how to switch off R1C1 reference style in Excel 2007 - excel-2007

i'm using excel-2007. i wanted to see smth with R1C1, then i checked the "R1C1 Reference Style" (office button->Excel Options->Formulas->R1C1 Reference Style)...
Now i wanted to move again back to xlA1 style, i unchecked the R1C1 Reference Style, but my macros are still written in the R1C1 style... how can i switch to xlA1 reference style so that my macros again written in the xlA1 style? thanks
i tried recording macros again it does not work!

You will have to manually edit the code [scratch out]or record the macros again[/scratch out].
The Office Button>Excel Options>Formulas>R1C1 Reference Style option only applies to the reference style as it appears in a cell on a spreadsheet.
With the R1C1 reference style off, I recorded a macro in which cell "A2" is initially selected. After the recorder starts, I enter the following forumla into "A2": =A1+12, press enter and stop the recorder. The recorded code is:
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C+12"
With the R1C1 reference style on, the code looks exactly the same:
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C+12"
The reason is that macro recorder always stores the formula in the FormulaR1C1 property of the ActiveCell object.
One would have to manually edit the code like this to be in xlA1 style:
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = Range("A1").Value + 12

Go in to the file menu->option->formula-> then uncheck r1c1 reference style


How do I hotkey current sheet's VBA code?

I've had the issue of Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) triggering every time I click on something, which I don't want, as it means I have to wait every time I click in the actual sheet. I changed the code to Worksheet_Open, but that means I have to click the Run button whenever I want the code to run.
So I'm looking for a way of only running the current sheet's VBA code when I want to while I'm looking at the sheet (not while I'm in the VBA Editor). Ideally I'd be able to assign it to a hotkey using Application.OnKey, but I can't figure out how to refer to the sheet's code itself. The only solution I've found refers to an external macro, which isn't helpful, since I'm only wanting to use the code that's already in the sheet, as I'm using different macros for each sheet in the workbook.
Create a macro in a module for which you set the hot key, this macro will call the one you need:
CallByName ActiveSheet, ActiveSheet.Name & "Macro", VbMethod.
So you need to name the macros in the format of SheetNameMacro in each sheet.
More explanation: Trying to call a Sub with a String - VBA
If your sheet names contains spaces then use this:
CallByName ActiveSheet, Replace(ActiveSheet.Name," ","_") & "Macro", VbMethod
and of course also replace spaces in your sheet (e.g. if your sheet called "list to delete" than macro name should be list_to_deleteMacro.

How to paste text with bullets, bold characters and break lines into a single excel cell using VBA code?

I want to do the equivalent of selecting a cell in a sheet, pressing F2 and then CTRL+V, so that all the formatting such as bullets, bold characters and breaklines are preserved and pasted into one cell. Please note that I'm NOT copying from excel sheets, rather im using excel vba to copy from a Word Document.
I've tried:
SendKeys "{F2}", True
SendKeys "v", True
Application.Wait(Now + TimeValue("0:00:5"))
But the above code pastes in the cell(1,2) of the active sheet instead of (1,1).
Please suggest an alternative method for this.
To copy and paste a cell "preserving the formatting" (ie bold, underlines, text column, newlines, special characters (like bullet points) etc. You could use record macro to create code like the following which is simple copy, paste. You do not need to press F2 (as this will only give you access to the raw value - not the formatting):
modifying this example for you needs:
With Sheets(1)
.Cells(1, 1).Copy
.Cells(1, 2).Select
end with
SendKeys "^v", True
This will send Ctrl+v. You shouldn't need the Wait command because the {True} argument for {SendKeys} tells Excel to wait until it's done before returning continuing with the macro. I'm not sure if there's a better way to do this that doesn't involve SendKeys, unless you want to paste into multiple cells and then combine them.

VBA Breaking My Formula

I am using an Add-in called SEOTools for Excel which is free :
VBA is breaking my formula.
=Dump(GoogleAnalytics(""ga:1169833"",""ga:adCost,ga:impressions,ga:adClicks,ga:CTR,ga:CPC,ga:goal7Completions"",A307,A306,""ga:campaign"","""",""ga:medium==cpc;ga:campaign!=(not set);ga:campaign!=ZZZ_Old_Mexico"","""",1,10000,FALSE,FALSE))
Whats happening is the A307 shows up as 'A307' when the formula is placed into a cell A1 in Excel which does not work for this formula. Why? Can I stop it adding those characters to the cell reference?
Full code :
Worksheets("Latest Time Range").Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Dump(GoogleAnalytics(""ga:1169833"",""ga:adCost,ga:impressions,ga:adClicks,ga:CTR,ga:CPC,ga:goal7Completions"",A307,A306,""ga:campaign"","""",""ga:medium==cpc;ga:campaign!=(not set);ga:campaign!=ZZZ_Old_Mexico"","""",1,10000,FALSE,FALSE))"
Your solution relates to your improper use of FormulaR1C1. Rather than using this method, you should just use .Formula to insert your formula into the cell.

How to use "This Row" in VBA VLOOKUP?

I am trying to modify a Vlookup function so that it uses "this row" functionality. For example I have a macro that places in Column B the Following formula:
This works well, however during the macro, I need to have it switch over to another formula:
Of course the data varies everytime so I can not just have that formula put in at a specific cell. So what I would like the formula to state is
= Vlookup(I"CurrentRow", ItemLookup, 22,False)
I can then use an if statement to determine which of the two formulas to use.
thanks in Advance Using Excel 2010.
Use R1C1 style:
Activecell.FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(RC9, ItemLookup, 22, false)"

VBA to open Excel hyperlink does not work when hyperlink generated with a formula

There seems to be a bug with Excel hyperlinks which are generated with a formula. I'm using Excel 2010. I have a spreadsheet with cells containing URLs, and my goal is to do the following two things:
Turn these cells into hyperlinks.
Create a keyboard shortcut to open these hyperlinks so I don't have to use the mouse.
To do #1, initially I just used the function =HYPERLINK(). So, my URLs are in column A, and I used this formula to make hyperlinks in column B.
To do #2, I created the following macro which should open the hyperlink with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+H:
Sub Open_Hyperlink()
' Open_Hyperlink Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+h
Selection.Hyperlinks(1).Follow NewWindow:=False, AddHistory:=True
End Sub
The problem is that this macro only seems to work on hyperlinks which are not created using a formula. For example, if I just type into a cell, Excel will automatically make this a hyperlink and the keyboard shortcut macro works, where it doesn't with formula generated hyperlinks.
I've also noticed that when I right click on formula generated hyperlinks, there is no option in the drop-down menu to open the hyperlink, yet there is that option when right clicking on hyperlinks not generated by a formula.
I've found the following workaround. Rather than generate hyperlinks using a formula, I used a macro which I found here.
Sub HyperAdd()
'Converts each text hyperlink selected into a working hyperlink
For Each xCell In Selection
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=xCell, Address:=xCell.Formula
Next xCell
End Sub
I'm able to use the keyboard shortcut to open the hyperlinks generated with this macro. I'm wondering if anyone has or had a similar problem, and why the formula generated hyperlinks are not working for me. I would prefer to use formulas to make hyperlinks in the future, since it is simpler, so if anyone knows of a way to avoid using a macro to make hyperlinks, I'd really appreciate it.
I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar problem, and why the formula
generated hyperlinks are not working for me.
Alas, this seems to be painful truth: Excel does not add to Hyperlinks collection formula-generated links - below is the screen from the debugger which is pointed to =HYPERLINK("";"Google"):
I'm not sure whether this is a deliberate implementation or a bug, but yes, formula-generated links may NOT be opened using Hyperlinks().Follow method.
However, if you're going to use keyboard shortcut for links opening, just use the following code - it will automatically convert to clickable link selected cell text and open it:
Sub Open_Hyperlink()
Selection.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:=Selection.Formula
Selection.Hyperlinks(1).Follow NewWindow:=False, AddHistory:=True
End Sub
Just assign any shortcut and you're ready to go) Here is the sample:
Hope that's somehow helpful. Good luck!