server-side restful api analytics - api

I have a rails-based restful server-side api.
I want to know what services are called the most, their response time, etc.
So this is sort of web analytics, but it's for server-side operation.
Is there any free service out there that can help out( google analytics is a good analogy)?

Did you try to analyze your logs?
It is a very good way to get the statistics you are looking for without using an external service
Here is a link: Rails log analyzer

try Apigee it's free and could give you what you want.

I've had the same problem. A lot of services are for web analytics, this means they super general, and it's hard to configure it properly.
What I can suggest you is to use some kind of APM. There is one especially for Rails - But it's not free, price starts from 15 euro / month for 250K of requests.


Need a Rest API which should provide Sever monitoring information?

I need a server monitoring REST API which should provide the below points. can anyone suggest which one is best? I have found some tools like Nagios, Zabbix and Grafana but not sure they will provide Rest API.
1)Server Response time monitoring
2)Ping monitoring
3)Port monitoring
4)Graph event presentation & Logs APIs?
4)CPU, Harddisk, memory, Apache and Monitoring, etc.
Purpose of required API
This API will integrate the A application and gathering information from the C application then we can consolidate represent the custom graph in A application as per JSON result.
Any suggestions would be great.
Both Nagios and Zabbix do actual data collection, but Grafana only visualizes the data so you'll be looking at the former for this API. Both have a JSON API:

How to build Google Analytics 'collect' like api using Google Cloud services

I'm trying to build a data collection web endpoint.The Use case is similar to Google Analytics collect API. I want to add this endpoint(GET method) to all pages on the website and on-page load collect page info through this API.
Actually I'm thinking of doing this by using Google Cloud services like Endpoints, BQ(for storing the data).. I don't want to host it in any dedicated servers. Otherwise, I will be end up doing a lot for managing/monitoring the service.
Please suggest me how do I achieve this with Google Cloud Service? OR direct me to right direction if my idea is wrong
I suggest focussing on deciding where you want to code to run. There are several GCP options that don't require dedicated servers:
Google App Engine
Cloud Functions/Firebase Functions
Cloud Run (new!)
Look here to see which support Cloud Endpoints.
All of these products can support running code that takes the data from the request and sends it to the BigQuery API.
There are various ways of achieving what you want. David's answer is absolutely valid, but I would like to introduce Stackdriver Custom Metrics to the discussion.
Custom metrics are similar to regular Stackdriver Monitoring metrics, but you create your own time series (Stackdriver lingo described here) to keep track of whatever you want and clients can sent in their data through an API.
You could achieve the same thing with a compute solution (Google Cloud Functions for example) and a database (Google BigTable for example) and writing your own logic.. but Custom Metrics is an already built solution that includes dashboards and alerting policies while being a more managed solution.

Is a restful API and a backend service (like Parse) the same thing?

Rest confuses me sometimes. I know that it involves creating an API layer over your data and then you make calls to that data through the API. The best way I think of Rest is that the actual Twitter website interfaces with the data-layer through API calls.
That made me wonder then: Is a backend-service like Parse also a Rest API to your data?
What might be the difference between Parse and say, building your own Rest API like this guy did: (he's getting some solid google rankings for his API tutorials).
A simple yes/no might answer the question, but providing details will really be appreciated.
I look forward to the answers.
Parse is built around a restful API just like most, if not all, other mBaaS out there.
A RESTful Api isn't just CRUD operations though nor is it the same thing as Parse. Parse is a company that provides a remote backend to developers using a RESTful api.
RESTful api !== BaaS
I have dealt with about 5 mBaaS and Parse isn't really one of them, but I've glanced at their API reference for JS and I think they use mongodb clusters. An mBaaS usually provides the developer the ability to have cloud storage, push notifications, server side code, easier social media integration, and mobile analytics. So it's not just any backend. Although there are some mBaaS, like Urban Airship, that only supply push notifications to developers.
A RESTful api at it's core usually has some key functions that are centered/wrapped around an httpRequest
They usually use "GET", "POST", "DELETE", and "PUT" to make all calls. Some allow the implementation of rpc for custom server logic. An mBaaS takes a lot of work to implement right and well. You can't build Parse in a Day. It takes a lot of planning and such. The differences between Parse and that guy in link are in the implementation, range of features, and purpose in general(the audience).
To better understand REST maybe look here you can also read the HTTP spec if you are feeling adventurous.

Yodlee ASP.NET C# Integration

I have read a thread regarding Yodlee implementation and on one of the responses a user said "It is easy to intergrate your app with Yodlee API" How exactly is it easy to implement Yodlee and integrate it with an existing C# Web App? I don't mind getting dirty, but I would like to know how hard can it get and is there forums out there and enough developer support? Please assist urgently as we need to test and implement Yodlee before the end of the month also note I am new to Yodlee and API integration.
Thanx in advance
You may not need to get dirty at all. It is so simple to implement Yodlee in any .net language. Yodlee provide a client library for .net as well, all you need to do is to wrap your business logic around the library. On other hand if you wish to take greater control of api calling as well, you will be provided wsdl proxies to the web services, code what ever way you feel good with it.

JIRA SOAP API : link an issue to another

I'm working on a tool in C# that interfaces the JIRA SOAP API. I have read the documentation but I can't find what I'm looking for. Does anyone know if it is possible to link an issue to another one via this api?
PS : Actually, my real need is to convert an issue as a subtask of an issue...
Last time I looked, JIRA's web service wasn't really actively supported or encouraged by Atlassian. It's very much a second-class citizen compared to the web front end, with very basic operations.
Also, it's not a WSI-compliant web service (it's an old Axis-based RPC_encoded service), and so modern web service stacks won't even bind to it. You might want check that your client can perform basic query operations before diving into the depths of the API.
You can actually go pretty far with Jelly scripts, but converting an issue to a subtask then linking it as a subtask... I'm not positive that you can go that far.