dojo query to get parents of all inputs - dojo

I'm used to the jQuery style of selecting, which would be fairly easy in this case
$("tbody td:has(input)").click(...);
But dojo seems to be using only regular CSS selectors, which means I can't get a parent element.
I've tried to do this:
dojo.query("tbody td input").parentNode.onclick(...);
But that doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?

How about:
dojo.query("tbody td:contains(input)").onclick()

The latest versions of Dojo have a module to extend dojo.query: traverse. It contains also parent function.


Finding link using text in CSS Selector is not working

I am trying to locate below link by using a[text='This is a link'] and a[innertext='This is a link'] but both of them are not working.
I know this can be achieved by using XPath or other ways, but I am curious why CSS Selector that I have used is not working. refer this link.
<a title="seleniumframework" href="" target="_blank">This is a link</a>
You are trying to locate a link by using the following CssSelectors:
a[text='This is a link']
a[innertext='This is a link']
As per Issue#987 and Issue#1547:
The :contains pseudo-class isn't in the CSS Spec and is not supported by either Firefox or Chrome (even outside WebDriver).
You can find a detailed discussion in selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidSelectorException with “span:contains('string')”
As per the HTML you can use either of the following solutions:
CssSelector using the attribute title:
CssSelector using the attribute href:
CssSelector using the attributes title and href:
The right CSS Selector for your case is:
You can also use this one: a[target="_blank"], but the ones above are more unique.
Hope it helps you!
Since you are trying to use attribute selector, you can only select from available attributes that the hyperlink element currently has.
text is not available attribute in html so selecting it this way through css will not work.Rather you should try to use other attribute like a[title=seleniumframework] for example.

Dgrid grouping based on checkbox and grid values

I am wondering how to use dgrid so that I can get a structure like in attached image. I am using dgrid, dstore and dojo 1.10 .
I need to create folder type structure when I check the checkbox or any structure which is supported by dgrid. Any help how to proceed further would be great and appreciated.
Have you looked into using a the dgrid tree plugin? There's quite a bit of useful information here and some examples here and here.
What you're trying to achieve seems like it should be possible with just using the regular tree plugin but I could be misinterpreting your question. Correct me if I've missed anything

Locating elements in selenium IDE

I have tried to locate button in my web app using xpath but it changes automatically each time I open selenium IDE. Is there any other way to locate it except using xpath or position? can I locate it using class name? If yes then how can I do it?
You can use xpath to find element by class name.
where, someClass is the class name of your element.
Since it is your webapp, consider adding an id or a name to uniquely identify the element. It also makes the xpaths easier to write as you don't need to consider the possibility where you might be grabbing too many elements.
Answer - If by default recorded xpath are not working for your application, then you can define your own xpath for those components which should remain same throughout execution.
Please refer below URL which shows ways to develop userdefined xpath :-
Use a CSS selector. This site really helped me:
if it has an id on it you can just say "id=yourid"
for css it could be something like this: "css=button[class*='yourclass']" <-- that says it's a button, and that in class it contains yourclass.

Finding clickon Element using Selenium. (JAVA)

I spend hours already trying to find the way to find the Element using Selenium WebDriver. I assume I need to use driver.findElement(By.xpath("")), but I am not quite sure how.
I somehow need to find and click on "clickon" element. The problem is that part of that element is changing (see screenshot) I need to pick up from the file and putted into the xpath.
I would appreciate any help.
We have been rigorously searching for automated functional testing solutions recently, and we began with Selenium. The entire reason we decided to search for other solutions was that our application also has dynamic IDs with no other obvious XPath mechanism to identify them. Selenium is unable to identify these elements on the page without some additional knowledge, just as you would be unable to identify these elements on the page if you didn't already know what they are.
If you are controlling the DOM creation, consider adding a unique ID or class to this element.
We recently came across eggPlant from testPlant, and it is an interesting approach to functional testing. It's essentially image based. Other viable solutions are Ranorex or HP's QTP or SmartBear's TestComplete.
You can use xpath. If the div class is constant, you can use something like:
driver.findElement(By.xpath("list-row field-item")).click();
To view the xpath, you can install firefox plugin called 'xpath checker' found here and right click on the dom element and click 'View Xpath' option to get the xpath of the element and then you can use that xpath in your code.
Or you can even use regex in the xpath which is suitable for the similar problems. Xpath with regex is really powerful.
It seems that you want to click the div that has the on click attribute that contains certain text that doesn't change, ignoring the part that does. In that case, use an xpath like this:
//div[contains(#onclick, '/challenge/index/rfp_id/')]
This will select the first div with an onclick attribute with a value containing /challenge/index/rfp_id.

How to convert this xpath to css?

How to change this below Xpath to css? Please help.
//button[text()='Continue' and #class='buttonLargeAlt' and #type='submit']
Unfortunately, you can't.
The problem is that CSS selectors can't find by text. Therefore, you can't translate text()='Continue' XPath to a working CSS selector. This is one of the two main reasons for XPaths to be actually used till today for HTML elements selecting.
There was a :contains() pseudo class for this in CSS3, but it's long gone. Sizzle, the JS engine for CSS selecting in Selenium, has kept it, though. So if your browser doesn't support native CSS selecting (or you disable it), you can use it like this:
I normally use this cssify, This is pretty cool