OpenERP, data restore problem - odoo

I am trying to restore a database backup through the client interface of open ERP. A message appeared "Could not restore DB". I am using Postgresql 8.4.1
Please help!

You can restore your db direct from pgadmin by making blank db and restore your db into.
and other way is by command prompt postgres given below command.
To create --- createdb db_name
To restore ---- psql created db_name < from which db you want to restore

Which version of openerp and postgresql you are using ? even this message appears, please check in postgresql you will find your database restored.

Are you able to create backups on the same server? I've had similar problems on new installations when I haven't created a .pgpass file. The db_user and db_password configuration parameters are used during regular database access, but can't be used for PostgreSQL backup and restore operations. For backup and restore, you need to set up a .pgpass file.


How to make a copy of a database in SQL Server

I can't seem to find any SQL that will clone one database in SQL Server within the same server.
Let's say I have a database called MyDB. I simply want to make a copy of MyDB to MyDb2. I thought that this would work:
But I get this error when I try to execute it:
Backup device 'DbTestBack' does not exist. To view existing backup devices, use the sys.backup_devices catalog view. To create a new backup device use either sp_addumpdevice or SQL Server Management Studio.
Does anyone know what the best way to do this is? I want an exact duplicate of the original including security permissions.
A simple way is taking a back up copy of current DB and restoring it.
You Can do this in single step with a simple script
backup database MyDB
to disk='D:\MyDB.bak';
restore database MyDB2
from disk='D:\MyDB.bak'
WITH move 'MyDB_Data' to 'D:\MyDB2_Data.mdf',
move 'MyDB_log' to 'D:\MyDB2_Data.ldf';
Note: I made an assumption on your current data file and log file name (MyDB_Data, MyDB_log), you need to check them and make correct
DBAtools is your friend here.
Use Copy-DbaDatabase
Copy-DbaDatabase -Source SRV1 -Destination SRV1 -Database myDB -BackupRestore -SharedPath \\<<your temporary server location such as c:\temp>>

Restore database in sql server

I have some sql server's backup file(format .bck). In my case, I do not know log file name.
So I can't use with move in restore command.
Is there anyway to restore database without move? If yes, please guide me.
I want to use like below one.
restore database testdb from disk = 'folderpath\aatest.bak'
You sure can know the log file name and use WITH MOVE. Use RESTORE FILELISTONLY to retrieve the list of database files (including log) from the backup first.

SQL server 2008 r2 loading the backup to another database

i have the following query from msdn to restore a SQL Server database backup
RESTORE DATABASE <DBName> FROM DISK = '<BackupFilePath>\<BackupFileName>'
What if you want to load the backup to a new database with new name without restoring it to replace the current one?
In the interface I would select Restore Files and Filegroups and change the to database name then it would create a new one with the backup data in it, is this possible with a simple query?
The restore command above can be used to specify a new name, but when the old database still exists on the same machine you'll get an error because it will try to use the same filenames for the data. You can use the WITH MOVE clause to get around that:
FROM DISK = 'C:\Backup.BAK',
WITH MOVE 'AdventureWorks2012_Data' TO 'C:\MySQLServer\testdb.mdf',
MOVE 'AdventureWorks2012_Log' TO 'C:\MySQLServer\testdb.ldf';
The above example came from the MSDN documentation on the restore command:

How do I copy SQL Server 2012 database to localdb instance?

I'm looking to copy a SQL Server 2012 Standard database to my localdb instance. I've tried the wizard which complains that localdb isn't a SQL Server 2005 or later express instance. I also did a backup/restore but upon the restore in my localdb I get the following error...
Running this...
FROM DISK = 'C:\MyBckDir\CSODev.bak'
WITH MOVE 'CSOdev_Data' TO 'C:\Users\cblair\CSOdev_Data.mdf',
MOVE 'CSOdev_Log' TO 'C:\Users\cblair\CSOdev_Log.ldf',
Error message I get...
Processed 8752 pages for database 'CSODev', file 'CSOdev_Data' on file 1.
Processed 5 pages for database 'CSODev', file 'CSOdev_Log' on file 1.
Msg 1853, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The logical database file 'CSOdev_Log' cannot be found. Specify the full path for the file.
Msg 3167, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE could not start database 'CSODev'.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
The database ends up in "Recovery Pending" mode. It seems like it has issues with the log file. I have tried 2 different backups in case one was just corrupted.
There is known limitation (a real bug, in fact) for localDB. It will fail any RESTORE with MOVE whenever your database files are located in different folders.
You have to restore in the original folders (no MOVE). Use cmd tool such as SUBST if you need to fake a drive:/path.
I had the same problem. What eventually did work was this:
Trying to restore the database (getting the error in the OP)
Detaching the database
Reattaching the database
What happened in the last step was that SSDT performed an upgrade of the data files, that apparently was in an older format. When that was finished, the database started working without any problem!
I had the same issue, and after doing a little online research I came across an ingenious way to get it to work (albeit quite hacky). Basically, you:
Create a SqlLocalDb instance (SqlLocalDb c tmp -s).
Restore the database as you did above (e.g., SqlCmd -E -S <localdb connection string> -Q "RESTORE DATABASE ...").
Stop the SqlLocalDb instance (SqlLocalDb p tmp).
Delete the SqlLocalDb instance (SqlLocalDb d tmp).
Create a new SqlLocalDb instance (SqlLocalDb c persistent -s).
Create the database in the new instance by attaching it (SqlCmd -E -S <persistent connection string> -Q "Create Database <dbname> On (Filename = '<Mdf file location'), (Filename = '<Ldf Filename'>) For Attach".
And hopefully it should work. See here for original idea.
Edit: Added Jason Brady's correction of the create command.
Try scripting your database as schema and data and then running the script locally.
FROM DISK = 'D:\SQLBackups\yourdatabase.BAK'
ALTER DATABASE yourdatabasename
RESTORE DATABASE yourdatabasename
FROM DISK = 'D:\SQLBackups\yourdatabase.BAK'
with replace,
move 'logical name from file stream' to
move 'logical name from file stream' to 'C:\Yourdatabase.ldf'
Same problem, thanks for the help.
My local database is MS SQL 2014.
Open "SQL Server 2014 Management Studio"
Right click the database, go to "Tasks", click "Take Offline"
Detach the database
Attach the database
It work for me.
After you backup the database, you can restore the database without error.
I had the same problem. Try running visual studio as Administrator and try the following command
FROM DISK = 'C:\MyBckDir\CSODev.bak'
WITH NORECOVERY, MOVE 'CSOdev_Data' TO 'C:\Users\cblair\CSOdev_Data.mdf',
MOVE 'CSOdev_Log' TO 'C:\Users\cblair\CSOdev_Log.ldf',
UPDATE: This did not work exactly!
Although the above statement does not produce any errors and completes successfully, the database remains in "PENDING RECOVERY" state and cannot be accessed in any way. When I tried to 'RESTORE WITH RECOVER' to bring the database online I got the same error as in the question above.
So in my case I ended up restoring the backup to a DEV server I have running with MSSQL 2008 R2 and then chose: Tasks -> Generate Scripts -> chose objects to script & Next -> click on "Advanced" button -> select "types of data to script" : Schema & data.
Now run the generated script against the local db.
Try these scripts (example with adventureworks2012 that I personally tested):
FROM DISK = 'c:\temp\adv2012.bak'
This will bring up the filenames as:
AdventureWorks2012 C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQL2012RTM\MSSQL\DATA\AdventureWorks2012.mdf
AdventureWorks2012_log C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQL2012RTM\MSSQL\DATA\AdventureWorks2012_log.ldf
Use these filenames to cinstruct your final script as this:
RESTORE DATABASE AdventureWorks2012
FROM DISK = 'C:\temp\adv2012.bak'
WITH MOVE 'AdventureWorks2012' TO 'C:\cnom_WS\Local-Databases\AdventureWorks\AdventureWorks2012.mdf',
MOVE 'AdventureWorks2012_log' TO 'C:\cnom_WS\Local-Databases\AdventureWorks\AdventureWorks2012_log.ldf',
BTW I run these through Visual Studio (SQL Server Object explorer), but I strongly suspect this could be run on SSMS easily ;-)
You can do it manually. this can be done by using dot net and opening two kinds of connections and forwarding data from one of them to the other. but this needs to create the same types of columns in the local one.
You can check the importing options of MS Access 2007

Restore a database using SQL Server 2005

I have backed up a database into a file using SQL Server from my old server.
Now i would like to restore that file into a new database on my new server.
I created a DB with the same name , I am getting an error saying :
"The Backup set holds a backup of the database other than the existing '*****' database"
Any thoughts?
Add a WITH REPLACE option to your restore:
Specifies that SQL Server should
create the specified database and its
related files even if another database
already exists with the same name
Drop the new database - it's sitting in the way of the one you want to restore.
THen when you try to restore your old database, select the file to restore from, and the name will magically appear in the "to database" destination field in SSMS.
When you restore a database from backup, you are creating a new database on the SQL instance. If a database by that name is already present on that SQL instance, you will get an error--unless you select the option to overwrite any existing database, in which case the old database will be wiped out and replaced.
I was having the same issue, but even when putting WITH REPLACE, the error occurred. I had an empty database with the same name as the back up, but the problem was my .trn file I was using to backup from had two backup sets and I was choosing to restore from the full database AND the transaction log. I chose only the Full Database and it worked.