STATUS_CODE tables - say POSTS_STATUS_XREF.
I have a post_flag table with post_id, user_id (who flagged it) and flag_type (ATM as a byte). I don't see how PK will make it faster in this case but I imagine it will take up 4 or 8 bytes per row. I was thinking about indexing post_id. If I do should I still create a PK?
At a minimum, I would make the primary key to be a combination of:
The reason being that a primary key ensures that there can't be duplicates.
A primary key can be made up of more than one column - this is called a compound key. It means that the pair of values is unique. IE: You can't have more than one combination of 1, 1 values, but you could have 1,2, 1,3, etc (and vice versa). Attempts to add duplicates will result in duplicate primary key errors.
Primary keys help speed up lookups and joins, so it's always nice to have if you can.
You don't need a primary key, not even if users are going to modify rows. A primary key optimizes the performance every time you query that table though. If you think your table will grow larger than about a thousand rows or so, then setting a primary key will give a noticeable performance boost.
The only advantage in not creating a primary key really is that it means you don't have to create one, which is fair enough I suppose :-P
You could just not bother creating one for now. You can always add one later. Not a big deal. Don't let anyone bully you into thinking you absolutely must create a primary key right now! You'll see it being horribly slow soon enough :-P and then you can just add the primary key at that point. If you don't have too many duplicates by then :-P
Best have one, if just because you may have to delete the occasional record manually (e.g. duplicates) and one should have a unique identifier for that.
The simple answer is yes. every table should have a primary key (made of at least one column). what benefit do you get for not having one?
In such a situation, you might be able to get away without one, but I'd be inclined to throw a primary key on there anyway, simply because it's relatively simple to do and will save rework if the requirements change.
The software requirements may change rapidly. The customer may introduce new requirements. So having a primary key may be useful because you can eliminate totally unnecessary data migrations in such a situations.
Read this: "Is it OK not to use a Primary Key When I don’t Need one?"
Yes, you do need a primary key.
You may as well use text files for storage if you don't think you do because it means you don't understand them...

Should I use Natural Identity Columns without GUID?

Is it ok to define tables primary key with 2 foreign key column that in combination must be unique? And thus not add a new id column (Guid or int)?
Is there a negative to this?
Yes, it's completely OK. Why not? The downside of composite primary keys is that it can be long and it might be harder to identify a single row uniquely from the application perspective. However, for a couple integer columns (specially in junction tables), it's a good practice.
Natural versus Artificial primary keys is one of those issues that gets widely debated and IMHO the discussion only seems to see the positions harden.
In my opinion both work so long as the developer knows how to avoid the downside of both. A natural primary key (whether composite or single column) more nearly ensures that duplicate rows are not added to the DB. Whereas with artificial primary keys it is necessary to first check the record is unique (as opposed to the primary key, which being artificial will always be unique). One effective way to achieve this is to have a unique or candidate index on the fields that make the record unique (e.g. the fields that make a candidate for a primary key)
Meanwhile an artificial primary key makes for easy joining. Relations can be made with a single field to single field join. With a composite key the writer of the SQL statement must know how many fields to include in the join.
For some definitions of "ok", yes. As long as you never intend to add additional fields to this intersection table, that'll be fine. However, if you intend to have more fields, it's good practice to have an ID field. It's still fine, come to think of it, but can be more awkward.
Unless, of course, disk space is at a serious premium!
If you look into any database textbook, you will find such tables en masse. This is the default way to define n-to-m relations. For example:
article = (id, title, text)
author = (id, name)
article_author = (article_id, author_id)
Semantically, article_author is not a new entity so you might refrain from defining it as the primary key and instead create it as a normal index with UNIQUE constraint.
Yes, I agree, with "some definition of OK" it is OK. But the moment you decide to reference this composite primary key from somewhere (i.e. move it to a foreign key), it quickly bocomes NG (Not Good).

What are the down sides of using a composite/compound primary key?

What are the down sides of using a composite/compound primary key?
Could cause more problems for normalisation (2NF, "Note that when a 1NF table has no composite candidate keys (candidate keys consisting of more than one attribute), the table is automatically in 2NF")
More unnecessary data duplication. If your composite key consists of 3 columns, you will need to create the same 3 columns in every table, where it is used as a foreign key.
Generally avoidable with the help of surrogate keys (read about their advantages and disadvantages)
I can imagine a good scenario for composite key -- in a table representing a N:N relation, like Students - Classes, and the key in the intermediate table will be (StudentID, ClassID). But if you need to store more information about each pair (like a history of all marks of a student in a class) then you'll probably introduce a surrogate key.
There's nothing wrong with having a compound key per se, but a primary key should ideally be as small as possible (in terms of number of bytes required). If the primary key is long then this will cause non-clustered indexes to be bloated.
Bear in mind that the order of the columns in the primary key is important. The first column should be as selective as possible i.e. as 'unique' as possible. Searches on the first column will be able to seek, but searches just on the second column will have to scan, unless there is also a non-clustered index on the second column.
I think this is a specialisation of the synthetic key debate (whether to use meaningful keys or an arbitrary synthetic primary key). I come down almost completely on the synthetic key side of this debate for a number of reasons. These are a few of the more pertinent ones:
You have to keep dependent child
tables on the end of a foriegn key
up to date. If you change the the
value of one of the primary key
fields (which can happen - see
below) you have to somehow change
all of the dependent tables where
their PK value includes these
fields. This is a bit tricky
because changing key values will
invalidate FK relationships with
child tables so you may (depending
on the constraint validation options
available on your platform) have to
resort to tricks like copying the
record to a new one and deleting the
old records.
On a deep schema the keys can get
quite wide - I've seen 8 columns
Changes in primary key values can be
troublesome to identify in ETL
processes loading off the system.
The example I once had occasion to
see was an MIS application
extracting from an insurance
underwriting system. On some
occasions a policy entry would be
re-used by the customer, changing
the policy identifier. This was a
part of the primary key of the
table. When this happens the
warehouse load is not aware of what
the old value was so it cannot match
the new data to it. The developer
had to go searching through audit
logs to identify the changed value.
Most of the issues with non-synthetic primary keys revolve around issues when PK values of records change. The most useful applications of non-synthetic values are where a database schema is intended to be used, such as an M.I.S. application where report writers are using the tables directly. In this case short values with fixed domains such as currency codes or dates might reasonably be placed directly on the table for convenience.
I would recommend a generated primary key in those cases with a unique not null constraint on the natural composite key.
If you use the natural key as primary then you will most likely have to reference both values in foreign key references to make sure you are identifying the correct record.
Take the example of a table with two candidate keys: one simple (single-column) and one compound (multi-column). Your question in that context seems to be, "What disadvantage may I suffer if I choose to promote one key to be 'primary' and I choose the compound key?"
First, consider whether you actually need to promote a key at all: "the very existence of the PRIMARY KEY in SQL seems to be an historical accident of some kind. According to author Chris Date the earliest incarnations of SQL didn't have any key constraints and PRIMARY KEY was only later addded to the SQL standards. The designers of the standard obviously took the term from E.F.Codd who invented it, even though Codd's original notion had been abandoned by that time! (Codd originally proposed that foreign keys must only reference one key - the primary key - but that idea was forgotten and ignored because it was widely recognised as a pointless limitation)." [source: David Portas' Blog: Down with Primary Keys?
Second, what criteria would you apply to choose which key in a table should be 'primary'?
In SQL, the choice of key PRIMARY KEY is arbitrary and product specific. In ACE/Jet (a.k.a. MS Access) the two main and often competing factors is whether you want to use PRIMARY KEY to favour clustering on disk or whether you want the columns comprising the key to appears as bold in the 'Relationships' picture in the MS Access user interface; I'm in the minority by thinking that index strategy trumps pretty picture :) In SQL Server, you can specify the clustered index independently of the PRIMARY KEY and there seems to be no product-specific advantage afforded. The only remaining advantage seems to be the fact you can omit the columns of the PRIMARY KEY when creating a foreign key in SQL DDL, being a SQL-92 Standard behaviour and anyhow doesn't seem such a big deal to me (perhaps another one of the things they added to the Standard because it was a feature already widespread in SQL products?) So, it's not a case of looking for drawbacks, rather, you should be looking to see what advantage, if any, your SQL product gives the PRIMARY KEY. Put another way, the only drawback to choosing the wrong key is that you may be missing out on a given advantage.
Third, are you rather alluding to using an artificial/synthetic/surrogate key to implement in your physical model a candidate key from your logical model because you are concerned there will be performance penalties if you use the natural key in foreign keys and table joins? That's an entirely different question and largely depends on your 'religious' stance on the issue of natural keys in SQL.
Need more specificity.
Taken too far, it can overcomplicate Inserts (Every key MUST exist) and documentation and your joined reads could be suspect if incomplete.
Sometimes it can indicate a flawed data model (is a composite key REALLY what's described by the data?)
I don't believe there is a performance just can go really wrong really easily.
when you se it on a diagram are less readable
when you use it on a query join are less
when you use it on a foregein key
you have to add a check constraint
about all the attribute have to be
null or not null (if only one is
null the key is not checked)
usualy need more storage when use it
as foreign key
some tool doesn't manage composite
The main downside of using a compound primary key, is that you will confuse the hell out of typical ORM code generators.