mod_rewrite vs symlink: the browser is not fooled - apache

I have a file on my server and when I try to access it from a browser (firefox) I get a popup that says "You have chosen to open which is a: 1 file ... What should Firefox do with this file...". If I create a symlink to it, foo.dat, I can access it just fine; the contents display in the browser as I expect.
My problem is that I don't want to create symlinks for all these files, I want to use a mod_rewrite rule, like
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)\.dat$ $
But that doesn't act like the symlink. It gives the same popup (though, strangely, it now says "You have chosen to open foo.dat which is a: DAT file ...".
How can I do the rewrite rule such that the browser is tricked into treating it like a normal .dat file, as is accomplished by the symlink?

If you have mod_mime installed, then you can do:
AddType text/plain .1
Not tested, but it should display the file instead of download
See for AddType documentation

Look in to the [T] argument to the RewriteRule directive:
When you make the symlink, Apache thinks it's serving a .dat file, whereas when you use mod_rewrite, Apache still thinks it's serving a .1 file. This turns up in the Content-type header served to the browser.


How to configure Apache 2.4 to use 'content negotiation' in order to serve webp images?

In my HTML file there are several <img src="images/<filename>.jpeg">
The directory "images" holds these files:
as well as
The latter two are identical webp versions of the jpeg file.
Now I want to configure Apache 2.4 on Oracle Linux 8.6 for 'content negotiation'. I am expecting that Apache returns a .webp file instead of the requested .jpeg file, if the browser supports .webp. I don't want to use the HTML <picture> tag or 'srcset' for several reasons, but leave the code untouched.
I have found several promissing configuration examples for nginx, but unfortunatly only litte on Apache:
These two links outline 'rewrites' that are to go to the .htaccess file in the /images directory. I tried them both as '.htaccess' in the 'image' directory and it didn't work. I also put them directly in the httpd.conf and it didn't work either. And I tried these lines in the root directory's .htaccess
'AllowOverride All' is included in all section. Even the 'images' directory is explicitly listed.
In Chrome Dev Tools I verified that the request headers include 'image/webp'.
Probably not necessary: In my despair I have disabled nosniff on the Apache server and verified in the response header that it isn't set.
Whatever I try, the server only returns the jpeg file. I can verify this not only by the file name but also by the content-length field in the response header.
So what can I do to have Apache serve avif, webp and (fall back) jpeg in that order, whenever a jpeg file is requested?
Found the error myself. Note to self: don't just copy code snippets to use them. Read and understand them to find errors or identify necessary adaptions.
Vincent Orback's code is often cited for this problem, so I blindly trusted and used it:
It contains the following line:
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/$1.webp -f
The outcome is that .webp images are only searched for in the web server root directory. On my site, images are in a subdirectory called 'images'.
Trying to load an image in the browser would fail (deliver the jpeg, not the webp version):
https://<my domain>/images/<image name>.jpeg
But after altering above line to
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/images/$1.webp -f
eventually everything worked!
All the other things were unnecessary. You only need one AllowOverride All before the virtual host containers for <Directory / > and all servers and subdirectories would have .htaccess enabled, if present. For this problem, only one .htaccess in the image subdir was necessary, none in the root and no special httpd.conf entries. I turned nosniff on again. The alternativ .webp files just need the extention .webp, not .jpeg.webp

Shutting down a website using HTaccess does not work

OK, it's very simple but it does not work. I have a wiki site where the root contains an index.php file and the subdirectories contains the content of the wiki (I use PMwiki, so no database is required)
I want to temporarity shutdown the website and make it unaccessible by using an nice HTML page to display the shutdown message. I could rename the index.php file, but the rest of the files in the subfolder will remain accessible.
The first thing that worked but which is not elegant is restricting the whole site with a password in the htaccess using "Require valid-user" and all it's other command. The problem is that I cannot display a nice shutdown message as an HTML file.
Else I tried renaming the index.php file to something else like site.php. Creating a index.html file as a message and using a script like this:
Order Deny, allow
Deny from all
<File "index.html">
Allow from all
In that case, the index.html file is accessible, but it must be manually typed in the URL, it will not use this file by default. I tried adding DirectoryIndex directive like this
DirectoryIndex index.html
But it still does not work.
So first is there a way to make the user only see 1 page in particular and block everything else.
Second, doing so makes the site unaccessible to me. So is there a way to passords restrict the whole directory structure except for a specific index.html file. So that I could type url/site.php and be able to enter my website using an htaccess password.
Thanks for any help
Just this rule in root .htaccess should be able to handle this:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule !^shutdown\.html$ shutdown.html [L,NC]
Now you can keep custom HTML content in /shutdown.html. Keep in mind you need to use inline css/js since it will also rewrite css/js requests to /shutdown.html file.

Browse zipfiles on apache webserver

I already have an awk script called viewzip.cgi which works as follows:
will show the root directory of that file,
shows a subdirectory (if present)
will download one particular file.
Now what I want is omitting the "viewzip.cgi" part in the URL and an automatic redirect working as follows:
should download the zipfile as it would be standard behaviour, but
with the trailing slash should redirect to a path like the first example, and also when trailing subdirs or files are appended.
How can I do that, if so? I have access to file system (i.e. ".htaccess") but not to apache's root configuration files. Or is there a (possibly well-known) better solution? A similar problem applies to .chm files which would be more easily browseable when unpacked on server on request. It would be nice if I don't need to repeat a redirection line for each single zipfile I have.
The RedirectMatch keyword does the job.
RedirectMatch .../((?!viewzip\.cgi/).*)\.zip/(.*) http://www.../.../viewzip.cgi/$$2

apache route to program download

I am looking to host a ".exe" file for our clients to download and i wanted to place it at "". i have created a .htaccess route from "/file" to the location of the program but when you go there the browser doesnt know what file extension to use.
Is it possible to slip the file extension in there?
The simplest way would be to use .htaccess to forward the browser to the .exe file.
RewriteRule /file /file.exe [R,L]
If you really want to keep it hidden for some reason then you'd have to write a script to output a Content-disposition header:
Content-disposition: attachment; filename=file.exe
You need to set the mimetype, and then, it depends on the browser if it changes the extension or not. Some developers use an iframe with the file, with extenstion, to hide the ugly url.
There is a big change apache already sets the mimetype.
According to this site, the mimetype should be one of the following:

How do I serve a script with apache instead of running it?

I'm trying to host a python script using an apache web server, but the server tries to run the script instead of just offering it for download.
I do not have direct access to server, and adding the line
AddType text/plain .py
to .htaccess in the root folder does not appear to work, though I could be doing something wrong.
How do I get the server to just send the file as text instead of trying to run it?
Changing the name does not work. still give a 500 Server error when you click it.
I should also mention that the .htaccess file does work, but for some reason that one addType line is not working. Either because it's not overriding something, or the line is wrong.
In your .htaccess:
RemoveHandler .py
If you can't change the Apache config and you can't override it with an htaccess file, then it seems to me that the easiest solutions would be either to change the file extension, or else to write a script that prints the contents of the target script.
Both are hacks to some extent, but the correct solution is to change the Apache config.
One option is to change the extention and make clear that it should be renamed. IE or The user would then need to remove the extra bit.
You could also Zip it up.
I would write something that loads the python script up. This way you could even get energetic and include formatting and styling of the code. You could even write it in python since you will not have precluded that by file extension.
<IfModule mime_module>
<Files *.py>
ForceType text/plain
in a .htaccess for the folder should work ;)