How do I write Visual Basic Code to read the input from a barcode scanner? [closed] -

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to write software in visual basic that reads the barcode of various items into my program. Any suggestions for how to do this?

If you have a hardware barcode scanner to hand it will almost certainly imitate a keyboard, and send the barcode as keystrokes (no special code required, just a textbox and it will put it in there once it is focused).
If you go to the manufacturers website, you will find exactly what it does, and even special barcodes for programming your scanner (such as sending newlines at the end of barcodes, etc).
Otherwise, see my comment to your question above.

You don't need code to read the barcode scanner. It usually comes into the system exactly like it came from the keyboard. Make your app work for the keyboard and you are there.


Multiple programs on AVR atmega [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to make my Atmega robot to operate multiple modes (line following, obstacle avoidance, direct guidance from PC ) How can I load these separated programs on flash and how to select one of them when restarting the robot?
The easiest way is to make one big program with all the functionality of all the modes. On startup, in main() check if certain buttons are pressed, then choose which mode you are going to operate in. Then only use the functions and control mechanisms for that mode from then on. The rest of the code just sits there unused, but it would anyway in any other scheme.
There isn't an easy way to break the code into several different complete programs. For example, the vector table is fixed to be where it is. You would have to have the interrupt handlers check to see which mode is active then call the appropriate function for that mode.

Make wordard in vb6 [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How would I be able to make a program like words WORDART that has 3d text and text effects? Would I need pictures for each letter with the cool effects of is there a different way to to it?
That seems like a good idea to have pictures for each letter or number but that's a lot of pictures for capital letters and regular letters, you also would have to load each file which can take some time, so it doesn't sound so practical to do. A better option would be to make a user control that makes a picture at run time with the word art in it wand has the cool effects, a example is here
aanother example is at

VB.NET Key Pressing? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to make a simple background program that runs in the background using VB.NET to change anything I type to a hexadecimal value. For example, if I'm writing an email and I press "h" then it would erase the "h" and replace it with it's hexadecimal value(h's is 68). I have no clue how to do this could someone please explain?
Yes, you're looking for the Asc() and AscW() functions in Visual Basic. Combine that with String.Format() to display the number as a hexadecimal value, and key it all off a keypress event of some kind.
For best results, stick with WinForms over WPF for such an app.
If what you want is to make the thing run in the background over literally everything you may be out of luck; Windows' process separation and message passing systems will get completely in your way.

Direct screen pixel/framebuffer access [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'd like to try and create a program playing a game. I.e. "a bot".
I want to be able to directly access the pixels on the screen. I.e. have my program "see" a game and then "make a move"(or at least draw a picture of what move it would make).
Both Windows and Linux advice is appreciated, though my guess is that it should be easier to do on Linux.
I'm guessing this could be done with some X/Gnome call?
I'm not afraid of C, even complex samples are welcome.
SDL is a cross-platform library that allows you to directly access framebuffer pixels. You can learn about accessing the pixels on screen through the pixel access example on the documentation wiki.
Generally speaking, bots don't see the game graphics but see the underlying data structure instead, unless you are trying to do something related to computer vision.

smartphones and buttons [closed]

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Closed last year.
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The .net compact framework on smartphones doesn't know the button component, the reasons are unknown to me. My question is: how do people usually get over this problem? I have know smartphone near me to check out, only a pda phone, which of course has touch screen and supports the button component.
What would you do ?
The lack of buttons is intentional as it violates Microsoft guidelines for smartphone platform. Instead you should use the menu, which for a thumb operated device is faster. It also helps to provide a common interface for all phone's applications.
If you need to have a button, you can easily create one of your own. see also this question.