Creating an NSArray initialized with count N, all of the same object - objective-c

I want to create an NSArray with objects of the same value (say NSNumber all initialized to 1) but the count is based on another variable. There doesn't seem to be a way to do this with any of the intializers for NSArray except for one that deals with C-style array.
Any idea if there is a short way to do this?
This is what I am looking for:
NSArray *array = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]
NSNumber is just one example here, it could essentially be any NSObject.

The tightest code I've been able to write for this is:
id numbers[n];
for (int x = 0; x < n; ++x)
numbers[x] = [NSNumber numberWithInt:0];
id array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:numbers count:n];
This works because you can create runtime length determined C-arrays with C99 which Xcode uses by default.
If they are all the same value, you could also use memset (though the cast to int is naughty):
id numbers[n];
memset(numbers, (int)[NSNumber numberWithInt:0], n);
id array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:numbers count:n];
If you know how many objects you need, then this code should work, though I haven't tested it:
id array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:(id[5]){[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]} count:5];

I can't see any reason why this structure in a non-mutable format would be useful, but I am certain that you have your reasons.
I don't think that you have any choice but to use a NSMutableArray, build it with a for loop, and if it's really important that the result not be mutable, construct a NSArray and use arrayWithArray:

I agree with #mmc, make sure you have a valid reason to have such a structure (instead of just using the same object N times), but I'll assume you do.
There is another way to construct an immutable array which would be slightly faster, but it requires creating a C array of objects and passing it to NSArray's +arrayWithObject:count: method (which returns an autoreleased array, mind you) as follows:
id anObject = [NSNumber numberWithInt:0];
id* buffer = (id*) malloc(sizeof(id) * anIntVariable);
for (int i = 0; i < anIntVariable; i++)
buffer[i] = anObject;
NSArray* array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:buffer count:anIntVariable];
You could accomplish the same thing with even trickier pointer math, but the gains are fairly trivial. Comment if you're interested anyway.

Probably the reason there is no such method on NSArray is that the semantics are not well defined. For your case, with an immutable NSNumber, then all the different semantics are equivalent, but imagine if the object you were adding was a mutable object, like NSMutableString for example.
There are three different semantics:
retain — You'd end up with ten pointers to the same mutable string, and changing any one would change all ten.
copy — You'd end up with ten pointers to the same immutable string, or possibly ten different pointers to immeduable strings with the same value, but either way you'd not be able to change any of them.
mutableCopy — You'd end up with ten different mutable string objects, any of which you could change independently.
So Apple could write three variants of the method, or have some sort of parameter to control the semantics, both of which are ugly, so instead they left it to you to write the code. If you want, you can add it as an NSArray category method, just be sure you understand the semantic options and make it clear.
The method:
-(id)initWithArray:(NSArray *)array copyItems:(BOOL)flag
has this same issue.
Quinn's solution using arrayWithObjects:count: is a reasonably good one, probably about the best you can get for the general case. Put it in an NSArray category and that's about as good as it is going to get.


ObjC: find if number is present in collection

I have a list of long values:
300210, 300211, 310210, 310211, ...
I'm looking for the best way to check whether a number is present in a collection. The collection is non mutable and this check can possibly happen hundreds of time per second (it's part of a physics engine collision presolving).
If using an NSArray, I'm to use NSNumbers. These are objects - Is the containsObject: method using hashcodes? Or does it consistently use a value comparison (rather than pointer address)?
How about NSSet? I know it has a member: method to use isEqual: but no practical experience with it.
thanks for your help find the best way to address this.
I would suggest turn on objective-C++ and use std::set. It's much faster then NSSet.
You will need:
in header:
#include <set>
using namespace std;
in code:
set<int> numberCollection;
Using NSArray, if the array contains NSNumber then you can use containsObject:
as they match with the value not with the pointers.
NSNumber *num3 = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:3];
NSArray *array = #[#1, #2, num3, #4, #5];
BOOL isExists = [array containsObject:#3]; // yes
Also with NSSet you can do similar way:
NSSet *set = [NSSet setWithArray:array];
BOOL isExists = [set containsObject:#3];
You can read a great article about Objective-C collections and their performance at objc.ico.
In your case (checking if a collection contains given object) the NSSet is definitely the best choice.
NSSet and its mutable variant NSMutableSet are an unordered collection of objects. Checking for existence is usually an O(1) operation, making this much faster for this use case than NSArray.

Incompatible pointer type assigning "NSMutableArray" to "NSArray"?

This is my code
NSMutableArray * reversedNamesArray; //theres about a thousand variable already stored in here, this is just for documentation
reversedNamesArray = [reversedNamesArray sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)];
//Incompatible pointer type assigning "NSMutableArray" to "NSArray"
The message above is what i get, i know what it means, but i don't want to take an extra step of copying an NSMutableArray of a thousand variable to a NSArray is there any cast i can use to fix the warning, it doesn't affect my code, but i just want a fix for it. and can you explain why they are not compatible, they NSMutableArray and NSArray should use the same amount of bytes so i don't see why they are incompatible in the first place.
-sortedArrayUsingSelector: is implemented in NSArray and returns an NSArray even when called on an NSMutableArray.
You should use one of the sort methods implemented in NSMutableArray. This would work:
[reversedNamesArray sortUsingSelector:#selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)];
#GerdK's answer is the right one, but I thought I would explain why you cannot just cast an NSArray into NSMutableArray. If you could, major optimizations would be lost. Consider the following:
NSArray *first = #[...];
NSArray *second = [first copy];
This is extremely cheap. second just adds an extra retain onto first and we're done. On the other hand:
NSMutableArray *first = [NSMutableArray arrayWith…]
NSArray *second = [first copy];
This is more expensive. In order to create second, we actually have to create new array and copy the pointers over and add extra retains.
Now, imagine what you're requesting were legal:
// Not legal, but let's say it were
NSArray *first = #[...];
NSMutableArray *second = (NSMutableArray *)[first copy];
Now [NSArray copy] has to be defensive against this. It has to implement copy as a full (expensive) copy. That's a real performance loss.
You might say "But I'll just use copy when I want to really copy and retain when I want to retain." Sure, but that's not good enough. Say I want to store an immutable copy of something I'm passed:
- (void)setSomething:(NSArray *)array {
_something = [array copy];
This is a very efficient and correct setter. If I pass a real NSArray, then it's cheap (and this is probably the normal case). If I pass an NSMutableArray (it's a subclass, so I can do that), then I automatically make a real copy (so the object can't change behind my back). You get this kind of optimization for free by keeping mutable and immutable objects separate. Otherwise, I'd have to interrogate the object and ask if it were mutable and then make decisions based on that.

Errors in trying to cast to NSInteger * and NSMutableArray *

I'm a newbie in obj c. So I have a simple question.
I have a matrix of NSInteger values. It is called "curBoard". I want to update value at (x,y) coordinates with value "curStep". I have an arror "operand of type void where arithmetic..."
What am I doing wrong ?
[curBoard replaceObjectAtIndex:x withObject:(NSMutableArray *)[[curBoard objectAtIndex:x] replaceObjectAtIndex:y withObject:(NSInteger *)[NSNumber numberWithInt:curStep]]];
NSMutableArray *board;
board = [NSMutableArray new];
for(NSInteger i = 0; i<boardSize; i++) {
NSMutableArray *row = [NSMutableArray new];
for(NSInteger j = 0; j < boardSize; j++)
[row addObject:(NSInteger *)[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];
[board addObject:row];
This withObject:(NSInteger *)[NSNumber numberWithInt:curStep]] part is what causing an issue. If you are storing as NSNumber objects, you should just use:
... withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:curStep]]
From the code posted above, you should add it as:
[row addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];
NSInteger is not of pointer type and you should use NSNumber itself to add to array.
Objective-C is basically just a bunch of object syntax strapped to C. The overall effect is something like strapping a jetpack to a horse: sometimes the two parts don't really work together very well. In this case, you're trying to go faster by telling the horse to giddy up, when you should really be opening up the throttle.
NSMutableArray is part of the jetpack—it's an Objective-C object and is only equipped to handle arrays of Objective-C objects. But NSInteger is part of the horse—it's a primitive C integer type, not a real object.*
I know NSInteger is capitalized like a class and has an NS prefix like a class, but it's really a creature of C. You can confirm this yourself—type Cmd-O in Xcode and type "NSInteger" into the Open Quickly dialog that pops up, and you'll be able to jump to its definition. In my current Mac project, that's typedef long NSInteger;; long is one of the primitive C types.
NSNumber exists to bridge the two. It's an object specifically designed to hold the C numeric types inside it. Since NSNumber is an object, NSMutableArray and other Objective-C things can deal with it.
But you can't just cast between NSNumber and NSInteger. NSNumber holds an NSInteger inside it, but that doesn't mean it's actually an NSInteger itself. If you put a sandwich in a plastic bag, you can't eat the bag.
Instead, you have to use NSNumber's +numberWithInteger: method to construct an NSNumber, and -integerValue to get the integer back out of it. (+numberWithInt: and -intValue will usually work, but they may behave differently with very large values, depending on whether your app is running on a 32-bit or 64-bit processor.) Actually, nowadays you can say [NSNumber numberWithInteger:foo] as #(foo) instead, which is a lot shorter.**
So when you add a number, you should be saying:
[row addObject:#(0)];
And when you later want that number back, you'll want to say something like:
n = [[row objectAtIndex:y] integerValue];
The -replaceObjectAtIndex:withObject: error is a different story. -replaceObjectAtIndex:withObject: doesn't return anything at all, so you can't use it as an argument. Luckily, you don't need to in this case. -replaceObjectAtIndex:withObject: doesn't create a new array; it alters the array that's already inside [curBoard objectAtIndex:x], so you don't need to do anything to curBoard. Instead, you can just write:
[[curBoard objectAtIndex:x] replaceObjectAtIndex:y withObject:#(curStep)];
* You actually used NSInteger *, which is slightly different. The * means "pointer to", so NSInteger * is a pointer to a primitive integer. This is sort of like NSNumber *, a pointer to an NSNumber object, so the compiler allows you to cast it.
Note that casting a pointer doesn't convert the data at the other end of the pointer; it just makes the compiler interpret the same data in a different way. If you actually tried to use the NSInteger * pointer to get data, you would either get garbage data or (for reasons too large to fit within this margin) crash.
In this case, though, once you've Jedi mind-tricked the compiler into thinking that value is a pointer to an NSInteger, you try to pass it to to -addObject:. -addObject: expects a pointer to an object, so the compiler balks at passing a pointer to an NSInteger instead.
** This syntax will work as long as you're using the iOS 6 SDK Xcode 4.4 or later, even if you actually run the app on an older iOS. It will also automatically use the right +numberWithWhatever: method for you, so you don't have to worry about picking the best one. When you're using a numeric literal like 0, the parentheses are optional, but they're required when you use a variable or constant. Of course, you can still do it the wordy way if you want, but there's little point nowadays.

NSMutableArray vs NSArray which is better

This is a bit of a silly question, but if I want to add an object to an array I can do it with both NSMutableArray and NSArray, which should I use?
NSMutableArray * array1;
[array1 addObject:obj];
NSArray * array2;
array2 = [array2 arrayByAddingObject:obj];
Use NSMutableArray, that is what it is there for. If I was looking at code and I saw NSArray I would expect it's collection to stay constant forever, whereas if I see NSMuteableArray I know that the collection is destined to change.
It might not sound like much right now, but as your project grows and as you spend more time on it you will see the value of this eventually.
NSMutableArray is not threadsafe, while NSArray is. This could be a huge problem if you're multithreading.
NSMutableArray and NSArray both are build on CFArray, performance/complexity should be same. The access time for a value in the array is guaranteed to be at
worst O(lg N) for any implementation, current and future, but will
often be O(1) (constant time). Linear search operations similarly
have a worst case complexity of O(N*lg N), though typically the
bounds will be tighter, and so on. Insertion or deletion operations
will typically be linear in the number of values in the array, but
may be O(N*lg N) clearly in the worst case in some implementations.
When deciding which is best to use:
NSMutableArray is primarily used for when you are building collections and you want to modify them. Think of it as dynamic.
NSArray is used for read only inform and either:
used to populate an NSMutableArray, to perform modifications
used to temporarily store data that is not meant to be edited
What you are actually doing here:
NSArray * array2;
array2 = [array2 arrayByAddingObject:obj];
is you are creating a new NSArray and changing the pointer to the location of the new array you created.
You are leaking memory this way, because it is not cleaning up the old Array before you add a new object.
if you still want to do this you will need to clean up like the following:
NSArray *oldArray;
NSArray *newArray;
newArray = [oldArray arrayByAddingObject:obj];
[oldArray release];
But the best practice is to do the following:
NSMutableArray *mutableArray;
// Initialisation etc
[mutableArray addObject:obj];
An NSArray object manages an immutable array—that is, after you have created the array, you cannot add, remove, or replace objects. You can, however, modify individual elements themselves (if they support modification). The mutability of the collection does not affect the mutability of the objects inside the collection. You should use an immutable array if the array rarely changes, or changes wholesale.
An NSMutableArray object manages a mutable array, which allows the addition and deletion of entries, allocating memory as needed. For example, given an NSMutableArray object that contains just a single dog object, you can add another dog, or a cat, or any other object. You can also, as with an NSArray object, change the dog’s name—and in general, anything that you can do with an NSArray object you can do with an NSMutableArray object. You should use a mutable array if the array changes incrementally or is very large—as large collections take more time to initialize.
Even the Q and the answer are very old, someone has to correct it.
What does "better" mean? Better what? Your Q leaks of information what the problem is and it is highly opinion-based. However, it is not closed.
If you are talking about performance, you can measure it yourself. But remember Donald Knuth: "Premature optimization is the root of all evil".
If I take your Q seriously, "better" can mean runtime performance, memory footprint, or architecture. For the first two topics it is easy to check yourself. So no answer is needed.
On an architectural point of view, things become more complicated.
First of all I have to mention, that having an instance of NSArray does not mean, that it is immutable. This is, because in Cocoa the mutable variants of collections are subclasses of the immutable variants. Therefore an instance of NSMutableArray is an instance of NSArray, but obviously mutable.
One can say that this was no good idea, especially when thinking about Barbara and Jeanette and there is a relation to the circle-ellipse problem, which is not easy to solve. However, it is as it is.
So only the docs can give you the information, whether a returned instance is immutable or not. Or you do a runtime check. For this reason, some people always do a -copy on every mutable collection.
However, mutability is another root of all evil. Therefore: If it is possible, always create an instance of NSArray as final result. Write that in your docs, if you return that instance from a method (esp. getter) or not, so everyone can rely on immutability or not. This prevents unexpected changes "behind the scene". This is important, not 0.000000000003 sec runtime or 130 bytes of memory.
This test gives the best answer:
Method 1:
NSTimeInterval start = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
NSMutableArray *mutableItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:1000];
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
[mutableItems addObject:[NSDate date]];
NSTimeInterval end = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
NSLog(#"elapsed time = %g", (end - start) * 1000.0);
Method 2:
NSArray *items = [[[NSArray alloc] init] autorelease];
or (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
items = [items arrayByAddingObject:[NSDate date]];
Method 1: elapsed time = 0.011135 seconds.
Method 2: elapsed time = 9.712520 seconds.

Quick NSMutableArray Question

I was wondering, would using a NSMutableArray be the best way for making an array that i will be adding objects to? Or, just a regular NSArray? secondly, I'm trying to make something sort of like an ArrayList in java (so there is no limit to the size), and I would like to know how to do that. What I've thought of is to make a bigger array and copy older array into it. My code:
- (void) addAccount:(BankAccount *)b
accountCount = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:[accountCount doubleValue] + 1];
NSMutableArray *oldList = accounts;
accounts = [[NSMutableArray alloc] (some code to make bigger and copy over)];
P.S. I taught myself this language yesterday, so I may not understand you response if it's too advanced
NSMutableArrays are what you want. Also, NSMutableArrays are already like ArrayLists or STL vectors, or anything else with "no limit to the size". You can say [myArray addObject:someObject]; until you run out of memory, and it will just keep resizing itself as needed.
The difference between an NSMutableArray and an NSArray lies in the meaning of the word "mutable". i.e.: A mutable array can be modified after it's created whereas a "normal" NSArray is immutable and can't be modified after it's created.
As such, using an NSMutableArray and adding objects to it via the addObject: method would seem an ideal solution.
If you want to be adding objects all at once use NSArray. If you're going to be adding some objects now, then more later, use NSMutableArray.
Your code snippet doesn't make much sense. To make an NSMutableArray, do this:
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray array];
If you don’t need an order (normally you don’t), use a NSSet/NSMutableSet.