Refresh UltraCombo Content -

I have to do some maintenance on an old VB.NET application (Visual Studio 2003) that uses Infragistics NetAdvantage 2006. I have a UltraCombo control binded to a DataView.
How can I refresh the content displayed after a change in the database?

It sounds like you'll need to repopulate the DataView from the database and refresh your databinding on the UltraCombo; probably pretty close to the same code you use to initially populate the DataView and set the UltraCombo databinding.
You may get a more complete answer if you post some code.


Display controls in Designer VB.Net 2013

I have a set of controls which are added dynamically to a panel. The number of controls depends on which tab a user selects from TabPage control, which is embedded in a form.
At the moment, the controls don't appear in Designer, but appear during execution.
I managed to display controls for other forms which are not dynamic by moving the non-design code to the vb file, but how can I display the other ones?
The only answer that I know of is to add your code in the .Designer.vb file of the Form.
BUT! I strongly advise you to avoid that if you are not sure how it works! Custom code in the .Designer. files can break your form design and project with possible random crashes.
Also, your code can be changed and removed by the Visual Studio designer:
Custom code in designer.vb file goes away when making edits in design mode
Instead, you can make the panels into custom user controls and add those to the tabs.

Insert/Remove item in listbox bound to database

I want to be able to reorder my listbox which is bound to my sql ce database by clicking up and down arrow buttons. Since my listbox is populated directly from my database using the entity framework, I think I have to delete the object (from the listbox) and reinsert it (in the row above) if I want to move the item up the list.
I have no view model, my listbox is populated directly from my database in my code like this:
listBoxProperties.ItemsSource = entities.Properties.ToList();
Does my question make sense?
ormally you would handle the moving of your list item in your view model which would hold the ObservableCollection the control was bound to - and then that would be reflected in your control via the binding.
It is going to get messy trying to accomplish this dirrectly on the control - which is your only way since your binding to a throwaway copy of the EF properties list.
As your UI dev goes on you are only going to run into more issues like this. I strongly recommend getting a view model in place sooner rather that later.

Insert javascript code in a list form.

I have a list, and want to insert custom javascript code in a new form for this list (when form loaded). For example, when new form for this list is opened, I want to make some layout modifications for this form.
How it can be done? And how many ways exist to achieve this?
Upd: I ask about SharePoint list, and SharePoint list forms, I suppose you look at the tags of the question :).
You put tags for both SharePoint 2007 and 2010 and the methods are a bit different.
I agree with the previous post that with SP2010 you can simply use InfoPath designer for form design and do whatever you like to the look.
In SharePoint 2007, there are a couple ways incuding using SharePoint Designer, editing the form .aspx file, hiding the out of the box form and inserting a custom form which you will then be able to edit. You can also add in JavaScript code there as well.
My preferred method if you are just making some visual modifications is always JQuery which you can add in to a content editor and you can look for the particular tags surrounding rows or columns and attach to them and make your changes.
I think your question and tags need further clarification to get an articulate answer from anyone that will actually help you.
You can edit the layout using InfoPath 2010 like described here:
If you've got the SP2010 Foundation or SP2007 version, you can create custom list forms using SP Designer which gives you the option to do whatever you like since those are .aspx files.
You can also edit the aspx List form in SP designer. To add Javascript or jQuery you should create a form for New in PS design then edit in Advanced mode to insert your Javascript in the proper place. There are many tutorials on the Web that talk about this... Also, you can add content editor webparts to the new aspx page where you can insert your Javascript or jQuery.

Add Data to DataRepeater Control in winform

Visual Studio 2008 service pack 1 comes with Visual Basic Powerpack and has DataRepeatr control.
i want to know that how I can add data in this control. i have in memory data. the examples i found on net are about binding DataSet to DataRepeater by fetching data from database. i want to bind in memory data. how to do this.
by adding a new DataSet from Add New Item.
Create new DataTable in DataSet.
Add items from DataTable to DataRepeater using DataSource Explorer.
fill the data table from code.. thats the whole process i did.

DataGridView, BindingSource and sorting in

I am emulating the functionality of an old app in VB.Net. I have a DataGridView on my form which is bound to a BindingSource. I have a button on the toolbar which lanuches a sort dialog. The sort dialog allows sorting by up to 3 columns.
So I'm building a string from the results of the dialog and setting the BindingSource.Sort property with it. But this doesn't update my DataGridView. Am I missing a step - do I need to tell something to refresh?
I just tried this with a simple test app, and it sorted without having to call any refresh. Can you post some code? Are you sure you're building up the Sort string correctly?
Do you have to call the DataGridView.DataBind() method?
I'm so used to ASP.NET that I forget the WinForms stuff.
What is the underlying object, and does it support sorting? You can check via the .SupportsSorting property (iirc). If it is a DataTable then you should be ok.
Have you tried applying the sort directly to the Grid?
You can try calling BindingSource.ResetBindings(false) after you update the sort property, just to be safe, but you shouldn't have to.