References on best practices for registration keys/access codes format - e-commerce

I am developing an online site to which access will be sold at college bookstores. Students will purchase a card at the bookstore with an access code that they may then use to register online at our site.
I want to make the code as user friendly as possible. I personally hate registering for a product and having to type in a registration key 5 times because it's ambiguous.
Can anyone point me to resources describing best practices for designing the format of the code itself? Obvious things spring to mind-- don't use zeroes or the letter O, don't make it case sensitive, include some kind of checksum. I don't want to be creative here, I need a recipe for what must be a problem solved many times.

Joel Spolsky had some good insights to solving this problem in one of the recent StackOverflow podcasts. I believe the episode was #49, you should download podcasts or checkout the transcripts at
Dealing with 0 (number) and O (letter) mixed in a key is really annoying as some fonts make it hard to distinguish the two.
Other usability concepts such as groups of three being easier to deal with and remember then a single number are good to be aware of. For example, 345-829-817-432 instead of 345829817432.
By the way, 345-829-817-432 gives you 12^10 permutations, and even the smaller number 345-829-817 gives you 9^10 permutations which may give you enough strength depending on your situation.

It really depends on how much security you need. A few ideas come to mind.
If you want something really simple you could generate simulated credit card numbers; students are adept at using these four-digit combinations, and they can be checked with a Luhn algorithm.
If you want something a little stronger you could generate a GUID, and use that as the code.
If your website can send emails you can ask the student for their email address, and send them a challenge/response email. Then you don't need codes at all. Their email address is the code.


Captcha alternative

In order to implement a CAPTCHA for my login page, I would like to understand how a translation test can be considered secure compared to popular image recognition patterns.
All customers will be bilingual speakers of an orally learnt and used Polynesian language i.e., no formal spelling conventions (hence the translation to English not the reverse), so instead of asking them to read distorted letters I would like to ask them to translate a simple sentence into English to be validated from the PHP server side.
Is this secure/accurate?
The basic idea to state that this kind of CAPTCHA ("Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart") is totally insecure is that while the OP states that "currently" Google Translator doesn't offer support for Polynesian language, it cannot be excluded that it will do so in the future.
More generally, translation is not a valid CAPTCHA test because of the following considerations:
Comparing a random sentence VS its automated translation using a public translator (e.g. a future version of Google, Bing) is equal for a hacker submitting the same phrase to the translation engine
Using a whitelist of sentences and their translations will be eventually overwhelmed by the accuracy of the automated public translators
I mean that modern public computer translators are perfecting their accuracy. If you assume that a public translator is unable to perform an accurate job today and challenge the user with a known phrase the translator cannot process, technology will tend to eventually fix that translation and you will get the challenge sentence easily spotted by robots.
That is the main principle of ReCaptcha being used as an OCR, but from the opposite side. I will suggest you to read this paper but briefly the researchers state that ReCaptcha is destined to improve its accuracy far more than automated OCRs because of user input.
Since Google and Bing Translate widely use user-submitted data to improve their translation process, they will be subject to a human-aided machine learning eventually breaking the Turing Test for that kind of challenge (e.g. ReCaptcha will read like a human, Translate will translate like a human)
After reading the comments, it seems the only danger I face is a vague future Google Translate one, which is unlikely to eventuate. So I'm going to stick my head out and say that this is indeed a good security measure which could conceivably be useful to many businesses or organisations that have such a customer base. Thanks for the assist.
Major point in it's favor is ease of use for the customers all of which so far prefer it to trying to read captcha. I put it on a live system so had 80+ people use it today.
I presume they all speak English too then? Unusual to require your users to be bilingual. Even if this is the case today, is it possible that with future growth you might be excluding certain users? What if someone moves into the area who wants to signup but only speaks English?
Language is a funny imprecise thing. You could take a sentence and probably translate it a number of different ways. Computers deal in precision so you need a question where there can only be one answer.
Also, the whole idea of a CAPTCHA is to make sure it's a real person but it may not be too hard to write a program that uses google translate or something similar. It may not always get it right but it'd probably get through some of the time.

Requirement, design, code derivation

I am following verification and validation threads and I think an example might be helpful. I am not an experienced developer so I would like to know whether this would be correct:
User equirement: I want to be save my friend's name, address and phone number to the system
Software Requirement specification: User wants to be able to enter and save a name, address, phone number.
Technical analysis: web UI for data entering. Data will be saved into the SQL DB.
Detailed design: UI elements: 3 fields of a string type, 1 button, object XYZ, dbConnection....
Code: (actual code of UI, db scripts)
Is it like that? Could anyone correct or add what I am missing here?
As for verification, each phase can be verified against requirement (traceability). As for validation, the functional code should work as expected (save three attributes).
While this is some what theoretically true (I have to say this), it is completely wrong in all practical and real world scenarios.
Capture user needs and Why he wants to do a certain thing. This allows you to build just the software that user wants, eliminate waste that come as part of made-up requirements, technical requirements, nice to haves etc.
So instead of,
I want to be save my friend's name, address and phone number to the system...
I'd rather like to have the below which emphasizes Why? the real need of the user
I want to send a greeting card to my friend on his birthday.
Now, I know I just need his name and address. Since this is for future I also want to store this information. So what I write next is a set of acceptance criteria to meet the above customer needs. If I can capture these as a set of executable specifications then it is even better as those are verifiable programmatically.
Ignore everything else. Traceability is unnecessary overhead. We need it if we are building software based on fabricated requirements.
Read the below
Agile Manifesto
Impact Mapping
I've never seen a good way to trace code to requirements outside a single sprint/time box. And also, you're missing testers from your list! Unless your testers are also your business analysts (I my experience professional testers find a lot of the requirements inconsistencies - aka bugs).
I think the best approach is to have everyone as involved as possible, so you can cross reference each person expectations often. If everyone works together, you don't need to implement a cargo-cult process where batches of information are transferred down stream in one way.
The simplest tool have traceability is your VCS, where each commit includes the ID of the user story/use case that the commit is related to.

How usable and secure is Confident CAPTCHA? Are there other options?

I am trying to find an easier CAPTCHA to use with my website. I currently have reCAPTCHA but the users are struggling to get the words right the first time.
I have came across Confident CAPTCHA (here) and would like to know what you guys think about it.
Has anyone used it before?
How safe is it?
Are there similar CAPTCHA's, excluding reCAPTCHA?
Interesting captcha, I have not seen this one before.
I will try to address your second question about How safe is it?. There are no docs available or sample code to check so the analysis is based on using it a few times.
It seems like it should be reasonably secure. I see that it uses a 3rd party service, so you will rely on API calls to generate the HTML markup and validate the captcha.
In their demo, you are required to choose 4 images out of a total of 9 which means the probability of guessing the correct value is about 0.000330688% (1/9 * 1/8 * 1/7 * 1/6).
It essentially works by creating an alpha captcha code based on the sequence of images you choose. So the server generates a random challenge (cat, vehicle, drink, house) and associates each element with a random letter from the range [A-Z].
Clicking the sequence of images creates a captcha code based on the letter assigned to each image (e.g. PKIR) if cat = P, vehicle = K, drink = I, house = R that gets placed in a hidden input and submitted with the form.
Therefore the only way to pass the captcha is to come up with a code that agrees with the sequence of images on the server side.
I would conclude it is relatively secure in that there is no way to defeat the captcha solely on the client side (see this question for example). Since there is no reason for them to ever present anything related to the solution to the client (browser); it would seem logical that the only way to get the correct captcha code is to select the correct images in the correct sequence.
At first glance, the captcha seems secure (no easy bypasses).
This specific captcha may be more difficult to farm out to human solvers (a positive)
Depending on the number of objects and images in the database, it may be possible to generate a database of words to images.
One potential downfall to the captcha is that certain words may require a moderate level of understanding the English language; non-English speaking users may be completely cut off or at least have to put in additional effort to translate words to their native language.
You may want to do a usability check of this captcha on mobile devices (just a thought).
That's my 2 cents, I hope that helps you out.
I'm using it with ads and well, this is very secure.
About english language, the api support many languages and adapt the questions based on the browser language.
I have used GoogleTranslation to help people who have spoken language out of the ConfidentCaptcha reach.
No problem so far. They are very responsive, a very good support.
About mobile, if you don't use ads, you have a special mobile mode, which make it very easy and adapted to the tiny devices.

Captcha's + Differnet Possibilities

I wanted to run some captcha possibities past people to see if they are easily by passed by bots etc.
What if colors were used - eg: there is a string of 10 characters are you ask people to type the red characters of where there are 5? Easy to bypass?
I've noticed a captcha on plentyoffish that involves typing in the characters under the circles. This seems a touch more complex - would this be more challenging for bots?
The other idea I was thinking was putting the requirement in an image as well meaning like in no. 1 above - you can put "type the red characters" in an image and this could change with different colors. Any value here?
Interested in what people think.
Colours are easy to bypass. A bot just takes the red channel and gets the answer. It is even easier than choosing between many possible solutions. The same applies to any noise that has another colour than the letters the user needs to find.
Symbols that don't touch the letters are very easy to ignore. Why would a bot even look at those circles that probably always stay at the same position? (valid but wasn't asked here)
Identifying circles or other symbols is easier than identifying letters, if one can do the latter, a simple symbol is no challenge.
I think captchas are used too frequently in places where they aren't the best tool. For instance, are you trying to prevent registration spam? Why use a captcha rather than email validation?
What are your intentions and have you considered alternatives to the (relatively ineffective) captcha technology?
As a side note, if you have to use them, I prefer KittyAuth myself :)
Color blind people will have trouble separating red from green letters. People who have trouble reading and understanding descriptions, or have other disabilities may have trouble reading the captchas too.
In some of these, the texts are so mangled that almost everyone has a hard time reading them.
I think captcha's, if used at all, should be quite easy to read. The one with the dots and triangles is doable, although it's a matter of time before someone writes an algorithm to hack them. It is very easy for computers to read this kind too.
The best way to deal with this, is increase moderation. Make your site so that it isn't rewarding to spam it at all. Don't make it the problem of your users.
Also, if you're gonna use captcha's, it may be better to build something yourself than to use common libraries. I've found that these are easier hacked, probably because it is more rewarding to write a captcha solver for something that is used by thhousands of sites.
No matter which CAPTCHA you construct, spammers will find a way to work around it, given enough incentive. Large CAPTCHA services like reCAPTCHA, for instance, get bypassed by outsourcing solving them to cheap labor in India(source).
If you run a small site, your best bet is to make your own mini-CAPTCHA, which asks a simple question. If it isn't a standard question, isn't a standard CAPTCHA module and isn't a large site, it isn't worth it for the spammers to automate bypassing it.
I've been working on a community site for an organization at my university, and we've had trouble with spammers registering, despite us using every CAPTCHA module in the book. As soon as we made our own simple one-question CAPTCHA, all spam stopped. The key to preventing this sort of spam often lies in uniqueness.

Does Mechanical Turk Work?

I posted the following question on another thread:
"Does anybody know of a good solution that can be used from php that will effectively remove contact information like phone numbers, email addresses and maybe even contact addresses from a document?"
I quickly got told what I suspected... I am asking too much :)
So now I am looking for alternative solutions. One I am considering is using Amazon's Mechanical Turk to do the contact information removal.
So two question?
Would this be a good fit for mechanical turk?
How effective is the service?
Check out (I'm not affiliated with this company.)
You might be able to cast a wide net with your regular expressions and then have the human workers sift out the real addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses. Whether "such-and-such" is an address, phone number, or e-mail address is a fairly straightforward question for a human.
Since they chop the form up (or say they do -- I haven't used it) you don't have as much to worry about privacy concerns, or may be able to justify them. If MicroTask has hundreds of clients, what they are able to do is take all of the microtasks and throw them in a giant hopper that randomizes which ones each individual worker sees. Hence, they could virtually guarantee that the workers will have almost no means to correlate any of the sensitive information they work on. Each worker would see thousands of independent pieces of information each day. Under these conditions, who would be able to discern that Task 347 on day 1 had the e-mail address that corresponds to Task 1133 on day 3? Even if they could, it's hardly worth it to them. They'll probably make more money just doing what is asked of them.